XML Pub: Purchase Order  Report (Portrait) running too long

"XML Pub: Purchase Order Report (Portrait)" running too long. It should be 1min. but now over 20min. This is on unix.
The log file is like the following. It stops there. I checked another one ran before, there are more data...
| Starting concurrent program execution...
Environment will now switch to UTF-8 code-set.
Parts of this log file may not display correctly
as a result. This is an expected behavior.
XENVIRONMENT is set to /oracle/product/8.0.6finshdw/guicommon6/tk60/admin/Tk2M
Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :
From the internal Manager log:
Process monitor session started : 29-APR-2011 12:35:56
Internal Concurrent Manager found node APPSNOTE2 to be down. Adding it to the l
ist of unavailable nodes.
Process monitor session ended : 29-APR-2011 12:36:00
Process monitor session started : 29-APR-2011 12:38:00
Process monitor session ended : 29-APR-2011 12:38:04
Process monitor session started : 29-APR-2011 12:40:04
Process monitor session ended : 29-APR-2011 12:40:09
Process monitor session started : 29-APR-2011 12:42:09
Internal Concurrent Manager found node APPSNOTE1 to be down. Adding it to the l
ist of unavailable nodes.
Process monitor session ended : 29-APR-2011 12:42:15
please advise.

last lines of FNDCPGSC29793.tx
)]:BEGIN :[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:Waiting 10 seconds (10000 ms)
[ 1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.run()]:Running loop from the top.
-1:-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:BEGIN (noEvent)
:-1:-1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:Did not receive any control events.
-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsm.GSMQueueProcessor.process()]:BEGIN
:-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsm.GSMQueueProcessor.read()]:BEGIN
:-1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.run()]:Running loop from the top.
-1:-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:BEGIN (noEvent)
:-1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:Did not receive any control events.
:-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentMonitor.process()]:BEGIN
-1:-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentMonitor.startAutomaticComponents()]:BEGIN
-1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentMonitor.process()]:On-Demand monitoring will not occur this round; the count is 3 out of 5
[Apr 29, 2011 1:19:5 :-1:-1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.run()]:Resetting Error Count
[Apr 29, 2011 1:19:51  1:-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:BEGIN :1304097591452:Thread[ComponentMonitor,5,main]:0:-1:
-1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:Waiting 60 seconds (60000 ms)
[Apr 29, 2011 1:20:00 PM EDT] 1:-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:BEGIN
[Apr 29, 2011 1:20:00 PM EDT]: 4:-1:-1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:Waiting 10 seconds (10000 ms)
Edited by: user9231603 on Apr 29, 2011 10:22 AM
Edited by: user9231603 on Apr 29, 2011 10:25 AM

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    Any ideas on how to get rid of this extra unnecessary page?

    RDBMS :
    Oracle Applications :
    OS: Unix
    The issue can be reproduced.
    The report in question has had customization but the blank page prints in the Printed Purchase Order Report(Portrait) seeded function as well. From what I see the SQL might be able to modified based off of the input paramet "Print Blanket PO". When this is selected "No" the Blanket header is printed with no lines (that's where the blank PO page is coming from). When selected Yes the blanket header with all the blanket lines are printed. So I may be able to go in and change how that input parameter changes the output, unless there is a better way.

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    Does it relate to the PO setting in system? Anyone can kindly guide me how to check such problem?

    Hi Kyla,
    PO raised by the buyer is 'STANDARD','BLANKET','PLANNED' ? What is the PO Status..? It should be "OPEN"..
    Query used in this report is as below :
    Query - Company
    SELECT gsb.name c_company
    , fsp.inventory_organization_id c_organization_id
    , gsb.currency_code C_CURRENCY_BASE
    , gsb.chart_of_accounts_id STRUCTURE_ACC
    , mdv.structure_id STRUCTURE_CAT
    , mdv.category_set_id c_category_set_id
    , flo1.meaning c_yes
    , flo2.meaning c_no
    FROM gl_sets_of_books gsb
    , financials_system_parameters fsp
    , mtl_default_sets_view mdv
    , fnd_lookups flo1
    , fnd_lookups flo2
    WHERE gsb.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id
    AND mdv.functional_area_id = 2
    AND flo1.lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
    AND flo1.lookup_code = 'Y'
    AND flo2.lookup_type = 'YES_NO'
    AND flo2.lookup_code = 'N'
    Query - Buyer
    SELECT distinct(pov.vendor_name||papf.full_name)
    , papf.full_name Buyer
    , pov.vendor_name Vendor
    , pov.vendor_id
    , papf. person_id employee_id
    , po_vendors pov
    , po_headers poh
    WHERE poh.agent_id = papf.person_id
    AND poh.vendor_id = pov.vendor_id
    AND poh.type_lookup_code in ('STANDARD','BLANKET','PLANNED')
    AND nvl(poh.closed_code,'OPEN') NOT IN ('FINALLY CLOSED', 'CLOSED')
    AND nvl(poh.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    /* AND papf.full_name = nvl(:P_buyer,papf.full_name) */
    /* Bug#2453022 Commented out the above condition and replaced
    it as follows as the user parameter P_Buyer will now return the id and not the name */
    AND papf.person_id = nvl(:P_buyer,papf.person_id)
    AND pov.vendor_name BETWEEN nvl(:P_vendor_from,pov.vendor_name)
    AND nvl(:P_vendor_to,pov.vendor_name)
    AND EXISTS (select 'x'
    from po_lines pol
    , po_line_locations pll
    , po_releases por
    where pol.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
    and pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
    and nvl(pll.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    and nvl(pol.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    and nvl(por.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    and nvl(pll.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    and nvl(pol.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    and nvl(por.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    and pll.shipment_type in ('STANDARD','BLANKET','SCHEDULED')
    and pll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id(+))
    ORDER BY papf.full_name
    , pov.vendor_name
    Query - PO
    SELECT distinct(pol.line_num) Line
    , poh.segment1 ||decode(por.release_num,null,'','-')|| por.release_num PO_Number_Release
    , poh.currency_code C_CURRENCY
    , plt.line_type Line_Type
    , pol.item_revision Rev
    , pol.item_description Description
    , pol.po_header_id
    , pol.po_line_id
    , poh.vendor_id
    , poh.agent_id
    , psp.manual_po_num_type
    , poh.segment1
    , por.release_num
    , nvl(por.po_release_id,-1) release_id
    FROM po_line_locations pll
    , mtl_system_items msi
    , mtl_categories mca
    , po_lines pol
    , po_releases por
    , po_headers poh
    , po_line_types plt
    , po_system_parameters psp
    WHERE poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
    AND pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
    AND pll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id(+)
    AND pol.line_type_id = plt.line_type_id
    AND pol.item_id = msi.inventory_item_id(+)
    AND msi.organization_id(+) = :c_organization_id
    AND pol.category_id = mca.category_id
    AND nvl(pll.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    AND nvl(pol.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    AND nvl(poh.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    AND nvl(por.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    AND nvl(pll.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND nvl(pol.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND nvl(poh.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND nvl(por.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND pll.shipment_type in ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
    ORDER BY decode(psp.manual_po_num_type,'NUMERIC',
    , null)
    , decode(psp.manual_po_num_type,'NUMERIC',null, poh.segment1)
    , por.release_num
    , pol.line_num
    Query - Shipment
    SELECT pll.shipment_num Shipment
    , nvl(pll.promised_date,pll.need_by_date) P_Date
    , pol.unit_meas_lookup_code Unit
    , DECODE (POL.order_type_lookup_code, /* <SERVICES FPJ> */
    'RATE', PLL.amount,
    'FIXED PRICE', PLL.amount,
    PLL.quantity) Ordered
    , DECODE (POL.order_type_lookup_code, /* <SERVICES FPJ> */
    'RATE', PLL.amount_received,
    'FIXED PRICE', PLL.amount_received,
    PLL.quantity_received) Received
    , DECODE (POL.order_type_lookup_code, /* <SERVICES FPJ> */
    'RATE', PLL.amount_billed,
    'FIXED PRICE', PLL.amount_billed,
    PLL.quantity_billed) Billed
    , pll.price_override Unit_Price
    , DECODE (POL.order_type_lookup_code, /* <SERVICES FPJ> */
    'RATE', (PLL.amount - NVL(PLL.amount_received, 0))/
    DECODE(NVL(PLL.amount, 0), 0, 1, PLL.amount),
    'FIXED PRICE', (PLL.amount - NVL(PLL.amount_received, 0))/
    DECODE(NVL(PLL.amount, 0), 0, 1, PLL.amount),
    (NVL(PLL.quantity, 0) - NVL(PLL.quantity_received, 0))/
    DECODE (NVL(PLL.quantity, 0), 0, 1, PLL.quantity)) * 100 Percent_Due
    , plc.displayed_field Open_For
    , pll.po_line_id
    , nvl(pll.po_release_id,-1) join_release_id
    FROM po_line_locations pll
    , po_lines pol
    , po_lookup_codes plc
    WHERE pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
    AND nvl(pll.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    AND nvl(pol.closed_code,'OPEN') not in ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')
    AND nvl(pll.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND nvl(pol.cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND plc.lookup_type = 'DOCUMENT STATE'
    AND plc.lookup_code = nvl(pll.closed_code, 'OPEN')
    AND pll.shipment_type in ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
    ORDER BY pll.shipment_num

  • Purchase Order Report In R12

    Hi All,
    I have created a purchase order report in R12,in the test instance the report is running perfectly for all the operating units but when i moved the rdf to the LIVE instance the report is running for only one operating unit(nothing is hard coded in the rdf) and the report says completed normar but after clicking on view output i am getting a msg as the output is not generated for the concurrent request.
    After clicking on the view log i am getting an error msg as
    Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :
    Enter Password:
    REP-0004: Warning: Unable to open user preference file.
    Report Builder: Release - Production on Tue Aug 19 16:41:18 2008
    Help me in fixing this issue.
    Thanks in advance

    chk note:

  • Inputs requried to create purchase order report from flat file

    inputs requried to create purchase order report from flat file

    At a guess, I'd say purchase order data.
    If you don't give us a clue what you are actually trying to do we can't really help you too much.
    Do you want to call a BAPI?  Do a BDC?  Use an IDOC?  Or just generally muck up the system by doing inserts into the purchasing tables?
    No doubt if you tell us, you'll get lots and lots of suggestions.

  • OCDM  - Sample Report Installation issue - Runs too longer with No progress

    As a part of OCDM environment setup for Practice we were successful installing following :
    * Supported Enterprise Linux
    * Oracle DB 11g R2 (OLAP & MINING option)
    * OWB was already installed as a part of Oracle DB 11gR2 - just unlocked the OWB accounts.
    * Installed OBIEE 11g R2 installation - Installation successful and able to open url's. (analytics and BI Publisher etc.) - Issue with login account.
    * Installation of Communication Data Model (First Installation type from OCDM Installer)
    When we try to install Sample Reports at same stage the screen remain open and runs too longer with No progress.
    The Installation process for OCDM Sample Reports is given in the attached doc with screenshot and the log file is also included in the attached document.
    Please let us know the following two issue:
    1) How to login to Analytics after OBIEE 11gR2 installed on Linux - ( in our case we use user as Administrator and tried password same as username, even checked with the user weblogic and other but no success. Please provide us the information which give details(document) about the Administartion of OBIEE 11gR2 on Linux).
    2) The issue with installation of OCDM Sampple Reports though successful installation of OCDM Data Model.(First Installation Type from OCDM Installer)
    Thanks & Best Regards,
    Amol Thite
    I think, I cant Attach the file here and character limit is 30K for the post here so putting below the few lines of Log File content:
    I can email the screen shots docs and complete log file on request if needed.
    It stuck in Configuration Assistance screen -
    After more than 1 hour the same screen – No progress – I tried 3 times but same issue. Log file also not growing and seems its waiting for some dependent thing that need to happen before it proceed.
    =====start few lines of Log File=======================================
    The file oraparam.ini could not be found at /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/oui/bin/oraparam.ini
    Using paramFile: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/oui/oraparam.ini
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB. Actual 1027 MB Passed
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Actual 65536 Passed
    The number of files bootstrapped for the jre is 689.
    The number of files bootstrapped for the oui is 77.
    Using the umask value '022' available from oraparam.ini
    =====end few lines of Log File==================================
    INFO: Copying Aggr XML for: Oracle Communications Data Model
    INFO: The Top level Aggreage File = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/inventory/ContentsXML/ConfigXML/oracle.ocdm.11_2_3_0_0.xml
    INFO: deleted all the required instance files
    INFO: OUI_CAPlugIn is not found in XML
    INFO: cf session will be created for OH: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ TLAggr: oracle.ocdm instancePath: inventory/ContentsXML/ConfigXML/
    INFO: cf session for OH: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ TL Aggr: [oracle.ocdm] instancePath: inventory/ContentsXML/ConfigXML/
    INFO: aggr ref length : 2
    INFO: cf session hashcode: 22855989
    INFO: cf session saved with key: OraDb11g_home1 oracle.ocdm
    INFO: cf session is ok
    INFO: created and saved cf session for oh: OraDb11g_home1
    INFO: passing params to cf
    INFO: Handling the storing of variables for aggr name oracle.ocdm
    INFO: This variable sl_ASMSelectableDiskGroups is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_scratchPath is not added to the global context map
    INFO: exitonly tools to be excuted passed: 0
    INFO: Starting to execute configuration assistants
    INFO: Command = oracle.ocdm.OCDMCfgPlugIn /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ocdm/ocdm_install.sh ${s_dbSysPasswd}
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Starting OCDM configuration...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: OCDM configuration initialized, waiting for script response...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Receiving SYSTEM password...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Passing SYSTEM credentials to configuration script...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: SYSTEM credentials passed to configuration script.
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: SYSTEM password received.
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Initializing config parameteres...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Creating log folder...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: ocdm log folder exist
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Exporting config env...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Performing OWB check...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Installing OWB...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: WARNING: OWB OWNER already exists.
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Archive: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ocdm/pdm/relational/sample_schema/ocdm_sample.dmp.zip
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: inflating: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ocdm/install_tmp/ocdm_sample.dmp
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: 2011_02_28_11_24_30 10 % complete
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Importing OCDM sample schema
    ==================end of log File ========================================

    Hi Please check my answers
    1) How to login to Analytics after OBIEE 11gR2 installed on Linux - ( in our case we use user as Administrator and tried password same as username, even checked with the user weblogic and other but no success. Please provide us the information which give details(document) about the Administartion of OBIEE 11gR2 on Linux).
    The current OCDM version does not support BIEE 11g, so you need to install BIEE 10g. In next release(will be available soon), OCDM will support BIEE 11g.
    2) The issue with installation of OCDM Sampple Reports though successful installation of OCDM Data Model.(First Installation Type from OCDM Installer)
    The importing will take a long time, you can login database with ocdm_sample_sys/ocdm_sample_sys, and use "select count(*) from tabs;" to monitor the import process.

  • Purchase Order Report

    When Iam trying to take Purchase Order report,
    Fields in PO Report are as follows:
    Posting date, Purchase Order number,Vendor Name, Item Name, Qty, Unit Price, Total Price, & Status.
    For eg:
    PO Num 100 contains 5 Items, Out of which Goods Receipt PO has been raised for 3 Items. and Goods Receipt PO for remaining 2 items have not been raised.
    In this case PO status is OPEN.
    When iam generating PO Report, It shows Status for all the Items are OPEN. bcoz status for the PO is OPEN.
    I want the report to show the status is Closed for the Items for which Goods Receipt PO has been raised. and similarly status must be OPEN for the items for which Goods Receipt PO has not raised. ( PO number is same ).
    Your answers will be very helpfull.

           I have created a Column in Purchase Order Screen and i have given two options by name Open/Close.
    I have Created new field by going into......................      Path: ToolsUserdefined FieldsManage User defined fieldsmarketing documentsrows.
    And i have selected check box  set valid values for fields  and i have given Open and Close Options.
    This is effecting in new Purchase Orders which iam creating from now. But it is not reflecting in Purchase docs which i have created earlier.
    So Please let me know what to be done inorder to reflect this change in all Purchase Order Doc's.
    Your Answers will be very much helpfull.

  • Customized R12 Standard Purchase Order report with custom data and layout

    Hi all,
    We need to customize the seeded Purchase Order report in R12 to add an additional section to include cost data coming from our custom table. The key is that our customized report should be launched instead of the seeded report via various PO forms (e.g. View Document menu option, PO Communications form to email, fax and print PO, etc).
    I manually set up a custom Document Type Layout for the Document "Standard Purchase Order" to use my customized template so my custom layout is shown instead of the R12 layout, but according to Oracle support the report can only draw data from a set of seeded Oracle views like po_headers_xml,po_lines_xml etc.
    Any suggestions how we can add our custom data to PO report in R12?
    Thanks! Mike.

    Hi Mike
    thats a tough one, the PO generation is a bit restrictive to say the least when it comes to customizing. It sounds like you have worked out how to get your own template in there to render the PO.
    On the data front, all I can think of is to customize and replace the seeded PO view with one that incorporates your extra data.
    Or, get into the page customization world and write your own extract and format concurrent program/procedure and then hook it onto the buttons where you want to launch it.
    You might have more luch, response wise from the EBS PO forum.
    Procurement : Procurement
    OAF: OA Framework

  • Customizing 'Print Purchase Order' Report

    Hi All,
    We need to customize the 'Print Purchase Orders' report, for communicating the PO to supplier. But the Fax commnds, and the output format we have to change accordingly. Also we need to move the generated output file to another directory.
    Please let me know the recommended customizing procedure for the above.

    If you want to modify Print PO Report (POXPOPDF), refer to the following document.
    Note: 305307.1 - How To Modify Print PO Report POXPOPDF With Custom Template

  • Customize printed purchase order report

    Hi all
    i need to customize Printed purchase order report
    i need to add supplier item number to printed purchase order report
    where(group) i need to add item number i think it g_lines right?
    item number is sengment from tml_system_items_b is it correct
    ple reply it is urgent

    Try to get a sample and understand the concern from your users. See if that is already customized to not show the supplier item number (as far as I remember I don't think there are any conditions in the standard report that qulify the printing of the supplier item number, it should print as long as it is entered in the supplier item number field in the PO lines). So see where your users are entering this in PO lines.
    Yes it is vendor_product_num in PO lines table.

  • Unable Print Purchase Order Report as BITMAP

    I am working on customizing POXPRPOP purchase order report by adding layout with some lines and boxes, around some of the fields.
    When we test to print it. The boxes and lines print as ------ instead of solid lines. I believe its something to do with DISPLAY set at OS level.
    Also, It doesnt print different fonts. It just prints in default courier 10.
    I am sure this issue was faced before. I am hoping get some info on how to resolve it.

    As far as the RDF is concerned, you do not need to change any properties. Just add your lines and boxes to the required fields.
    The Concurrent manager setup controls the output. There may be some setup for Postscript - cannot advise you on how to fix it. Did you try using PDF as the output format?

  • Printed Purchase Order Report  R12

    I'm looking for Oracle Printed Purchase Order Report rdf file POXPRPOL
    Could you let me know the path to get this rdf.

    got it.

  • Printed Purchase Order Report Custom version FAX enabling

    Hi All,
    We customized Printed Purchase Order Report(Landscape) 'POXPRPOL' and is runnig fine. Our client want FAX enabled to the output of custom report.
    Is there any option like print option for this. Or do we need to write and code for this.
    Please help.

    Please see below which could be helpful for your issue:
    Also see <a href=https://forums.oracle.com/forums/search.jspa?threadID=&q=fax&objID=c3&dateRange=all&userID=&numResults=15
    this search</a>Regard

  • Printed Purchase order Report

    Hi all
    i need to customize Printed purchase order report(Lanadsacp)
    i need to add supplier item number to printed purchase order report
    where(group) i need to add item number i think it is g_lines right?
    item number is sengment1 from tml_system_items_b is it correct?
    ple reply it is urgent

    Try to get a sample and understand the concern from your users. See if that is already customized to not show the supplier item number (as far as I remember I don't think there are any conditions in the standard report that qulify the printing of the supplier item number, it should print as long as it is entered in the supplier item number field in the PO lines). So see where your users are entering this in PO lines.
    Yes it is vendor_product_num in PO lines table.

  • Printed Purchase Order Report gives no output

    The standard report "Printed Purchase Order Report(Landscape)" gives a a zero size output file for a certain po . Although i have checked the tables PO_HEADERS_ALL and PO_LINES_ALL and that purchase order has all the data entered in the tables above.
    what can the problem possibbly be and how can i fix it?
    please help...

    as an update i found that the specified purchase orders has 9 lines entered and in PO_LINES_ALL only 5 are there !!!

Maybe you are looking for