Query sentence

is there a way to have the query sentence box closed when i run a query in SAP BO
thank you

Hi Adele,
I don't think that this is the problem ...
If you run the query from the Queries Manager (after filling in the parameters when neccessarry), the SBO throws a system message, something like as:
System message - Records affected by this action 123
When you do close this message, the Query result will appear. I fear, that the Dany wants to get rid of this "usefull" system message.
I've also tried to get rid of this message, and I haven't found any suitable solution. But if there's any way, how to do that, let me know.
perhaps creating a separate thread, which will attach itself to the application, and when the messagebox will appear, it will send a "enter" key ...

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    String strName="";
    //here strName is searching key value.
    String strQueryString="SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE name='" strName "'";
    ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery(strQueryString);
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    You could parse <strName > and insert another ' for each '
    A concrete example would be SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE name='yijun '' lee'HTH

  • Query with parameters

    A.DocEntry, A.DocNum, A.Series, A.PostDate, A.DueDate,
    A.ItemCode AS Parent,A.PlannedQty, A.CmpltQty, A.RjctQty,
    B.ItemCode AS CHLD, B.BaseQTY, B.PlannedQTY,B.IssuedQTY,
    A.CmpltQtyB.BaseQTY AS Compl_QTY, A.RjctQtyB.BaseQTY AS Rej_QTY,
    C.LastPurPrc as PurPrise, C.LstEvlPric as EvlPrice,
    B.IssuedQTY -((A.CmpltQtyB.BaseQTY) + (A.RjctQtyB.BaseQTY)) As WIP_QTY,
    (B.IssuedQTY -((A.CmpltQtyB.BaseQTY) + (A.RjctQtyB.BaseQTY)))* C.LstEvlPric As WIP_Valuation,
    OWOR A INNER JOIN WOR1 B ON A.DocEntry = B.DocEntry
           INNER JOIN OITM C ON B.ItemCode = C.ItemCode
           JOIN IGE1 D ON B.DocEntry=D.BaseRef AND D.BaseLine =B.LineNum
    WHERE A.Status='R'
    AND  A.PostDate BETWEEN
    (CASE WHEN '\[%0]' = ' ' THEN '1/1/2007' else '\[%0]' END)
    (CASE WHEN '\[%1]' = '' THEN '1/12/2050' else '\[%1]' END)
    The above query does not accept parameter for the table OWOR A.It gives error for the parameter A.PostDate as,
    Query sentence was not completed.
    Parameters are being accepted for the other tables.
    Edited by: Dilip Kumbhar on Feb 12, 2008 12:07 PM

    If you run the query direct in sql management studio or query analyzer, gives it the same error?
    I think, that the problem is somewhere in SBO, because i found out, that sap is modifiing the queries inside.
    Try to rename one plannedqty in select statement as plan1 - maybe two same names in select are doing this problems. Or to prevent the sap modifiing, try it as select from select as
    DocEntry, DocNum, Series, PostDate, DueDate,
    Parent,Plan1, CmpltQty, RjctQty,
    CHLD, BaseQTY, PlannedQTY,IssuedQTY,
    Compl_QTY,  Rej_QTY,
    PurPrise,  EvlPrice,
    A.DocEntry, A.DocNum, A.Series, A.PostDate, A.DueDate,
    A.ItemCode AS Parent,A.PlannedQty as Plan1, A.CmpltQty, A.RjctQty,
    B.ItemCode AS CHLD, B.BaseQTY, B.PlannedQTY,B.IssuedQTY,
    A.CmpltQtyB.BaseQTY AS Compl_QTY, A.RjctQtyB.BaseQTY AS Rej_QTY,
    C.LastPurPrc as PurPrise, C.LstEvlPric as EvlPrice,
    B.IssuedQTY -((A.CmpltQtyB.BaseQTY) + (A.RjctQtyB.BaseQTY)) As WIP_QTY,
    (B.IssuedQTY -((A.CmpltQtyB.BaseQTY) + (A.RjctQtyB.BaseQTY)))* C.LstEvlPric As WIP_Valuation,
    OWOR A INNER JOIN WOR1 B ON A.DocEntry = B.DocEntry
    INNER JOIN OITM C ON B.ItemCode = C.ItemCode
    JOIN IGE1 D ON B.DocEntry=D.BaseRef AND D.BaseLine =B.LineNum
    WHERE A.Status='R'
    ) T
    hope it helps you

  • Get estimated record count

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    In pl/sql, we can get the estimated record count with
    select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null,null,'ALLSTATS LAST')); but my question is how to get this number from application code, like java or php.

    Though what you're trying to do can be achieved in three steps *(i)* importing of java.io.* and java.sql.* packages *(ii)* establishment of a connection using JDBC driver, and *(iii)* query execution, it would NOT be constructive for the fact that a SELECT statement (as stated in the above reply) will always be a part of the query sentence for the following reasons:
    (a) When objects are executed in Java, the first statement that is compiled is a SQL statement.
    (b) Parameters cannot be defined in SQL strings.
    Hence, as per my understanding, you can either stick to the existing approach or modify it as per the defined standards and not customized ones.

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    Can I share queries that use Web.Contents() need ApiKeyName at Power BI ?
    I want to share queries at Power BI.
    These queries include Web.Contents function.
    And Web.Contents function have ApiKeyName for Web API authentication.
    Web.Contents("http://jlp.yahooapis.jp/KeyphraseService/V1/extract", [ Query=[ #"sentence"=t2 ], ApiKeyName="appid" ])
    I try share this queries to Power BI.
    But I cannot use this query at the other excel workbook.
    Yoshihiro Kawabata

    Ok that makes sense. Thank you for the translation! That error isn't specific to your use of an API key. It is hitting our privacy firewall feature. There is more information here:
    I encourage you to read that help document to get the full information, but basically it's saying that you're trying to combine two datasources and Power Query doesn't know the relative privacy level of each source. We need that info so we can make sure
    that we don't leak private data out to the world.
    The error message suggests that you build the query from scratch. When you do that, you'll get prompted for the privacy levels of each source and you won't have this problem. If you want to reuse this query without rebuilding it and you're absolutely sure
    that none of the data involved is private, you can disable the privacy firewall by clicking the Fast Combine button. That's located in the Power Query ribbon in Excel in the Workbook Settings group. (Sorry I don't know what that is called in Japanese.)


    I have this query below
    it gives the number of times a txn is hign comfort and Approved
    .. nyumber of times txn is meduim comfort and approved etc.
    There is a futher line whihc shows the number of times txn is blacklisted BL COUNT.
    I am trying to get line of query which can show me the number of times txn is approved, is high comfort and blcklisted ( the same applies for
    wl - watch listed)
    The query i am using
    WHEN cc.Comment
    LIKE ('BL(%') and cc.Comment
    LIKE ('Approved%')
    AND cc.Comment
    LIKE ('%ComfortLevel=High Comfort%')
     THEN 1
    USE RiskManagementReporting
    @StartDate DATETIME,
    @EndDate DATETIME
    SET @StartDate
    = '2014-01-01 00:00:00'
    SET @EndDate
    = '2014-03-31 23:59:59'
    mt.OPacket_TransactionTime, 102)
    AS [Date],
    WHEN cc.Comment
    LIKE ('Approved%')
    AND cc.Comment
    LIKE ('%ComfortLevel=High Comfort%')
    THEN 1 ELSE 0
    END) AS [A - HighC],
    WHEN cc.Comment
    LIKE ('Approved%')
    AND cc.Comment
    LIKE ('%ComfortLevel=Medium Comfort%')
    THEN 1 ELSE 0
    END) AS [A - MediumC],
    WHEN cc.Comment
    LIKE ('Approved%')
    AND cc.Comment
    LIKE ('%ComfortLevel=Low Comfort%')
    THEN 1 ELSE 0
    END) AS [A - LowC],
    WHEN cc.Comment
    LIKE ('Declined%')
    AND cc.Comment
    LIKE ('%ComfortLevel=Low Risk%')
    THEN 1 ELSE 0
    END) AS [D - LowR],
    WHEN cc.Comment
    LIKE ('Declined%')
    AND cc.Comment
    LIKE ('%ComfortLevel=Medium Risk%')
    THEN 1 ELSE 0
    END) AS [D - MediumR],
    WHEN cc.Comment
    LIKE ('Declined%')
    AND cc.Comment
    LIKE ('%ComfortLevel=High Risk%')
    THEN 1 ELSE 0
    END) AS [D - HighR],
    WHEN cc.Comment
    LIKE ('BL(%')
    THEN 1 ELSE 0
    END) AS [BL Count],
    WHEN cc.Comment
    LIKE ('WL(%')
    THEN 1 ELSE 0
    END) AS [WL Count],
    WHEN cc.Comment
    LIKE ('Marked as Touched%')
    THEN 1 ELSE 0
    END) AS [Touched by DRT],
    AS [Sent to DRT]
    FROM MatchedTransaction mt
    JOIN CustomerComment cc
    ON (mt.csnTransactionId
    = cc.SenderMTCN
    AND cc.InsertDate
    BETWEEN @StartDate AND
    DATEADD (D, 1, @EndDate)

    I have adjusted this as  
    WHEN cc.Comment
    LIKE ('Approved%')
    AND cc.Comment
    LIKE ('%ComfortLevel=High Comfort%')
    AND cc.Comment
    LIKE ('%BL(%')THEN 1
    ELSE 0 END)
    AS hcbl,
    Still no result

  • Sql query to find the last word in a sentence (column)

    I have to retrieve the last word in a column containing varchar2(text) values.
    If anyone knows the query for this kindly share with me.

    There's also the option of regular expressions in 10g onwards...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select 'oracle forums is the best resource for oracle intelligence' as l from dual)
      2  select regexp_replace(l, '[[:print:]]* ([^ ]*)$','\1') as l
      3* from t
    SQL> /

  • How to find a specific word (from a list) in a sentence located in a different table, and build a column that contains the name

    Hi all, 
    I have 2 tables:
    1) Lookup table- "Names"- which contains ID# and product description (~100 names that can change).
    2) Data table- "Data"- which contains a column with sentences and within lies also the description. In addition, there is a quantity column.
    Names table-
    1 Glass
    2 Paper
    3 Alum'
    4 Metal for construction
    100 Hydro therapy products
    And Data table-
    Someone went to use the machine. 1.80 cm, Alum', for the rest of the day
    Metal for construction is the major component in our system
    <gs class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark" ginger_software_uiphraseguid="ba668f16-4de8-41d9-af39-d1b17422d6fe" id="ae5b76e8-6897-46c8-823b-86a382087f83">Kandoo</gs>, Delgado,
    Glass 17
    Greece needs more paper, 200 ft.
    *there is no order where the lookup value can be found in the sentence*
    My purpose is to import the Data table while performing a calculation, that <gs class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark" ginger_software_uiphraseguid="1941bde7-1595-40eb-9d64-c2e3b9fabdef" id="b60549fc-5b92-46ea-abc6-72cc8c4c093b">checks</gs>
    for each row what is the suitable lookup value and then add it to a new column "Name". 
    Meaning, this table should be the new data after import:
    <gs class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark" ginger_software_uiphraseguid="f5d9da98-3ff6-4022-920d-8965a15730ee" id="580f945f-7822-4035-9b5b-542c74eff605">Description</gs>
    Someone went to use the machine. 1.80 cm, Alum', for the rest of the day
    6 Alum'
    Metal for construction is the major component in our system
    7 Metal for construction
    <gs class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark" ginger_software_uiphraseguid="365dd7f8-7ffc-4ef3-95bf-9bf03421c90d" id="c9ba8515-3dba-4a6b-929e-650510f70844">Kandoo</gs>, Delgado, Glass
    17 Glass
    Greece needs more Paper, 200 ft.
     45 Paper
    Appreciate all support! 
    I lost hope and I want to avoid macros as much as possible.

    Hi Amit,
    I updated the file. The solution uses the following query formula:
    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="DataTbl"]}[Content],
    #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(Source, "Custom", each IndexTbl),
    #"Expand Custom" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Added Custom", "Custom", {"Scope"}, {"Scope"}),
    #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Expand Custom", each Text.Contains([Description], [Scope])),
    #"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Filtered Rows", {"Topic", "Component Code", "Project", "Date", "TotalQty", "TotalQtyActual", "ID", "SOW #", " SOW#(lf)Rev", "Scope Driver", "Scope Source", "Scope Source #", "Cost Code", "Type", "Bdg", "System Code", "IMF Number", "IMF Description", "WG", "C or NC", "C/e", "LLE", "Dwg Ref", "Comments ", "Description", "Size", "Qty", "Unit", "Materials Cost/Unit ", "Sub-Total per Unit €", "Unit Rate ", "Total", "DIV Code", "SYS Code", "HelperForDynfilter"}, {{"Scope", each Text.Combine([Scope], " | "), type text}})
    #"Grouped Rows"
    It is based on two queries. The first is the import from table of "IndexTbl", the second is the import of "DataTbl' which is then extended according to the expression above.
    Hope this helps.

  • How can I show all the results returned by a sql query?

    Hi guys,
    I need your help.
    Let's say I have one table: TableA. Fields of TableA are aleg, anon, apes. The following sentence can return, in general, several rows: select anon from TableA where aleg = somevalue. I'd like to show the result of column anon but no luck. If I try to show the results in a TextArea and the origin is an sql query only shows the first row value. I tried Show as: show as text (based in PLSQL) and coding an anonymous plsql block as
    v_anon TableA.anon%TYPE;
    CURSOR v_cur IS
         select anon from TableA where aleg = somevalue;
    OPEN v_cur;
    FETCH v_cur INTO v_anon;
    :FIELD_IN_FORM := v_anon;
    CLOSE v_cur;
    but in this case it's not shown any result.
    So the first question is what kind of field should I use to show the result. And the second one is what can I do to being able to show all the results returned by the query (provided that is more than one single row).

    Hi Denes,
    Just starting with apex. I think I know how to show the results in a report region. I've simplified the posted question.
    A more detailed question would be: Suppose you have a region where you have put several text areas to accommodate the result of a multi-column query (lets say for TableA) that only returns one row, each column value returned put in a different text area. Also you want to show the values of other fields in TableB that depends on some value just retrieved from TableA and that you want all values retrieved (from TableA and the linked TableB) to be show in the same region. Is that possible? If yes, how?
    Thank you in advance

  • How can I architect my data layer to yield query result pages to the application as SQL Server prepares them?

    I tried to make the question as explicit as possible.
    Refer to Sql Server Management Studio's Results view.  Depending upon the structure of the execution plan, the Results pane may begin displaying results while the query is still executing.  Can someone point me in a direction for architecting a
    data layer (I am tech and framework agnostic for this task. Any solution will suffice) that will begin receiving pages of the set before SQL Server has completed the entire query?
    The call from the data layer to SQL Server will obviously have to be asynchronous, but is there any additional ceremony that I need to be aware of when issuing OPTION (FAST x) to the query optimizer?

    Thanks for the reply. (I actually meant to put this in the SQL Data Access forum, not the T-SQL forum)
    "Generally the last step is ORDER BY in a
    query, so nothing can start before that executes."
    I would imagine you cannot ORDER BY and yield results as they are fetched because of the execution plan that would be generated.  For the purposes of this post, please assume that sorting will be done purely client side
    "Can you post your query?"
     For purposes of discussion, let's assume that the query is
    select *
    from information_schema.columns
    and also assume that you have "lots" of columns to display.
    This was an exploratory question to see what would be necessary to replicate the behavior of Management Studio's Query Result view in a custom application. 
    I would imagine that there's going to be a lot of analysis of the execution plans that get generated in order for the OPTION (FAST x) optimizer hint to do any good, but apart from general tuning concerns that would allow SQL SERVER to yield a page of data
    "fast", I was wondering if there was anything else required of the calling client to force it to yield return its first page.
    After thinking about this (and phrasing it the way I did in the last sentence) perhaps this is the incorrect forum for this question.  I imagine that my concerns are better addressed in forums dedicated to the technology of the calling client (which
    would be a .NET assembly)
    Be that as it may, if there is any ceremony that SQL Server imposes on clients in order to yield return, I would expect that my question would be in the scope of SQL Server discussions (even though I intended this to be in a different SQL Server forum)

  • Help needed in writing query

    Could anyone help me in writing below query without syntax errors.
    I tried but no luck
    select xmlelement("g", XMLATTRIBUTES(g.contentgroup_id as "id",g.groupname as "label",
    (select xmlagg(xmlelement ("c",XMLATTRIBUTES(c.title as "title",c.content_id as "id")))) as "A"))
    as "A" from
    (SELECT g.contentgroup_id AS id, g.groupname AS label, c.title AS label, c.content_id AS id
    FROM content_ec c FULL OUTER JOIN contentgroup_ec g ON c.group_id = g.contentgroup_id
    oRDER BY g.groupname ,c.title ASC );
    Any help really appreciated.

    Few tips to get your question answered here
    1. Give your database version. Some thing that does not work in one version works fine in the next. And 8i,9i or 10g is not version. best way to give the version is to query your v$version table like this.
    SQL> select * from v$version where rownum = 1
      2  /
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod2. You should understand we don't have what you have, meaning you should provide your data structure and some sample data for us to help.
    3. "I got an error"... "Its not working"... and the list goes on. Sentences like this does not help. If you got a error past the entire error. If stuff does not work, tell us the details.
    4. Just don't throw some output and say i want it. Please explain to every one how you derive it.
    5. And the most important thing. Use \...\ tag to format. Please.. Please.. Please.. use it. It helps every one a lot. When you use it your SQL looks some thing like this.
    SELECT xmlelement("g", XMLATTRIBUTES(g.contentgroup_id as "id",g.groupname as "label",
         (select xmlagg(xmlelement ("c",XMLATTRIBUTES(c.title as "title",c.content_id as "id")))) as "A")) as "A"
       FROM (SELECT g.contentgroup_id AS id,
                 g.groupname AS label,
                 c.title AS label,
                 c.content_id AS id
            FROM content_ec c
            FULL OUTER JOIN contentgroup_ec g
              ON c.group_id = g.contentgroup_id
           ORDER BY g.groupname ,c.title ASC );6. And also do search this forum. Most of your my queries are answered by simple search.

  • SQL query, IF ELSE issue - Help.

    I am trying to migrate data from one table to another, however I am having problems trying to figure out a small issue in my Query.
    I'm using Oracle 11g, SQL Developer 3.0
    here is my old table
         LAST_UPD_ID VARCHAR2 (30 BYTE) ,
         CREATOR_ID VARCHAR2 (30 BYTE) ,
         USSC_ID NUMBER (10) ,
         REL_ORG_ID NUMBER (10)  NOT NULL ,
         REL_ORG_NAME VARCHAR2 (100 BYTE) ,
         REL_IND_NAMES VARCHAR2 (100 BYTE) ,
         REL_LEVEL_AUTH NUMBER (2) ,
         SENT_TYPE_CODE NUMBER (2) ,
         REL_ORG_ID NUMBER (10)  NOT NULL ,
         SENT_ID NUMBER (12)  NOT NULL ,
         DEF_TYPE_CODE NUMBER (1) ,
         DEF_TYPE_NAME VARCHAR2 (100 BYTE) ,
         REL_LVL_AUTH NUMBER (1) ,
        ADD CONSTRAINT CORP_REL_OFF_PK PRIMARY KEY ( REL_ORG_ID ) ;In the old table you will notice i have the following attributes:
    In my new table I have both columns as one called DEF_TYPE_NAME VARCHAR2 (100 BYTE).
    what I'm trying to do is use the INDICATOR column VALUE (old table) for each row and say the following in SQL code:
    (if INDICATOR = 'I' then DEF_TYPE_NAME = the value of REL IND_NAMES
    else if INDICATOR = 'O' then DEF_TYPE_NAME = the value of REL_ORG_NAME) AS DEF_TYPE_NAME
    here is my query
              RO.REL_ORG_ID AS REL_ORG_ID,
              S.SENT_ID AS SENT_ID,
              AS DEF_TYPE_NAME, -- here is where I'm having issues.
                    RO.REL_DOCKET_NUM AS REL_DOCKET_NUM,
              PROD.SENTENCES S
    AND          RO.SENT_TYPE_CODE = 1
    ORDER BY REL_ORG_ID;Thanks in advance for your help.

            S.SENT_ID AS SENT_ID,
              WHEN 'I' THEN REL_IND_NAMES
              WHEN 'O' THEN REL_ORG_NAME
            END AS DEF_TYPE_NAME,
            PROD.SENTENCES S

  • I urgently need to find out how to apply behaviour to images in my webpage. Created with dreamweaver and linked J Query stylesheets.

    I have created a web page with a photo gallery of thumbnails that link to bigger images when you hover over them. When the bigger image opens there is an odd shape at the bottom right hand side , that when pressed, will take me back to the home page. But its not the correct sought of button or symbol. I dont know how to set this up properly. I have linked J.Query style sheets. But must have missed something. Can anyone help??? this is my first web page design. It is all done except for this.

    Very sensible advice. However, the second sentence in the following statement is incorrect:
    1.  Make sure that you have updated all recordsets to the latest (CS4) version. Older ones created before the GetSQLValueString function was introduced are vulnerable.
    The GetSQLValueString() function has always existed in Dreamweaver server behavior code. However, versions of this function prior to Dreamweaver 8.0.2 are vulnerable to SQL injection.
    Unfortunately, you can't update older server behaviors simply by deleting the old version of the function and replacing it with one from DW 8.0.2 or later. Other small changes were made in the server behavior code for compatibility with the revised function. PHP server behaviors created prior to DW 8.0.2 need to be deleted and rebuilt. Yes, it's a pain, but far less of a pain than being hacked.

  • Performance of ABAP query program

    Hi All,
    A custom program AQNWZ_TALAT=====TCS_AP_ITEMS== is taking lot of time running. And when checked the cost of the select statement is very high.
    I guessed it must be some custom abap query. Correct me if I am wrong.
    Also please let me know how to do the performance tuning on this code? Should I be editing the program directly or should I edit at the abap query level.
    Moderator message: Please Read before Posting in the Performance and Tuning Forum
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Dec 3, 2010 11:01 AM

    >A few tips you can use for finetuning a Report
    The actually a good collection of the most important pain points. But the recommendations are unfortunately quite poor, and even wrong. I have updated them a little bit.
    And for German speaking people I have added a reference to a textbook, where arll my recommendations are explained in detail.
    1) Use mostly primary key to access data.
    ... nonsense, the task determines the WHERE clause, it is not your choice
    2) Before READ u sort the itab
    3) use mostly the indexes fields in ur where clause.
    ... as 1, it is the other way, the task determines the WHERE-clause, make surwe that there is an index which
    supports it
    4) Restrict the the fields retrieved by your select sentences to the minimal set. (Avoid select *)
    nonsense, most SELECT use and must use *, use field list in wide tables
    5) try to use specify where clause so the abap sql optimizer chooses the right index.
    o.k., but who understands that in depth?
    6) Avoid sentences like select lifnr name1 into corresponding fields of lfa1 from lfa1 where....
    feel free to use if required
    (You should declare a working area and select into the working area, is twice faster)
    ... such general statements are always incorrect
    7) use hashed tables instead of standard tables. They are faster
    no, use sorted tables, hashed are very special and can only be used if there is a unique key
    8) avoid the use of collect as much as you can.
    total nonsense, use collect with hashed tables, works perfect, if you use it with standard tables, do not mix it with other statements
    1 Always check the driver internal tables is not empty , while using FOR ALL ENTRIES
    100% correct
    2 Avoid for all entries in JOINS
    ... not generally true
    3 Try to avoid joins and use FOR ALL ENTRIES.
    ... hmmm, there are pages of discussions, this statement was wrong, is wrong and will be wrong!!!
    4 Try to restrict the joins to 1 level only ie only for 2 tables
    nonsense, joins are complicated, you must know hw indexes are used, if everything is fine, then 10 or 20 tables can be joined
    5 Avoid using Select *.
    see 4)
    6 Avoid having multiple Selects from the same table in the same object.
    ... try to avoid to SELECT the same data, different criteria can be necessary
    7 Try to minimize the number of variables to save memory.
    ... obvious,
    8 The sequence of fields in 'where clause' must be as per primary/secondary index ( if any)
    ... no is must not the optimizer will not be influenced be the order , but do it, it increases readability
    9 Avoid creation of index as far as possible
    ... no, o.k. if you are not experienced than avoid ... otherwise the creation of the required indexes is absolutely mandatory for new tables, for SAP standard tables most indexes are already there. But still if very new accesses are added, then new indexes can become necessary.
    10 Avoid operators like , > , < & like % in where clause conditions
    ... no, you must add them, but be aware that the search is only poorly supported by them, but the result set is reduced.
    11 Avoid select/select single statements in loops.
    ... if they are going to the database! If the tables are buffered, then these statements are perfect!
    12 Try to use 'binary search' in READ internal table. Ensure table is sorted before using BINARY SEARCH.
    .... Actually try to avoid standard tables, use sorted tables instead. If you must use a standard table, than the recommendation is true.
    13 Avoid using aggregate functions (SUM, MAX etc) in selects ( GROUP BY , HAVING,)
    .... no, use them if required. Again, if table is buffered, then they MUST be avoided.
    14 Avoid using ORDER BY in selects
    ... if it is not ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY. Again, if the table is buffered, then other orders MUST be avoided.
    15 Avoid Nested Selects
    ... use join. Again, if the tables are buffered, then Nested SELECTs are fine!
    16 Avoid Nested Loops of Internal Tables
    .... impossible, there is no other option. Use sorted tables and verything is fine!
    17 Try to use FIELD SYMBOLS.
    ... what means try? Use ASSIGNING fieldsymbol in LOOPs, but use it in READs only for very wide tables (>1kB). Use it always for tables with tables in the workarea!
    18 Try to avoid into Corresponding Fields of
    ... see 6) is wrong!
    19 Avoid using Select Distinct, Use DELETE ADJACENT.
    .... no, use it if required and if it can reduce the result set by a factor of 2 or more. Again, if table is buffered, then it MUST be avoided.
    Wenn Sie mit der Performance Ihres ABAP Programms nicht zufrieden sind, werfen Sie doch einen Blick in mein neues Buch:
    Siegfried Boes: Performance-Optimierung von ABAP®-Programmen Nov. 2009 464 Seiten  59u20AC
    Leseproben und weitere Informationen: http://www.dpunkt.de/buecher/3096.html
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Dec 3, 2010 10:53 AM

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