Query works in Test mode but fails with transient failure

I have a query that works well while testing with input json data. However, when the job is started the query fails with transient failure.
I have two eventhub input sources input1 and input2. I also have a reference data source in a blob, ref.
The query is 
WITH nameone AS(
SELECT ref.field1 as field1,ref.field2 as field2,MIN(input1.datetimestamp) AS datetimestamp,avg(input1.value) as value FROM input1 TIMESTAMP BY datetimestamp JOIN ref ON ref.field1 = input1.field1 GROUP BY ref.field1,tumblingwindow(second,30)
), nametwo AS(
SELECT ref.field1 as field1,ref.field2 as field2,MIN(input2.datetimestamp) AS datetimestamp,avg(input2.value) as value FROM input2 TIMESTAMP BY datetimestamp JOIN ref ON ref.field1 = input2.field1 GROUP BY ref.field1,tumblingwindow(second,30)
SELECT field1, field2,datetimestamp,value from nameone
SELECT field1, field2,datetimestamp,value from nametwo

I solved the problem. 
The issue was in conversion of incoming data to write into an SQL db.
Query failed to convert 
 System.Int64 (incoming data format) to  System.Double ( SQL column data format)
I solved it by changing SQL column format to int, but I think this casting should be done automatically by the query. I can also CAST the data I guess but sometimes using CAST on everything is kind of a pain.
Another issue I faced was the failure messages. I checked the logs for last 12 hours. Sometimes the failure will point to the Writing Error (conversion of int to double) but sometimes the failure will simply be transient failure. So it was difficult to pinpoint
the error exactly.
Thanks anyways.

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  • Query works on Oracle 9i, but fails on Oracle 10g - puzzling...

    In porting an application from Oracle 9i to Oracle 10g, I hit a problem that for a while I assumed was some bug of mine. But I eventually isolated the problem and can reproduce this using a single sql script and then a single delete. The amazing thing is that it works fine on Oracle 9i (always) and fails on Oracle 10g (always).
    Have I found a bug? (I would be pretty amazed).
    Here's the situation. I have four tables and a trigger set on one of those tables.
    The tables are configured so that there is the "parent" table (A). Table B has a foreign key dependency on A's primary key, with "on delete cascade". Table B also has a trigger that runs on the delete. Table C (which has no data) has an integrity constraint on A's primary key. Table D holds information used by the trigger to determine if/when table C should be dropped. (I have a script that sets all this up).
    After setting up the tables and the few data records needed, I delete a record from Table A. This causes the records in Table B to be deleted. That fires the trigger, which determines that Table C can be dropped, so the trigger drops Table C. Then, Oracle decides it still needs to check the integrity constraint on Table C (after all, C depended on A and we have deleted a record in A). Oracle then issues a query against table C, but of course table C has already been dropped and an error results.
    The exact same script followed by the delete works fine on Oracle 9i. Is this a bug or is this a documented change in behavior? Any known workarounds? Unfortunately, the application needs all the integrity constraints that are present in the schema and also runs on SQL Server, so modifications in the integrity constraints are probably not what I am seeking).
    Thanks so much!

    I wasn't sure how to post the script, but it is short enough to include below. Many thanks for the quick response.
    To connect the script below to my original post, the names are:
    Table C = OT_AW_AD_OneLoop_1
    The trigger is also included in the script. After running this script, the command:
    delete from OT_AW_ProcessDef where processdefId = 101
    will cause the failure on Oracle10g, but succeeds on Oracle 9i.
    Thanks again!
    /* *********************** CLEAN UP ********************************** */
    /* Order the dropping of objects in reverse of creation */
    /* ******************* DATA TABLES *********************************** */
    /* OT_AW_PROCESSDEF(Process Definition) Table */
    create table OT_AW_PROCESSDEF (
    processDefId NUMBER /* Id for the process definition */
    , processDefName NVARCHAR2(255) /* Name of the process definition */
    insert into OT_AW_PROCESSDEF (
    processDefId, processDefName
    values (
    1, 'ADHOC'
    /* OT_AW_APPDATA_TABLEINFO(List of all application Data tables in the system) Table */
    create table OT_AW_APPDATA_TABLEINFO (
    namespace VARCHAR2(65) NOT NULL, /* name of the namespace to which it belongs */
    tableName VARCHAR2(128) , /* Name of the appdata table */
    adLevel NUMBER(38) NOT NULL /* Appdata table level: 0=>PROCESS, 1=>CONVERSATION */
    , CONSTRAINT OT_AW_APPDATA_TABLEINFO_UNQ UNIQUE( namespace, tableName, adLevel )
    /* OT_AW_PROCESS_APPDATADEF(Process level application data definition) Table */
    create table OT_AW_PROCESS_APPDATADEF (
    processDefId NUMBER NOT NULL /* Id for the process definition */
    , name VARCHAR2(65) NOT NULL /* Name of the application data field, This name may be pointing to a shared namespace field */
    , tableName VARCHAR2(128) /* Name of the table that holds the value for the field, may be same as local namespace table name */
    , namespace VARCHAR2(65) NOT NULL /* Name of the namespace to which this field belongs */
    , mappedNamespace VARCHAR2(65) null /* Name of the shared namespace to which this field is mapped, if there is any mapping */
    CREATE TABLE OT_AW_AD_OneLoop_1(processDefId number , processId number ,FromRole number null, ToRole number null, Anyone number null,
    /* TRIGGERS */
    tableName_var OT_AW_PROCESS_APPDATADEF.tableName%TYPE;
    tempStr_var varchar2(128) :=null;
    deletedId OT_AW_PROCESS_APPDATADEF.processDefId%TYPE;
    deletedMNsp OT_AW_PROCESS_APPDATADEF.mappedNamespace%TYPE;
    numReferences number :=-1;
    tableExists number :=0;
    CURSOR ADPTable_cursor
    SELECT apa.tableName, apa.processDefId, apa.mappedNamespace
    WHERE apa.tableName = :old.tableName
    AND apa.processDefId = :old.processDefId;
    dbms_output.put_line('Starting TRIGGER OT_AW_PROCESS_APPDATADEF_DEL');
    OPEN ADPTable_cursor;
    FETCH ADPTable_cursor
    INTO tableName_var, deletedId, deletedMNsp;
    IF (deletedMNsp IS NULL) THEN
    select count(*) into numReferences from OT_AW_PROCESS_APPDATADEF where tableName = tableName_var
    and processDefId <> deletedId;
    IF ( numReferences = 0 ) THEN
    SELECT count(*) INTO tableExists FROM OT_AW_APPDATA_TABLEINFO where
    IF (tableExists > 0) THEN
    --dbms_output.put_line('About to alter first table');
    -- EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE ' || tableName_var || ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' || tableName_var ||'_FK1';
    --dbms_output.put_line('About to alter second table');
    -- EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE ' || tableName_var || ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' || tableName_var ||'_FK2';
    dbms_output.put_line('About to drop table named: ' || tableName_var);
    tempStr_var := 'DROP TABLE ' || tableName_var;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE tempStr_var;
    dbms_output.put_line('Table dropped');
    --dbms_output.put_line('Not dropping table now');
    END IF;
    delete from OT_AW_APPDATA_TABLEINFO where
    dbms_output.put_line('OT_AW_APPDATA_TABLEINFO updated');           
    END IF;
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('Loop ended');
    CLOSE ADPTable_cursor;
    dbms_output.put_line('Cursor closed');
    dbms_output.put_line('Work committed');
    dbms_output.put_line('Ending TRIGGER OT_AW_PROCESS_APPDATADEF_DEL');
    show errors;
    /* Set up data to simulate the creation of OT_AW_AD_OneLoop_1 */
    insert into OT_AW_PROCESSDEF (
    processDefId, processDefName
    values (
    101, 'OneLoop'
    insert into OT_AW_PROCESS_APPDATADEF (
    processDefId, name, tableName, namespace
    values (
    101, 'FromRole', 'OT_AW_AD_OneLoop_1', 'OneLoop'
    insert into OT_AW_PROCESS_APPDATADEF (
    processDefId, name, tableName, namespace
    values (
    101, 'ToRole', 'OT_AW_AD_OneLoop_1', 'OneLoop'
    insert into OT_AW_APPDATA_TABLEINFO (
    namespace, tablename, adlevel
    values (
    'OneLoop', 'OT_AW_AD_OneLoop_1', 0

  • SAP Script for PO works in test mode but changes are not shown on PO

    I've modified the sapscript for the Purchase order.When I go to se71 and print test it the chage is visible.But when I actually see the attachment in mail  chages are not visible.

    Hi Venkat,
    Plz activate the debugger & check if the window where you have made ur changes (text element & texts) is getting executed or not. Debugging will help you to know whether or not the change is triggered.. & Also as to know why its not triggered.. (may be there are some codes above thats working differently when you display the PO at runtime.
    To debug the script.. on the tcode SE71 ---> Utilities --> Activate Debugger
    Let me know if you have questions.

  • Works fine using ADS but fails with NTLM

    Hello ,
    We have developed an iView which grabs data from a SQL database. In the personalization dialog , the user can choose all the values of a column so that the result set contains only those records which had the selected column values. This dialog was implemented using javascript. The iView works fine when it is run on its own using ADS authentication. However, when we implement single-sign on using NTLM the personalization dialog fails when I try to store the personalization dialog.
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    I have noticed that none of the personalization dialogs work after we have moved to NTLM single-sign-on.After I press apply or save on the personalization dialog , I get a "page not found" error.Please advise.

  • Problem : App works with Sun App server 8.0 but fails with 8.1

    Hi All
         I am experiencing some strange problem with executing my JSF application with Sun App Server.
         I have an EAR deployed on Sun Application Server 8.0 and 8.1.
         Strangely it works quite fine with 8.0 but fails with 8.1.
         In my JSP page ..I have a dummy component whose getter method is used as a "FormLoad" event of the page.
         <h:form id="imageForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
         <h:messages showDetail="true" />
         <table width="980" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#A9B8C2">
                   <h:inputHidden value="#{Screen1.initializeService}"/>
              <h:selectOneListbox styleClass="style2" id="cmbMiddleArea" immediate="true" value="#{Screen1.selectedMiddleArea}">
              <f:selectItems value="#{Screen1.middleAreaList}" />
         In my backing bean i have ..
         public String getInitializeService() {
              ..... Retrieve all the data from DB to initialize all the components on the JSP page
              ........set the values of the individal component...
         I am retrieving all the data from DB in this getter method and intializing the components on the JSP page.
         I have also checked the code generated for JSP by both the servers.I am posting the code here for reference although
         i did not find any significant difference between the two...
         For Server 8.0
         private boolean jspxmeth_h_inputHidden_0(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag jspxth_h_form_0, PageContext jspxpage_context)
         throws Throwable {
         JspWriter out = jspxpage_context.getOut();
         // h:inputHidden
         com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag jspxth_h_inputHidden_0 = (com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag) jspxtagPool_h_inputHidden_value.get(com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag.class);
         jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.setParent((javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) jspxth_h_form_0);
         int jspxeval_h_inputHidden_0 = jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.doStartTag();
         if (_jspx_th_h_inputHidden_0.doEndTag() == javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE)
         return true;
         return false;
         For Server 8.1
         private boolean jspxmeth_h_inputHidden_0(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag jspxth_h_form_0, PageContext jspxpage_context)
         throws Throwable {
         PageContext pageContext = jspxpage_context;
         JspWriter out = jspxpage_context.getOut();
         // h:inputHidden
         com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag jspxth_h_inputHidden_0 = (com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag) jspxtagPool_h_inputHidden_value_nobody.get(com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag.class);
         jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.setParent((javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) jspxth_h_form_0);
         int jspxeval_h_inputHidden_0 = jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.doStartTag();
         if (_jspx_th_h_inputHidden_0.doEndTag() == javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE)
         return true;
         return false;
         Now the actual problem is "getInitializeService" method never gets called when i deploy and run the application on Sun App Server8.1
         However with Sun App Server 8.0 it woeks perfectly fine.
         Can anybody help me in resolving these issues ?

    Actually generated JSP code can be referred as ...
    For Server 8.0
         private boolean jspxmeth_h_inputHidden_0(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag jspxth_h_form_0, PageContext jspxpage_context)
         throws Throwable {
         JspWriter out = jspxpage_context.getOut();
         // h:inputHidden
         com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag jspxth_h_inputHidden_0 = (com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag) jspxtagPool_h_inputHidden_value.get(com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag.class);
         jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.setParent((javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) jspxth_h_form_0);
         int jspxeval_h_inputHidden_0 = jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.doStartTag();
         if (_jspx_th_h_inputHidden_0.doEndTag() == javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE)
         return true;
         return false;
         For Server 8.1
         private boolean jspxmeth_h_inputHidden_0(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag jspxth_h_form_0, PageContext jspxpage_context)
         throws Throwable {
         PageContext pageContext = jspxpage_context;
         JspWriter out = jspxpage_context.getOut();
         // h:inputHidden
         com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag jspxth_h_inputHidden_0 = (com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag) jspxtagPool_h_inputHidden_value_nobody.get(com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.InputHiddenTag.class);
         jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.setParent((javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag) jspxth_h_form_0);
         int jspxeval_h_inputHidden_0 = jspxth_h_inputHidden_0.doStartTag();
         if (_jspx_th_h_inputHidden_0.doEndTag() == javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_PAGE)
         return true;
         return false;

  • G4 iBook works in Safe Mode, but not in regular mode (stuck on blue screen)

    14" iBook G4 1.2GHz with 1 gig of RAM.
    I recently had an issue with this machine in that the image on the screen would freeze but the cursor would be able to move around. This was narrowed down to an issue with the logic board. I wanted something a little more permanent than a shim, so I sent the board in to have it reballed.
    After installing the maching back into my iBook, it seemed to work fine until I applied a software update to the machine.
    It was then that I got to experience the first of many kernel panics.
    Restarting at different times always brought me to the dialog box which states that the machine needed to be restarted in multiple languages.
    Running the Apple Hardware Test off my install disks yielded this error code: 2ATI/2/4:113-xxxxx-125
    I have no idea what that means. I do know that just before I got the results of the test, the screen changed to all kinds of colors. It was only for a few seconds and then the results (with the error code) were displayed.
    Still, not sure what to do next, I tried resetting the PRAM. I also tried resetting the NVRAM.
    I also tried booting up into Safe Mode which actually worked. There were no issues with the machine and everything seemed to be working fine.
    When I tried to restart the machine in regular mode, I'm taken to the infamous blue screen and the machine just stays there. When I let the machine stay off overnight, it booted up normal, but after applying the software update, the machine was in kernel panic again.
    I've tried running fsck, but nothing changes.
    I'm still not sure why it seems to work in Safe Mode but not in regular mode.
    I'd appreciate any suggestions or ideas.

    A couple of the things that are disabled in safe mode are AirPort and non Apple startup items. The easiest thing for you to test is the AirPort card. Shut down and remove the AE card under the keyboard. See if it starts. If it does your AE card is bad. If not, start in safe mode and go to System Preferences>Accounts>youraccount and disable all non Apple startup (LOgin) items by clicking on them and then the minus sign. Restart normally and see if it will start.

  • SSIS package works in development environment but fails when job scheduler executes, file path invalid

    SIS package works in development environment but fails when job scheduler executes, file path invalid
    Relatively simple package to get OLE-DB connection to MS FoxPro 9.0 DB
    The failure in the job log states that the path is invalid its a network path (\\192.168.1.xxx\foldername) this has been run several ways with the remote computer being mapped as a network drive and through the \\ notation described above.
    Thinking it was a security issue between the SQL agent account and my account I tested by subsitution myself as a proxy account for the agent when running this job, again same result failed on network path.
    One issue I see is that the remote computer is running Server 2000 (legacy software incompatable with newer versions) 
    Is it possible that this is a security issue, since if i understand correctly the current MS domain security model didn't exist until Server 2003.

    Hi REIData,
    Have you got the issue resolved? Based on your description, please make sure the target folder is shared properly. If the computer on which the SQL Server Agent job runs doesn’t join the domain as the server that hosts the shared folder, you have to share
    the folder with everyone by adding “Everyone” to the people list on the File Sharing page of the folder and assign "Read/Write" permission to it.
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Process q001 started up but failed with error = 20

    Dear All,
    I am facing the following error in my alert log file. I am using oracle database 10.1.
    Process q001 started up but failed with error = 20
    Process q002 started up but failed with error = 20
    Tue May 18 12:11:53 2010
    Process q001 started up but failed with error = 20
    Process q001 started up but failed with error = 20
    Process q001 started up but failed with error = 20
    Process q001 started up but failed with error = 20
    Process q001 started up but failed with error = 20
    Process q001 started up but failed with error = 20
    users unable to connect to database.....

    This may be due to AQ_TM_PROCESSES parameter.
    what is value of AQ_TM_PROCESSES parameter..
    Also paste value of processes parameter.
    Also login as sysdba and give output of :
    select * from v$resource_limit;
    Edited by: Rajesh Lathwal on May 18, 2010 12:48 PM

  • Process m000 started up but failed with error = 20

    Could anybody tell me what does this mean ?
    Process m000 started up but failed with error = 20
    Thu Aug 1 15:22:34 2007
    Process q000 started up but failed with error = 20
    Process q000 started up but failed with error = 20
    Process q000 started up but failed with error = 20

    Check metalink note 334704.1

  • DAQ card works with NIDAQ test panel but not with VB app/Component works

    I am seeing this problem with 2 different DAQ cards. The card works fine with the NIDAQ test panel, but acts like the return lead is lifted with my VB app. The plotted signal appears to be little more than noise. Channel scan is internally triggered; that apparently works fine. The VB app is running in this configuration successfully in other areas, and I fixed this problem once by swapping cards. Currently, I lack a spare, as my "spare" is showing the same symptoms. Any helpful hints?
    Card type: AT-AI-16XE-10
    Configuration: Double-ended input, +/-10V range
    Running: VB6, NIDAQ 6.1, ComponentWorks Std. 2.0.1, Windows NT 4.0 SP5

    I upgraded to NI-DAQ 6.8.1 (with patch), but no joy. The upgrade went smoothly, the card was recognized and I was able to set the resources without a problem. The test panel works fine looking at the actual signal on the target system: slowly varying DC between 0-5 V or so. My app works fine also, except that it behaves as though the A/D is not connected to anything: noise between .05-.1 V or so. I swapped DAQ cards between the test system and my development system. The problem appears to be in the test system, not on the card. Another test system, identical except for (now) the version of NI-DAQ, works fine. I'm stumped!
    BTW, why are there 3 DMA channels listed in the configuration for this DAQ? Do all 3 need to be assigned? I've run some systems
    for years with only the first 2 assigned.

  • Oxford Mercury series instruments : Works with NI-MAX but fails with Labview

      I am trying to interface an Oxford Instruments "Mercury Series" power supply for superconducting magnets, I am using Labview 2013 and an NI USB-GPIB-HS.
    The problem I have is the following:
    1.  After connecting the instruments I run NI-MAX (ver 14.0) to check that the instruments are recognized by the GPIB-bus. Everything goes fine, the instruments are detected and I can communicate with it by typing commands in the 488.2 communicator. Read and write both work fine.
    2. Then I try to write my own code in Labview to run the instrument.  The standard 488.2 commands Send/Recieve or GPIB-Write anf GPIB-Read do not work.
    There are other instruments on the same bus also - which work fine with both NI-MAX as well as my vi-s from Labview.  I have tried doing the "obvious" things
    like intialising the GPIB before sending any command and then do a Device Clear for the specific instruments before sending other commands.
    3. So the question is : What can be the reason for an instrument to respond correctly via NI-MAX but fail to do when addressed from Labview with essentially
    similar basic commands?
    I have tried tracing the origin of the errors via I/O trace (NI-spy), but they didn't help in locating the precise problem.
    Would be grateful if somebody could suggest an answer.
    Have other people faced this before?

    The instruments are actually newer  (rather than an older version). You are correct that they need an extra "\n" after the command string - which I had provided.
    The command tryped in NIMAX was simply  "*IDN?\n"   in response to which  the instrument sends its identification string correctly. 
    All other commands also worked properly.
    I then tried the same in Labview using   "Send" and "Recieve". The Recieve generates the error.
    I am attaching the trace file (converted to txt) and the VI. Line 10-14 has the error.
    test07.vi ‏12 KB
    NImaxCapture_test07.txt ‏5 KB

  • Event receiver works perfectly in debug mode, but fails in release mode

    Here is my item added event which works perfectly and gives read permission to CCfield user in debug mode, but doesn't give permissions to CCfield user when item added event is triggered in release mode:
    SPListItem item = properties.ListItem;
    string idnumber = Convert.ToString(properties.ListItem["ID"]);
    string itemurl = properties.ListItem.Url;
    SPWeb web = properties.Web;
    item.BreakRoleInheritance(false, false);
    string ccfield = Convert.ToString(properties.ListItem["EmailCc"]);
    string STRFirst = "&lt;" ;
    string STRLast = "&gt;";
    int Pos1 = ccfield.IndexOf(STRFirst) + STRFirst.Length;
    int Pos2 = ccfield.IndexOf(STRLast);
    string ccfield1 = ccfield.Substring(Pos1, Pos2 - Pos1);
    SPUser user = item.Web.EnsureUser(ccfield1);
    SPRoleAssignment roleAssignment = new SPRoleAssignment(user);
    catch (Exception e)
    Any help?

    Event receivers run using the permissions of the user who triggered the event. If your user does not have rights to manage permissions then you will need to run your security code with elevated permisisons.
    { your code here } )
    Note that RunWithElevatedPermissions will not work with Sandbox code.
    Mike Smith TechTrainingNotes.blogspot.com
    my SP customization book

  • SSIS 2012 package runs under SSDT but fails with permission error from SSMS

    I have a simple package that pulls data from a text file located on a Windows file server that runs successfully from SSDT on my client.
    However, when deployed and running the package via SSMS from the client, the package fails with a permission error, with the error stating that the data file could not be opened.
    I have done some investigation and have seen some info that states that a package run from SSMS runs under the account on which you are logged on to the machine, which I would have thought is correct. This is therefore the same account when running from
    SSDT (which works) and I can see from the SSIS Report that the 'Caller' is stated as my account, so if this is the case why isin't the package working.
    I've also seen an MSDN forum answer which stated the opposite that the package when run from the IS Catalog in SSMS doesn't run under the account on which the client is logged on with, which is the opposite of the above, but doesn't indicate which account
    it is using.
    So what account is being used to run SSIS 2012 packages from the IS catalog from within SSMS ?
    If it is the account on which you are logged onto the client running SSMS, why is it not working when the account has the necessary permissions (as provent when running from SSDT) ?

    I am aware it's using my account and not one of the service. There's nothing in the posts above which suggests I'm using the service account. I don't know why people keep assuming that I'm running the package from a job. I've never stated that in any of
    the posts I'm running the package from a job. It's been made quite clear I'm running the package from the IS Catalog on SSMS:
    "This is simply selecting a package from the IS Catalog, right-clicking and selecting Execute package.", as per the Nov 18 post, and in the original post "....So what account is being used to run SSIS 2012 packages from the IS catalog from
    within SSMS".
    Just to be clear, the package is NOT being run from a job. It's using the Execute package option when selecting the package within SSMS from the IS Catalog and it's running under the account on which I am logged on to my client.
    Please read carefully. I was just answering your question "So what account is being used to run SSIS 2012 packages from the IS catalog from within SSMS ?" and stating that you where right and that it uses your account to run the package
    when you execute a package manually from the Catalog and that you can prove that by logging the system variable.
    A good suggestion about using a share in the task to map the drive and I will try this. I would find it strange that SSMS requires this mapping whereas SSDT does not though.
    Ok let us know your findings. If it doesn't work you can also test it with a password and username:
    net use f: \\financial\public  yourpassword /user:username
    Please mark the post as answered if it answers your question | My SSIS Blog:
    http://microsoft-ssis.blogspot.com |

  • SQL query works in access 2000 but not through JDBC

    Hello to all as my first posted message, I have a bit of a pickle on my hands. I have a query which is critical to for my application to function.
    In Access 2000
    SELECT sb.SeatName
    FROM SeatBooking sb, Movie m, MovieSession ms, Booking b
    WHERE m.MovieId = ms.MovieId
    AND ms.MovieSessionId = b.MovieSessionId
    AND b.BookingId = sb.BookingId
    AND ms.DateOfSession = #2003/04/16 07:15:00 PM#;
    This query works fine. When I insert it into my code
    String query = "SELECT sb.SeatName \n" +
    "FROM SeatBooking sb, Movie m, MovieSession ms, Booking b \n" +
    "WHERE m.MovieId = ms.MovieId \n" +
    "AND ms.MovieSessionId = b.MovieSessionId \n" +
    "AND b.BookingId = sb.BookingId \n" +
    "AND ms.DateOfSession = #" +
    cp.getMovieSessionAt(i).getTrueTimeOfSession() + "#;";
    The last line of code returns #2003/04/16 07:15:00 PM#; Which is the exact same as in Access.
    To rule out some possibilities
    - there are other less complicated queries which access the same database but work fine. so my code seems to be ok
    - I have tried to use Format() on ms.DateOfSession to match the return value of the java statement (Which is a general date in Access in the format of 16/04/2003 7:15:00 PM)
    Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    Hi Simon,
    On my Windows XP system with J2SE SDK version 1.4.1_02 and Micro$oft Access 2002, I have the following table:
    column name    column type
    id             Number
    name           Text
    updated        Date/TimeUsing the JDBC-ODBC bridge driver (that is part of the J2SE distribution), the following code uses the JDBC "escape" syntax -- and it works.
    import java.sql.*;
    public class JdbcOdbc {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        Connection dbConn = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Statement stmt = null;
        String sql =
          "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE updated = {ts '2003-04-13 07:53:23'}";
        try {
          dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:db1");
          stmt = dbConn.createStatement();
          rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
          if (rs.next()) {
            System.out.println("id      = " + rs.getInt(1));
            System.out.println("name    = " + rs.getString(2));
            System.out.println("updated = " + rs.getTimestamp(3));
        catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
          System.err.println("Database operation failed.");
        catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfEx) {
          System.err.println("JDBC driver class not found");
        finally {
          if (rs != null) {
            try {
            catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
              System.err.println("ERROR: Failed to close result set");
          if (stmt != null) {
            try {
            catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
              System.err.println("ERROR: Failed to close statement");
          if (dbConn != null) {
            try {
            catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
              System.err.println("ERROR: Failed to close DB connection");
    }More details about the JDBC escape syntax are available here:
    Hope this helps you.
    Good Luck,

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