Querying a DBXML from Within

I am relatively new to the concept of DBXML, but am loving every bit of it, especially our project is SOA based.
My Question is that we can do this in shell
dbxml>q 'collection()//x/string()'
now what I want to ask is that, is there a way to store the Queries in kind of an XML file contained in a container using putdocument() such that we could do something like
The Query.xml file
the query in shell as
dbxml> q 'let $i:=collection//q/string()
return execute($i)'
or something like that.
Meaning the queries are stored in the DBXML container itself and are looked up as required and then executed, something like a view or Stored procedure functionality, so that we can keep these query files in container itself for better maintainability and manageability.

Storing the queries as metadata inside a container may provide the functionality that you want. Metadata is information related in some way to a document but maintained separately.
The string that represents the query can be stored as metadata for a dedicated document (this document can be an empty one, as it doesn't need to contain any information) that represent the query. You can retrieve the query string than use it to subsequently perform the get operations you want. The dbxml shell is somehow limited in that it doesn't allow you to redirect and execute the query represented by the string result of a previous query (contextQuery is used to query against the last results as the context item). So, you can implement this programmatically using one of the APIs available.
Or you may want to store all your queries in a separate dedicated container.
A short example in the dbxml shell would be:
- store a query as metadata for an empty document inside the container:
dbxml> setMetadata q1 "" querystring string "collection()//x/string()"
- retrieve the query from the q1 document's metadata:
dbxml> query "doc('container.dbxml/q1')/dbxml:metadata('querystring')"
- programmatically you would use the stored query and execute it against the container; this could will imply XmlManager::query, XmlResults::next, XmlValue::asString and another XmlManager::query call, or alternatively using XmlQueryExpression::execute.

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    Within PL/SQL code, the results of a query have to be returned from the SQL engine to the PL/SQL engine, hence why it is asking you to include an INTO within your query. Note that the PL/SQL engine is running on the database server so it has no interface to display output to. To output from within PL/SQL you would have to write the data out yourself to whatever output you want e.g. use DBMS_OUTPUT to put the data to the standard output buffer (which can then be read by SQL*Plus if serveroutput is set to "on") or written out to a file on the server, or written out to a table.
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    What version of forms do you use? If you use forms 6i, take a look at the EXEC_SQL package. You can access oracle databases and ODBC databases (using OCA) independently of the main database connection -- well, I never tried but that is what the documentation says.
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    from fee_component a, fee b, license c
    where a.acctfee_id = b.acctfee_id
    and b.license_id = c.license_id
    and b.fee_status = 'U'
    and c.client_id = :P301_CLIENT_ID
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    CONTRACT_ID : 2,Numeric,Right
    PV_ID : 1,Numeric,Mask(0000)
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    You could build the select statement within PL/SQL and open it using a cursor variable. You could write it to a file using the package 'UTL_FILE'. If you want to display the output using SQL*Plus, you could have an out parameter as a ref cursor.

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    Ryan, Try to search for the topic posted couple a days back. All you have to do is search for Performance word.
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    Posted: Jul 25, 2005
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    Query cannot be parsed within the Builder. If you believe your query is syntactically correct, check the ''generic columns'' checkbox below the region source to proceed without parsing. The query can not be parsed, the cursor is not yet open or a function returning a SQL query returned without a value.
    v_sql varchar2(4000);
    pshub varchar(15) := 'P29_HUB';
    Can someone please advise.

    As I see in the query(v_sql) , you missed the quotes ;
    Try this now :
    v_sql varchar2(4000);
    pshub varchar(15) := 'P29_HUB';

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    Thanks in advance,
    This is the calling code that executes in the node where the primary object is:
    public class ExternalPropertiesUpdateProcessor extends AbstractProcessor implements PortableObject {
    public Object process(InvocableMap.Entry entry) {
    Session session = null;
    if (entry.isPresent()) {
    session = (Session) entry.getValue();
    NamedCache cidCache = CacheFactory.getCache("cidCache");
    Long oldCid = new Long(97);
    CidConversion cidCon = (CidConversion) cidCache.get(oldCid); // * it fails here with above exception!
    entry.setValue(session); // make session changes durable in cache
    return session;
    Edited by: [email protected] on Dec 10, 2009 9:35 AM

    Ben Stopford wrote:
    Hi Rob
    You mention:
    If you call back to the same cache service via an invocation service, you still risk a deadlock or a livelock due to thread-pool depletion. It looks like it is working, then you may run into the problem. It is not 100% safe.which sparked my interest. Would you mind elaborating a little further. I'd always assumed that the threadpools for separate services were independent and thus there was no chance of deadlock from cross-service calls such as this.
    Thanks in advance
    BenHi Ben,
    as I mentioned, it can cause a problem if you indirectly call back to a service which was on the call stack.
    Let's see an example:
    You send an entry processor to a cache in service A, which synchronously (with the query() method) calls to Invocation service I in which the invocable agent sends an entry-processor to service A (again) targeted to an entry on the same node.
    Let's for the sake of the simplicity of the example suppose service A has a thread pool of size 2.
    You send two such entry-processors on entries residing in the same node.
    We now have a possible deadlock. If both entry-processors entered the first process() method (doesn't matter what entry as long as they are on the same node), they can both proceed into the invocation service call, but from that none of them can proceed further to the inner invoke() call, because there are no more free threads in service A!!! Poof, deadlock, both threads will wait until a thread becomes available... and none will become available because none of the service calls can proceed.
    Of course, starting with 3.5 the Guardian will kill one of the threads (at least), and in earlier version it will also time out, but the point is that they will not be able to complete in this scenario.
    Best regards,

  • Calling a Member Function from within a Cursor in a Procedure

    Hello Folks
    I'm a newbie to oracle and am in the process of learning 10G. My question is:
    I created a type called row_po and defined a member function getCost() which returns the total cost of the order with line items as nested table, which i intend to call from within a procedure. In the procedure my SELECT returns multiple records and hence I need to use a cursor. For each record I've got to display the order_no, qty and order_cost (qty and order_cost are part of a line items nested table). I'm able to get to the order_no and qty but don't know how to call the member function to get the order_cost. Here's my procedure:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_podet(part_num in number)
    CURSOR c2 is
    SELECT *
    FROM tab_po po, TABLE (po.LineItemList_nestab) L
    WHERE L.PartNo = part_num;
    FOR crec in c2 LOOP
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('LINE QTY: ' || crec.Qty);
    {color:#ff0000}*DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ORDER VALUE: ' || ''); -- order_cost which should be returned from the member function i've mentioned --*
    {color}END LOOP;
    The line in red is where i want to call my function getCost() which is a member of tab_po po as mentioned in my SELECT.
    Any thoughts highly appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards

    One way would be to just run the query in a editor (sqlplus or toad) and see whats the column name.
    Before that can you show us the structure of the type.
    If you declare a table type without an object then the default column name is COLUMN_VALUE else the object filed name is taken.
    Example without object in table type.
    SQL> create or replace type tbl as table of integer
      2  /
    Type created.
    SQL> create or replace function fn return tbl
      2  as
      3     ltbl tbl;
      4  begin
      5     select level bulk collect into ltbl
      6       from dual
      7    connect by level <= 10;
      9     return ltbl;
    10  end;
    11  /
    Function created.
    SQL> select * from table(fn)
      2  /
    10 rows selected.
    Example with object in table type.
    SQL> create or replace type obj as object(no integer)
      2  /
    Type created.
    SQL> create or replace type tbl as table of obj
      2  /
    Type created.
    SQL> edit
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create or replace function fn return tbl
      2  as
      3     ltbl tbl;
      4  begin
      5     select obj(level) bulk collect into ltbl
      6       from dual
      7    connect by level <= 10;
      8     return ltbl;
      9* end;
    10  /
    Function created.
    SQL> select * from table(fn)
      2  /
    10 rows selected.Edited by: Karthick_Arp on Jan 13, 2009 5:00 AM

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