Questin on query

hi all,
how to transfer data between xml file and oracle

You should use dbms_xmlquery package that is part of oracle. You can refer on how to use this package from the otn documentation for dbms_xmlquery and dbms_xmlsave. It helps load the xml as well as query the xml as a table output which you can insert into your desired table.
there are tons of sites that have examples. Just google for it. there is a lot to write .. Hoep I gave you a head start.

Similar Messages

  • I need a Small FMS query.

    i need a small fms query i am not able to do it.
    what is my requirement is
    i create one Udf field which is amount type at sales order rows.
    and in item master i enter some values at factor1 under sales data.
    when ever i pick the item at sales order row level..
    i need a calculation like
    row level i enter like this
    itemcode      manual price(udffield)
    001                  25
    001  is having factor1 value at item master is 5
    then i need calculation like
    select ((t2.SalFactor1 *100/100)*(t1.U_Manpric)) as ManualPrice from ordr t0 inner join rdr1 t1 on t0.docentry = t1.docentry inner join oitm t2 on t2.itemcode = t1.itemcode where t2.ItemCode ='00201010001'
    i need above calculation
    i tried
    select ((t2.SalFactor1 *100/100)*($[$t1.U_Manpric.0.0])) as ManualPrice from ordr t0 inner join rdr1 t1 on t0.docentry = t1.docentry inner join oitm t2 on t2.itemcode = t1.itemcode where t2.ItemCode ='00201010001'
    but not working
    Any information plz update me.

    Kenady t
    thanks for your reply.
    if i press picker it is showing nothing i mean   no error is comming
    values is 0.0  is coming.
    if i press that line i mean i just put the cursor on the line empty line if i open the query at user defined query
    no data was found coming..
    may i know why it is comming
    if i see the item master it is having factor 1
    why it is comming i dont know.
    i am checking diff diff scenario
    i have some questins
    1) is the item should have instock
        i was thought earlier this is problem 
        but some items are having stock but still above problem is comming
    2) if the item is belongs to service , is above will work.
        i think it should work.
       but in that point also i am checking.
       plz update me what's wrong..

  • Error while running a query-Input for variable 'Posting Period is invalid

    Hi All,
    NOTE: This error is only cropping up when I input 12 in the posting period variable selection. If I put in any other value from 1-11 I am not getting any errors. Any ideas why this might be happening?
    I am getting the following error when I try and run a query - "Input for variable 'Posting Period (Single entry, mandatory)' is invalid" - On further clicking on this error the message displayed is as follows -
    Variable Posting Period (Single Value Entry, Mandatory) is used as a lower limit (X) and an upper limit () in an interval selection. This limit has the value #.
    System Response
    Enter a different value for variable Posting Period (Single Value Entry, Mandatory). If the value of the other limit is determined by another variable, you can change its value also.
    Procedure for System Administration

    Well, if the variable is not used in any interval selection, then I would say "something happened to it".
    I would make a copy of the query and run it to check if I get the same problem with period 12.
       -> If not, something is wrong in the original query (you can proceed as below, if changes to original are permitted).
    If so, then try removing the variable completely from the query and hardcode restriction to 12.
       -> If problem still persists, I would have to do some thinking.
    If problem is gone, then add the variable again. Check.
       -> If problem is back, then the variable "is sick". Only quick thing to do, is to build an identical variable and use that one.
    If problem also happens with the new variable, then it's time to share this experience with someone else and consider raising an OSS.
    Good luck!
    P.S: what fisc year variant are you using?
    Edited by: Jacob Jansen on Jan 25, 2010 8:36 PM

  • Logical database in adhoc query

    Hello All,
    Can anyone tell me what is the logical database in adhoc query?

    When you create a query , you have to select an infoset. Infoset can be considered as a source from which data is populated in the Query Fields.
    Infosets are created from Transaction SQ02.
    There can be four methods through which an Infoset can become a source of data:
    1.  Table join ( By joining two or more tables from Data dictionary)
         example: Joining tables PA0001 and PA0006 on Pernr to get a one resultant dataset
    2. Direct read of Basis Table ( Like PA0001 as a source for data in Infoset )
    3. Logical Database ( A Pre-written Program by SAP that extract data from clusters, tables taking care of authorizations and validity periods)
    Example : Logical database PNP, PNPCE (Concurrent Employement),PCH ( LDB for Personnel Development Data)
    Custom Logical DBs can be created in T_Code SE-36.
    4. Data Retrieval by a Program ( Custom code written by ABAP developers which will collect and process data) . This program has a corresponding Structure in data dictionary and the fields of this structure will be used in query)
    Reward Points, if helpful.
    Waseem Imran

  • Query help on Goods Receipt Query with AP Invoice

    Looking for a little help on a query.  I would like to list all the goods receipts for a given date range and then display the AP Invoice information (if its been copied to an AP Invoice).  I think my problem is in my where clause, I plagerized an SAP query to show GR and AP from a PO as a start.  SBO 2005 SP01.  Any help would be great appreciated.  Thanks
    SELECT distinct 'GR',
    D0.DocNum ,
    I0.DocNum ,
    ((OPDN  D0 inner Join PDN1 D1 on D0.DocEntry = D1.DocEntry)
    full outer join
    (OPCH I0 inner join PCH1 I1 on I0.DocEntry = I1.DocEntry)
    on (I1.BaseType=20 AND D1.DocEntry = I1.BaseEntry AND D1.LineNum=I1.BaseLine))
    (D1.BaseType=22 AND D1.DocDate>='[%0]' AND D1.DocDate<='[%1]')
    OR (I1.BaseType=20 AND I1.BaseEntry IN
    (SELECT Distinct DocEntry
    FROM PDN1 WHERE BaseType=22 AND DocDate>='[%0]' AND DocDate<='[%1]'))

    Hi Dalen ,
    I  believe it is because of the condition
    (D1.BaseType=22 AND D1.DocDate>='%0' AND D1.DocDate<='%1')
    OR (I1.BaseType=20 AND I1.BaseEntry IN
    (SELECT Distinct DocEntry FROM PDN1 WHERE PDN1.BaseType=22 AND DocDate>='%0' AND DocDate<='%1'))
    Try changing
    D1.BaseType=22 OR D1.DocDate>='%0' AND D1.DocDate<='%1
    PDN1.BaseType=22 OR DocDate>='%0' AND DocDate<='%1'))
    Lets see what would be the result . Lets have some fun with troubleshooting
    See what would be the difference in the result .
    Thank you

  • Can you check for data in one table or another but not both in one query?

    I have a situation where I need to link two tables together but the data may be in another (archive) table or different records are in both but I want the latest record from either table:
    AccountID     Name   
    123               John Doe
    124               Jane Donaldson           
    125               Harold Douglas    
    Key     AccountID     Marketer    StartDate     EndDate
    1001     123               10526          8/3/2008     9/27/2009
    1017     123               10987          9/28/2009     12/31/4712    (high date ~ which means currently with this marketer)
    1023     124               10541          12/03/2010     12/31/4712
    Key     AccountID     Marketer    StartDate     EndDate
    1015     124               10526          8/3/2008     12/02/2010
    1033     125               10987         01/01/2011     01/31/2012  
    So my query needs to return the following:
    123     John Doe                        10526     8/3/2008     9/27/2009
    124     Jane Donaldson             10541     12/03/2010     12/31/4712     (this is the later of the two records for this account between archive and marketer_account tables)
    125     Harold Douglas               10987          01/01/2011     01/31/2012     (he is only in archive, so get this record)
    I'm unsure how to proceed in one query.  Note that I am reading in possibly multiple accounts at a time and returning a collection back to .net
    open CURSOR_ACCT
              select AccountID
                     ACCOUNT A,
                     MARKETER_ACCOUNT M,
                     ARCHIVE R
               where A.AccountID = nvl((select max(M.EndDate) from Marketer_account M2
                                                    where M2.AccountID = A.AccountID),
                                                      (select max(R.EndDate) from Archive R2
                                                    where R2.AccountID = A.AccountID)
                   and upper(A.Name) like parameter || '%'
    <can you do a NVL like this?   probably not...   I want to be able to get the MAX record for that account off the MarketerACcount table OR the max record for that account off the Archive table, but not both>
    (parameter could be "DO", so I return all names starting with DO...)

    if I understand your description I would assume that for John Dow we would expect the second row from marketer_account  ("high date ~ which means currently with this marketer"). Here is a solution with analytic functions:
    drop table account;
    drop table marketer_account;
    drop table marketer_account_archive;
    create table account (
        id number
      , name varchar2(20)
    insert into account values (123, 'John Doe');
    insert into account values (124, 'Jane Donaldson');
    insert into account values (125, 'Harold Douglas');
    create table marketer_account (
        key number
      , AccountId number
      , MktKey number
      , FromDt date
      , ToDate date
    insert into marketer_account values (1001, 123, 10526, to_date('03.08.2008', ''), to_date('27.09.2009', ''));
    insert into marketer_account values (1017, 123, 10987, to_date('28.09.2009', ''), to_date('31.12.4712', ''));
    insert into marketer_account values (1023, 124, 10541, to_date('03.12.2010', ''), to_date('31.12.4712', ''));
    create table marketer_account_archive (
        key number
      , AccountId number
      , MktKey number
      , FromDt date
      , ToDate date
    insert into marketer_account_archive values (1015, 124, 10526, to_date('03.08.2008', ''), to_date('02.12.2010', ''));
    insert into marketer_account_archive values (1033, 125, 10987, to_date('01.01.2011', ''), to_date('31.01.2012', ''));
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
         , max(FromDt) over(partition by AccountId) max_FromDt
      from marketer_account
    union all
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
         , max(FromDt) over(partition by AccountId) max_FromDt
      from marketer_account_archive;
    basedata as (
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
      from marketer_account
    union all
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
      from marketer_account_archive
    basedata_with_max_intervals as (
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
         , row_number() over(partition by AccountId order by FromDt desc) FromDt_Rank
      from basedata
    filtered_basedata as (
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate from basedata_with_max_intervals where FromDt_Rank = 1
         , b.MktKey
         , b.FromDt
         , b.ToDate
      from account a
      join filtered_basedata b
        on ( = b.AccountId)
    ID NAME                     MKTKEY FROMDT     TODATE
    123 John Doe                  10987 28.09.2009 31.12.4712
    124 Jane Donaldson            10541 03.12.2010 31.12.4712
    125 Harold Douglas            10987 01.01.2011 31.01.2012
    If your tables are big it could be necessary to do the filtering (according to your condition) in an early step (the first CTE).

  • Query help : Query to get values SYSDATE-1 18:00 hrs to SYSDATE 08:00 hrs

    Hi Team
    I want the SQl query to get the data for the following comparison : -
    Order Created is a Date Column , and i want to find out all the values from (SYSDATE-1) 18:00 hours to SYSDATE 08:00 hours
    (SYSDATE-1) 18:00:00 < Order.Created < SYSDATE 08:00:00.

    Hi, Rohit,
    942281 wrote:
    If i want the data in the below way i.e.
    from (SYSDATE-1) 18:00 hours to SYSDATE 17:59 hours ---> (SYSDATE-1) 18:00:00 < Order.Created < SYSDATE 07:59:00.If you want to include rows from exactly 18:00:00 yesterday (but no earlier), and exclude rows from exatly 08:00:00 today (or later), then use:
    WHERE   ord_dtl.submit_dt  >= TRUNC (SYSDATE) - (6 / 24)
    AND     ord_dtl.submit_dt  <  TRUNC (SYSDATE) + (8 / 24)
    So can i use the below format : -
    ord_dtl.submit_dt BETWEEN trunc(sysdate)-(6/24) and trunc(sysdate)+(7.59/24) . Please suggest . .59 hours is .59 * 60 * 60 = 2124 seconds (or .59 * 60 = 35.4 minutes), so the last time included in the range above is 07:35:24, not 07:59:59.
    If you really, really want to use BETWEEN (which includes both end points), then you could do it with date arithmentic:
    WHERE   ord_dtl.submit_dt  BETWEEN  TRUNC (SYSDATE) - (6 / 24)
                      AND         TRUNC (SYSDATE) + (8 / 24)
                                               - (1 / (24 * 60 * 60))but it would be simpler and less error prone to use INTERVALs, as Karthick suggested earlier:
    WHERE   ord_dtl.submit_dt  BETWEEN  TRUNC (SYSDATE) - INTERVAL '6' HOUR
                      AND         TRUNC (SYSDATE) + INTERVAL '8' HOUR
                                               - INTERVAL '1' SECONDEdited by: Frank Kulash on Apr 17, 2013 9:36 AM
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Apr 17, 2013 11:56 AM
    Changed "- (8 /24)" to "+ (8 /24)" in first code fragment (after Blushadown, below)

  • Query help, subtract two query parts

    I am beginner of PL/SQL and have a problem I couldn’t solve:
    Table (op_list):
    Item     -     Amount -     Status
    Item1     -     10     -     in
    Item2     -     12     -     in
    Item3     -     7     -     in
    Item1     -     2     -     out
    Item2     -     3     -     out
    Item1     -     1     -     dmg
    Item3     -     3     -     out
    Item1     -     2     -     out
    Item2     -     5     -     out
    Item2     -     2     -     in
    Item3     -     1     -     exp
    Would like to get result of query (subtract amount of 'out/dmg/exp' from 'in' ):
    Item - Amount left
    Item1     -     5
    Item2     -     6
    Item3 -     3
    I wrote code that returns sum of all incoming items and sum all out/dmg/exp items, but couldn’t solve how to subtract one part of querry from another. Or maybe there is a better way. Also worried what happens if there is no 'out/dmg/exp' only 'in'
    select, sum(op_list.item_amount)
    from op_list
    inner join item
    on op_list.item = item.item_id
    where op_list.status = 'in'
    group by
    select, sum(op_list.item_amount)
    from op_list
    inner join item
    on op_list.item = item.item_id
    where op_list.status = 'out'
    or op_list.status = 'dmg'
    or op_list.status = 'exp'
    group by
    Item1     -     10      [10 in]
    Item1     -     5     [2+1+2]
    Item2     -     14     [12+2]
    Item3     -     7
    Item3     -     4     [3+1]
    Thanks in advance

    We can also use simple inline views to get what we need.
    select a.item,a.amount-b.amount Balance from
    (select item,sum(amount) Amount from op_list
    where status = 'in'
    group by item) a,
    (select item,sum(amount) Amount from op_list
    where status in ('out','dmg','exp')
    group by item) b
    order by item;
    ITEM       BALANCE
    Item1                      5
    Item2                      6
    Item3                      3Regards,

  • Query help: query to return column that represents multiple rows

    I have a table with a name and location column. The same name can occur multiple times with any arbitrary location, i.e. duplicates are allowed.
    I need a query to find all names that occur in both of two separate locations.
    For example,
    bob usa
    bob mexico
    dot mexico
    dot europe
    hal usa
    hal europe
    sal usa
    sal mexico
    The query in question, if given the locations usa and mexico, would return bob and sal.
    Thanks for any help or advice,

    How about this?
    WHERE   LOCATION IN ('usa','mexico')
    SQL> WITH person_locations AS
      2  (
      4          SELECT 'bob' AS NAME, 'Mexico' AS LOCATION FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      5          SELECT 'dot' AS NAME, 'Mexico' AS LOCATION FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      6          SELECT 'dot' AS NAME, 'Europe' AS LOCATION FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      8          SELECT 'hal' AS NAME, 'Europe' AS LOCATION FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    10          SELECT 'sal' AS NAME, 'Mexico' AS LOCATION FROM DUAL
    11  )
    12  SELECT  NAME
    13  FROM    person_locations
    14  WHERE   LOCATION IN ('USA','Mexico')
    17  /
    Edited by: Centinul on Oct 15, 2009 2:25 PM
    Added sample results.

  • QUERY HELP!!! trying to create a query

    i'm creating a summary report
    i have a table with sale dates
    for example i have a table tab_1 and column saleDate as
    saleDate contains years and there are some missing years where no sale
    was made
    My report has to display years starting from earliest year
    so i have to create a query that starts with 1923
    but the problem is that I have to have years that are not in table.
    for example i have to display years 1924 which is not in table
    so the part of report has to look like
    1923 blah blah summary.........
    1924 "
    upto current year (2006 may not be in the table, but i have to display)
    i just need to know the query that can query all the years starting from
    the ealiest saleDate to current year
    thanks in advance

    Please write the query in the following form:
    SELECT a.year, --- place other columns from your table.
    FROM (SELECT (:start_num + rownum) year
    FROM all_tab_columns
    WHERE :start_num + rownum <= :end_num) a,
    tab_1 b
    WHERE a.year = b.saleDat(+);
    1) if your start year and end year are 1923 and 2006. Then input as below:
    :start_num = 1922
    :end_num = 2006
    2) Since for some of the years (1924 etc) may not be there in your so you may need to use NVL to print proper indicators.
    3) If you have more than one record in tab_1 for a particular year then group them based year and then use it.
    Hope this helps.
    - Saumen.

  • IF statement in Query

    I have a query / recordset that  would be looking at 12000 rows in a database and 10 different variables and potential filters chosen by end users.
    Should I put 10 wild card / url Where statements in my recordset query or should I put IF statements in my query.
    If URL colname then ",and BetType= "xzz"" .
    Is that the most efficient way to run my queries.
    I will be running about 10 recordsets on my page all looking at these url variables so it will be a busy page.
    If that is the answer can someone please tell me how to insert the if statement - i've tried allsorts but it wont work.
    $colname_Recordset4 = "%";
    if (isset($_GET['colname'])) {
      $colname_Recordset4 = $_GET['colname'];
    mysql_select_db($database_racing_analysis, $racing_analysis);
    $query_Recordset4 = sprintf("SELECT BetType, sum(if(season='2006-2007', Bet, 0)) AS '2006-2007',  sum(if(season='2007-2008', Bet, 0)) AS '2007-2008',  sum(if(season='2008-2009', Bet, 0)) AS '2008-2009' FROM dataextract WHERE BetType Like %s and TrackID = 1 and Distance = 1000 and Class = 1 GROUP BY BetType", GetSQLValueString($colname_Recordset4, "text"));
    $Recordset4 = mysql_query($query_Recordset4, $racing_analysis) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_Recordset4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset4);
    $totalRows_Recordset4 = mysql_num_rows($Recordset4);
    hope someone can help.

    That part of the query cross tabs my data into three columns - not intended to confuse the issue. I'd have the same problem with a basic query.
    So Here is a very basic version:
    I want an IF statement to go around: "WHERE Distance = 1000" and "AND Class = 1"
    That I believe will reduce the effort on the MYSQL Server as it wouldn't be running a bunch of wild card queries and would only run if there is a URL paramter delivered.??
    I just don't get how to put the IF statements in PHP.
    $maxRows_Recordset3 = 5;
    $pageNum_Recordset3 = 0;
    if (isset($_GET['pageNum_Recordset3'])) {
      $pageNum_Recordset3 = $_GET['pageNum_Recordset3'];
    $startRow_Recordset3 = $pageNum_Recordset3 * $maxRows_Recordset3;
    mysql_select_db($database_racing_analysis, $racing_analysis);
    $query_Recordset3 = "SELECT * FROM dataextract WHERE Distance = 1000 AND Class = 1";
    $query_limit_Recordset3 = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_Recordset3, $startRow_Recordset3, $maxRows_Recordset3);
    $Recordset3 = mysql_query($query_limit_Recordset3, $racing_analysis) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_Recordset3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset3);
    if (isset($_GET['totalRows_Recordset3'])) {
      $totalRows_Recordset3 = $_GET['totalRows_Recordset3'];
    } else {
      $all_Recordset3 = mysql_query($query_Recordset3);
      $totalRows_Recordset3 = mysql_num_rows($all_Recordset3);
    $totalPages_Recordset3 = ceil($totalRows_Recordset3/$maxRows_Recordset3)-1;

  • IF and ABS condition statement in BEX query designer

    I would like to ask the best way for me to produce an acceptable result from Excel IF and ABS Condition statement.
    The condition statement that I have on my Excel file is
    I'm trying multiple times to reproduce this in BEX Query designer, unfortunately I'm getting a bad result or unacceptable formula.
    Anyone who could help me with my issue?

    Hi Arnold,
    Thank you,

  • Text value is not getting displayed in Query designer !!

    Dear experts..,
    i have created a new query in query designer using my info provider and then selected one field in default value and then trying to restrict that particular field while selecting the restriction in query designer am getting the exact text value but after generating the report instead of text value , key value is getting how can i get text instead of key value??
    please help me friends....
    i have posted in OSS mesage also...i got a reply like...even i didnt understand his reply too...what he is trying to say?
    whether can i get text display or not???
    can any one help me in this regard???
    SAP Reply----
    Hello kumar,
    After another analysis I have to inform you about general concept of
    "compounded characteristics".
    A compounded characteristic bounds two characteristics. The technical
    name is generated by both technical names of the two characteristics
    combined by two underlines "__".
    An individual text is only available for one single combination of both
    Compounded characteristic "Famous family name" is a combination of
    characteristic "COUNTRY" & "ETHNIC". Technical name: COUNTRY__ETHNIC
    Values for Country: USA, Australia
    Values for Ethnic: Asian, Latino
    Possible value combinations with individual text:
    USA & Asian; text: "Ling"
    USA & Latino; text: "Sanchez"
    Australia & Asian; text: "Chu"
    Australia & Latino; text: "Garcia"
    (Keep in mind the individual text only valid for the specific
    In analogy to the issue that you reported, you want to restrict this
    compounded characteristic. In the window where you select the restrictedvalue (called Selector) you'll see on the left hand side all available
    combinations of the characters with an individual text.
    You select family name "Chu" and drag'n'drop it to the right side.
    Actually you can only restrict the right compounded characteristic. In
    our example you would restrict on characteristic "ETHNIC" with value
    "Asian". (When you switch on technical names this comes more clear). Thetext "Chu" is displayed in the context of Selector because you selected
    value combination Australia & Asian. But in the end it's just a
    placeholder(!) for any combination of characteristic "ETHNIC" and value
    #Asian#; in our example it could be USA & Asian "Ling" or Australia &
    Asian "Chu").
    By leaving the Selector the individual text is gone because now the
    context is lost between the two characteristics. You have just a
    restriction on characteristic "ETHNIC" with value "Asian". An individualtext can't be displayed because the compounded characteristic is not
    specified for this restriction.
    You're right, it is confusing when "loosing" the text of a restriction.
    But accoring to the concepts of the compounded characteristics it
    is a correct behavior.

    Hi anandkumar,
    I belive this issue can be resolved by changing the  Query proprties for the perticular field.
    Kindly check the Field proerties in query designer and ensure that Text is enabled ather than Key.
    __Field property check up:__Go to query designer->click onn the field-> Right hand side in properties click on display tab-> select Text in drop down menu of Display as tab.
    FURTHER CHECK UP: check the master data avaiulability for the perticular info object, if masterdata is not available, do the text data for txt data availability in report level.
    Hope this helps you!!
    Best Regards,

  • Master data is not getting displayed in the Query Designer

    I have a DSO in which I have an InfoObject called Emp No. in the Data Field.
    The Emp.No is being maintained as master with (Emp Name, Address, Telephone No, DOB) as attributes.
    I have loaded the data in the Emp. No. master. Then tried loading the transaction data in DSO.
    The Emp.No is there in the DSO active data, but in the query designer its not getting displayed.
    Hope its clear.
    Please help.

    I have brought the Emp. No. in the Key Field and also have activate the master data again.
    Yet my Query Designer doesn't have the Emp. No.
    I have done a full load for both Master and Transaction.
    Please advice me what the other alternative.

  • A keyfigure is not getting displayed in the DSO and query

    hi friends,
    i have newly developed a DSO with 11 keyfigures and with some 10 characteristics. i created DTP , transformations etc., and i loaded data into it and activated it succesfully.
    now when i select  display data of this DSO one of my keygure is not getting displayed.
    even tht same keyfigure is not appearing in the query  too.
    but when  i check the active table of this dso in SE11 , tht keyfigure is displayed with values.
    could anyone help through this issue.

    Even I faced such an issue earlier. I could resolve it simply by readjusting the DSO i.e. to delete the keyfigure and add it in the structure once again, before this you have to delete the data in the DSO. Also, if you have a multiprovider on the DSO make sure that the keyfigure concerned is identified.
    Let us know if this works for you. Thanks.

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