Question about Blog 4360 - Email reporting

Blog: /people/community.user/blog/2006/09/07/email-reporting
The Blog deals with a xml file as source object. Is it possible to use an Idoc ORDRSP as Source ? IF yes what is to be changed in the xsl mapping.
1. xsl mapping
<xsl:template match="/">
   <ns1:Mail xmlns:ns1="">
what is to be changed in the <ns1:...> ?
2.   <xsl:for-each select="ns0:MT_Source/row">
what is to be changed for that "ns0:MT_Source/row" ?
my field is located in <E1EDKA1>....
Thank You very much,

Hi Gurus,
             im workin in isu scenarios,How to generate BIW reports using ABAP reports..please kindly give bit clear picture on this..
               with regards

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    Go to Solution.

    Thank you ver much for your kind responses.
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    The appearance of your main blog page is controlled by BlogName.css which you'll find at iDisk/Web/Sites/iWeb/SiteName/BlogName/BlogName_files. You'll need to open BlogName.css in a text editor (TextEdit is OK provided you have it set to 'Ignore rich text commands in HTML files' on the Open and Save pane in TextEdit Preferences, or you can use TextWrangler, available free from Bare Bones Software).
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    Delete the email account and reboot phone (Restart iPhone: Hold down the Sleep/Wake button until the red slider appears. Slide your finger across the slider to turn off iPhone. To turn iPhone back on, hold down the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.)  Then reenter email details and see if that makes a difference

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    Kind regards,

    Thank you.
    Kind regards,

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    Hopefully I can answer some of your questions below:
    1.  Email reports, here's a good script that can tell how many emails a user has sent/received in a particular time frame, take a look at this:
    As far as unattended (I'm assuming you mean unread) emails and response time to emails, there is no automated function that can tell you that.  You would have to search message tracking logs to see when one email is received by a user, and then see
    if/when they replied to it.
    2.  To have any type of automation on unread emails and a notification back to the sender, I doubt that's possible.  Also, that could potentially generate a ton of unnecessary email traffic on your network (for example, I get TONS of alert/notification
    emails daily, and don't always read them, having Exchange try to track all of that, and notify the sender of unread messages after 7 days would be a lot to put on exchange).  I would look into read and delivery receipts that users can use to track this
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    3.  If you want to put a user's mailbox in a state that they cannot delete anything, either implement Journaling for your entire Exchange Org ( or if you're interested in doing this
    type of thing per mailbox, I would use the:
    Set-Mailbox -Identity <userID> -litigationholdenabled $true
    Hope this helps!

  • About the bar code report in printer server

    I have a question about the bar code report in printer server, i can do the bar code report in my local computer ,
    but it can't be work when put it into the printer server ,
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    REP-110: can't open the file 'null'.
    REP-1070: it have a error when it open or sqve the document.
    REP-0110: can't open the file 'null'.
    I had study the document orbr_barcode.pdf before,
    and I do something below:
    1. copy a new oraclebarcode.jar into my computer.
    add a new path that the oraclebarcode.jar was.
    3. import java class
    4. new PACKAGE globals IS
    bcobj ora_java.jobject;
    barcode_to_use varchar(256);
    tempdir varchar(100);
    directory_sep varchar(2);
    5.modify function BeforeReport return boolean is
    globals.barcode_to_use := BarCodeConstants.BAR_CODE_39;
    globals.bcobj :=;
    return (TRUE);
    6. new Formula in the DataModel, and set to image,
    function CF_barCodeFormula return VARCHAR2 is
    myfilename varchar2(500);
    result varchar2(500);
    barcodeData VarChar2(500) := :ast_no;
    myFileName := srw.create_temporary_filename;
    myFileName := barcodeData;
    barcodemaker.setFullPath(globals.bcobj, myFileName);
    It's success when I build a bar code report in local computer,
    but I copy the oraclebarcode.jar into printer server and chage the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLEHOME1\REPORTS_CLASSPATH, but it get the error message ...
    Please help me , I try it so many times and it still fail,
    your sincerely ,
    Hsiu-Chen, Yeh

    Dear Ph.
    sorry ...
    I can understand your command : the engine element in the server config file.
    can you Please explain this command more detail to me, Please.
    I deeply appreciated your kindness.
    Hsiu-chen, Yeh

  • Question about PL/SQL Function in report

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    return username from t1
    where username like 'Le%'
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    Hi Sergio,
    First, it's an honor to have you reply to my post. Thanks!
    To be more specific,
    T1 is a table containing the results from a user security scan. Username is a column in this table containing user names. What I have done is create a page in HTML DB with the following elements:
    1. An 'Item' containing the PL/SQL function that is hidden. The purpose of this Item is to generate information from T1 that meets the simple logic parameters - in this case, the user names that begin with "Le". I have called this Item P145_TT
    2. A 'Process' containing references to HTMLDB_MAIL. The 'Process' looks similar to this:
    P_TO => '[email protected]',
    P_FROM => 'Anon Email Account',
    P_BODY => 'Note: This message was automatically generated. Do not attempt to reply to this email.
    These are the users that begin with Le: '||:P145_TT||' ',
    P_SUBJ => 'Summary');
    3. A 'Button' to submit the process and (hopefully) send the message containing all users that adhere to the logic in the function.
    4. If I use 'return username from t1...' I will get a username generated, but like I said previously, it only gives me the first and does not loop.

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    For the ones that give you an option, select the option you want (keep on the Mac or Delete). For the ones that are simply warning you, click on Delete from Mac.
    They will all come back when you sign back on, since all you did was change your existing Apple ID to a new email address. It's the same iCloud account, just with a different name.
    It's the only way to get your updated ID signed onto iCloud.

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    Question about email setting: how  do i change the setting so i need to login to check my email. Currently it automatically come to the inbox without the need to log in.

    You don't. Email comes in either by push or when you invoke the email app. Ther is no password except when you first set up the account. If your iPad is not being used as your personal device and you need to shield emails from other users, then don't use the email app.  Instead, use web mail if available from your provider.

  • Question about reports in sap fs-cd

    Dear all,
    I have got a question about SAP FS-CD (collection and disbursement)
    If I make changes to the master data (FPP2) is there a way to view the changes I have made in a report.
    It is possible to view the changes via tables but I was wondering if there is a standard transcation code in SAP-CD to view the changes

    You can find it in Information system from easy menu
    under this check for masters, you can find a report.
    Murali. N

Maybe you are looking for