Question about iBooks

well, i have an ipod touch 32gb 3rd gen with iOS 4 and i've downloaded the ibooks app but when i browse in the ibookstore none of the books have any artwork. My question is if this is because i'm in ecuador (south america) and i have an ecuadorian Apple ID and all of the books from the ecuadorian ibookstore don't have artworks?? or this is caused by a bug of the ibooks app?? or something else?? Thanks for your help and sorry for my english as i said i'm ecuadorian and my first language is spanish.

The largest free book provider is gutenberg project which doesn't provide unique artwork just the title name. You could find unique artwork using the internet after syncing your books back to itunes. You could replace the artwork like you do when adding artwork to a song. This is what I've done.

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    iBook G4 800   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Andrew, if you're booted from a Mac OS X 10.3.x (Panther) install disk, you should be able to open the Disk Utility from the Installer menu without actually installing Mac OS X. What does the Disk Utility tell you about your iBook's hard drive? Is the S.M.A.R.T. status failing? Are you able to "repair disk" and/or "repair disk permissions" on the hard drive? Have you run the Apple Hardware Test CD? Although it does seem to sound like a hard drive hardware issue, before you go about replacing the hard drive, it might be a good idea to go through these troubleshooting steps to eliminate things like a bad logic board first. What if you go about the cost and time to replace the hard drive but it's actually the ATA controller on the logic board that's the problem?

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    If the ibooks within the iBookstore are not free then yes they would show their price. Depending on which country you are in then you may only see (and therefore be able to download) free books - in order to sell more recent books (i.e. not older 'classics') Apple needs to be given permission by the copyrightholder/publisher to sell them in that country, so if they havn't been given permission they can't sell them.

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    iBook G4

    And You could take a look at the plug-ins to iMovie.
    - Stupendous software
    - GeeThree
    - cf/x.
    and possibly more.
    QT-pro can do this as said above - but You need to be very precise.
    But I would do this in FCP and then export as to do the rest in iMovie
    if necessary.
    Yours Bengt W

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    Hi Brandon,
    Welcome to the Discussions.
    Your iBook's power adapter is rated for 100-240v. All you need is an adapter for the plug so it will fit in a European outlet. You can find them at travel stores or online for a few dollars.

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    I've never been afraid to ask a stupid question; see how brave I am. 

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    iBook (14.1 LCD 900 MHz 32 VRAM)
    1.5 GHz PowerBook G4 | 2.1 GHz iMac G5 | 30GB 5th Gen. iPod   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Before you unplug it and start, assemble all your tools so you don't have to get up from your chair during the procedure. Sit down, touch any one of the metal rims around one of the rubber feet. Then unplug the adapter from the iBook and remove the battery.
    When you remove the keyboard, touch the RAM shield with the clip to make sure that you have equalized any static electricity.
    After you have removed the bottom case, you can attach the clip to the metal edge of the battery compartment.

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    You're fine right where you are.
    Freeing space on your Mac OS X startup disk
    Scroll down to where you see: Uninstall Mac OS 9

  • Possible newbe to Appleworld has 11 questions  about Ipad2

    Hello everybody,
    As a Windows user I am very interested in the Ipad 2 as so to become a member of the AppleWorld. But still I have some questions about the Ipad2 and hopefully somebody can help me with my questions:
    1) Is the only way to install the applications by using the Itunes Store? Or can it also be dragged and dropped and than installed like in Windows.
    2) If the anwser on the first question is "YES", what happens than if you install programs using Itunes and for some reason you have to format the Ipad? Do you have to download them again? Pay for them again? or is it something like the Wii, that you can download the payed ones so many times you want on the same Ipad?
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    5) I have read that it doesnñ´t support flash for example, so how cna you see Youtube movies or CNN reports on teh Ipad?
    6) The battery life is somewhat 10 hours, but as we know in life, all the batteries die after x years. Can you cange them by yourself? Or do you need to go to a Applestore and they change it? And if so, is it expensive?
    7) Can you just drag and drop your own MP3 collection on it?
    8) I have a PDA which I use with a GPS device (using Bluetooth), and using the program TomTom. Does the Ipad has a program similar as TomTom? Does anybody has had experience with it?
    9) I have in my home a private network using Wifi and cable. Can I connect an Ipad and then searching for excample my PC harddrive for a movie? Is that possible to link the world of Apple with the World of MS?
    10) Where can I take a look of all the Apps for the Ipad2? Do I first have to install Itunes, even if I do not have an Ipad2?
    11) My primary use for the Ipad will be: reading mail, surf the web, read PDf files and maybe see some videos. I suppose the Ipad2 can do all that (and more). I thought of the 32GB, should it be enough? I mean of the 32GB, what finally have you for using/storing?
    Many thx for helping me and I hope to be very soon a part of this "new" world for me.
    Message was edited by: DavidL_70

    DavidL_70 wrote:
    Hello everybody,
    As a Windows user I am very interested in the Ipad 2 as so to become a member of the AppleWorld. But still I have some questions about the Ipad2 and hopefully somebody can help me with my questions:
    1) Is the only way to install the applications by using the Itunes Store? Or can it also be dragged and dropped and than installed like in Windows.
    You download apps directly to the iPad from the App Store app which is preinstalled on the iPad. You can also download the apps in iTunes on your computer and then sync them to the iPad.
    2) If the anwser on the first question is "YES", what happens than if you install programs using Itunes and for some reason you have to format the Ipad? Do you have to download them again? Pay for them again? or is it something like the Wii, that you can download the payed ones so many times you want on the same Ipad?
    You do not have to "format" apps for the iPad if you download them in iTunes on your computer. If you purchase an app, if you need to download it again, there is no charge.
    3) Can you play normal DIVX movies on the Ipad or do you have to convert them to Mp4 always?
    Read the requirements on this link.
    4) Can you see normal PDF files or do they neede to be converted also?
    You can download iBooks in the App Store as a free download to view and save PDF files. If someone emails you a PDF, you will be able to open and read it in the Mail App once you set up your email.
    5) I have read that it doesnñ´t support flash for example, so how cna you see Youtube movies or CNN reports on teh Ipad?
    It does not support Flash. There is a preinstalled YouTube App on every iPad. Many websites are using html5 which makes a lot of video content available while surfing the web on an iPad.
    6) The battery life is somewhat 10 hours, but as we know in life, all the batteries die after x years. Can you
    cange them by yourself? Or do you need to go to a Applestore and they change it? And if so, is it expensive?
    You must have the battery replaced by Apple. I easily get 10-12 hours a day from a full charge. Read about the iPad battery care here.
    7) Can you just drag and drop your own MP3 collection on it?
    You sync music and other content from your iTunes library on your computer, so you will need to install iTunes on your computer. Your computer must meet minimum requirements which are detailed in the iPad specs website referred to above. This site will give you more information on iOS 4.2, the newest software on the iPad.
    8) I have a PDA which I use with a GPS device (using Bluetooth), and using the program TomTom. Does the Ipad has a program similar as TomTom? Does anybody has had experience with it?
    All iPads have a preinstalled Maps App for directions. Navigation Apps are available in the App Store.
    9) I have in my home a private network using Wifi and cable. Can I connect an Ipad and then searching for excample my PC harddrive for a movie? Is that possible to link the world of Apple with the World of MS?
    Yes you can "link" the two worlds. Peace and harmony have come to the land of the iPad.
    The newest software on the iPad has a feature called Home Sharing that allows you to view content on your computer, in your iTunes library on your iPad without having to sync the movie to the iPad. This allows you to free up storage space on you iPad but still be able to enjoy all of the movies and TV shows that you have purchased.
    10) Where can I take a look of all the Apps for the Ipad2? Do I first have to install Itunes, even if I do not have an Ipad2
    You do not have to install iTunes to see some of the apps that are available for the iPad. You can Google IPad apps and there any number of websites that talk about and review apps. You can go to Apple's iPad and/or iTunes websites and navigate through them to see some of available apps.
    11) My primary use for the Ipad will be: reading mail, surf the web, read PDf files and maybe see some videos. I suppose the Ipad2 can do all that (and more). I thought of the 32GB, should it be enough? I mean of the 32GB, what finally have you for using/storing?
    Because of the new Home Sharing feature you can download loads of video content and not have to keep it on your iPad if you want to view it. Only you can be the judge of how much storage capacity you will need. From your brief description, the middle of the road 32GB model should be fine. If your are a gamer at all, some of the bigger name games can take up 700 or MB and videos and movies can be 3-4GB as well, but you can keep those in your iTunes library as mentioned previously. And remember, a very extensive music or photo collection can take up a good bit of storage as well.
    Message was edited by: Demo

  • Questions about iWork06

    Am I holding my mouth wrong? Is it some king of internet or discussion group bad breath? I've posted a pretty basic question (twice) in the last week regarding iWork06 and compatability with iWorks05, plus a question about iWorks06's compatability with EndNote. If nobody has an answer, I understand.
    But I'm wondering if I can't get answers here, where can I? I guess I could call the Apple online store. But Mac users are usually such a helpful group.
    I notice folks freely get on this discusion to both complain about iWork and Apple's upgrade practices but also to praise and promote them, not exactly what you would expect from a "support" discussion group.

    Sometimes people just don't want to respond, because the questions are really redundant (no offence)
    I'm thinking of purchasing iWork06. I frquently share documents and presentations between my iMac, iBook and Windows PC at work. I only want to buy the single user iWork and put it on my mac Mini.
    Great. good idea.
    If I upgrade to iWork06 on my mini, will I have a lot of compatability problems when transfering Pages docs and Keynote presentations to my iMac or iBook where I have iWork05?
    Why not upgradde all machines. you get a single user license, not a single machine license.
    Also, did I understand correctly from an earlier post, that Pages 2 supports EndNote?
    I haven't noticed, but try doing a search in the Pages forum.
    I notice folks freely get on this discusion to both complain about iWork and Apple's upgrade practices but also to praise and promote them, not exactly what you would expect from a "support" discussion group.
    You get people who want a soapbox to vent their frsustrations, and you get people who are a king honest questions and you get people who are doing their best to help others.
    You have to remember those three groups and not lump everyone together.

  • HT5312 In itune I need to fill up the questions about card but i dont have credit card,what can i do?

    In itunes i need to fill up the questions about card but i dont have a credit card, what can i do about that?

    Hi Huyen1110,
    You can use the steps in this article to create an iTunes Store account that does not use a credit or debit card for payment -
    Create an iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store account without a credit card or other payment method - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L 

  • Questions about your new HP Products? HP Expert Day: January 14th, 2015

    Thank you for coming to Expert Day! The event has now concluded.
    To find out about future events, please visit this page.
    On behalf of the Experts, I would like to thank you for coming to the Forum to connect with us.  We hope you will return to the boards to share your experiences, both good and bad.
     We will be holding more of these Expert Days on different topics in the months to come.  We hope to see you then!
     If you still have questions to ask, feel free to post them on the Forum – we always have experts online to help you out.
    So, what is HP Expert Day?
    Expert Day is an online event when HP employees join our Support Forums to answer questions about your HP products. And it’s FREE.
    Ok, how do I get started?
    It’s easy. Come out to the HP Support Forums, post your question, and wait for a response! We’ll have experts online covering our Notebook boards, Desktop boards, Tablet boards, and Printer and all-in-one boards.
    We’ll also be covering the commercial products on the HP Enterprise Business Community. We’ll have experts online covering select boards on the Printing and Digital Imaging and Desktops and Workstations categories.
    What if I need more information?
    For more information and a complete schedule of previous events, check out this post on the forums.
    Is Expert Day an English-only event?
    No. This time we’ll have experts and volunteers online across the globe, answering questions on the English, Simplified Chinese, and Korean forums. Here’s the information:
    Enterprise Business Forum: January 14th 7:00am to 12:00pm and 6:00pm to 11:00pm Pacific Time
    Korean Forum: January 15th 10am to 6pm Korea Time
    Simplified Chinese Forum: January 15th 10am to 6pm China Time
    Looking forward to seeing you on January 14th!
    I am an HP employee.

    My HP, purchased in June 2012, died on Saturday.  I was working in recently installed Photoshop, walked away from my computer to answer the phone and when I came back the screen was blank.  When I turned it on, I got a Windows Error Recovery message.  The computer was locked and wouldn't let me move the arrow keys up or down and hitting f8 didn't do anything. 
    I'm not happy with HP.  Any suggestions?

  • Have questions about your Creative Cloud or Subscription Membership?

    You can find answers to several questions regarding membership to our subscription services.  Please see Membership troubleshooting | Creative Cloud - creative-cloud.html for additional information.  You can find information on such topics as:
    I need help completeing my new purchase or upgrade.
    I want to change the credit card on my account.
    I have a question about my membership price or statement charges.
    I want to change my membership: upgrade, renew, or restart.
    I want to cancel my membership.
    How do I access my account information or change update notifications?

    Branching to new discussion.
    Christym16625842 you are welcome to utilize the process listed in Creative Cloud Help | Install, update, or uninstall apps to install and evaluate the applications included with a Creative Cloud Membership.  The software is fully supported on recent Mac computers.  You can find the system requirements for the Creative Cloud at System requirements | Creative Cloud.

  • Questions about using the Voice Memos app

    I'm currently an Android user, but will be getting an iPhone 6 soon. My most used app is the voice memos app on my Android phone. I have a couple questions about the iPhone's built-in voice memos app.
    -Am I able to transfer my voice memos from my Android phone to my iPhone, so my recordings from my Android app will show up in the iPhone's voice memos app?
    -When exporting voice memos from the iPhone to computer, are recordings in MP3 format? If not, what format are they in?
    -In your opinion, how is the recording quality of the voice memos app?

    You cannot import your Android voice memos to your iPhone's voice memo app.  You might be able to play the Android memos and have the iPhone pick up the audio and record it.
    Here is the writeup about sending voice memos from the iPhone to your computer (from the iPhone User Guide):
    App quality is excellent.

  • Re: Question about the Satellite P300-18Z

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    I have a couple of questions about the Satellite P300-18Z.
    What "video out" does this laptop have? (DVI, s-video or d-sub)
    Can I link the laptop up to a LCD-TV and watch movies on a resolution of 1080p? (full-HD)
    What is the warranty on this laptop?

    According the notebook specification Satellite P300-18Z has follow interfaces:
    DVI - No DVI port available
    HDMI - HDMI-out (HDMI out port available)
    Headphone Jack - External Headphone Jack (Stereo) available
    .link - iLink (Firewire) port available
    Line in Jack - No Line in Jack port available
    Line out Jack - No Line Out Jack available
    Microphone Jack - External Micrphone Jack
    TV-out - port available (S-Video port)
    VGA - VGA (External monitor port RGB port)
    Also you can connect it to your LCD TV using HDMI cable.
    Warranty is country specific and clarifies this with your local dealer but I know that all Toshiba products have 1 year standard warranty and also 1 year international warranty. you can of course expand it.

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