Question about Object Arrays

I am getting compile time error of missing ']' on the second line
    dvdData[] data = new dvdData[4];
    data[0] = new dvdData("Casablanca", "Warner Brothers", "1942");
    data[1] = new dvdData("Citizen Kane", "RKO Pictures", "1941");
    data[2] = new dvdData("Singin' in the Rain", "MGM", "1952");
    data[3] = new dvdData("The Wizard of Oz", "MGM", "1939");the object dvdData is being declared correctly with 3 strings as constructors, can anyone tell me why it is doing this? I will post complete code if nessecary.

I don't see any problem - check out my code :-
package project1;
public class DVDData
    String str1 = null;
    String str2 = null;
    String str3 = null;
    public DVDData(String str1,String str2,String str3)
    public String toString()
        return str1 + " : " +    str2 + " : " + str3;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        DVDData[] data = new DVDData[4];
        data[0] = new DVDData("Casablanca", "Warner Brothers", "1942");
        data[1] = new DVDData("Citizen Kane", "RKO Pictures", "1941");
        data[2] = new DVDData("Singin' in the Rain", "MGM", "1952");
        data[3] = new DVDData("The Wizard of Oz", "MGM", "1939");
}I get the correct output :-
Casablanca : Warner Brothers : 1942
Citizen Kane : RKO Pictures : 1941
Singin' in the Rain : MGM : 1952
The Wizard of Oz : MGM : 1939How are you comipling this ?

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    I used "describeType" and found that "cst2" is actually "Class" class.
    trace(cst2 === Class); // true
    That's what I want to know, Thank you.

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    as to why it prints the Object-Arrays String-representation rather than the output of the toString()-methods of it's contained objects, we'd probably have to ask Sun ;-)
    but if you want a working implementation you might just write
    for (int i=0; i<objectArray.length; i++) {
        System.out.println(objectArray.toString() + "\n");

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         array2.array[51] = "500";
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    array cannot be accessed from outside it's block (in this case the constructor).
    just change your code this way:
    public class familymember {
      private Object[] array; // or public or protected or whatever you want
      public familymember(){
        array=new Object[500];
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             int numCust;     //The number of customers being processed
             double amt;
             String customer;        
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    Write a test() method that:
    (1) Gets an array of CustomerBills using getCustomerData()
    (2) In a for-loop print out each of the CustomerBills. It will help if
    CustomerBill has a toString() method but, in any case you should be
    able to see that the aray contains the right number of nonnull elements.
    Then write a main() method that calls the test() method.
    [Edit] And then run it! You may need to do this a few times and check
    what happens with "crazy" data.

  • Questions about Objects, pointers, and the memory that loves them

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    Thanks for the detailed reply. I wish I could say that I wasn't still a bit confused by this. I thought I had this down after going through the lessons. It seems to not be working in practice the way that it works in theory.
    My current project is an example
    In a class I have declared a couple of ivars thusly:
    NSMutableString *source;
    NSMutableString *destination;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableString *source;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableString *destination;
    This is followed by the appropriate @synthesize directives.
    in the init method for my class I have the following:
    source = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@"customer"];
    destination = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:@"home"];
    in a method triggered by a button click I have the following:
    if (sender == sourcePop){
    source = [sourcePop titleOfSelectedItem];
    destination = [destinationPop titleOfSelectedItem];
    NSLog(@"SOURCE-%@", source);
    NSLog(@"DESTINATION-%@", destination);
    When I run the code and change the source selection the console reads the correct value for what is in the source popupbutton and "home" for the destination. If I then change the destination popupbutton I get a crash and nothing written to the console.
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    [source = [sourcePop titleOfSelectedItem] retain];
    The debugger will have the correct value for the ivar and when run normally there is no crash.
    I would assume that the problem is that the ivar is being released but I am not the one releasing it. Why does this behavior happen? Shouldn't the retain count still be 1 since the @property directive has it and there is no release in the code? Or is it that the statement that sets the ivar to the value of the popup really just setting it to the pointer and it is the popup that is somehow being released?
    Is there something else that I should be doing?

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         this.b = this.a.length;
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    x.a(0) = 3;
    x.a(1) = 3;
    Returns 0. In other words, just setting this.b = this.a.length doesn't
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    Hi all,
    1) About the original question—which doesn't regard prototype inheritance in itself: "How can I have a built-in length property for an object"—I think the most obvious approach is to directly use an Array as the base object. Since any Array is an Object you can append methods and properties to it while keeping benefit from the whole array's API:
    var myData = [];
    myData.myProp = 'foo';
    myData.myMeth = function(){ return [this.myProp, this.length, this.join('|')]; };
    // Usage
    myData[0] = 10;
    myData[1] = 20;
    alert( myData.myMeth() ); // => foo,2,10|20
    // etc.
    2) Now, if for whatever reason you cannot use the previous technique or need to deal with a precustomized Object structure such as:
    var myObj = {
        items: [],
        meth: function(){ alert("Hello World!"); },
        // etc.
    then the challenge is more difficult for the reasons that Jeff mentioned above. You can anyway mimic a kind of 'binding' mechanism this way:
    // The original obj
    var myObj = {
        items: [],
        meth: function(){ alert("Hello World!"); }
    // Adding length as a 'fake property' (getter and setter)
    (myObj.length = function F(n)
        if( !F.root )
            (F.root=this).watch('length', function(_,ov,nv){ F(nv); return ov; });
            F.valueOf = function(){ return F().valueOf(); };
            F.toString = function(){ return F().toString(); };
        if( 'undefined' == typeof n )
            n = F.root.items.length >>> 0;
            F.root.items.length = n;
        return n;
    // Usage
    myObj.meth(); // => Hello World!
    myObj.items[0] = 10;
    myObj.items[1] = 20;
    alert( myObj.length ); // => 2
    var x = myObj.length-1; // works too, thanks to F.valueOf
    alert( x ); // => 1
    myObj.length = 5; // testing the setter
    alert( myObj.length ); // => 5
    alert( myObj.items ); // => 10,20,,,
    Of course it's totally unreasonable to implement such an artillery just for the convenience of writing myObj.length instead of myObj.length()—and myObj.length=x instead of myObj.length(x)—so I only suggest this for the sake of experimentation.

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    Cold fusion cleans up for you.
    You do not need to explicitly destroy anything unless threads
    are spawned in a non standard way by Java or C code that you are

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    Last edited by nbtrap (2012-06-25 03:18:20)

    nbtrap wrote:
    Not necessarily. A declaration like:
    char arr[3] = "str";
    doesn't get null-terminated.
    It doesn't get null-terminated because you don't leave enough room in the array for the null character. "char arr[3]" can only contain 3 characters, the same way that "char arr[2] = "str" will only contain 2. The second example generates a warning whereas the first does not, but only because it is very common to work with non-null-terminated strings.
    nbtrap wrote:
    And besides, my point is that initializing strings[3] *would* make sense for the same reason that intializing
    char foo[] = "bar";
    with a terminating null byte *does* make sense.
    I know that arrays of pointers are not the same. My questions assumes that much. The fact of the matter is, however, GCC terminates pointer arrays of unknown size with a null pointer, and my question is simply "is this an ansi C thing or a GCC thing?".
    In fact, it seems that GCC terminates all arrays of unknown size that are explicitly initialized with the appropriate number of null bytes. For example:
    struct tag { int i; char c; char *str; } tags[] = {
    { 1, 'a', "string1" },
    { 2, 'b', "string2" },
    { 3, 'c', "string3" }
    initializes tags[3] to sizeof (struct tag) null bytes. Try it for yourself.
    I get the following:
    #include <stdio.h>
    main(int argc, char * * argv)
    int i;
    char *strings[] = { "string1", NULL, "string3"};
    for (i=0;i<5;i++)
    printf("strings[%d]: %s\n", i, strings[i]);
    return 0;
    strings[0]: string1
    strings[1]: (null)
    strings[2]: string3
    Segmentation fault
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    main(int argc, char * * argv)
    int i;
    struct tag {int i; char c; char *str;};
    struct tag null;
    memset(&null, 0, sizeof(struct tag));
    struct tag tags[] =
    { 1, 'a', "string1" },
    // { 2, 'b', "string2" },
    { 3, 'c', "string3" }
    for (i=0;i<5;i++)
    "tags[%d]: (%p) %1d %c %s\n",
    i, tags + i, tags[i].i, tags[i].c, tags[i].str
    return 0;
    tags[0]: (0x7fffd2df4e80) 1 a string1
    tags[1]: (0x7fffd2df4e90) 0 (null)
    tags[2]: (0x7fffd2df4ea0) 3 c string3
    tags[3]: (0x7fffd2df4eb0) 0 (null)
    Segmentation fault
    The above behavior appears to conflict.
    Given that string constants in C are defined as null-terminated, i.e. "str" is equivalent to "{'s', 't', 'r', '\0'}", the assignment 'arr[] = "str"' explicitly includes a null terminator. The other examples above do not include such a terminator. Even if it would be convenient sometimes, the standard should adopt a minimally invasive approach. It's easy to add a NULL at the end of an array declaration, but impossible to remove an extra element from such a declaration.
    This may be informative too:
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    main(int argc, char * * argv)
    char str[] = "test";
    char *strings[] = {"string1", NULL, "string3"};
    struct tag {int i; char c; char *str;};
    struct tag null;
    memset(&null, 0, sizeof(struct tag));
    struct tag tags[] =
    { 1, 'a', "string1" },
    // { 2, 'b', "string2" },
    { 3, 'c', "string3" }
    "str\n size: %lu\n length: %lu\n"
    "strings\n size: %lu\n length: %lu\n"
    "tags\n size: %lu\n length: %lu\n",
    sizeof(str), sizeof(str)/sizeof(char),
    sizeof(strings), sizeof(strings)/sizeof(char *),
    sizeof(tags), sizeof(tags)/sizeof(struct tag)
    return 0;
    size: 5
    length: 5
    size: 24
    length: 3
    size: 48
    length: 3
    The string length (actual number of chars in array) is reported as 5 ('t', 'e', 's', 't', '\0'), which is expected. The array of strings and tags are both reported as 3, even though you can access a null value after the last initialized index of the tags array. If that null value was really supposed to be there, it should be accounted for using sizeof, just as the null character is in the string.
    Maybe the ultimate null element of the tags array is some artefact of memory alignment.

  • Question about object retention and scope

    I have a hole in my understanding of Cocoa.
    I can create temp objects, to populate an array with, like this:
    for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
    myObject *tmpObj= [[[myObject alloc] init]] ;
    [[myMutableArray addObject:tmpObj]];
    [[tmpObj release]];
    But I don't understand why this works. If the tmpObjects get released, then why don't the ones in the array get released? (I can access the array later, and it is populated with myObjects.)

    If you create an object from scratch (alloc, etc) then it's up to you to release it.
    If you get an object from another method of the system you don't have to worry about releasing it. More than likely it's set to auto-release but it's not your responsibility.
    If you want to hold on to any object then you retain it if you didn't create it. Any object you've retained you're responsible for releasing.
    If you pass an object before releasing it's up to that object to hold on to it if it needs it.
    Links: yManagementRules.html
    Article on leaks nts/

  • Question about objects

    I make a number of objects, they are all from the same class but have differing values.
    I put the objects into different arrays
    I put all the objects in a hash table so that i can associate the object with a string.
    tempOb = create.make()
    compFd= tempOb; //
    tempStr = compFd[i].returnTextValue();
    theRef.put(tempStr, tempCard);
    My question is where do the objects actually exist - and where are they only a reference to the object ? I ask because i am thinking that maybe its uneccsary to make arrays for objects when i could simply have string arrays and use the string to take the object from the hash table.

    I make a number of objects, they are all from the same
    class but have differing values.
    I put the objects into different arrays
    I put all the objects in a hash table so that i can
    associate the object with a string.
    tempOb = create.make()
    compFd= tempOb; //
    tempStr = compFd[i].returnTextValue();
    theRef.put(tempStr, tempCard);
    My question is where do the objects actually exist -
    and where are they only a reference to the object ? I
    ask because i am thinking that maybe its uneccsary to
    make arrays for objects when i could simply have
    string arrays and use the string to take the object
    from the hash table.
    FIrst of all you need to revisit what an object is?
    An object is a self-contained entity which has its own private collection of properties (ie data) and methods (ie. operations) that encapsulate functionality into a reusable and dynamically loaded structure. After a class definition has been created as a prototype, it can be used as a template for creating new classes that add functionality. Objects are programing units of a particular class. Dynamic loading implies that applications can request new objects of a particular class to be supplied on an 'as needed' basis. Objects provide the extremely useful benefit of reusable code that minimizes development time. As far as the storage is concerned and all object variables are references.

  • Question about Object Oriented Design in Oracle

    Hi everyone,
    Right now I'm updating my oracle skills, years ago without programming (last time with Oracle 7.3 :O)
    Well, if I have to design a new system with this features:
    1.- Using Oracle as DB
    2.- Web enable
    3.- OO Design
    My questions:
    1.- What is the best practice to make database design? E-R + Object Types? I mean is better making the design on Oracle directly or in Java-UML environment?
    2.- I was thinking in programming with Forms, but it works well with OO design?
    3.- If I want to program some web services based, Could I do it with PL/SQL and Jdeveloper?
    please if you know about articles and whitepapers about OO design approach with Oracle let me know!

    I have been involved in some of these projects that have used Java, C#, VB, C++ etc. as front-end languagaes. I have been able to implement these projects successfully using the following approach:
    1. create a relational model of the database - third-normal form (assuming it is an OLTP application)
    2. Write PL/SQL code (packages and procedures mainly)
    3. Interact with the front-end layer by sending and receiving ref curosors and/or PL/SQL tables
    If you want to use Forms (I am assuming Oracle Forms) then there may not be much need for an OO design. Embeeding SQL in the forms will do most of what you want.
    Developers of Guggi Oracle - Tool for DBAs and Developers

  • Question about using arrays

    I have a web page written with combination of Front Page and Java is included. I have 4 drop down boxes which work in sequence. select an item in the first, it then asks you to select in the second box, then 3rd then in the final 4th box. This was set up using arrays. My question is how can i put a hyperlink to the items in the last drop down box? I want the last selection to go to a URL. can you tell me what code i need to use and where to insert it? I assume it has to go into the array somewhere. Thanks, Tom

    selection to go to a URL. can you tell me what code
    i need to use and where to insert it? Not without you clarifying your question and showing the relevant bits of your code, and possibly not even then.
    When you post code, please use[code] and [/code] tags as described in Formatting tips on the message entry page. It makes it much easier to read.
    I assume it
    has to go into the array somewhere. I assume it doesn't, because code doesn't go into arrays.

  • Easy question about objects

    why with this code;
    private Scanner x;
    public void openfile(){
    try {
    x = new Scanner(new File(chinese.txt));
    why do you say x is a variable at private scanner x and then make x an object? why do both variable and object? the code is from
    Edited by: 980099 on Jan 19, 2013 4:30 PM
    Edited by: 980099 on Jan 19, 2013 4:38 PM
    Edited by: 980099 on Jan 19, 2013 4:42 PM

    why do you say x is a variable at private scanner xThe code doesn't actually say it's a variable, but it is. It is a reference of type Scanner. As it isn't initialized in the declaration, its initial value is null.
    and then make x an object? It doesn't. it creates a new Scanner instance and then assigns the reference to 'x'.
    why do both variable and object?You should now be able to see that the question is meaningless.

  • A question about Object Manager

    Hello, a question set the server with the installation wizard, select all ObjMgr of application, but I have none running on the server, only the following:
    srvrmgr> comp list for server SERVER
    SERVER FSMSrvr FSMSrvr File System Manager
       Online Auto Batch SystemAux 0 20
                1 1 2012-06-29 16:52:39
    SERVER ServerMgr ServerMgr Server Manager
       Interactive System Running Auto January 20
                                                     2012-06-29 16:52:34
    SRBroker SERVER Server Request Broker ReqBroker
       Interactive System Running Auto July 10
    0 1 1 2012-06-29 16:52:34
    Server Request Processor SERVER SRProc SRProc
       Interactive Running Auto SystemAux February 20
                1 1 2012-06-29 16:52:39
    SvrTblCleanup SERVER Server Tables Cleanup BusSvcMgr
       Background Running Auto SystemAux January 1
                                                     2012-06-29 16:52:39
    SvrTaskPersist Server SERVER Task Persistence BusSvcMgr
       Background Running Auto SystemAux January 1
                                                     2012-06-29 16:52:39
    SERVER Siebel Administrator Notification Component AdminNotify AdminNotif
    Auto Online and Batch SystemAux 0 10
                1 1 2012-06-29 16:52:39
    Siebel Connection Broker SCBroker SERVER SCBroker
       Background Running System Auto 1 January
                                                     2012-06-29 16:52:34
    8 rows returned.
    how I can change others?

    You can run command below using srvrmgr:
    enable compgrp callcenter
    Callcenter component group has call center Object Manager. You need to restart the Siebel Server after running this command. Check link below for further details:
    You may need to assign the component group to a specific siebel server.

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    Hello! I have a strange problem with the JAI classes that perform DFT and IDFT. I perform both the operations on an image but the result I get is not the original image. What 's wrong with my code? Thanks for the help. My code is as follows import ja

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    Hello everyone! I am trying to figure out why "Go to page" buttons don't work in Adobe Digital Editions. It works very well in iBooks. However, in Digital Editions, whenever I click it, it goes to the page, but the page is zoomed in and it is impossi