Question about C array initialization

I understand that the statement
char string[] = "chars";
initializes string[5] to 0 ('\000'). My question is does the statement
char *strings[] = { "string1", "string2", "string3" };
initialize strings[3] to (void *) 0, i.e. NULL? I can't find the answer to this question in the ansi standard. GCC seems to tack on a NULL pointer at the end (even with the -ansi and -pedantic-errors flags), which is really convenient for finding the boundary, but I'm not sure whether it's a GCC thing or an official C thing. I see where the standard talks about terminating char arrays initialized by a string literal with a null byte, but it doesn't talk about the analogous case with arrays of pointers.
Last edited by nbtrap (2012-06-25 03:18:20)

nbtrap wrote:
Not necessarily. A declaration like:
char arr[3] = "str";
doesn't get null-terminated.
It doesn't get null-terminated because you don't leave enough room in the array for the null character. "char arr[3]" can only contain 3 characters, the same way that "char arr[2] = "str" will only contain 2. The second example generates a warning whereas the first does not, but only because it is very common to work with non-null-terminated strings.
nbtrap wrote:
And besides, my point is that initializing strings[3] *would* make sense for the same reason that intializing
char foo[] = "bar";
with a terminating null byte *does* make sense.
I know that arrays of pointers are not the same. My questions assumes that much. The fact of the matter is, however, GCC terminates pointer arrays of unknown size with a null pointer, and my question is simply "is this an ansi C thing or a GCC thing?".
In fact, it seems that GCC terminates all arrays of unknown size that are explicitly initialized with the appropriate number of null bytes. For example:
struct tag { int i; char c; char *str; } tags[] = {
{ 1, 'a', "string1" },
{ 2, 'b', "string2" },
{ 3, 'c', "string3" }
initializes tags[3] to sizeof (struct tag) null bytes. Try it for yourself.
I get the following:
#include <stdio.h>
main(int argc, char * * argv)
int i;
char *strings[] = { "string1", NULL, "string3"};
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
printf("strings[%d]: %s\n", i, strings[i]);
return 0;
strings[0]: string1
strings[1]: (null)
strings[2]: string3
Segmentation fault
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
main(int argc, char * * argv)
int i;
struct tag {int i; char c; char *str;};
struct tag null;
memset(&null, 0, sizeof(struct tag));
struct tag tags[] =
{ 1, 'a', "string1" },
// { 2, 'b', "string2" },
{ 3, 'c', "string3" }
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
"tags[%d]: (%p) %1d %c %s\n",
i, tags + i, tags[i].i, tags[i].c, tags[i].str
return 0;
tags[0]: (0x7fffd2df4e80) 1 a string1
tags[1]: (0x7fffd2df4e90) 0 (null)
tags[2]: (0x7fffd2df4ea0) 3 c string3
tags[3]: (0x7fffd2df4eb0) 0 (null)
Segmentation fault
The above behavior appears to conflict.
Given that string constants in C are defined as null-terminated, i.e. "str" is equivalent to "{'s', 't', 'r', '\0'}", the assignment 'arr[] = "str"' explicitly includes a null terminator. The other examples above do not include such a terminator. Even if it would be convenient sometimes, the standard should adopt a minimally invasive approach. It's easy to add a NULL at the end of an array declaration, but impossible to remove an extra element from such a declaration.
This may be informative too:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
main(int argc, char * * argv)
char str[] = "test";
char *strings[] = {"string1", NULL, "string3"};
struct tag {int i; char c; char *str;};
struct tag null;
memset(&null, 0, sizeof(struct tag));
struct tag tags[] =
{ 1, 'a', "string1" },
// { 2, 'b', "string2" },
{ 3, 'c', "string3" }
"str\n size: %lu\n length: %lu\n"
"strings\n size: %lu\n length: %lu\n"
"tags\n size: %lu\n length: %lu\n",
sizeof(str), sizeof(str)/sizeof(char),
sizeof(strings), sizeof(strings)/sizeof(char *),
sizeof(tags), sizeof(tags)/sizeof(struct tag)
return 0;
size: 5
length: 5
size: 24
length: 3
size: 48
length: 3
The string length (actual number of chars in array) is reported as 5 ('t', 'e', 's', 't', '\0'), which is expected. The array of strings and tags are both reported as 3, even though you can access a null value after the last initialized index of the tags array. If that null value was really supposed to be there, it should be accounted for using sizeof, just as the null character is in the string.
Maybe the ultimate null element of the tags array is some artefact of memory alignment.

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    selection to go to a URL. can you tell me what code
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    When you post code, please use[code] and [/code] tags as described in Formatting tips on the message entry page. It makes it much easier to read.
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    Write a test() method that:
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    (2) In a for-loop print out each of the CustomerBills. It will help if
    CustomerBill has a toString() method but, in any case you should be
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        String str1 = null;
        String str2 = null;
        String str3 = null;
        public DVDData(String str1,String str2,String str3)
        public String toString()
            return str1 + " : " +    str2 + " : " + str3;
        public static void main(String[] args)
            DVDData[] data = new DVDData[4];
            data[0] = new DVDData("Casablanca", "Warner Brothers", "1942");
            data[1] = new DVDData("Citizen Kane", "RKO Pictures", "1941");
            data[2] = new DVDData("Singin' in the Rain", "MGM", "1952");
            data[3] = new DVDData("The Wizard of Oz", "MGM", "1939");
    }I get the correct output :-
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    I have a question about the programming of a waveform's legend. I
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    months ago.
    I went satisfied but I ve just noticed that this code
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    I give you an example
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    without to active the signal with the corresponding activ plot zero
    Let see the labview attached data
    (new_legend_test.llb with as main function). When I try to
    control the input selected values again I get them back but I don't
    understand why they have no effect on the legend of my waveform chart.
    Could somebody explain me what I m doing wrong or show me how to get a
    correct legend with desired plots? Thank by advance for your assistance.
    both attached data are saved with labview 2009.
    old_legend_test.llb ‏65 KB
    new_legend_test.llb ‏65 KB

    Thanks for
    posting on National Instruments forum.
    The behavior
    you have is completely normal. You can control the number of row displayed in
    the legend and this rows are linked to the data you send to your graph. Thus,
    if you have 3 arrays of data, let say chan1, chan2 and chan3, you can choose
    which data you want to display in your graph using the property node (Active
    plot and visible). But for the legend as you send 3 plots there is an array of
    the plot name [chan1, chan2, chan3] and you can display 0, 1, 2 or 3 rows of
    this array but you cannot control the order in this array! So, to be able to
    change this array you have to only send data you need to you graph. I'm not
    sure my explanations are clear so I have implemented a simple example doing
    Benjamin R.
    R&D Software Development Manager
    Attachments: ‏85 KB

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    files that generated with NB.are important or optional.are auto generated or may I edit.
    2.can I distribute my web application in non text format.How?
    3.if I want to add some files to my application that its running in can i do that with out rebuild all.
    thank you
    Add to mtz1406's Reputation

    thank you all for helping.
    I will write more information about my questions may this help others:
    *{ /WEB-INF/web.xml* - The +Web Application Deployment
    Descriptor+ for your application. This is an XML file describing
    the servlets and other components that make up your application,
    along with any initialization parameters and container-managed
    security constraints that you want the server to enforce for you.
    This file is discussed in more detail in the following subsection.
    As mentioned above, the <code>/WEB-INF/web.xml</code> file contains the
    Web Application Deployment Descriptor for your application. As the filename
    extension implies, this file is an XML document, and defines everything about
    your application that a server needs to know (except the context path,
    which is assigned by the system administrator when the application is
    The complete syntax and semantics for the deployment descriptor is defined
    in Chapter 13 of the Servlet API Specification, version 2.3. Over time, it
    is expected that development tools will be provided that create and edit the
    deployment descriptor for you. In the meantime, to provide a starting point,
    a [basic web.xml file|http://localhost:8080/docs/appdev/web.xml.txt]
    is provided. This file includes comments that describe the purpose of each
    included element.
    NOTE - The Servlet Specification includes a Document
    Type Descriptor (DTD) for the web application deployment descriptor, and
    Tomcat 6 enforces the rules defined here when processing your application's
    <code>/WEB-INF/web.xml</code> file. In particular, you must
    enter your descriptor elements (such as <code><filter></code>,
    <code><servlet></code>, and <code><servlet-mapping></code> in
    the order defined by the DTD (see Section 13.3).
    h4. } from tomcat documentation
    Tomcat Context Descriptor
    bq. A /META-INF/context.xml file can be used to define Tomcat specific \\ configuration options, such as loggers, data sources, session manager \\ configuration and more. This XML file must contain one Context element, which \\ will be considered as if it was the child of the Host element corresponding \\ to the Host to which the The Tomcat configuration documentation contains \\ information on the Context element.
    }from tomcat documentation
    but I still want more information about this question:
    Q3: I want to distribute (sell to another organaization) without give sorce code in jsp files.So I want to precompile it to be just class files or jar files.
    I want to use ant that become with netbeans 6.1.can anyone give me information about how to do that.
    thank you again

  • Question about size of ints in Xcode

    Hello. I have a a few quick questions about declaring and defining variables and about their size and so forth. The book I'm reading at the moment, "Learn C on the Mac", says the following in reference to the difference between declaring and defining a variable:
    A variable declaration is any statement that specifies a variables name and type. The line *int myInt;* certainly does that. A variable definition is a declaration that causes memory to be allocated for the variable. Since the previous statement does cause memory to be allocated for myInt, it does qualify as a definition.
    I always thought a definition of a variable was a statement that assigned a value to a variable. If a basic declaration like "int myInt;" does allocate memory for the variable and therefore is a definition, can anyone give me an example of a declaration that does not allocate memory for the variable and therefore is not a definition?
    The book goes on, a page or so late, to say this:
    Since myInt was declared to be of type int, and since Xcode is currently set to use 4-byte ints, 4 bytes of memory were reserved for myInt. Since we haven't placed a value in those 4 bytes yet, they could contain any value at all. Some compilers place a value of 0 in a newly allocated variable, but others do not. The key is not to depend on a variable being preset to some specific value. If you want a variable to contain a specific value, assign the value to the variable yourself.
    First, I know that an int can be different sizes (either 4 bytes or 8 bytes, I think), but what does this depend on? I thought it depended on the compiler, but the above quote makes it sound like it depends on the IDE, Xcode. Which is it?
    Second, it said that Xcode is currently set to use 4-byte ints. Does this mean that there is a setting that the user can change to make ints a different size (like 8 bytes), or does it mean that the creators of Xcode currently have it set to use 4-byte ints?
    Third, for the part about some compilers giving a newly allocated variable a value of 0, does this apply to Xcode or any of its compilers? I assume not, but I wanted to check.
    Thanks for all the help, and have a great weekend!

    Tron55555 wrote:
    I always thought a definition of a variable was a statement that assigned a value to a variable. If a basic declaration like "int myInt;" does allocate memory for the variable and therefore is a definition, can anyone give me an example of a declaration that does not allocate memory for the variable and therefore is not a definition?
    I always like to think of a "declaration" to be something that makes no changes to the actual code, but just provides visibility so that compilation and/or linking will succeed. The "definition" allocates space.
    You can declare a function to establish it in the namespace for the compiler to find but the linker needs an actual definition somewhere to link against. With a variable, you could also declare a variable as "extern int myvar;". The actual definition "int myvar;" would be somewhere else.
    According to that book, both "extern int myvar;" and "int myvar;" are declarations, but only the latter is a definition. That is a valid way to look at it. Both statements 'delcare' something to the compiler, but on the second one 'define's some actual data.
    First, I know that an int can be different sizes (either 4 bytes or 8 bytes, I think), but what does this depend on? I thought it depended on the compiler, but the above quote makes it sound like it depends on the IDE, Xcode. Which is it?
    An "int" is supposed to be a processor's "native" size and the most efficient data type to use. A compiler may or may not be able to change that, depending on the target and the compiler. If a compiler supports that option and Xcode supports that compiler and that option, then Xcode can control it, via the compiler.
    Second, it said that Xcode is currently set to use 4-byte ints. Does this mean that there is a setting that the user can change to make ints a different size (like 8 bytes), or does it mean that the creators of Xcode currently have it set to use 4-byte ints?
    I think that "setting" is just not specifying any option to explicitly set the size. You can use "-m32" or "-m64" to control this, but I wouldn't recommend it. Let Xcode handle those low-level details.
    Third, for the part about some compilers giving a newly allocated variable a value of 0, does this apply to Xcode or any of its compilers? I assume not, but I wanted to check.
    I don't know for sure. Why would you ask? Are you thinking of including 45 lines of macro declarations 3 levels deep to initialize values based on whether or not a particular compiler/target supports automatic initialization? Xcode current supports GCC 3.3, GCC 4.0, GCC 4.2, LLVM GCC, CLang, and Intel's compiler for building PPC, i386, and x86_64 code in both debug and release, with a large number of optimization options. It doesn't matter what compiler you use or what it's behavior is - initialize your variables in C.

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    Somebody has talked about using an additional bean to control this but once the bean in b.jsf is created I don't know how to call again the init method in beanB (b.jsf)..
    I have attached a very simple project to deploy in eclipse 3.3 and tomcat 6.0. In this example instead of read from database I read from an structure created in memory to simulate this.
    Somebody could take a look and comment something about it.

    I understand is the same doing in the action method in a button or a commnad, the project is just an example, my real app is a tree, so is not a question about a button or a command, is about the logic being in session scope. I don't know how to face it.

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    Thank you to all, I have found the answer in SDK samples:<br /><br />void SnpGraphicHelper::AddDashedValues(const K2Vector<PMReal>& dashAndGapValues)<br />{<br />IDataBase* db = fItemList.GetDataBase();<br />InterfacePtr<IDocument> theDocument(db, db->GetRootUID(), UseDefaultIID());<br />     InterfacePtr<IUIDData> uidData(::CreateObject2<IUIDData>(kDashedAttributeValuesBoss));<br />     ASSERT(uidData != nil);<br />     uidData->Set(::GetUIDRef(theDocument));<br />     InterfacePtr<IDashedAttributeValues> dashedAttributeValues(uidData, UseDefaultIID());<br />     if (dashedAttributeValues != nil && dashAndGapValues.size() > 0) {<br />          for (int32 i = 0; i < dashAndGapValues.size(); i++) {<br />               dashedAttributeValues->SetValue(i, dashAndGapValues[i]);<br />          }<br />          this->AddAnAttribute(dashedAttributeValues);<br />     }<br />}

Maybe you are looking for