Question about recording video

ok, say I am watching something on my mac (like a T.V. show), can i record what I am watching using the isight camera built into the macbook?

No, you would need a program such as Snapz Pro.

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    You will need either a miniDV camera or an AV/DV converter box to connect your VCR to your Mac.
    With a miniDV camera you could record your VHS tapes to miniDV tapes and then capture the miniDV tapes into iMovie; this also has the benefit of giving you a digital copy of your VHS movies on miniDV tape.
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    Air video will convert the video for streaming, this includes downscaling it, so it will stream smoothly over the bandwidth available on the network.
    Placing media directly on the ipad allows 720p video.
    Reality is you will not be able to tell the difference between dvd resolution and hi def on a screen the size of the iPad's.

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    If it's an important recording or a once-only opportunity to record something then I would seriously advise against multi-tasking on any computer, PC or Mac, whilst recording.  Dedicate all processing power to capturing the recording, and if you want to browse the web/update your resumé whilst recording then use another computer!

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    Can you control the destination of the QT file being created to a second HD or flash drive?Yes, see the "Preferences > Recording > Save Files to:" option.
    I don't want to capture video and fragment my macbook pros HD. Second can you control the size of video being captured?Size is tied to the "Quality:" pop-up options. (Good -- 320 x 240 MPEG-4 video and AAC @ 128 Kbps, Better -- 320 x 240 H.264vide and AAC @ 128 Kbps, and Devie Native -- raw DV audio and video standard.)

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    Check out this software solution (BoinxTV) and see if it might work for you...

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    It sounds like you're not having problems with the actual
    compression of the videos, just the playback, correct? All you need
    is a standalone player that plays FLVs. Like Quicktime Player plays
    MOVs, and Windows Media Player plays WMVs, you need something to
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    mac, I use something called, strangely enough, SWF & FLV
    Player. You can find it here:
    Just do a search for FLV players and you should find
    something appropriate. The only downside is you'll need to make
    sure anyone you're distributing the videos to also has an FLV
    player. If you're sending your files to just a few people, no big
    deal. If this is for the public in general, you would want to embed
    a Flash video player in an HTML page and send it like that.
    Hope that helps.

  • Comprehensive overview/question about organizing videos and movies

    I've made a few movies here and there in the original iMovie, have made a fair amount of home movies using FCE. I have 20 years worth of videos scattered around on HI-8 formatting and some videos I downloaded from a hand held digital cheapo-movie cam. I'm to the point of trying to figure out the big picture on importing, structuring, storing, and sharing these files between iMovie, FCEHD 3.5.1, mobileme, my iPhone, etc.
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    #1 - I've tried using iMovie 8 in the past. I ended up, somehow, with clips here, there, and who knows where. The original iMovie seemed rather straight forward and seemed to work in conjunction with iPhoto rather seamlessly. As iMovie made that big change some time back, I quickly backed out of using that program to manage clips as I couldn't find where they were stored and more importantly, they seemed to start disappearing after time. Is iMove 08 a good resource to manage clips or is it a bit of a dead end for people who are using various programs such as FCE and so forth? Seems the transparency of how the newer iMovie manages files is a bit not-so-transparent to me anymore and I simply am not finding many of the files in iMovie 08 that I can easily spot in iPhoto. Not sure what has happened there, but I can find the files in iPhoto and browse them, but NOT in iMovie 08. Help?
    #2 - the only real reason I'm asking about iMovie at all is that I want to start uploading files from HI-8 tapes into my computer rather quickly and make simple basically unedited videos of what is on the Hi-8 tapes, then perhaps transport onto mobileme and/or make some DVD's. I did a few of those somehow before the cancer/chemo deal, but can't really recall the exact steps I took. Rough bout with cancer last year and my brain is a bit fried to be honest, not to mention all of this is a big hard to grasp deal for a RN who isn't trained in video stuff at this point in his life. Besides, I ended up having to reinstall my entire OS - long story. Bottom line, the few movies I do have on mobileme are in .m4v format. Not a big deal when using my mac at home, but notice that it causes iTunes to load onto my pc's at work or when visiting friends. Slow, clunky, and not sure how it wound up in that format. I'm thinking I did that somehow through iMovie or Quicktime 7 Pro. Before I go that route again, I need to ask about #3.
    #3 - I just exported my first high definition video from FCE. I did so because we got our first new TV in 22 years, nice HD flat screen. I'm wanting to start understanding options for exporting videos onto mobileme. I got Quicktime Pro 7 and used the H264 or some option like that (file>share). It was able to take 1.5 gig high def video I did over my cancer journey and put it seamlessly onto mobileme. But it is in the .m4v video option which seems to cause some people and computers problems because of the whole proprietary iTunes angle. Is there a way around this being forced to use iTunes and simply share to mobileme gallery using .mov? I tried the file>export option, seems to want to use movie folder and I'm guessing that is another iTunes deal.
    #4 - as I load files into my computer from HI-8 format and the newer cheap little HD dual SD card camera I got, those seem to either want to go into iMovie's folders (which I mentioned my confusion about above) or I can manually put them into a file structure that I'm slowly learning to build using FCE. I don't mind the FCE option and it seems logical. I still run into the problem of how to share web based content of the videos. Using iDVD is rather straightforward, but I'm wanting to use some kind of web centric approach to sharing my videos on the output and have one big file structure for organizing my files/videos on the input.
    I notice that iMovie has many exporting/sharing options in its menu. Are they really any different/better/worse than what I have with quicktime Pro 7? Should I even try to utilize iMovie at all or simply go with the capture option on FCE? I at least can find the files and organize them with FCE.
    I'm not sure how to further word this at the moment as I'm trying to better understand all this as I'm moving forward.
    Any suggestions you might have at this point would be most beneficial. I'm sure as I get further into this, I'll start clarifying my own questions and thoughts.
    Any resources you can point me to for newer (but not totally new) to video structure input/exporting on the mac?

    A lot of questions, perhaps to much to go into detail but,
    I can second the views of AppleMan
    Since iMovie 08 I finally am able to organize and categorize my clips in an easy way. Just recently I made a DvD for one of my grandchildren containing a selection of events from over the last to years. Really a joy (not only the kid ). This would have been a much larger job without that.
    When I like to do real "sophisticated" movie editing I use FCE and pick up the clips from the eventsfolder from iMovie.
    Of course if you are happy with FCE for organizing (I found that a bit hard), you always can use the File->export-> quicktime movie feature and use Quicktime for uploading to mobileme or use the File->export->Quicktime conversion function.
    Also within iMovie you can use the: share ->export with Quicktime, and use that to export your movie in the format you prefer.
    Message was edited by: Ben Bloks

  • Urgent question about resizing videos in Adobe Premiere

    Hello, forgive me for asking such a noob question but i have a presentation due in about 10 hrs and Adobe Premiere is giving me some headaches with the video i'm trying to make!
    I am trying to alter the dimensions of a movie in the 'monitor' window (the objective being to put 2 different movies side by side in the same timeline, but that's irrelevent). Screenshot is below
    I've seen it being done before - their should be a border around the frame in the 'Sequence 01' tab that lets you resize it with your mouse. But It's not appearing for me... . is their some hot key or something..? It's probably something really obvious but i can't find it...

    You will also find links to many free tutorials in the
    Premiere Pro Wiki that will quickly
    show you how things are done in PPro, including picture-in-picture effects.
    Forum FAQ
    Premiere Pro Wiki
    - Over 250 frequently answered questions
    - Over 100 free tutorials
    - Maintained by editors like

  • Really quick question about recording.

    My mate has just bought the same capture card as me, I use a new recording in Quicktime to grab footage on OSX. He want's to do the same but on Windows XP.
    Will he be able to to record with Quicktime Pro - Windows version?

    Hi, I am the person this thread is about. I went onto Apple's website and this is what it says-
    "*QuickTime 7 Pro for Windows*
    Now, you can easily create movies for iPod, *capture movies in a single click*, share movies via email or .Mac, create stunning H.264 video and much more. Purchase now to receive your QuickTime 7 Pro registration code instantly via email."
    Are you sure you can't capture video? If not, I hope Apple will give me a refund due to false advertising.

  • About recording video

    Hi friends in our project we need to record a video from webcam .
    I came to know about JMF .I configured it properly and wrote simple code to access to webcam following manual of JMF.I tried my best to modify that code to record a video and save it to file.But i could not.
    I tried artical and codes of Mr. Gal Ratner from
    but it fails in detecting my webcam.
    If any one has tried to work on such code please help me
    I will be very thankful if anyone can give me code
    you can mail me on [email protected]

    This code works. You just have to press stop button to stop recording.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class Abc implements ControllerListener, ActionListener
         DataSource ds;
         DataSink sink;
         Processor pr;
         MediaLocator mc;
         JFrame jframe=new JFrame();
         JButton jbutton=new JButton("Stop");
         JPanel jpanel=new JPanel();
         CaptureDeviceManager cdm=new CaptureDeviceManager();
         CaptureDeviceInfo cdi;
         MediaLocator cammc;
         public void capture() throws Exception
              jpanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(jpanel,BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
              mc=new MediaLocator("file:C:/Workspace/aaaaa.mpg");
              cdi= (CaptureDeviceInfo) cdm.getDeviceList(new VideoFormat(VideoFormat.RGB)).elementAt(0);
              MediaLocator cammc=cdi.getLocator();
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              catch(Exception ep)
         public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent e)
              if(e instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent)
                   System.out.println ("ConfigureCompleteEvent");
                             Processor p = (Processor)e.getSourceController();
                   System.out.println ("ConfigureCompleteEvent");
              if(e instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent)
                        Processor p = (Processor)e.getSourceController();
                        System.out.println ("RealizeCompleteEvent");
                                MediaLocator dest = new MediaLocator("file:C:/Workspace/ring3.mpg");
                            sink = Manager.createDataSink(p.getDataOutput(), dest);
                   catch(Exception ep)
              if(e instanceof ControllerClosedEvent)
                         System.out.println ("ControllerClosedEvent");
                     if(e instanceof EndOfMediaEvent)
                        System.out.println ("EndOfMediaEvent");
                        Processor p = (Processor)e.getSourceController();
                 if(e instanceof StopEvent)
                         System.out.println ("StopEvent");
                         Processor p = (Processor)e.getSourceController();
                   catch(Exception ee)
         public void processConfigured(Processor p)
              System.out.println("Entered processConfigured");
              p.setContentDescriptor (new FileTypeDescriptor (FileTypeDescriptor.MSVIDEO ));       
         public void processRealized(Processor p)
              System.out.println("Entered processRealized");
                      sink.addDataSinkListener(new DataSinkListener()
                                public void dataSinkUpdate(DataSinkEvent e)
                                     if(e instanceof EndOfStreamEvent)
                                                System.out.println ("EndOfStreamEvent");
              catch(Exception eX)
              System.out.println("Just before start");
    public class Camera2
         public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
              Abc a=new Abc();

  • Easy Question about resizing video

    I searched 'Resizing Video' and there was too many unrelated results to a really simple question.
    In my old program "Premiere', to resize and move a video around was very easy. You could adjust the scale and X-Y values numerically, or you could use a Free Transform like in Photoshop. Simply dragging bounding boxes for size and aspect and also dragging the clip to decide it's location.
    The only way I know how to do this in FCP is I double click a clip in the sequence, it loads into the viewer, I go to the Motion Tab and then I can adjust the Scale, which is cool. But then I'm left with the Distort section to adjust position (and aspect if need be). In the Distort section there are 8 numeric fields of info to figure out and fill out just to get one clip in a different position correctly.
    I'm thinking there must be another way to adjust the location (or aspect) of a video clip without spending a bit of time on exact coordinates, I want to eye-ball where I want the clip to go and simply move it there. Is the Distort feature the only way to do this? If not, which is the fastest way to move and change the dimension of a clip.
    Thanks for reading, I hope there is another way, I'm not use to these calculations and they're slowing me down.

    I searched 'Resizing Video' and there was too many unrelated results to a really simple question.
    That's because it's not a simple question at all and yet every one of those threads was related to the OP's question. As you discovered, there are lots of ways to interpret "resize," during capture, editing, effects, output, viewing, encoding, printing. But the solution was even simpler than you thought. All you had to do was open the manual or the online help system. Start taking the manuals to the gym with you. FCP is not Premiere. You're going to hate FCP, you're going to love FCP but it will never behave like Premiere beyond the elements of the functional paradigm. Forget Premiere.

  • Question about recording from VCR to Qosmio

    I want to record my old personal Videos from VCR tapes to DVD using my Qosmio F10. I plug the VCR analogue output via a coax cable into the Qosmio TV aerial input and set up the Qosmio to recognize the VCR input as just another TV channel. It records onto the hard drive using MCE but the quality is poor compared to the original video tape. The colors and sound are ok but the pictures are lacking in detail and clarity.
    Is there a setting on the Qosmio that I can use to improve the quality or is it the type of input I am using. My old VCR only has a coax and scart output and I can't get the scart output to input to the Qosmio.
    Any help would be appreciated

    > Hi Les,
    > I believe the poor image quality is due to the use
    > use of a coax connection from your VCR to your
    > notebook. I use the scart output on my VCR to connect
    > to a data capture card (USB) on my SA30, but I
    > believe your Qosmio already has Composite inputs
    > available.
    > I use a SCART to Composite adapter (available from
    > rom most PC retailers or electrical shops) and find
    > that this gives me excellent image and sound (albeit
    > not at DVD levels of quality).
    > I have never managed to get an S-Video connection
    > ion from my VCR to my SA30 to work other than in
    > Black & White.
    > HTH
    Hi Nicky,
    Thanks for the response. By Composite do you mean RGB output from the VCR?
    The Qosmio has 3 inputs:-
    1. conventional TV coax
    2. S Video
    3. iLink - firewire
    There is no straight RGB input tho'
    Can I use the iLink with a scart output from a VCR? The iLink works fine with my Camcorder.

  • Question about posting video in iWeb

    hi, I'm having problems with a video that's I've put on a page in iWeb. it's a quicktime mp4 of about 52 megs.
    but does not see the video on some sites, and on others it boots very slowly
    is that too big a video to post?
    should I do a webstreaming export?
    any ideas?

    Dragging a video file onto an iWeb page is not the best way to go since the movie file has to download with the web page. If you want to depend on the QuickTime plugin, you are better using one of the methods shown on this page...
    To make sure it plays in all browsers its better to use a fallback code...
    Export your movie as H.264, fast start for internet streaming so that the movie can start to play before the whole file downloads in the browser.

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    hi guys and gals
    i just recently bought a 30GB ipod video for my little cousin and he asked me a question that i do not have an answer to.
    he knows how to upload music from his itunes to his ipod (drag music into the ipod icon) but he can't figure out how to upload movies/videos.
    i know that the format of the video has to be quicktime or something that is compatible with mac. he uses windows and i believe his videos are AVI or some weird nonesense.
    can you please, in easy steps, tell me how to upload videos into the ipod? thanks!

    Upload videos same way you do songs-just drag them over if you haven't enabled autoupdate.
    Videos have to be in a specific format, found under iPod tech specs on apple website.
    H.264 video: up to 768 Kbps, 320 x 240, 30 frames per sec., Baseline Profile up to Level 1.3 with AAC-LC up to 160 Kbps, 48 Khz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4 and .mov file formats
    MPEG-4 video: up to 2.5 mbps, 480 x 480, 30 frames per sec., Simple Profile with AAC-LC up to 160 Kbps, 48 Khz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4 and .mov file formats

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