Question about ringtones application

OK... so obviously the ringtones application is out there... why can't I get it... I have the latest iTunes and I have restarted my computer, plugged in my phone, etc. What else is there for me to do to get the application??? Can someone please help me?

What "ringtones application" are you referring to? There's no separate application from Apple; it's all handled within iTunes. You might find these pages helpful:
For information:
iPhone Ringtones FAQ:
How to create and buy a ringtone:

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    Hi Andre,
    Is this a technical or legal question Either way it is an interesting question about a major grey-area, and I wonder if anyone has the right answer.
    Boiling your question down to specifics, it could be...
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    Here's the technial answer. Sometime before OSX server 10.0, when Apple introduced netboot technology, developers were advised not to perform network scans checking for duplicate serial numbers when aps start up.
    In practice this means you can install software title on your image, activate with a serial number, and it will not conflict with the other identical versions of the same application on other images on the network.
    FileMaker Pro is the only software I am aware of that doesn't play by these rules, altthough it no longer checks when the applicaton starts, but when any FMPro network activity is started.
    Here's the leagl answer. It depends on the title and the country you are in. The legality is definded under the eulas for the titles concerned. I don't know if the leaglity has ever been tested in a court of law in any country in this context.
    The easy way to do the right thing for some titles it to purchase a multi-user serial number, ie. a single number which will work for 5 or 10, 20, 50... etc. users. Fore example, FileMaker has a volume licensing serial number which I beleieve can be purchased in increments of 10 users. However, not all titles offer this option, though, and it's difficult if you need 12 copies and have to buy 20.
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    Good luck,

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    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_01-b06)
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    For the record, the problem was that the user's cache size was too small for the size of the database thereby creating a large number of records in the log when eviction of dirty records occurred. The cleaner was unable to keep up with the log load.
    Note to readers: eviction of dirty records causes records to be written to the log. JE has to evict to somewhere and the log is what it uses.
    Charles Lamb

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    Yes, you can jump aroundd as you like.
    You just can't use view links between VO's based on different db schema tables.
    Nesting AM's doesn't help there, the DB connection of the top-level AM will be used.
    Why don't you create synomyms for the tables in the other schema?
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

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    DB Replay's workload capture facility allows you to either start capture from a closed (mounted) database (capture starts upon opening the DB), or to begin capture mid-stream during normal activity. Starting capture on the production system from a closed database eliminates the divergence in performance resulting from a primed cache, as well as possible data divergence issues from open, partially-completed transactions at the time the capture started.
    For many customers, it will clearly not be possible to close their database during peak periods (!!)
    One way to address the cache priming issue is to start capture in production from a closed state during a low period of activity, and the allow capture to run through the peak period.
    Another approach is to start capture mid-stream with the DB open and to run capture for a long period (long enough to stabilize the cache). When performing the replay, begin a new AWR snapshot after the cache has stabilized.
    Your question about running the replay again after the first replay is done is confusing. Of course you will not get meaningful data from that, since replay must begin from the capture start SCN. If you run replay twice in a row without reverting the database to the capture start SCN, it will be applying meaningless changes to a database in a state that is unlike that of the original. You will be testing the data errors codepath instead of real performance.
    It is typical to enable database flashback on the repay database so that it can be repeatedly reverted to the capture start SCN for testing under a variety of scenarios.
    Jeremiah Wilton
    Blue Gecko, Inc.

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    Thank you for any and all help.
    Message was edited by: Abe

    No there is not a time limit that I know of. The bell has disappeared on mine too. Have you clicked Store>create ringtone?
    There are many, many posts about other ways to make ringtones:
    These are just the first page of many in a forum search.

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    Hi All,
              My question is regarding bundling an application in netbeans? At present I have my application all working fine when I build and clean or run the application within Netbeans.
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    Or do I have to modify some file generated by Netbeans?
    Thank you in advance for your assistance!
    Kind Regards

    You may want to use  the Java Preferences API to manage your application info.

  • Questions about database application tables connector

    Hi all,
    I need to manage with OIM several databases (each one with its custom tables).
    Also, one of them will be my trusted target on the initial load of users. The structure of our tables is not similar to the included in the example.
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    Has anyone rebuilt the "DBTable_nonTrusted.xml", "DBTable_trusted.xml" and "OraAppX.xml" files changing all default variables in order to manage a customized table? .
    Many thanks in advance,

    Hi Claudia,
    1) Yes, you must replace the column names in the "column" tag on your XML file for the column names that you have in your database tables. Also, remember that you need to configure the other parameters (like data_type, data_typ_size, etc) according to your database table.
    2) The "xel_data_source" parameter is the attribute name that will be recognized by the OIM and they can be mapped to a form field (UD_DBAPP_XXXX) in your process definition in OIM Design Console.
    3) You can customize your Database Application Tables connector for provisioning as you wish, but some issues exists. In the Known Issues section of the documentation you can see that this connector doesn't work for more than two tables.
    4) To customize your Database Application Tables for Trusted Recon, there are other restrictions because OIM users have some required fields that must be filled to create a user successfully.
    Hope that helps, and please let me know if you have more questions.

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    Last edited by since1992 (2010-11-06 11:28:30)

    Yes, it was a stupid question. I found that I can configure the location of the dictionary file. I also installed PyGlossary to convert dictionaries for MDic. Everything works fine now. Thank you.

  • Question about "run application once" semantics...

    Hi to anyone still out there. We're still using ZfD 3.0SP1a with the
    latest NAL patch (10.4.2002). Things basically are working but we're
    redoing our software distribution strategy to try and streamline things
    and squeeze a bit more life out of the platform. As part of the process, I
    moved away from force run MSI installs by user for basic stuff to force
    runs which call msiexec /i some.msi (or setup or whatever...) and
    associating these to OUs. I was planning to use the app version number to
    force redistribution whenever I put up newer MSIs or installer files. In
    testing, I noticed that msiexec was running on each login for each package
    and that wasn't what I wanted. I want the installers to fire off once,
    then again whenever I bump the version number. So I checked off "Run
    application once". Now the apps run only once but do not redistribute when
    I up the version number. If I use nlist to query eDir, I can see the
    attribute "zenappDisconnectedVersionNumber" has been incremented in the
    directory but looking at HKLMSoftwareNetWareNAL1.0Distribute*, the version
    number for that app never moves and the software isn't redistributed. The
    apps are all set to "wait on force run".
    Am I misunderstanding the use of this attribute? I suppose I could leave
    "run application once" off and set up some registry flags to control
    distribution or even just let them run on each login but I want to do this
    in the cleanest fashion. Any suggestion about what I might be doing wrong
    or how to work around/troubleshoot this issue? Thanks in advance!

    Thanks, guys. I have a follow up question/issue related to this
    environment. I am pushing out a handful of apps associated with
    workstations via OUs (force runs which call msiexec or a setup). I've
    tested this a hundred or more times in my own OU but in several other OUs,
    I've now run into this issue when NAL kicks off the first app install. I
    get a WMRUNDLL.EXE error and no software distribution occurs. The text of
    the Dr Watson error is:
    The application, WMRUNDLL.exe, generated an application error The error
    occurred on 11/07/2007 @ 12:54:26.495 The exception generated was c0000005
    at address 004AED14 (NWAPPCreateFullObjectName)
    In setting up a few machines today, the first ran fine, the next 3 got
    this error. I've synched up everything in PUBLIC across all servers; all
    NAL related files that I'm aware of (that show via NAL's "more" button)
    are from the last update for ZfD 3, dated 10-04.2002.
    I did some searching and the little I was able to find seemed to point at
    a particular version of wsreg.dll. Wasn't able to find any particulars
    though. Fwiw, wsreg32.exe and wsreg.dll in PUBLIC were dated 6.26.2001. I
    swapped in a wsreg.dll from 10.22.2002 which I believe was part of the
    49SP2 client. That apparently hasn't helped. Worst of all, it seems
    intermittent or arbitrary - I can't really see what's different between
    the environment I'm currently in that is experiencing the error and the
    one in which it's working. It's the exact same base image, exact same
    PUBLIC dir... the only difference is that it's not my home OU. I checked
    workstation policies in the other OU and they appear to be the same as in
    I thought I was past this as the PUBLIC sync seemed to clear things up at
    another location but now I'm seeing it again. Have you seen this before?
    Any suggestions? Thanks a lot!

  • Question about Messages application and AIM.

    Hello, I purchased my first apple device last year (iphone) at which point I created an iCloud account and received an @me email address. This is also my Apple ID. Later in the year Apple also gave me an @icloud email like everyone else. I am enjoying my iphone very much and this year I decide to purchase my first os x device (macbook) soon. This is what leaves me to my following questions:
    1. I wish to use the Messages application just for iMessage and not AIM or any other IM service. It is my understanding that about 2 years ago .mac and mobileme users were having AOL create Lifestream profiles for them without pemission. Now I have never been a .mac or mobileme user and only signed up icloud last year as previously stated. I just want to know if AOL is still creating these profiles and if they affect icloud users? I could not find any information about this issue being resolved. Would using the Messages applicaton just for imessage have the risk of having my icloud email have a Lifestream profile created for it?
    2. I am aware that when setting up my macbook for the first time it will ask to sign in to with your apple id and then into icloud. I plan to do this. I am told that this will make me signed into imessage automatically in the Messages application. What I want to know is if this will make me sign into AIM automaticlly too? I have no intention of ever using AIM so I hope this is not the case.
    I hope I have made myself clear as English is not my fist language. Any help with these questions is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    The last bit first.
    iChat was the application used before Mountain Lion and Messages.
    It could only join the AIM, Jabber and in iChat 6 the Yahoo services.
    These are Instant Messaging services so the text sent between you and a Buddy tend to be referred to as IMs.
    The AIM site I linked to above has an Option (when you can log in there)  that allows your to turn this AIM feature Off.
    Some Jabber servers can do it but it tends to be an option the person running the Jabber decides to do or not.
    If a Server is set up to allow Off Line Messaging then those have to be stored.
    These can  a concern for the person running the server; either with storage space in the first place and for issues around governments want to "see" the data.
    A part of the iChat and Messages apps perform a "Listening" function when you turn your computer On but do not launch the App.
    This Listening will start up the App if anyone send you an iMessage  and AIM or Jabber message.
    However this function of Messages can be turned Off.
    This pic was created for something else but you can see the second line down is about setting the Status to Offline when the App is Quit.
    This effectively stops the App doing the Listening.
    Back to the Lifestream issue.
    I am not sure what triggers the Lifestream to be set up.
    I used a Search on the Lifestream site for my main AIM Name (which I can set the Lifestream to Privacy > No-one) and for my one which I cannot log in to the AIM settings site.
    I cannot see anything returned in either case.
    I also tried when Logged in under my main AIM name and got this form my ID
    I think that when AOL/AIM started Lifestream all those people that had AIM and AIM valid Screen Names were included in Lifestream.
    It may now be different and you may have to sign up for it.
    There seems to be a set up page.
    It would seem that my ID and ID have not been set up for Lifestream where as my AIM account (Main AIM Name as I call it) was set up in the beginning.
    I am afraid I don't have any clearer information than that on this part of your enquiry.
    8:03 pm      Friday; October 25, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.4)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • A legit question about ringtones

    Ok I do wish there were still were 3rd party apps but there not so here we go, I like ringtones and assign one to most of my contacts so I immediately know who is calling, I have submitted to apple and began buying ringtones from them (one as of right now). Most of the songs I want to make ringtones don't have bells by them which of course makes me upset but through posts I've read its a bunch of copyright issues and mumbo jumbo that I understood that kept certain songs from being available from Apple. Now I actually been looking around to other cell carriers to see what they were selling like verizion and guess what they are selling a lot of ringtones that itunes doesn't have huh? Then I went and looked on AT&T's media mall and guess what they to are selling them to, so my questions are 1. why isn't apple selling such ringtones? 2. Are carriers such as AT&T selling them illegally? 3. If I bought one from our service provider (ATT&T) would it be considered 3rd party even though their part of the party? 4. Does anyone that sells ringtones have to get their own approval to sell even if someone else is arleady selling them? I'm not complaining or ranting just want some insight on something I don't understand.

    it takes time to work out ringtone deals.. just because another network has them doesnt mean they are automattic considering the price difference and they dont expire
    We created a redtape society now we ;must live in it

  • I have a Samsung Galaxy Stellar 4 GB first time user. I have a question about ringtones.

    My basic smart phone before the Samsung was a LG touch cell. What I liked best about that phone was the ringtone. It would call out (voice) the name of the person calling or sending a text. I can't find this feature on the Samsung. Does anyone know if this cell has the capabilites of a verbal announcement ringtone for names on my contact list? Since it doesn't appear to be on the selection list for ringtones, is there an app I can download to add it to my Samsung for incoming texts or phone calls? I'm starting to like this new cell but I miss the verbal ringtone announcement.

    To my knowledge, there's nothing built in on the phone itself, though I could be wrong. On my DROID RAZR M there is a way you can have the phone announce calls and text messages, so it's possible to do. I would look in the Google Play store to see if there's a free app that can do this for you, or see if you can find in the phone "app" some settings for announcing callers

  • [urgent] some  newbie questions about Sun application server

    thank you for reading my post
    1-what is equivalant folder in suna pplication server which act like Tomcat_home\webapps
    its name -i think- is autodeploy folder
    2-how i can mark a context as a "cross Context" cross context are acceable from outside web application context.

    Your first question:
    drop your file under s1as_home/domains/domain1/autodeploy.
    For cross-context, see you need to add the property in WEB-INF/sun-web.xml:
    table Table A-120 sun-web-app Properties
    Hope that help.
    -- Jeanfrancois

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