Question about transferring contacts to iphone

I just upgraded to 3g. My wife wants to try out my V1 iphone. All of her contacts and calendar are on a Samsung Blackjack II.
We are sharing the same PC and Itunes account.
I need to know how to remover the contacts from her Blackjack and sync them to the iphone.
She's not sure if she likes the iphone...... I know that if she has to manually enter her contacts, she'll get frustrated and stick with her old phone.
Any help would be appreciated.

if you can transfer all the contacts from her blackjack to outlook, then all you need to do is sync up the iphone and on the summary page, in iTunes, there is a place where you can choose to get contacts from will sync up all the info to the iphone

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    If the most important thing for you is keeping old text messages, notes, and voicemail, then you'll need to sync the phone from your existing backup. I know of no other way to access those items.
    Once you have synced to the new phone, check that you have those items that were important. Then you can reconnect your phone to iTunes, and change the sync settings to remove the apps or other items you no longer want to keep on the phone.
    iPhone backups are stored by iTunes; you can see them by opening your iTunes preferences, clicking on "Devices" and then looking in the window. You can delete old backups from here. I don't know how you can open/read the backups though.
    I don't expect you'd have any problems syncing from your old phone's backup, but it's definitely an either/or situation. Since you got rid of the old phone already, it's too late to email yourself your notes, or copy the text messages. Your previous backup is your only solution.

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    Discussion of hacked phones is prohibited on these forums.  Sorry, you'll need to go elsewhere to get support for a j'broke iPhone.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    If your old Macbook is a Intel based machine it would be to your benefit to use Migration Assistant to get your new MBP up. With MA assistant you have options of transferring information from your Macbook from either Firewire, USB or Ethernet connections. MA will walk you through how to connect the two machines together and ask what data you want transferred. If the Macbook is Intel based and you choose all of the options MA will make a mirror of the settings, data etc.. onto the new MBP. If your old machine is a PPC machine it is strongly advised not migrate items such as applications to the new machine due to possible incompatibilities. MA will also ask if you want to use a Time Machine drive to migrate the data to the new machine so you do have options. If you choose that route remember Time Machine _does not_ back up Windows so you would not be able to migrate that information using MA.
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    This article: provides tips that will resolve most issues related to syncing contacts and calendars on a PC.
    Make sure you have at least one contact in the contact manager on the PC, so there are contacts to merge.
    You can sync and even merge contacts on from multiple computers as described here:

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    if you sync with itunes or gmail or mobileme you can just remove the wrong synced contacts and  get the right ones from those services
    if you don't you really should

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    With every sync your contacts on your pc and iphone should be updated. So you cab use your windows contact app to sync it to the ipod touch. Disable automatic sync in itunes, activate the option to delete all contact info on the ipod once in the info pane with your ipod connected and sync. All your contacts will be transfered to your ipod.

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    onslaught wrote:
    I couldn't find Dropbox on the Mac App Store but i could find Dropcopy in there.
    Stupid question: will i need to also install Dropcopy on my iPad 3/iPad mini in order for my files to be transferred?
    Yes, it will need to,install it on any machine you wish to use it on.
    also, you should spend some time on the Drobbox website to see how it works. You won't find it in the Mac App Store, but can still easily using it on a Mac.

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    - restore back up
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    With every sync your contacts on your pc and iphone should be updated. So you cab use your windows contact app to sync it to the ipod touch. Disable automatic sync in itunes, activate the option to delete all contact info on the ipod once in the info pane with your ipod connected and sync. All your contacts will be transfered to your ipod.

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    I'm not saying NO your iPad won't work with your camera, but you are clearly going to run out of storage space quickly, so it hardly matters.
    I would try to convince you that you should think of your iPad as something to consume and share your media with, not store it. Keep using your laptop. BUT as you go through your photos and videos each night during vacation, throw the best ones onto your iPad to show your friends and family the next day. You can even set it up to down convert the videos for transfer to the iPad without losing the original 1080p files.
    If the iPad DOES work with your camera (probably just photos), then you could do a quick transfer of selected photos and use the iPad to review them in the field (instead of your camera's screen). But I'd clear them off pretty regularly and just do proper transfers to the ipad of just the best stuff.
    But anyway, everyone gets to use technology however they want. I don't think the iPad sounds right for what you want to do, but that's your call - why not give it a try.
    (ever considered using mobile me or another cloud solution to store your photos. You can password protect them, upload from your iPad, and retrieve from your iPad (with mobile me and some other choices).

  • Odd question about transferring.

    Ok, about 2 months ago I had no problems moving my iTunes library from my old computer to my new one. So with that bravery I just tried moving iTunes and my library from where it had been to a new bigger drive, and I ended up losing huge chunks of my library. Now, my question is, I still have what I had previously sync'd onto my Pod, is there any way to transfer what is in my iPod "into" iTunes?? Otherwise, I'm going to end up losing a whole day re-importing my CD's back into my library, not to mention lose what I had purchased from my iPod. I had just purchased 2 new TV episodes but in order to get them onto my Pod, I have to sync, and if I do that I'll lose what I have there. Help!!!

    *is there any way to transfer what is in my iPod "into" iTunes??*
    The transfer of purchased content from the iPod to authorised computers was introduced with iTunes 7. You'll find details in this article: Copying iTunes Store purchases from your iPod to a computer
    The transfer of content from other sources such as songs imported from CD is designed by default to be one way from iTunes to iPod. However there are a number of third party utilities that you can use to retrieve the music files and playlists from your iPod. You'll find that they have varying degrees of functionality and some will transfer movies, videos, photos, podcasts and games as well. Have a look at the web pages and documentation, this is just a small selection of what's available, they are generally quite straightforward. You can read reviews of some of them here: Wired News - Rescue Your Stranded Tunes
    TuneJack Windows Only
    iPod2PC Windows Only
    iGadget Windows Only
    iDump Windows Only
    SharePod Windows Only
    iPodRip Mac & Windows
    YamiPod Mac and Windows
    Music Rescue Mac & Windows
    iPodCopy Mac and Windows
    iRepo Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    iPod Access Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    There is also a manual method of accessing the iPod's hard drive and copying songs back to iTunes on Windows or a Mac. The procedure is a bit involved and won't recover playlists but if you're interested it's available at this link: Two-way Street: Moving Music Off the iPod
    One last thing if your iPod is set to update automatically you need to take care connecting to an iTunes with a different content. You can use a keyboard command to prevent your iPod auto-syncing with iTunes. While connecting the iPod to the computer on Windows with iTunes 7.3 or later installed hold down the Shift + Ctrl keys together. This will stop the iPod from auto-syncing with iTunes and the iPod will appear in the source list. Wait until you are sure the iPod has mounted, and that it will not auto sync and then you can let the keys go. This may take between 20 to 30 seconds depending on your computer: iTunes 7.3 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows
    When your iPod appears in the iTunes source list change the update setting to manual, that way you can continue to use your iPod without the risk of accidentally erasing it. Also when using most of the utilities listed below your iPod needs to be enabled for disc use, changing to manual update will do this by default: Managing content manually on iPod
    Whichever retrieval method you choose, keep your iPod in manual mode until you have reloaded your iTunes and you are happy with your playlists etc then it will be safe to return it auto-sync. I would also advise that you get yourself an external hard drive and back your stuff up, relying on an iPod as your sole backup is not a good idea and external drives are comparatively inexpensive these days, you can get loads of storage for a reasonable outlay.

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