Question of Patch download

DB version :
OS version : AIX 6.1
We had encountered the following bug .
+Bug 13377816 - Excessive memory use by DIAG / DIA0 [ID 13377816.8]+ .
So we need to apply the patch 13377816
In Metalink I searched for 13377816 for the platform "IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)"
For patchset, the download is available only for PSU and . But my PSU is*3* the patch is not availabe to download for this PSU. So which one should I download and apply ?
Edited by: T.Boyd on May 15, 2012 8:53 AM

You will likely need to apply or PSU, then apply this one-of patch on top

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    Connected to
    421-*********************** Downtime Notice ************************
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    Enter the following command where username and password are your My Oracle Support login and password and filename is the patch file name that you copied from the Properties window::
    wget http-user=username http-password=password no-check-certificate output-document=filename "<filename>"
    For example, to download patch 7154429 for Linux where the patch file name is, enter:
    wget http-user=[email protected] http-password=password no-check-certificate ""
    My Oracle Support FAQ ID 747242.5
    Nagendra Chillale
    Edited by: user12023326 on Dec 16, 2009 11:43 AM

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    Hi All,
    Here is a design question for you:
    The application we built is being upgraded from time to time and we send it to our users.
    our users use it on a network so there is only one file to upgrade (and being done by the sys admin)
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    thanks, I posted it there.No, he meant that Webstart is the mechanism you should use. It supports net-based distribution and automatic centralized updates of apps. Exactly what you want.

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    Hi: You may also want to post your question on the HP Enterprise Business Community support forum -- IMC section...

  • Design question about instant download from

    Hi All,
    Here is a design question for you:
    The application we built is being upgraded from time to time and we send it to our users.
    our users use it on a network so there is only one file to upgrade (and being done by the sys admin)
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    Java WebStart is the deployment technique suited for your purposes.
    The deployment will be done via a webserver running a jnlp servlet (provided).
    The applications may either run offline, or check online for automatic updates.
    You have several configuration options.
    ArgoUML and jEdit are two open source apps delivered this way.
    Your app will need to be adapted though.
    And your customers need an online browser with installed jvm.

  • Questions on Patch Deployment - From older post.

    Almost a year ago I had a post with questions on the patch scan process.
    I have been reviewing my patch process again due to Student laptop's getting re-imaged this summer. I am hoping I can get some additional information based off the replies from that post.
    1. It was stated that monthly patch bundles were created and deployed. I am unsure how that is best accomplished. If I create an all Microsoft (Windows 7 for example) Patch bundle for each month, yet the workstations it is deployed to may not require the patch, would this not cause the bundle to fail? If it just fails on that section will the remaining patch's continue to deploy?
    What is the best way to deploy a monthly patch bundle? In the past I would create a patch bundle through the Patch Management area for Windows 7 but assign to only a single workstation and then go back and assign to the Windows 7 group as a "run on ref" option. Is it better to assign the patch bundle to all nonpatched devices? If this is done will a system that is reimaged and no longer has the patch or a new system created after the bundle create be automatically assigned said bundle?
    Any other good strategies for patching systems? I create custom bundles for Adobe, Java, and Quicktime to ensure I control how they are deployed. Java seems to be one that works better when older versions are not installed. This method seems to be working well for those products. It is my MS Windows updates that are way off the mark. I have most of my systems with 60 to 80 patches reported ready. No matter how many times I deploy the patches they never seem to report as patched on the devices (Even tho the bundle reports back as successful). I am getting ready to start an SR since I think this is an issue with the server since so many of my systems are doing this. Good deployment procedures would be nice since I really hate to mess with my Universal WIndows image since it is working so well. Recreating it just to patch it with the latest Windows Updates would be pain.

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
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    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
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    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • Reports On Ref Cursor - Patch download and Installation issue

    I have made a dummy report based on ref cursor.
    create or replace PACKAGE my_cursors IS
    type emp_rc_strong is ref cursor return emp%rowtype;
    type emp_rc_weak is ref cursor;
    function fn_RefCur(p_deptno number) return my_cursors.emp_rc_strong;
    create or replace PACKAGE body my_cursors IS
    function fn_RefCur(p_deptno number) return my_cursors.emp_rc_strong is
    emp_data_strong my_cursors.emp_rc_strong;
    emp_data_weak my_cursors.emp_rc_weak;
    open emp_data_weak for 'select * from emp where deptno = :1' using p_deptno;
    emp_data_strong := emp_data_weak;
    return emp_data_strong;
    Report Builder
    Inside ref_cursor query object
    function QR_1RefCurDS return my_cursors.emp_rc_strong is
    emp_data_weak my_cursors.emp_rc_weak;
    emp_data_strong := my_cursors.fn_RefCur(:p_deptno);
    return emp_data_strong;
    While running it's giving following error
    REP-0065: Virtual Memory System Error
    REP-0200: Cannot allocate enough memory cavaa 22
    So, when I searched on net, I found
    This is a known Oracle Reports bug for MS Windows Platform.
    To implement the solution, two one-off patches should be applied to
    Oracle Reports %ORACLE_HOME% Please execute the following steps:
    1. Download the following two one-off patches from Metalink:
    One-off Patch 4505133
    One-off Patch 5634746
    But since I am a home user, so how I can download these patches and test.

    You can't without metalink access.

  • Java Patches download for ECC6.0

    Currently i have ecc 6.0 with ABAP+JAVA Stack. My java stack is on SP18 and need to upgrade. On the same server we have ESS Portal and ADS.
    Kindly suggest me where to download patches in SMP.  Im bit confused with path.
    Prateesh K

    Hi Prateesh,
    You can download, from > SAP Support package stacks (left frame) > SAP ERP 6.0 (SAP ERP 2005) (in the right frame).
    Select the appropriate components based on, the usage.
    Or the best way is, if you a Solution manager in your landscape, log in to that, and use DSWP > Operations > Change Management > Maintenance Optimizer > Create New Maintenance Transaction > Select the appropriate system, and continue.
    If will show the current level and you need to select the target level, then it will automatically give the components that you can add to your download basket and approve them.
    Also, download the stack.xml file, which will make the component target SPS level calculated, in JSPM.
    Hope this info helps,
    with regards,

  • Update and Patch download errors (CC 2014)

    Hi all, this was initially meant to be a customer support chat, but it seems to be unavailable currently, so I'll ask on here instead.
    The issue is happening on Creative Cloud (
    I am running Mac OSX Mavericks (version 10.9.4), early 2011 model, 2GHz Intel Core i7 Processor, 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 Memory
    The Creative Cloud app is showing 6 updates. The updates are as follows...
    Premier Pro CC (2014) : Adobe Premier Pro CC 2014.0.1 Update
    Photoshop CC (2014) : Photoshop Camera Raw 8.5 (CC)
    InDesign CC (2014) : DPS Desktop Tools CC2014 31.0.1 Update
    Flash Professional CC and Mobile Device Packaging (2014) : Flash Professional CC Update - July 2014, as well as Photoshop Camera Raw 8.5(CC)
    Media Encoder CC (2014) : Adobe Media Encoder CC (2014.0.1)
    After Effects CC (2014) : Photoshop Camera Raw 8.5(CC)
    When I click the update button on any of these updates, I almost instantly receive an 'Update Failed' message.
    Upon clicking the 'Learn More' option, it reads 'Update Failed - Download Error. Press Retry to try again or contact customer support.(49).
    When Retrying, the same happens every time.
    It also affects newly installed apps. This morning when installing Bridge CC, the app itself downloaded fine, but an error message saying 'Instillation Succeeded, but a patch failed - Download Error. Press Retry to try again or contact customer support.(49).' appeared.
    It has been doing this for a fair few months now, having hoped upgrading from the CC apps to the new CC 2014 apps would fix it.. These updates themselves are also quite sporadic in their appearance. When I shut down my Mac and restart it, the updates often disappear, with an 'all apps are up to date' message in their place. They only then reappear when downloading a new app, or a more up-to-date update becomes available.
    I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the apps multiple times, but nothing changes. In the past, I have tried manually downloading and installing the updates and patches through the website, though that too gave me an error message. I have switched off my firewall on occasion, as well as allowed all Adobe apps to be allowed through, though this does not seem to have any effect. I have tried it in multiple locations, being connected to multiple routers, so I do not believe it is a router issue. I am a student, so not connected to any companies that may be blocking access. I have also had a brief look at install logs in the past, though I am not particularly tech savvy when It comes to that sort of thing. I have also seen people recommend trying to update in root user mode, though I am not particularly comfortable with that, as I have been told It's not a good idea to mess about as a root user when you don't really know what you're doing
    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

  • Cannot find Oracle client patch download for W2K3 32 bit.

    Hi All,
    To fix a Oracle client bug I would like to upgrade the Oracle client software from to The bug we are experiencing has been solved in It has to do with Windows memory management. Normal users can only use the client if an administrator has logged on to the system and started the client in another session. Otherwise the client fails.
    The Operating system is: Windows 2003 32bit Standard Edition.
    The current Oracle client software is the full Oracle client software, not the instant client.
    I have spent about three hours and a colleague of mine has searching on Metalink, otn and using google for the or patch and came up with zero?
    Could anyone provide me with a way to download this patch? I have found some patch numbers but when I search the patch numbers on Metalink they all turn out to be dead links. :-(

    Once you apply the patch, the OUI automatically detects which specific components to upgrade. One of the differences when you apply the patchset against an RDBMS and a client installation is that the RDBMS requires all the databases to perform a post install phase where the data dictionary must be upgraded as well. On the client installation it is just enough to apply the patchset against the client oracle home.
    ~ Madrid

  • Patch download from Utilities tab fails

    One of the best feature of this tool is the ability to download and process patches. I have tried about everything to get this to work. Any help would be appreciated.
    .netrc contains 2 entries in the following format:
    machine login <Metalink account> password <AcctPassWord>
    machine oracle-ftp login anonymous password [email protected]
    Below is the Debug output from eof_patch11i.log.dbg: has been called with DEBUG parameter
    DEBUG is set to : Y
    DEBUG log file : /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/eof/log/INSTANCE_1702/eof_patch11i.log.dbg
    count_tiers : 1 , count_readmes : 0
    as: ssh -l appladupgd au_phase1/REMOTE115_APP.env /oapp/app/11i/adupgdappl/patch appladupgd
    Got to Process_Main
    SQL OUT PATH: /tmp/EOF_LOGS29733.txt
    OK - Count from ad_bugs/ad_applied_patches shows patch 4963569 applied 0 times.
    DEBUG=> Next checking for applptch.txt and 4963569 count COUNT=0
    Note: No applptch.txt found (/oapp/app/11i/adupgdappl/admin/ADUPGRD/applptch.txt)
    Running: to try and get from (try: 0)
    SUCCESS = ls: p4963569_*11i_*.zip: No such file or directory
    Running: to try and get from (try: 1)
    SUCCESS = ls: p4963569_*11i_*.zip: No such file or directory
    Running: to try and get from (try: 2)
    SUCCESS = ls: p4963569_*11i_*.zip: No such file or directory
    Running: to try and get from (try: 3)
    SUCCESS = ls: p4963569_*11i_*.zip: No such file or directory
    Running: to try and get from (try: 4)
    SUCCESS = ls: p4963569_*11i_*.zip: No such file or directory
    #################### Get_Patch_Updates ####################
    Patch_Type : 11i
    Platname : LINUX
    Patch_Ext : zip
    P1 : p4963569
    File should be then : p4963569_*11i_LINUX*.zip
    NORMAL PATCH detected : 0
    OK - Can read the patch_top: /oapp/app/11i/adupgdappl/patch
    Running ls -l of *zip file:
    Checking for No such file ls error: ON_REMOTE=
    TRYING TO scp: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/eof/patches/p4963569_11i_GENERIC TO: [email protected]:/oapp/app/11i/adupgdappl/patch

    Here is the full error
    ERROR: std.err had output:
    ping: unknown host
    Diagnostic - My Oracle Support ftp Downloads from
    ftp test with .netrc file: /opt/orapp/oracle/mw_db1/eof/.netrc
    Checking permissions to file: $EOF_HOME/.netrc
    OK - can read .netrc
    Ping test to
    Using ping command: ping -c 1
    OK - ping test to
    Ftp test to
    Maintenance Wizard not downloading any patches. Looks like it needs FTP server up and running. but installation document does not say so.
    Executing test ftp and ls of patch: 5497337
    ERROR - failed to access patch: from
    ftp Output returned:
    unknown host
    Not connected.
    Not connected.
    Test with file: /tmp/ resolve this problem
    ftp -i << START
    cd 5497337
    NOTE: It may be that an ftp proxy needs to be setup

  • Patch download from OTN

    Would it be possible to make the oracle RDBMS patches available for downloading from the OTN-site?
    I've tried many times to download the patch for AIX from metalink, but the download (260 MB) crashes after a few MB's. (I am in Gabon, Afrika, with not very stable internet connection).
    I haven't been able to get any resuming download manager to work with the site.
    From the OTN site however, I can download big files, because my download manager can resume files from this site. If the patches were on the same server, I could download them.
    Sending patches via mail, on cd, is not an option, because mail can take months, and even not arrive at all here.
    I hope you can help,
    Ruud Schilders ([email protected])

    The list of [OPN benefits|] on the Oracle Partner site is probably the first place to look.
    OPN members do get Metalink access, which does technically allow you to download patchsets. It does not, however, give you a license for those patchsets (i.e. you still need to have a proper production license and a proper support license).

  • Question on Document Download from Library: wopi.ashx vs download.aspx

    I just got curious with this behavior, hence thought of posting this here. I was monitoring RequestUsage table to check the entries SharePoint makes when a user downloads a document. I downloaded two documents from Library. One document was downloaded using
    the ribbon "Download a copy" option. Another document was downloaded using ECB menu.
    When I observed in RequestUsage table, DocumentPath column was "/_layouts/15/download.aspx" and QueryString column was pointing to the document URL. This was smilar for both documents.
    When the similar download activity was done from "other machine", DocumentPath column was "/_vti_bin/wopi.ashx/files/ec1a5b7d6e92497aaaf69ac3044c6912" and QueryString column was "?access_token=[lengthy characters]".
    Both machines were using Windows 7 and this test were done from Chrome browser. My question is, why this difference in the way document gets downloaded? Basically what differentiates to call download.aspx or wopi.ashx? Any pointers please?

    Hi Suresh,
    When you click Download a Copy, it will redirect you to
    http://site/_layouts/download.aspx?SourceUrl=urlofdocumentinlibrary If you are using IE browser, please download a document, then go to IE settings icon, and view downloads, right click the documents and copy download link. Then paste in a notebook, 
    you will find the link is in type of the link above.
    As for the "/_vti_bin/wopi.ashx/files”, it is related to Office Web App. We access document via Office Web App, and it will use the url like that. The access token is a token passed between SharePoint and the Office Web Apps servers.
    For reference:
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected] .
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

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