Question on PSE8 actions

When I try to run some of my actions in PSE8 it will instruct me to do some task and then press the "play" button.  I don't know what button this is referring to, I thought maybe it meant the apply button at the bottom of the effects palette, but that doesn't work.  Can someone help me?  Thanks!

Actions you download and install yourself normally get installed and work from the effects pallet in Full Edit.
The pre-installed actions are found in the Organizer by choosing Guided Photo Edit under the Fix tab.
Scroll down and you will see Automated Actions and the Actions Player.

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    2. What does this comment mean "Nested calls of advanced action is a nice enhancement."? Is the decision tabs at the top of an advanced action page?
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    Hi Lilybiri,
    Thanks for your reply and the link to your blog.
    Continue: Can you just explain yor statement "Continue can also be a choice in a conditional action, when one of the branching commands has nothing to do special but to advance.". When you say "branching command" i'm assuming you mean "IF ELSE statements" and "to advance" is that to the next decision if there is one? and if you didn't include "Continue" would it still advance?
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  • Is there a way to restrict the number of attempts for a remediated question using advanced actions?

    I have the following slides in my project:
    content slide 1
    content slide 2
    question slide 1
    question slide 2
    Question slide 1 is a question about content slide 1. Question slide 2 is a question about content slide 2. I would like to restrict the total number of attempts to two for each question. If question 1 is answered incorrectly on the first attempt, the learner would be returned to content slide 1 for review. Clicking the next button will take the learner back to the missed quiz question and allow them a second attempt to answer it correctly. If they answer it incorrectly again, it is scored as incorrect and the learner is taken to question slide 2.
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    I think it could be possible, but giving you step-by-step instructions, sorry, that would take a lot of time. Did you use advanced actions already? My archived blog has a lot of use cases and tutorials, but I think it is not fair to ask on a forum for step-by-step instructions for each use case you want to create.  The most important thing will be to make sure that the user always remains in the Quiz scope, you can use the new system variable cpInQuizScope while testing. There is no system variable for attempts on question level, only one on Quiz level, so you'll have to create a user variable to track the attempts on question level. A big problem is that when you leave a question slide, without using the remediation work flow, the attempts are considered as finished. Personally I would prefer for that reason to not use the default question slides. You could try out a combination of remediation and advanced actions, never did test that?

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    Hey Tarik,
    Thank you for the response; I have looked at the apple-device policy, I see that the “* Exception Action” field is = NONE. I only see that the Network Scan (NMAP) Action is set to OS-scan. In fact I have looked at all the generic policies and none have an “* Exception Action” field set.
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    I am using JDeveloper and ADF + BC.
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    Does anyone know how we can force the tab action to occur before the page load so that we can get the proper orderId?

    Thanks for your speedy reply Frank,
    We are using the onPageLoad from the OnPageLoadBackingBeanBase which implements the PagePhaseListener.
    In this we are doing something like:
            if (isPostback()) {
                String selectedTabNum =
                String test = EL.getAsString("#{TabCounter.tabOrderId" + selectedTabNum + "}");
                System.out.println("tab num " + selectedTabNum);
                System.out.println( "testing " + test );
            }our tab counter (a session bean) has these two methods (among others):
        public void setCurrentSelectedTab(int currentSelectedTab) {
            this.currentSelectedTab = currentSelectedTab;
            for(int i=1;i<= 20; i++) {
                EL.set(BACKING_START+"selectedTab"+i+"}", false);
            EL.set(BACKING_START+"selectedTab"+currentSelectedTab+"}", true);
        public String getNextAvailableTab () {
            for(int i=2;i<=20;i++) {
                boolean isTab = (new Boolean (String.valueOf(EL.get(BACKING_START+"render"+i+"}")))).booleanValue();
                if (!isTab) {
                    return String.valueOf(i);
            return "0";
        }our tab header (request bean) has this method as the action for clicking a tab:
            String componentId = actionEvent.getComponent().getId();
            String selectedTab = componentId.replaceFirst("tab","");
            int selectedTabNum = new Integer(selectedTab).intValue();
            EL.set("#{TabCounter.currentSelectedTab}", selectedTabNum);
            String tabType = EL.getAsString("#{TabCounter.tabType"+selectedTabNum+"}");
            if (tabType.equals("regular")) {
                String orderId = EL.getAsString("#{TabCounter.tabOrderId"+selectedTabNum+"}");
                EL.set("#{processScope.unfinishedHeaderId}", orderId);
            } else if (tabType.equals("standing")) {
                String orderId = EL.getAsString("#{TabCounter.tabOrderId"+selectedTabNum+"}");           

  • Question about Folder Actions

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    When manually drag a file in the folders both scripts work.
    But the intention is that the first folder move files to the second folder and the second folder does the folder action script.
    But (Only) when the files are moved by the first script the second folder action does nothing.When I drag an other file in the second folder it does the action on all files within that folder.
    Folder 1 : Check files and move the selected files to other folders
    Folder 2 : Make report and move file to another folder
    How I can improve this?
    start of the second folder action... if that's the problem.
    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
    tell application "Finder"
    set numFiles to (number of files of folder this_folder)
    repeat with i from 1 to numFiles
    set curFile to the item 1 of this_folder
    set curFilename to name of curFile as text

    Perhaps you're seeing a long standing defect of Finder, which often fails to udate its internal cache of file system objects in time.
    One method to try is to use 'update' command of Finder. Like CODE1 below.
    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
    tell application "Finder"
    update these_items -- # added
    update this_folder -- # added
    set numFiles to (count files of folder this_folder)
    repeat with i from 1 to numFiles
    set curFile to item 1 of this_folder
    set curFilename to name of curFile
    -- # rest omitted
    (* Since curFile is always assinged to item 1 of this_folder,
    curFile is supposed to be removed from this_folder within this repeat loop. *)
    end repeat
    end tell
    on error errs number errn
    display dialog errs & " " & errn with icon 2 giving up after 5
    end try
    end adding folder items to
    --END OF CODE1
    By the way, your original code is not using these_items that is passed by Folder Action Server. However, from Folder Action's point of view, you should solely use these_items to process them because there's NO guarantee that 'item k of folder this_folder of application "Finder"' at the time of its execution is the item k of these_items. (E.g. Suppose there's another group of files newly added to the folder while an instance of Folder Action is running to process a group of files already added.)
    So I'd rather recommend something like CODE2 below.
    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
    tell application "Finder"
    repeat with i from 1 to (count these_items)
    set curFile to item i of these_items
    set curFilename to name of curFile
    -- # rest omitted
    end repeat
    end tell
    on error errs number errn
    display dialog errs & " " & errn with icon 2 giving up after 5
    end try
    end adding folder items to
    --END OF CODE2
    Good luck,
    Message was edited by: Hiroto (fixed typo)

  • Question about Smart Actions

    When creating a custom smart action, I want to send an automatic response text message to certain people but not all people.
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    - I can set a TRIGGER for "I miss some calls"
    - Then I can choose who I receive calls from
    - Next I can set the ACTION "Send a text message" and choose what I want the text message to say
    Is there a way to download a trigger for "I miss some text messages"? That way I can put in the numbers of the people I receive the texts from and it will automatically respond with what I need it to say. If not, does anyone know of another method I could use to do this?

    Hi, Thanks for the response,It's more the fact that my boss is a micromanager and has decided to contact me using my cell phone via text. i was hoping that if she sent me a text, i could set it up so it would automatically respond with a message like,"i'm right in the middle of something but will get back to you ASAP"because if i don't respond back with something, then i get a ton of emails and phone calls
    << Personal information removed.  Please edit personal information when replaying via email. >>
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

  • Question Permission of action's objects (inside function).

    Hello, I'm new here.
    Nice to meet you all.
    I'm having some troubles with SAP GRC RAR and I believe you can help.
    During the creation of objects authorizations (Functions, Choose a a function, Permission tab), I can understand the fields: "Field", "Value From" and "Value to", "Conditions" and "Status".
    Well I'd like to understand better how the "Conditions" works?
    If GRC test condictions between each line of the object or between each object, or even between the values of the fields "Value From" and "Value to".
    How it works?
    Waiting for some feedback.
    Thank you.

    If you're referring to the operators (AND, OR, NOT) within the permissions tab, please review SAP note 1330165 which contains all of this data.  A quick overview though is that the condition/operator only applies within a field of an object.  If you use a range then it will always be interpreted as OR within that range, even if the operator is AND.  I'm given an example below.
    F_BKPF_BUK     ACTVT     01     02   AND   ENABLE
    The above would cause a conflict if the user had accounting document authorization for company code with a create (01) or change (02).  The operator does not matter because it is in a range.  If we want them to have both, 01 and 02, then we should format it as below.
    F_BKPF_BUK     ACTVT     01            AND   ENABLE
    F_BKPF_BUK     ACTVT     02            AND   ENABLE
    Again, this was just meant to be a small example.  The above listed SAP note should provide you an indepth explanation.

  • Survey Question - Carry over data

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    For short answer questions the value of the system variable cpQuizInfoAnswerChoice is the exact text that was entered, which is great news for you I suppose? Be sure to assign the value of that variable to a user variable before the next question is answered. That means that best event to trigger the action is the On Enter event for the next slide. As you perhaps know, there is no On Exit event possible for Question slides.
    You will have to create an advanced action for that:  Assign v_answer1 with cpQuizInfoAnswerChoice
    And you'll need a different action for each question, even shared actions couldn't help you because a variable (it is the user variable v_answerx that will be different for each action) cannot be a parameter.

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  • Actions and Advanced Actions not working correctly. - Captivate 8

    In our project, we have it set so that after every section the student is asked three quiz questions (they are set on the default quiz slides.) On success, the person jumps to the next question slide. On failure, the person goes to next slide which has two buttons - one that allows them to simply move forward to the next quiz question and one that allows them to go back and review. The "Go back and Review" button takes the person back to the specific content slide that contains the answer to the question they are being asked. This button is set to advanced actions "Jump to Slide ..." and "Show Button..." - The button is a 'Return to Quiz' button to allows the person to find the answer then try the question again.  I know that the buttons on the default quiz slides cannot be programmed to do a specific action, but every time we click 'Submit' it seems fine until we click 'Next' to move ahead, it then routes us back to one of the content slides (Slide 7) instead of the next slide (if wrong), or the next question slide (if right). I have looked at the Advanced Interactions Window and there is nothing linking this slide to anything. I have not had this problem with any of our other modules or sections. I have tried creating new question slides and it did not work. I deleted Slide 7 and it worked fine the first time through the preview, but then when I viewed the preview again, it started jumping back and would not even let me get to the questions. Can anyone help?

    Normally the Next button on a question slide is not needed, because it has the functionality of Skipping the question. It is however needed if you want to allow Review.
    Another explanation is that you did change the normal work flow for a question slide, where a two-step process for submitting will take automatically the user to the next slide.
    Question Question Slides in Captivate - Captivate blog
    What did you do to need the Next button? If the user submits:
    Feedback appears with the indication to press Y or to click on the slide, happens at the pausing point of the Question slide (default is 1.5secs)
    When user presses Y or clicks, the actions Success/Last Attempt are executed if all attempts are exhausted, and you have only 1 attempt on Question level: the actions are by default Continue, but you can change it to 'Go to Next Slide' to shorten the waiting time (or drag the pausing point closer to the end of the slide).
    What did you change?

  • Basic N1 SSH config questions...

    At the risk of asking remedial questions, are these actions correct?: <p>
    <li> When generating SSH keys, I am to generate one set with the ID used to install/owner of the MS (agent, server, cli)? (i cant remember now if cli installed w/ the master seerver or not, i think it did)</li><p>
    <li> I am to create a second user and generate keys, and place this users pub key into the authorized_keys2 file of the first user (product install/owner of MS) </li><p>
    <li>How do I tell N1 about the existance of this second user? Is this what pe.defaultUserToRunAs is for? I cannot find this in the docs. </li><p>
    <li> According to previous postings, root ssh'ing is required for OSP. This makes no sense to me when the agent can be owned by a non-root user, yet can execute native commands with root priv.</li><p>
    <li>The docs state that SSH forwarding works downstream, but can it use loop back to the master server?</li><p>
    <li>Why do I see the product use a root shell to CLI back to the Master server (OSP question)? Should this be happening?</li><p>
    Thanks for everyones help.

    At the risk of asking remedial questions, are these
    actions correct?: <p>
    <li> When generating SSH keys, I am to generate one
    set with the ID used to install/owner of the MS
    (agent, server, cli)? (i cant remember now if cli
    installed w/ the master seerver or not, i think it
    did)</li><p>True for MS/LD/RA as they always run with the same uid. CLI works best, if always invoked as the install owner. If the CLI is invoked as any other user, then there are couple options,
    one is to make sure that each user has their ssh keys configured so that the connection from their machine to the MS machine with their ssh credential succeeds.
    Another is to configure CLI to always a single identity to connect to the MS. For security reasons, you may want this identity to be different from the MS install owner. If you look at the ssh man page, it allows you to override the default uid and identity file locations through options -l & -i.
    Lets say we create a new user spsuser, for CLI authentication.
    We can then generate ssh keys for spsuser and put them in this identity file, lets say /home/spsuser/ssh/identity.
    We can then configure sps CLI to override the ssh credentials that are used when connecting to the MS as
    net.client.parms.1=sshargs=-o|BatchMode yes|-l|spsuser|-i|/home/spsuser/identityThat way CLI will always try to use the same ssh identity regardless of who invokes it. However, since I haven't tested this configuration, I'm not certain if it will work. The one possible issue here is that ssh may complain about the identity file having global read permissions.
    <li> I am to create a second user and generate keys,
    and place this users pub key into the
    authorized_keys2 file of the first user (product
    install/owner of MS) </li><p>Nope, the keys always belong to the same user, unless you are overriding the default user to the first user when running ssh as the second user.
    <li>How do I tell N1 about the existance of this
    second user? Is this what pe.defaultUserToRunAs is
    for? I cannot find this in the docs. </li><p>I think you are talking about the CLI here. In this case you'll be running the CLI as the second user, right? In that case all you need to do is to make sure that the second user is able to connect to the MS machine from the CLI machine using ssh, without requiring any user interaction.
    <li> According to previous postings, root ssh'ing is
    required for OSP. This makes no sense to me when the
    agent can be owned by a non-root user, yet can
    execute native commands with root priv.</li><p>The ability to run native commands as root is only available when the agent is running as root. Otherwise the plan that tries to run exec native as root will fail if the agent that its running on is not running as root.
    <li>The docs state that SSH forwarding works
    downstream, but can it use loop back to the master
    server?</li><p>Not sure I understand the question. downstream here implies from the machine invoking ssh client to the machine thats running the ssh daemon. I don't think ssh would care if the the ssh daemon was connected to via any IP address or loopback...
    <li>Why do I see the product use a root shell to CLI
    back to the Master server (OSP question)? Should
    this be happening?</li><p>My opinion is that CLI doesn't need to run as root for most of its functionality. The only case where it may need to run as root is when the files that its trying to checkin are only readable by root. However, it may make sense make those file readable by the CLI user instead of running CLI as root in that case. Don't know if it makes sense to have OSP run the CLI as a non-root user instead..

  • BPM 11g urgent questions

    1, we don’t want to have the “Bulk Actions” function. Is there a way to delete the select column and bulk action function?
    2, how to change a worklist table header? For instance, can we change the “Participant” to “Assigned to”?
    3, almost all the workspace customizations are done by modifying files in OraBPMStudioHome. These customizations will apply to all projects. Is there a way to make project specific customizations? If we have two projects running at the same time, how should we do the project specific customizations?

    Hi user586942,
    You can customize the columns by creating your own view of the inbox. You can select whichever columns you want. You can use flex fields to add columns with data from the form. These changes are process/user activity specific so you can have a different view for each process.
    Here is where you can read about flex fields
    For your question on bulk actions, which tool are you using?

  • How to reveal correct answer in a quiz question

    I am using Captivate 5.5.
    Is there a way to allow the user to view the correct answer to a quiz question without having to keep clicking on the different options until they select the right one? I want to allow infinite attempts but equally, if they are in a hurry or just run out of patience, I want the user to see what the actual answer is straight away. Our learners are medics and they often have limited time.
    So the sequence could be something like this.
    1. User enters question page.
    2. Selects one answer. It is incorrect and retry message appears.
    3. User selects another answer. It is incorrect and retry message appears
    4. User decides that he/she wants to see the correct answer before moving on. Selects 'reveal answer' and is able to see what the correct answer is.
    5. User moves onto next slide (this could be another quiz question or any other type of slide
    In another package I have been using, we can specify a 'reveal correct answer' button which shows the correct answer straight away. Is there something like that in Captivate?

    I think what you mean is that the quiz question's Failure action doesn't trigger until the final attempt and that would never happen if attempts is set to Infinite.  So if you were only incrementing the variable when the quiz question registered final failure then you'd only get one crack at incrementing the variable. yes.  My bad.
    However, if you are using Multiple Choice questions, you can also trigger actions using the Advanced Answer Option.  This will trigger an action when a particular answer is selected.  So if you set this for each incorrect answer, you could increment the variable each time they select the wrong answer.
    You can also use this same Advanced Answer action to execute a conditional action that first checks the value of the variable and then shows the rollover caption or increments the variable as needed.
    Say you create a variable called WrongAnswer and initialise it with a value of 0.  Then you create a Conditional Action called CheckWrongAnswer that looks like this:
    If WrongAnswer is equal to 1 assign Wrong Answer with 2, (then on the next line) Show RolloverCaption, ELSE assign Wrong Answer with 1.
    This shows the rollover caption after the second attempt resulting in an incorrect answer.

  • Htmlb form action

    I have a question about the "action" attribute of the htmlb form object.  Is it a relative or absolute path that the action attribute expects? 
      <hbj:form action="nextjsp.jsp">
      <hbj:form action="pagelet.jsp">
    I've tried the JSPDynPage example from the PDK, and the switch statements don't work on my button click.  I'm wondering how I can send my request to the correct JSP.  Thanks!

    Hi Vu,
    In this case you are using relative paths. An absolute path would look like:
    ... action="/nextjsp.jsp">
    Please note this is the root of the webserver (your portal instance).
    There are other tricks you can use like:
    ... action="../nextjsp.jsp">
    (relative, one directory below current one)
    Hope this helps.

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