Question on using CAST, MULTISET and TABLE

I am trying to do something that is utterly meaningless, but I am studying the use of CAST with MULTISET and TABLE.
I have created a type: a Nested Table of Number values:
create type numTable as table of number;
Now I perform the following query:
select d.dname
, ( select avg(column_value)
from table
( cast( d.salaries as numTable)
) Department_Avg_Salary
from ( select cast
( multiset
( select e.sal
from emp e
where e.deptno = d1.deptno
) as numTable
) salaries
, d1.dname
from dept d1
) d
I had expected to see each department name and the average salary within that department. Instead, I see the same Department_Avg_Salary value for each row - the average of the first department:
SALES 1875
However, when I change the query to the following:
select d.dname
, d.salaries
from ( select cast
( multiset
( select e.sal
from emp e
where e.deptno = d1.deptno
) as numTable
) salaries
, d1.dname
from dept d1
) d
I get the following result - note that each department shows the correct list of salaries, not the list of the 1st department's salaries over and over.
NUMTABLE(2450, 1300)
NUMTABLE(800, 2975, 3000, 5000, 1100, 3000)
NUMTABLE(1600, 1250, 1250, 2850, 1500, 950)
Can someone explain why the
, ( select avg(column_value)
from table
( cast( d.salaries as numTable)
) Department_Avg_Salary
does not give an average per department but instead only the first department's average?
thanks for your help!
Lucas Jellema

scott@ORA92> select d.dname,
  2           (select avg(column_value)
  3            from   table (cast (d.salaries as numTable))
  4            where d.dname = dname) Department_Avg_Salary
  5  from   (select cast (multiset (select e.sal
  6                          from   emp e
  7                          where  e.deptno = d1.deptno) as numTable) salaries,
  8                 d1.dname
  9            from    dept d1) d
10  /
ACCOUNTING                2916.66667
RESEARCH                        2175
SALES                     1566.66667

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    Hi  Nagalinga,
    Based on my understanding, you create a chart and table with same values, then you use a rectangle to contain them. When previewing the report, rectangle, chart, table displays separately. However, when exporting to PDF, the chart and table display in a
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    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu

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         $password = 'password';
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    -- version 2.11.1
    -- Host: localhost
    -- Generatie Tijd: 03 Aug 2010 om 21:35
    -- Server versie: 5.0.24
    -- PHP Versie: 5.2.4
    -- Database: `ewb`
    -- Tabel structuur voor tabel `afsprakenblad`
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      `naam` tinytext NOT NULL,
      `afspraak` text NOT NULL,
      KEY `id` (`id`)
    -- Tabel structuur voor tabel `verslag`
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      `ewb_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
      `datum` date NOT NULL,
      `dienst` tinytext NOT NULL,
      `ploeg` tinytext NOT NULL,
      `gebouw` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
      `installatie` tinytext NOT NULL,
      `subdeel` tinytext NOT NULL,
      `subsubdeel` tinytext NOT NULL,
      `sap` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL,
      `tekst` text NOT NULL,
      `status` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
      `afdeling` tinytext NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
    -- Tabel structuur voor tabel `wachtverslag`
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      `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `datum` date NOT NULL,
      `dienst` tinytext NOT NULL,
      `team` tinytext NOT NULL,
      `afdeling` tinytext NOT NULL,
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      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
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    Please, help is really appreciated by me.

    Translating from mysql to Oracle will need a bit of fixups for the DDL, once an oracle instance is created, set up and running, you won't create a database but you will have a database user or users that create/own a collection of tables, indexes, functions, procedures, etc.
    It will take a bit of pouring through the oracle documentation to get those table create statements to work, i.e. the engine=, charset=, auto_increment items won't succeed, datatypes need adjustments, the tic marks around the entity names aren't necessary, quite a few other items from the mysql data definition language don't have an oracle equivalent.

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    Any font holds good,depends on the choice of the individual user.
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    You might want to read about APEX rather than jumping into questions that are reasonably well documented. Info at
    Your specific questions:
    1) Apex is a package that can be installed into any properly licensed database.
    2) The price for the production license of the database varies by edition.
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    Here are some information which may answer your questions
    We have a limitation for language specific character sets
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    I think Japanese/Chinese/Korean are represented in multi byte character sets, so we cannot.
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    Knowledge bases can be in any single-byte character set.
    Ans 3) No you dont need to.It is reflexive.
    you can check the following example
    create table test(id number, text varchar(20));
    insert into test values (1, 'os');
    insert into test values( 2, 'operating system');
    insert into test values(3, 'windows');
    exec ctx_thes.create_thes('my_thes',FALSE);
    exec ctx_thes.create_phrase('my_thes','os');
    exec ctx_thes.create_phrase('my_thes','operating system');
    exec ctx_thes.create_relation('my_thes','os','SYN','operating system');
    syno varchar2(50);
    syno := ctx_thes.syn('os','my_thes');
    dbms_output.put_line('the synonym of os is : ' || syno);
    --o/p is the synonym of os is : {OS}|{OPERATING SYSTEM}
    syno varchar2(50);
    syno := ctx_thes.syn('operating system','my_thes');
    dbms_output.put_line('the synonym of operating system is : ' || syno);
    --o/p is the synonym of op sys is : {OPERATING SYSTEM}|{OS}
    Ans 4) I think you are trying to say the following
    you have a thes file..say in spanish
    and you have an entry in that file for USD Syn in English...
    you want to ask whether still Oracle can return SYN(USD) = 'USD,US Dollar'
    Am I right?

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    from sf.profiles p, demographics d, contact_info c
    where p.entity_id = d.entity_id
    and p.entity_id = c.entity_id
    and p.list_id = 111
    and associate_id in (insert associate_id in here
    );Once I searched OTN, I saw some examples, where they had the distinct operator as the first column. So I switched it with p.list_id, and the query ran find.
    select distinct p.associate_id, p.list_id, d.first, d.last, c.street1, c.street2,, c.state,, c.postal_code,
    from sf.profiles p, demographics d, contact_info c
    where p.entity_id = d.entity_id
    and p.entity_id = c.entity_id
    and p.list_id = 111
    and associate_id in (insert associate_id in here);So, does the distinct operator have to go first, if using multiple columns?
    Message was edited by:

    With or without parenthesis, it's a distinct clause for all columns in select statement:
    SQL> select * from tt1;
            ID T
         10203 1
         10203 2
    SQL> select distinct(id), text from tt1;
            ID T
         10203 1
         10203 2
    SQL> select id, text from tt1;
            ID T
         10203 1
         10203 2
    SQL> Nicolas.

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    public class Test extends HttpServlet
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Test.class);
    String theHost;
    String theSource;
    public void init (ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
    super.init(config);�debug Enabled: �+log.isDebugEnabled());
    ServletContext context =config.getServletContext();
    etc. etc.�thisHost:�+this.thisHost);
    log.debug(�Source:� +theSource());
    etc, etc.

    It depends on what logging system you have set up.
    Commons.logging is an abstraction layer above logging components. It allows your code to use a variety of logging systems. However those logging systems have to be set up and configured by you. This can be via system properties, properties files, XML config files (depends on the logging system and how you use it).
    So you need to figure out which logging system is being used and then configue that system to write the logs

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    Display <?ACAD_CAREER?>
    <?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, 'acad_career_in', ACAD_CAREER)?>
    <?if:xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, 'acad_career_in')='UGRD' ?> UGRD <?end if?>
    <?if:xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, 'acad_career_in')='GRAD' ?> GRAD <?end if?>
    <?end for?>
    I believe it is looping through two rows. The first row has ACAD_CAREER = 'UGRD' and the second row has ACAD_CAREER = 'GRAD'
    The output is:
    Display UGRD
    Display GRAD
    For some reason, it appears like the second time the if UGRD statement is run, it still thinks the result is true.
    Any ideas?

    Hi, Sent the email. Thanks for your help!!! The code which is till the problem is (all code is in form fields in the RTF):
    <?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, 'acad_career_in', ACAD_CAREER)?>
    Display <?ACAD_CAREER?>
    <?if:xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, 'acad_career_in')='UGRD' ?> UGRD <?end if?>
    <?if:xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, 'acad_career_in')='GRAD' ?> GRAD <?end if?>
    <?end for-each@section?>
    The output is:
    Display UGRD
    <on a new page>
    Display GRAD

  • Can we use multiset and with clause both

    Please let me know how to use both multiset and with clause.

    You need one more inlining, as e.g. in:
    SQL> select *
    from table (cast (multiset (select *
                                from (with t as (select deptno from dept)
                                      select * from t)) as sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll))
    5 rows selected.

  • CAST it supported by BI

    In a precedent POst i explained the problems we had with multiple queries to display data as a hierarchical manner, with more than 2 levels
    We'd like to explore the way with CAST MULTISET...but before to spend time, we'd like to assure that it is supported by BI Publisher.
    As an example ( with one level):
    We prepared the Object Types as is :
    create or replace TYPE ETAG_T AS OBJECT("@S_NUME_OBJE" NUMBER,
                        S_NUME_ETAG NUMBER,
                        C_TYPE_ETAG VARCHAR2(4 CHAR),
                        L_DESC_ETAG VARCHAR2(50 CHAR),
                        N_NOMB_PIEC NUMBER,
                        N_SURF_TOTA NUMBER,
                        D_MODI DATE,
                        R_FONC CHAR(5),
                        R_UTIL CHAR(20),
                        C_CODE_LANG VARCHAR2(4 CHAR)
    create or replace TYPE etaglist_t AS TABLE OF etag_t
    create or replace TYPE obje_t as Object (
    etag_list etaglist_t
    Then the data query is (Statement is named Q1):
    obje_t(s_nume_obje, n_nume_obje, n_nume_imme,
    FROM imm.b12_0 eta
    WHERE eta.s_nume_obje = obj.s_nume_obje)
    AS etaglist_t))
    AS "obj"
    FROM pointi.b02_v obj
    WHERE obj.s_nume_obje= :sNumeObje
    As a result , we get only the <obj> element like this :
    We tried too :
    SELECT XMLElement("Object",
    obje_t(s_nume_obje, n_nume_obje, n_nume_imme,
    FROM imm.b12_0 eta
    WHERE eta.s_nume_obje = obj.s_nume_obje)
    AS etaglist_t))
    AS "obj" ) as "objXML"
    FROM pointi.b02_v obj
    WHERE obj.s_nume_obje= :sNumeObje
    And we get :
    Seems to be not supported isn't it...

    Ok thanks,
    I already checked your blog before to speak about pl/sql tables ;-)
    I think , for maintenance, it will better too , than having a single query with many cast...Multiset , which could have more than 500 lines :-(
    But in our case, as we should have kind of hierarchies in the XML (with levels) and collections, i think we should have a mix :
    store pl/sql tables in a package, that will be reused from the main query, and certainly continue to use cast multiset to manage theses nested collections.
    As you said, i think we could remove the use of Object Types as we do today.

  • Cast multiset

    How does cast multiset work, I have a huge sql whcih is returning one value say p_opp_id ( on the basis of this i need few more coumns) , i was suggested to use cast multiset , what is cast multiset and how it works

    CAST(MULTISET(subquery) AS collection_type) converts the result of a subquery into a collection.
    An example I had lying around:
    CREATE TABLE master (table_name PRIMARY KEY) AS
    SELECT table_name
    FROM   user_tables;
    CREATE TABLE detail AS
    SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type
    FROM   user_tab_columns;
    ( name VARCHAR2(30)
    , value VARCHAR2(50) );
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE name_strvalue_tt AS TABLE OF name_strvalue_ot;
    SELECT m.table_name
         , CAST(
           ( SELECT name_strvalue_ot(d.column_name, d.data_type)
             FROM   detail d
             WHERE  d.table_name = m.table_name
           ) AS name_strvalue_tt) cols
    FROM   master m;
         FOR r IN
              SELECT m.table_name
                   , CAST(
                     ( SELECT name_strvalue_ot(d.column_name, d.data_type)
                       FROM   detail d
                       WHERE  d.table_name = m.table_name
                     ) AS name_strvalue_tt) cols
              FROM   master m
              DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(r.table_name || ': ' || r.cols.count || ' columns');
         END LOOP;

  • Using SQL with Nested Table

    Hi ,
    Please assist as how can we do this thing
    i have a nested table of object type
    create or replace type a1 as object
    a number,
    b varchar2(30),
    region varchar2(30)
    create type a1_array s table of a1;
    v_a1 a1;
    v_a1_array a1_array:=a1_array();
    v_a1= a1(1, '1' , 'AUS');
    v_a1= a1(2, '2' , 'AUS');
    v_a1= a1(3, '3' , 'NAM');
    Now, i have v_a1_array having 3 rows 2 with AUS region and one with NAM region.
    Using SQL can i extract only 'AUS'  rows and fetch in  ARRAY OF TYPE v_a1_array (using Where clause  and Table () functions )
    Any help will be highly appreciated. Please assist. I have oracle 11g

    GPU has already shown you how to do. I will just modify my original one:
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Aug 22 22:14:42 2013
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> set serveroutput on
      2     v_a1           a1;
      3     v_a1_array     a1_array := a1_array ();
      4     v_a1_array2    a1_array;
      5  BEGIN
      6     v_a1 := a1 (1, '1', 'AUS');
      7     v_a1_array.EXTEND;
      8     v_a1_array (1) := v_a1;
      9     v_a1 := a1 (2, '2', 'AUS');
    10     v_a1_array.EXTEND;
    11     v_a1_array (2) := v_a1;
    12     v_a1 := a1 (3, '3', 'NAM');
    13     v_a1_array.EXTEND;
    14     v_a1_array (3) := v_a1;
    16     SELECT a1(a, b, region)
    17       BULK COLLECT INTO v_a1_array2
    18       FROM TABLE (v_a1_array)
    19      WHERE region = 'AUS';
    21     FOR c1 IN (SELECT *
    22                  FROM TABLE (v_a1_array2))
    23     LOOP
    24        DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('A='||c1.a||', B='||c1.b||', REGION='||c1.region);
    25     END LOOP;
    26  END;
    27  /
    A=1, B=1, REGION=AUS
    A=2, B=2, REGION=AUS
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    If you consider your question answered, please mark this thread as answered.

  • Unexpected "numeric or value error" when using CAST COLLECT

    I am having trouble with string aggregation using CAST / COLLECT and the to_string function described on various sites around the net including AskTom and
    I am getting "numeric or value error: character string buffer too small" but cannot see which limit I am exceeding.
    I have put together a simple test case to highlight this problem which I have pasted below.
    The error does not seem to be coming from the to_string function itself (else I expect we would see "TO_STRING raised an exception" in the returned error message).
    Any thoughts much appreciated,
    Thanks, Andy
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Jun 15 09:56:53 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> CREATE TYPE table_of_varchar2 AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(32000);
      2  /
    Type created.
      2              nt_in IN   table_of_varchar2
      3      ,       delimiter_in    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ',')
      4      RETURN VARCHAR2
      5      IS
      6          l_idx   PLS_INTEGER;
      7          l_str   VARCHAR2(32767);
      8          l_dlm   VARCHAR2(10);
    10      BEGIN
    12          l_idx := nt_in.FIRST;
    13          WHILE l_idx IS NOT NULL LOOP
    14              l_str := l_str || l_dlm || nt_in(l_idx);
    15              l_dlm := delimiter_in;
    16              l_idx := nt_in.NEXT(l_idx);
    17          END LOOP;
    19          RETURN l_str;
    20      EXCEPTION
    21          WHEN OTHERS THEN
    22              raise_application_error(-20000
    23                                  ,   'TO_STRING raised an exception. '||
    24                                      'The reported error was: '||sqlerrm);
    25     END to_string;
    26  /
    Function created.
      2      l_longstring varchar2(32000);
      3  BEGIN
      4      SELECT  to_string(CAST( COLLECT( substr(object_name,1,1) ) AS table_of_varchar2 ) )
      5      INTO    l_longstring
      6      FROM    all_objects
      7      WHERE   rownum < 2001;
      9  EXCEPTION
    10      WHEN OTHERS THEN
    11          raise_application_error(-20001
    12                ,   'The anonymous block raised an exception: '||
    13                    sqlerrm||'. '||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace);
    14  END;
    15  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
      2      l_longstring varchar2(32000);
      3  BEGIN
      4      SELECT  to_string(CAST( COLLECT( substr(object_name,1,1) ) AS table_of_varchar2 ) )
      5      INTO    l_longstring
      6      FROM    all_objects
      7      WHERE   rownum < 2002;
      9  EXCEPTION
    10      WHEN OTHERS THEN
    11          raise_application_error(-20001
    12                ,   'The anonymous block raised an exception: '||
    13                    sqlerrm||'. '||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace);
    14  END;
    15  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20001: The anonymous block raised an exception: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric
    or value error: character string buffer too small
    ORA-06512: at line 1. ORA-06512: at line 1
    ORA-06512: at line 4
    ORA-06512: at line 11

    Aha, of course.
    I was aware of the 4000 character SQL VARCHAR2 limit but didn't think it would apply here since we are calling a PLSQL function and trying to assign the value it returns into a PLSQL varchar2(32000) variable. BUT... we are of course doing this via a SELECT statement and hence via SQL. Therefore the SQL 4000 limit applies.
    With this in mind, I changed the RETURN type of the to_string function to be CLOB. This solved the problem.
    Thank you,

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