Question please help as soon as possible if you can-- Applet question

Is there a way to separate a string onto different lines when you draw a string to the applet like there is with escape sequences in a regular application? Thanks

ok my apologies, I'm not great at explaining things...I have a loop to generate and shuffle a deck of cards. The loop also generates a random number which is equal to a certain string value. Here I'll just show you the will be easier that way:
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Random;
import java.lang.*;
public class CardGame extends Applet implements ActionListener {
     Button Deal;
     Button NewGame;
     Button PutDown;
     Button PickUp;
     Color bgColor;
     Color rectColor;
     Image deck;
     MediaTracker mt;
     CheckboxGroup radioGroup;
     Checkbox radio1;
     Checkbox radio2;
     Checkbox radio3;
     Checkbox radio4;
     Checkbox radio5;
     Checkbox radio6;
     Checkbox radio7;
     Checkbox radio8;
//     String[] faceValue = {"ACE", "TWO", "THREE", "FOUR", "FIVE", "SIX", "SEVEN", "EIGHT", "NINE", "TEN", "JACK", "QUEEN", "KING"};
//     String[] suitValue = {"CLUBS", "HEARTS", "SPADES", "DIAMONDS"};
     int rndFaceValue;
     int rndmSuitValue;
     int[] valueArray = new int[52];
     String[] array = new String[52];
     int[] indexArray = new int[8];
     int i;
     int w;
     String card1;
     String card2;
     String card3;
     String card4;
     String card5;
     String card6;
     String card7;
     String card8;
     String cardOnTable;
     String checkRad;
     String removeCard;
     public void init()
          setSize(1000, 600);     
          mt = new MediaTracker(this);
          Deal = new Button("Deal");
          NewGame = new Button("New Game");
          PutDown = new Button("Put Down");
          PickUp = new Button("Pick Up");
          Deal.setBounds(750, 450, 75, 25);
          NewGame.setBounds(750, 475, 75, 25);
          PutDown.setBounds(750, 425, 75, 25);
          PickUp.setBounds(750, 400, 75, 25);
          radioGroup = new CheckboxGroup();
          radio1 = new Checkbox(" ", radioGroup, false);
          radio2 = new Checkbox(" ", radioGroup, false);
          radio3 = new Checkbox(" ", radioGroup, false);
          radio4 = new Checkbox(" ", radioGroup, false);
          radio5 = new Checkbox(" ", radioGroup, false);
          radio6 = new Checkbox(" ", radioGroup, false);
          radio7 = new Checkbox(" ", radioGroup, false);
          radio8 = new Checkbox(" ", radioGroup, true);
          radio1.setBounds(143, 525, 10, 10);
          radio2.setBounds(222, 525, 10, 10);
          radio3.setBounds(301, 525, 10, 10);
          radio4.setBounds(380, 525, 10, 10);
          radio5.setBounds(459, 525, 10, 10);
          radio6.setBounds(538, 525, 10, 10);
          radio7.setBounds(617, 525, 10, 10);
          radio8.setBounds(840, 385, 10, 10);
               Random generator = new Random();
          int rndmNum = generator.nextInt(52) + 1;
     //     int[] valueArray = new int[52];
     //     String[] array = new String[52];
     //     int i;
          for(i=0; i<52; i++)
               int nRND = rndmNum;
               boolean valueUsed = false;
               boolean okToGo = false;
               while(valueUsed == false && okToGo == false)
                    for(int x = 0; x < i+1; x++)
                         if (valueArray[x] == nRND)
                              valueUsed = true;
                              x = i;
                    if (valueUsed == true)
                         nRND = generator.nextInt(52) + 1;
                         valueUsed = false;
                         okToGo = true;
                         valueArray[i] = nRND;
               if (nRND == 1)
                    array[i] = "Ace of Clubs";
               if (nRND == 2)
                    array[i] = "Two of Clubs";
               if (nRND == 3)
                    array[i] = "Three of Clubs";
               if (nRND == 4)
                    array[i] = "Four of Clubs";
               if (nRND == 5)
                    array[i] = "Five of Clubs";
               if (nRND == 6)
                    array[i] = "Six of Clubs";
               if (nRND == 7)
                    array[i] = "Seven of Clubs";
               if (nRND == 8)
                    array[i] = "Eight of Clubs";
               if (nRND == 9)
                    array[i] = "Nine of Clubs";
               if (nRND == 10)
                    array[i] = "Ten of Clubs";
               if (nRND == 11)
                    array[i] = "Jack of Clubs";
               if (nRND == 12)
                    array[i] = "Queen of Clubs";
               if (nRND == 13)
                    array[i] = "King of Clubs";
               if (nRND == 14)
                    array[i] = "Ace of Hearts";
               if (nRND == 15)
                    array[i] = "Two of Hearts";
               if (nRND == 16)
                    array[i] = "Three of Hearts";
               if (nRND == 17)
                    array[i] = "Four of Hearts";
               if (nRND == 18)
                    array[i] = "Five of Hearts";
               if (nRND == 19)
                    array[i] = "Six of Hearts";
               if (nRND == 20)
                    array[i] = "Seven of Hearts";
               if (nRND == 21)
                    array[i] = "Eight of Hearts";
               if (nRND == 22)
                    array[i] = "Nine of Hearts";
               if (nRND == 23)
                    array[i] = "Ten of Hearts";
               if (nRND == 24)
                    array[i] = "Jack of Hearts";
               if (nRND == 25)
                    array[i] = "Queen of Hearts";
               if (nRND == 26)
                    array[i] = "King of Hearts";
               if (nRND == 27)
                    array[i] = "Ace of Spades";
               if (nRND == 28)
                    array[i] = "Two of Spades";
               if (nRND == 29)
                    array[i] = "Three of Spades";
               if (nRND == 30)
                    array[i] = "Four of Spades";
               if (nRND == 31)
                    array[i] = "Five of Spades";
               if (nRND == 32)
                    array[i] = "Six of Spades";
               if (nRND == 33)
                    array[i] = "Seven of Spades";
               if (nRND == 34)
                    array[i] = "Eight of Spades";
               if (nRND == 35)
                    array[i] = "Nine of Spades";
               if (nRND == 36)
                    array[i] = "Ten of Spades";
               if (nRND == 37)
                    array[i] = "Jack of Spades";
               if (nRND == 38)
                    array[i] = "Queen of Spades";
               if (nRND == 39)
                    array[i] = "King of Spades";
               if (nRND == 40)
                    array[i] = "Ace of Diamonds";
               if (nRND == 41)
                    array[i] = "Two of Diamonds";
               if (nRND == 42)
                    array[i] = "Three of Diamonds";
               if (nRND == 43)
                    array[i] = "Four of Diamonds";
               if (nRND == 44)
                    array[i] = "Five of Diamonds";
               if (nRND == 45)
                    array[i] = "Six of Diamonds";
               if (nRND == 46)
                    array[i] = "Seven of Diamonds";
               if (nRND == 47)
                    array[i] = "Eight of Diamonds";
               if (nRND == 48)
                    array[i] = "Nine of Diamonds";
               if (nRND == 49)
                    array[i] = "Ten of Diamonds";
               if (nRND == 50)
                    array[i] = "Jack of Diamonds";
               if (nRND == 51)
                    array[i] = "Queen of Diamonds";
               if (nRND == 52)
                    array[i] = "King of Diamonds";
     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
          if(evt.getSource() == Deal)
               card1 = array[0];
               card2 = array[1];
               card3 = array[2];
               card4 = array[3];
               card5 = array[4];
               card6 = array[5];
               card7 = array[6];
               cardOnTable = array[7];
               indexArray[0] = 0;
               indexArray[1] = 1;
               indexArray[2] = 2;
               indexArray[3] = 3;
               indexArray[4] = 4;
               indexArray[5] = 5;
               indexArray[6] = 6;
          //     indexArray[7] = 0;
               w = 8;
          if (evt.getSource() == PutDown)
                    checkRad = array[indexArray[0]];
                    card1 =" ";
                    cardOnTable = " ";
               else if(radio2.getState())
                    checkRad = array[indexArray[1]];
                    card2 =" ";
                    cardOnTable = " ";
               else if(radio3.getState())
                    checkRad = array[indexArray[2]];
                    card3 =" ";
                    cardOnTable = " ";
               else if(radio4.getState())
                    checkRad = array[indexArray[3]];
                    card4 =" ";
                    cardOnTable = " ";
               else if(radio5.getState())
                    checkRad = array[indexArray[4]];
                    card5 =" ";
                    cardOnTable = " ";
               else if(radio6.getState())
                    checkRad = array[indexArray[5]];
                    card6 =" ";
                    cardOnTable = " ";
               else if(radio7.getState())
                    checkRad = array[indexArray[6]];
                    card7 =" ";
                    cardOnTable = " ";
          if (evt.getSource() == PickUp)
                    card8 = array[w];
                    indexArray[0] = w;
                    w = w + 1;
     public void paint(Graphics g) {
          g.drawString("Card Pending Approval", 780, 250);
          g.drawString("Welcome to Rummy!!", 300, 50 );
          g.drawRect(100, 100, 600, 440);
          g.drawRect(110, 420, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(190, 420, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(270, 420, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(350, 420, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(430, 420, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(510, 420, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(590, 420, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(110, 120, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(190, 120, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(270, 120, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(350, 120, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(430, 120, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(510, 120, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(590, 120, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(300, 250, 75, 100);
          g.drawRect(380, 250, 75, 100);
          //pending card
          g.drawRect(810, 280, 75, 100);
          g.drawString(card1, 115, 450);
          g.drawString(card2, 195, 450);
          g.drawString(card3, 275, 450);
          g.drawString(card4, 355, 450);
          g.drawString(card5, 435, 450);
          g.drawString(card6, 515, 450);
          g.drawString(card7, 595, 450);
          g.drawString(cardOnTable, 390, 275);
          g.drawString(card8, 810, 325);
          g.drawString(checkRad, 390, 275);
now i know this is probably written in the worst of ways, but I'm only in HS just learning so please don't mind my awful coding. :)
Also in the code there is a bracketed i in the loop where it converts the number to a string for all 52 of them i dont know why it did not copy them.
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    You have the desktop version of Reader/Acrobat DC but posted the question in the wrong forum.  This forum (All Communities > Reader/Acrobat DC for mobile) is for the mobile version.
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    you should have a JTextArea on your GUI I suppose?
    Are you using one class for your program?
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      else {
        System.out.println("other stuff");
        JTextArea.append("other stuff");
    }correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think this is what you are looking for.
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    Hello, chard2say22. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    To create an Apple ID without a credit or debit card, there is a specific series of steps that have to be processed in order to allow the payment to be set as none on creation of the account.
    Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, and Mac App Store account without a credit card
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    Ashiie Imperfect

    Nothing happens when you try a Save As and you can continue to work? That's not good. ID should be waiting for you to pick a name and location for the save and should not respond until that has been finished. We used to see a lot of reports where ID would hang waiting, but no dialog was visible, but this sounds different.
    FIrst, what version of ID and is it patched to the latest release, and what OS?
    If the file is still open you MIGHT be able to save it in more or less the state it's in by pulling the plug (either literally or by force quitting [mac] or using task manager [windows] to shut down ID). there should be some sorrt of recovery file saved that will reopen aoutomatically if it is not corrupt next time ID launches. DO NOT SHUT DOWN the computer if you are n a university machine that uses a security feature that resets the computer to a known state at reboot -- you'll lose the recovery file. If you lose stuff you save to the hard drive overnite, that would be the type of machine you don't want to shut down.
    BIG WARNING: there is no guarantee the file will be preserved if you do the above, and it may be lost permanently. That said, if you can't save it now, and you close ID, it's also going to be lost, so the risky method may be better than nothing as a last resort.
    Things to try:
    Export the file to .inx or .idml (depending on your verion of ID) and save that on an external drive of some sort so you can open on another machine. Probably not possible if you can't do a save, but you never know.
    Before closing ID try to do a save As and minmize all the windows you can find. Maybe the dialog is hidden behind something else (from your description, though, this is unlikley as you don't indicate that ID is waiting).
    If this is Windows 7 or Vista,  right click on the desktop and choose Persoanlize, then click Display in the lower left corner and finally, set the font size to 100% (see InDesign tools and panels don't respond to mouse clicks (Windows 7/Vista). I would do this before killing ID and hope it works, but it might not help while ID is already open. It also may not apply. If it does apply, but doesn't work while ID is open you can try again after forcing ID to close.
    Replace the preferences. This cannot be done with ID open, so you have to make the leap of faith that something will be saved in recovery to try this. See Replace Your Preferences for directions.
    It occurs to me that it wouldn't hurt to make a copy, if you can, of the IinDesign Recovery folder on some external media before you do anything else. The recovery folder should be inthe same location as the InDesign SavedData file which is listed inthe link above. I have never tried this, but if you are able to copy the recovery folder you might be able to log onto another machine, start ID, close ID,  paste the content of the old recovery folder into the one on the new machine and restart ID. If you're lucky ID will see the old recovery data and open the file.
    Good luck.

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  • ExecuteWithParams and URL parameter

    I am implementing a two pages scenario where the first page allows the user to select the Department ID from a menu, which gets passed to the second page via URL. The second page allows the user to refine the search on the employees within the select

  • How do I fix the Adobe Flash plugin? It crashed.

    I was on and I saw the sad face associated with the phrase stating that the Adobe Flash plugin has crashed. I submitted a crash report, but what if anything can I do in the meantime to help this issue get resolved?