Question .R3D workflow

So this is my first time working with RED in Premier Pro. Can anyone suggest a workflow? I'm using raw .R3D footage straight from the camera (MYSTERIUM-X). Incase you're wondering, I'm not working with a RED rocket.

Information like what hardware are you working on and what do you plan to do with the footage, do you work alone until finishing or will you send your files for mixing and grading?

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    Hi Scott
    You do not need to install OWB on the 10g if you just want to execute some PLSQL that resides there from a workflow instance hosted elsewhere. If you have the function imported into a module in OWB with the location defined for that schema/instance simply adding the function into an OWB process flow is all you need to do. The OWB runtime service will execute using the deployed location of the function - deployed location simply meaning the module location for the function.
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    When you create articles from source files, only the .folio file contents are uploaded to the server, not the original source files. The source files are tied to a specific computer. If you want to move the source files to a different computer, you can use the Relink command to point the articles to the different location.
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              <Overlay Assets folder>
         <article2 folder>
              <Links folder>
              <Overlay Assets folder>
         <article3 folder>
              <Links folder>
              <Overlay Assets folder>
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    Hi Nicster,
    You can create simple workflow using SharePoint Designer.
    a.  A custom list , say "Employees", can be created with columns like "Name", "Blackberry Ordered", "Distribution List Added" can be created and a reusable workflow can be created on it.  This workflow can
    be set such that it is triggered when a employee item is added and modified in "Employees" list.
    b. Steps can be added in workflow such that when item is added mail is sent to 'a' and 'b' to inform them about their activities.
    c. When 'a' and 'b' have completed their activities, they can update the fields like "Blackberry Ordered" to true. This will trigger the same workflow (since we have set it to get triggered when item is modified) and next set of mails will be sent
    to 'c' and 'd'. Similarly after their activities are completed, the manager can be informed.
    Please refer the following link to create the workflow.
    By using Reusable workflow, the workflow can be saved as WSP and can be attached to other lists in other environments.
    Please let us know if this satisfies your requirement.
    M. Gubendra Raj

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    You need an ICC profile that defines the destination color space. In this case the high end ink jet.
    This will be an RGB profile. You can use a factory profile corresponding to the printer model and paper (this would be part of the printer software install), or you can have a custom profile generated by reading a color target printed on the device. There are online services that can actually create the profile if you send them a print out. Follow their specific instructions if you choose to do this.
    Once you have the print device ICC, check the Color Settings in ID. Make sure the RGB policy is "Preserve Embedded". As long as this was the setting at document creation, the image Adobe RGB profiles were honored.
    To double check, look in the Links panel. Under ICC you should see Adobe RGB, not Document RGB.
    You can also right or control click on an individual image. Go to Graphics: Image Color Settings. By profile it should say Adobe RGB, not Document RGB.
    In the print dialog, Color Management, select Document radio button. Color Handling, Let InDesign Handle Colors. Printer Profile, select the Printer ICC. Do a small test print, then check the result to see if it's satisfactory.

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  • Question about Workflow between Premiere and After Effects

    Hey guys, I have Production Premium CS5 (Premiere and AE)
    One thing that has always confused me was basic workflow between these 2 products.  Is it best to get your clips, but them into sequence, do the basic effects that Premiere supports and output into the  highest quality video in order to take into AE and apply effects to?
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    FYI, I am doing a lot of video game frag movies, so I have a lot of effects I like to put into it.

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    Premiere (Cold Boot : 48 seconds, Warm Boot : 16 seconds)
    Premiere seems to be a beast of a program; I'm rather surprised, I thought AE would be the more intense one.  Sorry, I haven't yet overcome my fears of losing projects/data because I'm running on a Windows machine.
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    Any suggestions as to the most efficient and quickest way to create the DVD's?
    The most efficient work flow in terms of application use would likely be iMovie HD here. Assuming your AVI files are "playback" and "conversion" compatible with QT, then they will be automatically converted during file level import for use in whatever project compression format you create for editing. In addition, this work flow offers more in the way of "effects" if desired and allows you to chapter files for iDVD use internally rather than having to go through GarageBand. On the other hand, if you are working with very short source files requiring little or no editing and a minimum of titles, transitions and/or chaptering, then iMovie '08 may be faster in terms of actual editing speed. Both applications have their own strengths and weaknesses and you should probably try a test project with both so that in the future you can select the proper one according to the needs of any given project.

  • Question regarding Workflow Rule

    Can I set a WF trigger when an attachement or URL is added or updated on record? R17 perhaps?

    I dont know of a way in R16. Once R17 is available there could be something to allow this.
    Not sure what you are looking for specifically but you can perform an export of attachment once a week and use the exported data to know what attachments were added for the week. Exports allow you to select the object. In this case attachments and the date range. The last week for example. The CSV file of the export would allow you to do some matching up with the record the attachment was added to etc.

  • After Effects - Premiere Pro workflow question...

    I have a basic question about workflow between AE and PP.
    I'm editing an acting reel for a client which deals with a lot of different footage and bits and pieces here and there.
    We already converted all the footage to DV-AVI - tweaking, color correction and effects are done in AE.
    Here's the question that I'm thinking about:
    Should I work on all my footage in AE first and then import it into PP for editing OR should I edit everything the way I wanna have it and then import it into AE for the tweaking.
    Advantages for both options that come to my (newbie) mind:
    AE first then PP
    1. Final editing is done in PP which gives me flexibility if I wanna change things later editing wise
    2. PP exporting options are huge - don't know if AE can compare to that
    3. could import to PP via Dynamic link which saves me the hassle of exporting each little clip from AE to a lossless format - as mentioned we have lot's of different footage and little bits and pieces here and there
    PP first the AE
    1. if u apply a lot of effects, Dynamic link is a pain to scrub through the footage in PP because it takes so much time to render through the link - with exporting a final edited version from PP and then importing into AE would make things go a little bit smoother
    2. I would have more flexiblity if I wanna change any effects in AE
    What would u suggest ?
    Thanx for your help in advance !!

    thanx again for your input.
    Reading your posts - and PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong - it seems like the workflow would be:
    1. PP for rough cut, then
    2. AE for tweaking
    3. back to PP for the final cut, export etc., since AE does not have the editing tools needed (transitions etc.)
    But, as I did some testing the last two hours it is almost impossible getting PP projects into AE.
    I read the manual and tried the following:
    a. importing a PP project file into AE via the Import --> File dialog.
    I specified only one PP sequence to be imported - it did import all of the footage of the PP project (including the footage that is not needed) and it imported 3 (not one) sequences, including the one I specified.
    Besides that, the sequence is unusable - the in & out points of the footage are totally wrong - the transition I applied (dip-to-black) was unavailable.
    I re-tried it without transitions but the in & out points of the footage are absolutely wrong.
    The sequence deals with two different clips - both used 3 times in the sequence - and the first clip is okay in AE, but the second clip always (at all three points) starts from the start of the original footage.
    b. I tried to copy & paste footage from the PP timeline to the AE timeline - which did not work.
    As described in the manual, I did save that AE project and I did select the timeline in AE. I tried it through Edit --> Paste (which was unavailable), as well as through Ctrl+V. Did not work.
    It seems to me like Dynamic Link is a One-Way-Street, it does work from AE to PP but not the other way around, at least not usable.
    I had a thread about this a couple of weeks ago and other users experienced the same results.
    I'm thinking about doing the rough cut in AE, the limited editing tools from AE should be okay...

  • Camera tracking / workflow question with 3DS Max....

    Hi guys,
         I have a general question about workflow using After Effects and 3DS Max....
         I have a virtual news set in 3DS Max to composite in the greenscreen footage.  The footage has everything needed for tracking - markers and so on.  After tracking the footage, I want to use the tracking from the footage, plus incorporate some camera moves from 3DS Max when the talent is 'behind the news desk'. Kinda like doing an 'orbital dolly' move to pan across the set.  In After Effects, how would I merge the existing camera tracking from the original footage and then merge the panning camera moves from 3DS Max?

    You will need a 3D track/ matchmove. Once you have, you should not ahve any problems importing teh result in both programs. SynthEyes etc. support a ton of export formats. For everything else a simple 3D export from MAX using relevant scripts/ plug-ins should suffice or you simply could use your keyed footage as a texture in MAX.

  • GRC AC 5.3 Detour not working as expected in workflow

    Hi GRC Experts!
    I would greatly appreciate your help with the problem we're currently facing; we have configured 2 CUP workflows; one for handling requests with SoD violations (Workflow B) and one to handle ones without any SoD violations (Workflow C), with the former handling risk analysis followed by role approval, and the latter handling only role approval; we have one path with one stage configured as "No Stage" (Workflow A); this path is used to decide which of the primary workflows to use (i.e. SoD violations or no SoD violations) using two detours; we have one detour configured to use Workflow B if any SoD violations are found in the request and another detour configured to use Workflow C if no SoD violations are found.
    Currently what happens in our tests is that requests without risks / SoD violations work fine and actually get detoured to Workflow C, awaiting role approval from the right approver ; while requests with inherent risks / SoD violations unforutnately get automatically approved and provisioned rather than being sent to Workflow B
    Any clues as to why this could be happening? We've checked if there are any settings that might be triggering it to automatically approve requests despite any risks, but can't find anything of the sort; Would be very grateful for any insight / advice on the issue.
    Thanks a lot in advance!
    Best regards,

    Hi Diego!
    Once again; thank you for your quick reply!
    I did recheck the auto-provisioning issue and I can confirm that it is definitely set to "No Auto-provisioning" and it hasn't been changed recently. The strange thing is that the detour works for NO SoD violations, but doesn't work for SoD violations; find below the audit trail for detour working:
    Request XXX Submitted by Sandeep (SANDEEP) on 01/28/2012 02:04 
       Z_111111-ECC Role Added with validity dates 01/28/2012-12/31/9999
    Request submitted for approval by admin(system) on 01/28/2012 02:04 
    Approved by Sandeep (SANDEEP) on behalf of Sandeep (SANDEEP) at path WORKFLOW_A and stage WORKFLOW_A on 01/28/2012 02:04 
       Approved Z_111111-ECC role for Add action with validity dates 01/28/2012-12/31/9999
    Request has taken a detour to path C_WORKFLOW and stage C_STAGE on 01/28/2012 02:04 
       Detour condition SOD Violations with value No is satisfied at path WORKFLOW_A and stage WORKFLOW_A
    and find below the audit trail for the detour not working:
    Request YYY Submitted by Sandeep (SANDEEP) on 01/28/2012 01:53 
       Z_222222-ECC  Role Added with validity dates 01/28/2012-12/31/9999
    Request submitted for approval by admin(system) on 01/28/2012 01:53 
    Approved by Sandeep (SANDEEP)  on behalf of Sandeep (SANDEEP)  at path WORKFLOW_A and stage WORKFLOW_A on 01/28/2012 01:53 
       Approved Z_222222-ECC role for Add action with validity dates 01/28/2012-12/31/9999
    Request Closed By Sandeep (SANDEEP) on 01/28/2012 01:53 
    I even checked the CUA System section, and the "By system" tab and it was empty; there were no specific system configurations.
    And to answer your questions:
    Since Workflow A is the path with the Initiator, the detour flag is deactivated and the active flag is activated.
    WF B & C have both the active and detour flags activated.
    Thanks a lot again for your quick responses and all the help you've provided so far!
    Best regards,

  • The workflow could not check out the list item.

    Hi Guys,
    I have a workflow enabled on document library and it needs to started manually.
    Whenever user starts workflow manually, gets following error:
    "the workflow could not check out the list item. Make sure the list item is not checked out." list item is not checked out & this workflow was working smoothly earlier.
    OutCome: The workflow operation failed because the workflow lookup found no matching item.
    I have gone through below links:
    Any clue on this?
    Thanks, Nilesh

    maybe check out for editing documents setting is turned on so wokrflow needs doc to ce cheked out before proceding and user might not have permission to do that.
    please refer below link:
    Please mark as answer if you find it useful else vote for it if it is close to answer..happy sharepointing

  • SharePoint Desinger 2013 Workflow canceled automatically for a specific user

    Workflow canceled automatically. I have three users KMSLS,KMSCO,KMSQA who triggers the list workflow at different levels.
    KMSLS has full control
    KMSCO and KMSQA has contribute permission.
    KMSLS is able to initiate the workflow and emails are getting sent when a new item is created in the list.
    but I am Workflow gets canceled automatically by user KMSCO and KMSQA. I even tried to give full control to these user but getting same error as below. Please help me...
    RequestorId:     9cc0cb81-736c-3628-4115-00a1125754b6.
    Details: System.ApplicationException: HTTP 401
    {"error_description":"The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug>
    configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs."}
    {"x-ms-diagnostics":["3001000;reason=\"There has been an error authenticating the request.\";category=\"invalid_client\""],
    "WWW-Authenticate":["Bearer realm=\"b94af3aa-2759-48a2-a325-866271feda63\",
    client_id=\"00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000\",trusted_issuers=\"00000005-0000-0000-c000-000000000000@*,[email protected]71feda63\"","NTLM"],"X-Powered-By":["ASP.NET"],
    "MicrosoftSharePointTeamServices":[""],"X-Content-Type-Options":["nosniff"],"X-MS-InvokeApp":["1; RequireReadOnly"],"Date":["Thu, 30 Oct 2014 10:54:29 GMT"]}
    at Microsoft.Activities.Hosting.Runtime.Subroutine.SubroutineChild.Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
    at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
    at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)

    Hi Vikas,
    Please check and make sure your User Profile service and User Profile Synchronization service are running, then start a full user profile sync to make sure your users are in user profile service, then check if the workflow is still auto canceled for those
    two users with contribute permission.
    Here are some similar posts for your reference.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

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