Questioning the mac genius

I was just at the genius bar and was told the reason my iphoto was no longer recognizing my photo library was because I had so many photos and was running iphoto '02.
He told me to upgrade to ilife '05 (ilife '06 would require an operating system upgrade as well) and that this would automatically rebuild my photo library. In researching the requirements for ilife '05, it says you need to be running 10.3.x or higher, I'm running 10.2.8. The genius knew I was running 10.2.8, but this seems to be incompatible with the requirements for ilife '05. Should I be upgrading to ilife '04 only? Will ilife '05 work on our computer (we just need to be able to rebuild and view the albums in our iphoto library)?

Hi, callgirl. (Really?)
I'm quite skeptical about the genius's explanation of your problem. An excessively large library will cause iPhoto to slow to a crawl, but I don't think it can make the library inaccessible. Database corruption does that.
If you haven't done so already, rebuild your iPhoto database: hold down the Shift and Option keys while opening iPhoto, and keep holding them down until you're prompted to confirm that you want the library rebuilt. Say Yes, then click Save, and wait for the rebuild to be completed.
This will create a new iPhoto Library inside your Pictures folder, probably named iPhoto Library_1, and when it's ready, iPhoto will open that library instead of your old one. If all seems to be in order in the new library, drag the original iPhoto Library folder from your Pictures folder to the Trash and empty the Trash.
If there isn't enough available space on your hard drive for a second copy of your iPhoto Library, you won't be able to do a rebuild. In that case, you'll have to clear additional space on your drive, freeing up as much space as your iPhoto Library folder now occupies, plus 3-5GB of additional space for the OS to use.
The rebuild may not be able to recover some albums, film rolls, comments or other data you've created in your library, if that data has been damaged. But you should regain access to all or nearly all of your pictures, and if necessary you can recreate any missing albums, titles, comments, etc.
In the event that iPhoto unexpectedly quits before opening the rebuilt library, just reopen iPhoto. The rebuild process will probably have been completed, and the program will probably operate normally after reopening. The unexpected quit is uncommon, but it does sometimes happen at the end of a rebuild, and is usually harmless.
If this doesn't solve your problem, repost in the iPhoto 4 and earlier Discussion forum. Explain that you've tried a rebuild, and tell specifically what the results were. You'll get expert help there.

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    ali b

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