Quick question - SSD for OS or Scratch?

I am in the process of building a new machine with a Haswell cpu, and some raid drives as suggested by Harm, but if you could only afford one 256gb SSD, would it be better to use it as a scratch disk for Premiere or OS/Apps? Thanks

For OS and programs, I think the Samsung 840 Pro 128Gig SSD is plenty large enough
I still use a platter boot drive (next computer will be SSD) and with Win7 64bit Pro and CS5 Master Collection and MS Office Pro and "various" utility and other programs, I still only use 70Gig of drive space... I do have my Windows swap/paging file directed to a different drive

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    I do not have this Portege but I know that Toshiba recovery image (WXP) contains driver for external ODD and the installation can be done without any problem.
    Maybe you can find some useful tips under http://newsletter.toshiba-tro.de/main/index.html

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    Make sure that your bean is implementing the serializable interface and that
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    Hi, I have quick question about use of USEBEAN tag in SP2. When I
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    Generally it is easier to bridge the TC and plug it into the router.. it then lives on the network.. it is after all, a network drive.. and you can access it via your existing connection whether wireless or wired to the existing modem.
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    1. Publish in fullscreen
    2. Use bitmaps, cache all bitmaps, use minimized looping structure etc.
    3. Android: 480 * 800
    4. Not that much, but you have GUI updates and have a GUI publishing screen for packager for iphone too.

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       Quick Poll as name suggests is for simple and faster polls. So by default, it is meant to have one question only.
    1) If you want many questions, then you may have to create some JSP application for it and make it an iView.
    2) There is also option for using many campaigns, each campaign for each question. That way all the questions will be visible at the same time. But I'll not suggest it if all questions are based on same topic. In that case, only custom application will be better.
    Also check this [thread|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/thread?threadID=36512]
    Harini S

  • Size of SSDs for Photoshop CS5, LR3, Windows 7

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    Ok, SSD's and photoshop...
    there are a lot of differnet ways to handle this question none of them are easier then the other ..
    I just did this like a month  ago and here is what i did. *** note** Now i am not suggesting you follow my steps, but you can do something similar at a much lower price range
    I have an OCZ RevoDrive 110 gig SSD as my primary os drive and program files directory.
    second drive set is a pair of 10krpm 300gb raptor drives striped for a 600 gd data drive.
    I have a 2x 2TB hard drives that are my archives but i keep them off line.
    Now here is where it gets complicated.
    You want to write to your SSD as little as possable for longevity of the drives mostly. so first thing is you want no swapper, no automatic defragmentation and several other SSD spacific settings like hibernation etc, if you have been doing the research you already know all this.
    Now i took that and went a step even further and this is not something you would want to do unless you are extreeeemly confortable with playing around with OS configurations.
    I during the OS build set all my user directories, program data, set the swapper to the Physical data hard drive set as well as the PS scratch disk, Internet caches etc..
    This make it so that my primary boot and program files drive never gets written to unless there is an update or i am installing something.
    The second Physical drive handles all the changing data. User profiles, personal settings, desktop, etc.
    This does a number of things for me, everything launches and runs extreemly quickly it takes seconds for boot to dektop apps launch with out hesitation. It alows me to use a smaller SSD to house all my applications and OS while not restricting my ammount of data i can keep on my desktop or documents folders.
    I have only used 35 gigs out of the 110 gig ssd installing all my apps and os including several very large games.
    If i had to do it again i would do it exactly the same way.
    Now, if you are not so confident in your OS skills and simply want an SSD for the extreme speed it will provide you.  I would still suggest only using a single SSD and use a second physical drive.
    Several reasons, its a heck of a lot cheaper.
    Place your scatch disk, your OS swapper file (ssd does not need a swapper file but unless you have an ungodly ammount of memory you should always have one some place), temp directories and internet explorer cache locations onto the physical drive. Also to store your data on it.
    SSD are too expensive to use for data storage or swapper/scratch drives at this point and it does not buy you anything speed wise using it as cache or temp folders. additionally when you are simply storing images you don't need that extreemly quick you will not see a noticable difference opening a photo on physical hd or SSD its just not that much data.
    One last thing, unless your in an extreem rush, i would wait 6 months.  with SATA 3 and USB-3 coming around and already showing on most new motherboards, newer faster SSD's and physical drives will be making their way to the market pretty quick.

  • What is the best way to use a SSD for Photoshop/photo editing?

    Computer hardware newbie here: I do a significant amount of photo editing work and for a very long time I've experienced Photoshop, Bridge and Photomatix crashing constantly (usually due to insufficient RAM) or just generally taking forever (Bridge took forever to load the thumbnail/preview extractions in a folder full of images, Photoshop took forever to save images and Photomatix took ages to load/merge a set of bracketed photos).  Here are the typical error messages I'd get: http://pastebin.com/J9byczse
    As a professional photographer, constantly running into that sort of thing is quite aggravating, so to hopefully avoid ever having to deal with that again I invested in a new custom built computer.  It's Windows 7 Professional 64 bit with 32GB of RAM and a 240GB SSD; I'm using the 240GB SSD as my boot drive/OS, all of my programs are installed there, and the page file.  My photos and data are stored on several HDDs.  I have yet to install any of my photo editing software (Photoshop CS6 Extended, Lightroom, Photomatix etc) to the new computer yet since I'd like some advice first.
    My basic question is this: what is the best way to take advantage of the SSD (and the computer in general) when it comes to my photo editing software?
    1. If I have a folder of photos I'm working on, should I move it to the SSD and then work on them from there in order to take advantage of the speed of the SSD?  Would this make any difference in terms of speed if the photos are located on the SSD vs. an internal/external HDD?
    2. Most of what I've read online seems to recommend two separate SSDs, one for installing/booting the apps and one for cache/scratch.  Does it matter if I use my 240GB SSD for both?
    3. This is a fairly new computer and the SSD is already almost half full (102GB used, 120GB free) *WITHOUT* any of my photo editing software installed yet.  I'm concerned about how fast that remaining 120 GB may fill up.  As it fills up will I lose the speed advantage of the SSD vs. a regular HDD?
    4. Sort of similar to #3, but should I bother moving any of my other non-photo editing programs/caches off of the SSD to a HDD and would there be any major difference in the speed/lifespan of the SSD if I did so?  It's mostly Firefox and Chrome and their caches that I'm concerned may be a problem if they remain on the SSD.
    Thanks for any help!

    If you have an SSD you can run the cache and programs on the same drive.  However, many recommend a scratch disk size of 100-200 gigs so that will not work here unless you opt for a larger SSD.  Otherwise an internal spinner is recommended that does not contain the program files, or idealy any other files that may want to get acessed at same time (only one read/write head per drive).
    With 32 gig of RAM you may not need the constant use of the scratch drive unless working on large images with lots of layers.  So see no advantage to moving folder to SSD for temp work environment.
    From what I read the new crop of SSD do not have the wear problems of the older versions.

  • Advice on upgrading to SSD for Mac Pro (optimized for AfterEffects & Photoshop)

    I'm an animator (I use AfterEffects CS5, but will be upgrading to CC soon) and I'm going to start work on a new AE project in a few months for an animated film that will be very demanding (lots of different shots -- meaning multiple projects, all of which will also incorporate large HD stock footage elements as well as multiple layers of art created in Photoshop).
    So I'm looking to upgrade my current desktop Mac Pro (a 2010 2x2.66GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon) with SSD drives (and possibly a new graphics card) in order to speed up my system and optimize it for both AfterEffects and Photoshop. (In the past I've created projects using external 7200 RPM hard drives connected via eSATA). I've also decided, for now, not to purchase the new Mac Pro, but rather try and make a smaller investment to speed up my current system.
    I'd love any advice that pro users would have that have made similiar upgrades, both in terms of the best equipment (SSD drives and graphics card) and the best way to set up AfterEffects/Photoshop projects using these SSDs.
    For example:
    1. Should I be purchasing 1 or 2 SSDs, and how should I be using these drives to optimize my system for AfterEffects and Photoshop?
    2. Should I install my operating system (I'm on OS 10.8.5 but plan to upgrade to Mavericks when I upgrade to CC) on one separate SSD, and then install my Adobe applications on a 2nd SSD, or can I put both the operating system and applications on a single SSD? And should I be saving my projects on a SSD (if so, which one, if I'm supposed to purchase 2?
    3. Should I assign a 2nd SSD as a scratch disk for AfterEffects or Photoshop?
    4. I plan on using my current external hard drives (a 12 TB RAID array connected via eSATA) to store the footage and Photoshop elements being used in my AE projects (these files will be multiple GBs, and I can't afford to purchase SSD drives to hold these elements on) and also to store the renders from AfterEffects (which will also be very large files). Is this OK, or will this slow me down and negate whatever speed I've gained from moving to SSDs?
    5. In researching how to switch over to SSD, I've considered purchasing 1 or 2 SSD drives. The one I'm currently looking at is called the Murcury Accelsior_E2, a PCI Express SSD sold via OWC. It comes in a few different sizes (120 GBs, 240 GBs, 480 GBs, 960 GBs). Just wondering if this is a good purchase -- the reviews seem to be very positive:
    6. I'm also considering upgrading my current graphics card (ATI Radeon HD 5870) to the NVIDIA Quatro 4000 or NVIDIA Quatro 5000, but I'm wondering how much of a speed boost this would give me.
    Here's an overview of my current system:
    Computer: 2010 Mac Pro with 2x 2.66 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
    Memory: 64 GB DDR3 ECC
    Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5870
    Hard Drives (Internal): 2x 2TB Hitachi HD
    Hard Drives (External): 12TB OWC Mercury Elite Pro RAID drive array (connected via eSATA)
    Apologies in advance for the long message, but I've always recieved great advice from these message boards and I'd appreciate any help!

    Thanks so much for jumping back into the discussion, The hatter! I had some earlier questions from before that I was hoping you could answer:
    Currently I own a 12 TB OWC Mercury Elite Pro RAID drive array (connected via eSATA) which I use to save projects, project files, and renders. So (unless I am mistaken) you're recommending that I continue to use this RAID array to save projects, project files, and renders.
    (I was looking into purchasing a Mercury Accelsior_E2 for my SSD via PCI -- it has eSATA, so I can continue to connect my RAID array)
    Then I would use my new SSD via SATA II for my system, apps, and OS (minus home folder media files, data, documents) and my SSD via PCI for scratch disks for Photoshop/AfterEffects.
    Currently I have 2 x 2 TB internal hard drives, which have all my OS + home folder media files.
    Can I get more details in terms of the step-by-step instructions when it's time to install/clone? Here's how it looks to me (apologies if I have this out-of-order, and feel free to correct me if I've missed a step or have it wrong -- thank you in advance!):
    1. Purchase SSDs (via PCI and internal SATA II) and install them inside my Mac Pro.
    (Is there any formatting I need to do at this point to the SSDs once they are all plugged in...?)
    2. Install TRIM Enabler
    (Once it's installed, what do I do with TRIM Enabler? Is it an app that runs 24/7 in the background, or is it an app that I need to launch on a regular basis and perform commands on the SSDs...? Very confused on what TRIM Enabler does.)
    3. Use CCC to clone system from old internal hard drive to new internal SSD drive. When using CCC, deselect media folders in home account before cloning (so I am NOT cloning media folders from old hard drive to new SSD drive).
    (What specific media folders should I be deselecting? I'd like to keep my music, movies, iPhoto/Lightroom files, and email archive where they are now -- on the 2 x 2TB internal drives that shipped with my Mac Pro. Is there a link that provides more info on this process? Never used CCC before but I assume it's not too hard to use...?)
    4. CCC clones system gets 'cloned' (minus the media folders) to the SSD that is installed via SATA II in empty internal drive bay inside Mac Pro.
    5. Repair the SSD with DU after cloning and before using and booting from SSD.
    (What is DU? How does it work? Not familiar with DU...?)
    6. Reboot computer from system running on SSD.
    7. Open Photoshop/AfterEffects (now running from SSD) and assign new scratch disk (the SSDs on PCIe SSD controller).
    8. After 100% sure that system + apps that have been cloned is working via SSD, delete ONLY system and apps from old hard drive (but do not delete media files).
    (Now that my system is on a separate SSD drive, when I do things like purchase new music from iTunes, will it get downloaded to the old location (my old hard drive with all my media)? In other words, are there steps I have to perform in order to relink my media folders now that they're on a separate drive?

  • [URGENT] SSD for design & photo editing

    I'm about to buy a new laptop with the following specification
    - Intel i3 2350M
    - 8GB DDR3 PC-1066
    - Intel HD Graphics 3000
    - 120GB Intel SSD 335 as primary internal drive
    - External 2.5" HDD with USB 2.0 enclosure
    I want to use this laptop for my primary graphic design job, which will require many and many read & Write data, both for page file and of course the file data itself. I will use Adobe Photoshop for editing.
    1st Scenario:
    - I use SSD for OS, apps and scratch disk and also for temporary data file during the editing process.
    - The external disk will always be the data disk. After I finish editing the file, I will copy it back onto my external disk.
    2nd Scenario:
    - I use SSD for OS and apps.
    - The external will be the scratch disk and data disk, so I won't copy it onto my SSD.
    My questions are:
    1. if I use the 1st scenario, how about my SSD? how can I prevent my SSD from damage?
    2. for the 2nd scenario, how long my SSD will last, and how will my laptop performance be? since the external disk only have USB 2.0

    If you have an SSD you can run the cache and programs on the same drive.  However, many recommend a scratch disk size of 100-200 gigs so that will not work here unless you opt for a larger SSD.  Otherwise an internal spinner is recommended that does not contain the program files, or idealy any other files that may want to get acessed at same time (only one read/write head per drive).
    With 32 gig of RAM you may not need the constant use of the scratch drive unless working on large images with lots of layers.  So see no advantage to moving folder to SSD for temp work environment.
    From what I read the new crop of SSD do not have the wear problems of the older versions.

  • Some quick questions before I purchase LE8..

    Hi all,
    I'm a longtime mac user and I just got into music production. I plan on mainly making Hip Hop beats and also record me playing bass on sampled tracks. I have already purchased an audio interface( PreSonus Firebox 6x10) and some monitors (KRK RP5's). I'm going to be purchasing LE8 and a MIDI keyboard soon, as well as a turntable for sampling vinyl sometime this week.
    I got some quick questions though. If I'm loading samples off vinyl into the ESX24 sampler in LE8, what program can I use within LE8 to cut the desired parts of the sample? Then assign them to my MIDI keyboard or Akai MPD24.
    I plan on hooking everything up to my 2.16ghz w/2MB Macbook and was wondering if it could withstand Logic. Also, will I need to update any drivers for the firebox? I remember reading problems about it working with Logic.
    Any help would greatly be appreciated. If any Hip Hop heads here have any tips/ suggestions, lemme know!
    Message was edited by: sonofabass

    I'm not a big expert on audio recording, but other than the video card (which would not be a big factor for audio) you can't really upgrade it to much further than what you specified. You could increase the internal storage, but I've always been inclined to keep most of my personal files (things I am not actively working on now) on an external drive, and keep the OS, applications, and my current ongoing work on the internal drive, along with plenty of free space. I think that improves performance. If you did get the larger internal storage option, you might consider partitioning it into two volumes. You could keep your OS, apps, ongoing work, and that free space on one volume, and use the other volume for the long-term storage of your user files. Or maybe for your audio work, it is better to have a separate volume that is a dedicated +scratch space+, so if you had the larger internal drive, you can use that space more flexibly.
    One other consideration is the CPU speed. There is really very little difference between 2.93 GHz and 3.06 GHz. It's about 4%, but in the real world, the performance difference is probably even less. So you could trade the $150 for the slightly faster speed and get the extra internal storage for $100, saving you $50.
    Also, the online store has a page for clearance and refurbs (Special Deals). For example, this one is currently listed
    It is the current gen iMac model. Note: Many of the items on the Special Deals section are previous generation Mac models (so keep that in mind if you look at other listings). My current iMac is a refurb. In my experience, the one Mac and two iPods I have purchased as refurbs have looked new. They just come in a plain brown box instead of the fancy retail packaging. The warranty is the same as new.

  • Report Generation Toolkit Error Quick Question

         I created the most awesome LabVIEW report ever at my desk using a trial version of the RGT and Office 2003.  I took this to my production machine and ")@#(&%(*#^%()^!!!"  The production machine has office 2007 and a fully licensed version of the RGT.  Both machines have LabVIEW 8.6.0.  I've read all the stuff about these errors and something about classes and dll's and whatnot's.  So my quick question, is:  Instead of matching the versions of Microsoft Office as recommended, can I just rewrite from scratch the VI that creates this world's most awesome LabVIEW report on the production machine to create the same effect? 
    Go to Solution.

    Quick Answer: Probably
    Slower answer: Microsoft changed a lot of things behind the scenes in Office 2007, but the Report Generation toolkit version 1.1.3 supports Office 2007 so you should be good to go. Depends on what functions are included in your VI. Liek the read me says "Several default settings in Microsoft Office 2007 differ slightly from previous versions. Reports you generate using Office 2007 might look different than reports you generate from other versions of Office because font sizes, cell sizes, and so on, differ."
    Best Regards

  • How do you run to Drives on the same screen. I installed a ssd and a hhd to my mac but i can only view the content of the drive only if i boot of that drive. Im try to have my ssd for fast boots and hhd for my music,movies etc. Please help.

    I installed a samsung 840 pro SSD to my primary slot and relocated my 1.5 TB HDD to a data double where my optical drive was. I transfered my apps and Mac OS X to my SSD for fast boots and all my itunes movies, music, Iphoto etc to my HDD. I rebooted off my SSD then seen all the data on my HHD itunes movies, music, iphotos etc i cannot view on my SSD. So my question is how do you view all the content on both the ssd and hdd on the same screen with having to boot off one or the other?

    No, what I'm saying is that once you boot into OSX, you should be able to see both drives listed.  If you don't then either OSX is hiding the other drive because it sees it as a boot drive and is trying to protect the contents from novice users or there's another problem.  If it's the first thing (i.e. it's a protection thing), then your only option would be to boot into the old drive, copy off all your personal data to an external backup drive, then reboot into the SSD and go into Disk Utilities and wipe/reformat the second drive so that you can see it as a regular secondary drive.  Then when you see it as that, you can copy your data back to it.
    Be carefull poking around in Disk Utility as you can easily lose your data.  It's possible the Mac just isn't mounting that second drive because it sees it as another boot drive.  Whatever you do, don't accidentally erase it without getting a copy of your data off of it because you obviously don't have that on your SSD now.

  • How do I find the SSd for my MacBookair 2012 13"

    How do I find the SSD for my MacBook Air 2012 13"?

    If your somewhat obscure question is asking for larger alternative storage, look here:
    eshop.macsales.com/shop/SSD/OWC/Air-Retina/Apple-MacBook-Air-2012-Drive-Internal -Flash
    Otherwise I must agree with Csound1'

Maybe you are looking for