Quicktime Automator Script

I would like to know if there is an Automator script that will look for files like m4v etc in a specific folder and convert them into AVI.
E.g. look for m4v files in my iTunes music folder and convert them to AVI so that I can play them on my Xbox 360.  It would be even cooler that once this has all finished, that the converted file was moved to another folder.
I think im hoping for too much but you never know.

MPeg Stram clip will export files which are compatible with iMovie '09. It (iMovie )can import the following.
MPEG-4 (Supported profiles)
H.264 (Supported profiles)
Apple Animation (Movie '09 only)
Apple Video (iMovie '09 only)
iMovie '08/'09 will not accept files containing extraneous data tracks such as:
Closed Caption
Secondary audio such as AC3
iMovie '08/'09 Will not accept files that rely on proprietary/third-party components such as

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    MPeg Stram clip will export files which are compatible with iMovie '09. It (iMovie )can import the following.
    MPEG-4 (Supported profiles)
    H.264 (Supported profiles)
    Apple Animation (Movie '09 only)
    Apple Video (iMovie '09 only)
    iMovie '08/'09 will not accept files containing extraneous data tracks such as:
    Closed Caption
    Secondary audio such as AC3
    iMovie '08/'09 Will not accept files that rely on proprietary/third-party components such as

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi LaxG,
    Brad is absolute right. It is possible to create your whole layout via script.
    If you have loaded  the example report layout you can copy these lines to create a new line in your plot. This is the recommended object oriented way.
    call Report.Sheets("Blatt 1").Objects("2D-Axis1").Curves2D.Add(e2DShapeLine, "anyName")
    Report.Sheets("Blatt 1").Objects("2D-Axis1").Curves2D.Item("anyName").Shape.XChannel.Reference               = "[1]/Zeit"
    Report.Sheets("Blatt 1").Objects("2D-Axis1").Curves2D.Item("anyName").Shape.YChannel.Reference               = "[1]/Geschwindigkeit"
    For performance reasons it's recommended to use the it like this.
    dim oLine
    set oLine = Report.Sheets("Blatt 1").Objects("2D-Axis1").Curves2D.Item("anyName").Shape
    oLine.XChannel.Reference               = "[1]/Zeit"
    oLine.YChannel.Reference               = "[1]/Geschwindigkeit"
    Like Brad mentioned it is much easier, that you have a stored template of your report with all setings and customisations already done.
    You open this layout file and have stored the names of your calculated channels. When you are doing this with a script they always have the same name and belong to the same group.
    Now you can customize the references of the line items.
    Kind Regards,
    Philipp K.
    AE | NI Germany

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    Hi all,
    For all you who have been looking for a solution for the problem above, here it is :
    The Kiosk Pro app allows you to run any html-scrip locally stored on the ipad!
    Which is great! Because not only does it allow for an infinite amount of possibilities next to the video-looping, it also keeps on working with one click after a reboot!
    The learning curve of usage is quite simple for the problem above, since they provide extensive information on the website and have great customer service.
    I am very very happy I found this app, and I really hope this post saves a lot of people the headaches I've suffered in the course of finding the solution.

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    How do I do this?

    Kenoli Oleari1 wrote:
    How do I schedule an automator script to run at a certain time every day?
    This used to be done through iCalendar and this option is no longer available.
    How do I do this?
    You can use lauchd to run the script.
    Here's an example of an Automator App that I have scheduled to run at 7am daily:
    You would save this as com.yourname.plist and put it the the Folder: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ (then log out and back in, or reboot)
    (To run a workflow, change open to automator)
    (A nice GUI launchd editor is Lingon)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    <plist version="1.0">
                        <string>/Users/Tony/Library/Scripts/Events Report.app</string>

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    I've been having issues getting a secure string to work with an automated script.
    Basically, a piece of software we use can accept commands via powershell/command shell but requires a password for the commands to be run.
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    Can anyone please assist?

    Hi Jonathan,
    you can simply use the $SecurePassword variable from Basty's example (if you need a secure string) and pass this as Password. Please note though, this will only work if the account writing the credentials to file is also the same account used to read it
    from file.
    If you need to encode it for another account (like local system), you can use the
    Encrypt-Credential function-script (The example on how to retrieve a clear-text password in memory will also work with Basty's $cred object).
    On a final note:
    Encrypted or not, try to avoid writing passwords down if you can somehow avoid it. If possible, assign permissions to the account running the task, if the service you are accessing supports windows authentication and privileges.
    There's no place like

  • Service failure automation script

    Hi All,
    I have configured the below mentioned code on our prod servers services to send email notifications when ever a service fails. 
    On Error Resume Next
    strComputer = "USDFW16AS61"
    Const cdoSendUsingPickup = 1
    Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2
    'Function block to dynamically retrieve the file size of the report file.
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'Authentication type used for SMTP server.
    'We are currently using 0, cdoAnonymous
    Const cdoAnonymous = 0 'Do not authenticate
    Const cdoBasic = 1 'basic (clear-text) authentication
    Const cdoNTLM = 2 'NTLM
    'Creates message subject, we are using variables declared earlier in the script
    Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    objMessage.Subject = "CMS Production service iwutild is stopped"
    'Sets the From address
    objMessage.From = """Support DL"[email protected]
    'Sets the destination, or TO address
    objMessage.To = [email protected]
    'Sets the CC address. Only used for testing purpose at the moment. Should be commented out when in use.
    'objMessage.CC = ""
    'Sets the message body, the actual email message. Variables are used in the message which was declared earlier.
    objMessage.TextBody = "Dear Administrators, the xyz service is now in STOPPED state." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "Please do not reply to this message as it was sent to you by an automated Script."& vbCRLF & vbCRLF &
    "Thanks and regards"
    'objMessage.TextBody = "Dear Application Administrators,"  & vbCRLF & ""& vbCRLF & ""& vbCRLF &
    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
    ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
    'Name or IP of Remote SMTP Server
    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
    ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "servername"
    'Type of authentication, NONE, Basic (Base64 encoded), NTLM
    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
    ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = cdoAnonymous
    'Your UserID on the SMTP server
    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
    ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = ""
    'Your password on the SMTP server
    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
    ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = ""
    'Server port (typically 25)
    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
    ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
    'Use SSL for the connection (False or True)
    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
    ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = False
    'Connection Timeout in seconds (the maximum time CDO will try to establish a connection to the SMTP server)
    objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
    ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60
    '==End remote SMTP server configuration section==
    'Sends the message using code.
    This script is able to send notification only for the respective service that I have configured it to Run upon failure.
    My requirement now is that the script should be able to detect out of the 6 app services that are down & should append the email body with the name of that service & send an email.
    I understand Wscript.argument(0) can be of use but not able to use it. Could you kindly help?
    P.S: I am not a developer, so kindly bear with me :)
    Pankaj Dhoot

    Hi Pankaj,
    To solve the script issue, I would like to recommend you to post in the Visual Studio Languages forum for more effective support:
    or The Official Scripting Guys Forum!
    Thank you for your understanding.

  • Need automation script to detect deadlocks in a system.

    Hi ,
    I need a automation script to detect deadlocks in my system.  If any body have any scripts. please share with me.. that would be very helpful to me.
    Note : if i ran the script that would show the list of deadlock occurred in my system that must be automatic process..
    Thanks in advance
    Yangamuni Prasad M

    Hi pradas,
    you can even runthe following and as uri Said Traceflag 1222 must be on (DBCC TRACEON(1222, -1).
    PROC dbo.usp_DeadlockNotification
    PROC dbo.usp_DeadlockNotification
    = 0,
    INT = 30
    DECLARE @ErrorLog
    create a SQL job and run
    DECLARE @Count
    SET @Count
    = 0
    -- Step I: Import Errorlog
    INTO @Errorlog
    ---- Step II: How to search Errorlog
    <> 0)
    SELECT @EndDate
    = GETDATE()
    SELECT @StartDate
    = DATEADD(mi,
    -@Minutes, @EndDate)
    SELECT @Count
    = COUNT(*)
    FROM @Errorlog
    WHERE LogDate
    BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
    AND LogInfo
    LIKE '%Deadlock%'
    SELECT @Count
    = COUNT(*)
    FROM @Errorlog
    WHERE LogInfo
    LIKE '%Deadlock%'
    ---- Step III: Send Email
    > 0)
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
    = 'ABC',
    = '[email protected]',
    = 'Deadlocks',
    = 'Deadlocks'
    Create a agent job and schedule it accordingly as per you requirment and add following step in the job
    EXEC dbo.usp_DeadlockNotification 1, 30
    Thanks,Suhas V

  • Automation Script execution

    Hello All,
    How i will do Automation script execution in Production
    We have a bunch of scripts (Packages , DDL & DML ) everyday. What is the better aproach to do automatic script execution without any issues ?

    You have two options.
    1) Oracle job scheduler
    2) Windows Tasks
    Oracle job scheduler you can run it by your requirement. you can create it like below:-
    JOB_NAME           =>      'JOB_FOR_TEST',
    JOB_TYPE           =>      'PLSQL_BLOCK',
    JOB_ACTION         =>      'begin YOUR_PROCEDURE_NAME; end;',
    START_DATE         =>      SYSTIMESTAMP,
    END_DATE           =>      NULL,
    COMMENTS           =>      'JOB IS CREATED FOR TEST ONLY.',
    ENABLED            =>      TRUE,
    REPEAT_INTERVAL    =>      'freq=daily; byhour=20; byminute=0; bysecond=0;');
    /Above job will run on 8pm daily.
    likewise since i dont know whether you are on windows or linus or unix etc... you can scheduler windows level tasts...

  • Action Playback option changes the Result of an Automated Script.

    When using the Playback Option in the Actions menu, then the  Results are different with different Acceleration methods.
    So the Result is different with, Accelerated - Step by Step - Pauze for [1],
    I Expierence the issue with Windows and Mac as well.
    This happens with Illustrator CS5 (15.0.1)
    # Workflow
         Creating the action:
         Open Illustrator, open the attached document: 4102107 Exact.pdf
         Create an New Action, enable Transform window
         Select the Black Square and the Red text Exact
         Go to Object, Scale > 33.3% and press Copy.
         Then go to Transform an from the upper corner and enter on the
         x=397,13 pt y=212,25 pt
         You see the Image moved to the correct clip.
         Open the Document in Illustrator,
         Go to Actions > Select the created action >Now go to the Panel Menu from Actions > Select Playback option.
         You get a new Dialog where you can select a different acceleration mode: "Step by Step" - "Accelrated" - "Pause for [Numeric] Seconds"
         So the issue is, when you select here a different accelration the result is different.
    >Is this as Designed? If So, why because when i understand the function of an automated script. It should exactly get the same
    result as programmed, why else would you want to use the script if the result with be different without nothing.
    There is running an Escalation case about this, But hopefully anybody more experienced can comment me about this. Or inform wheter  it's a bug?
    Please help me in this. (thank you in advance!)

    To make a few things clear I have created a Video of the issue.
    Have a look on:
    Maybe i really blow in explaining what exactly happens, but i'll try it again.
    When creating an action (as shown in the Video) You can see that the result
    is totally different and when creating the action. This is error 1.
    - I recieved a respons that we just shouldn't use the Transform Panel. So i requested to know why there is a panel created, if we cannot use it.
    No respons.
    Then when you select a Playback option in the setting of the Actions Panel,
    the Result differs. As you can see when executig in the Accelerated the Movement gets placed WAY out of the file.
    When selection Step by Step or Pause for [Numeric] Seconds, then the result is that the movement gets placed
    at the bottom of the file. Both of the Results don't even come close in the Action which is created.
    Hopefully this will calrify what i ment.

  • Automated script for setting authorization limit in GL

    I am trying to create an automated script in our General Ledger application to set authorization limit. I have looked into code of form GLXSTEAL.fmb. There I found that, GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS_PKG is being used for setting authorizations limit.
    Below is the code I am trying to run from PL/SQL developer using apps id:
    l_Rowid varchar2(30);
    l_user_id number := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
    l_login number :=FND_GLOBAL.login_id;
    p_Attribute1 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute1%TYPE;
    p_Attribute2 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute2%TYPE;
    p_Attribute3 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute3%TYPE;
    p_Attribute4 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute4%TYPE;
    p_Attribute5 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute5%TYPE;
    p_Attribute6 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute6%TYPE;
    p_Attribute7 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute7%TYPE;
    p_Attribute8 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute8%TYPE;
    p_Attribute9 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute9%TYPE;
    p_Attribute10 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute10%TYPE;
    p_Attribute11 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute11%TYPE;
    p_Attribute12 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute12%TYPE;
    p_Attribute13 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute13%TYPE;
    p_Attribute14 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute14%TYPE;
    p_Attribute15 apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.Attribute15%TYPE;
    p_Context apps.GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS.context%TYPE;
    l_date date :=sysdate;
    p_Rowid => l_Rowid,
    p_Set_Of_Books_Id => 1001,
    p_Employee_Id => 9236,
    p_Authorization_Limit => 100,
    p_Last_Update_Date => l_date,
    p_Last_Updated_By => l_user_id,
    p_Creation_Date => l_date,
    p_Created_By => l_user_id,
    p_Last_Update_Login => l_login,
    p_Attribute1 => p_Attribute1,
    p_Attribute2 => p_Attribute2,
    p_Attribute3 => p_Attribute3,
    p_Attribute4 => p_Attribute4,
    p_Attribute5 => p_Attribute5,
    p_Attribute6 => p_Attribute6,
    p_Attribute7 => p_Attribute7,
    p_Attribute8 => p_Attribute8,
    p_Attribute9 => p_Attribute9,
    p_Attribute10 => p_Attribute10,
    p_Attribute11 => p_Attribute11,
    p_Attribute12 => p_Attribute12,
    p_Attribute13 => p_Attribute13,
    p_Attribute14 => p_Attribute14,
    p_Attribute15 => p_Attribute15,
    p_Context => p_Context );
    I am getting the error PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'INSERT_ROW'.
    Please help me with this.

    I have found another way to achieve this. By inserting the data directly to GL_AUTHORIZATION_LIMITS table.
    VALUES (1001,p_person_id,1.00,SYSDATE,l_user_id,SYSDATE,l_user_id,l_login);

  • Location of iCal Automator Scripts (Plugins?)

    AHHHH.  Apple you drive me crazy with this stuff!!!
    I need to alter an automator script I made for iCal.   ...  but I can't figure out where these things are stored in my hidden, buried, locked and unalterable system.  If I open a iCal set up in Automator, create something new and his save -- where is tha new file hidden!  I've looked everywhere!

    Finally found it.  It's under ~/Library/Workflows/
    Just in case anybody else runs into this problem.

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