QuickTime export

In FCE 4.0.1 my movie Sequence Preset is Apple Inter. Codec 1440x1080i50, and when I Export to QuickTime Movie using chapter markers and burn my DVD my titles and subtitles are cut off when I play it on my TV, but when I Export using QuickTime Conversion H.264 my titles and subtitles are perfect but I cant use chapter markers.
"in iDVD I am burning in NTSC for my brother in the USA."
Many thanks

Sounds like you shoot with PAL HDV?
My thoughts.
Modern TVs can zoom and display video in a range of aspect ratios.
Your TV should be set to 16:9 and also the DVD player to output 16:9 otherwise some odd images can appear. eg.stretched, squashed, distorted or titles not showing correctly even if you used Title Safe as Tom mentions.

Similar Messages

  • Flash and quicktime export not possible at all!

    hi iwork dev team!
    as there was no result on my prev post, here again:
    i use keynote'08 4.02 on imac with 2gb and osx 10.5.2.
    i created a presentation with 15 slides and over all 16,5 minutes.
    each slide has a mp3 sound file attached (the speakers voice recorded externally).
    now i am facing following problems on *export to flash* (export is around 18mb):
    1) synchronization of voice and effects is different than inside keynote - i fixed this by changing times and export/test cycles, as long until i run sync in swf (please make it sync - this is terrible).
    2) starting with slide 13 some objects do not appear - in further slides many objects do not appear. the sound and time is ok, but not much to see. if i split the presentation into 2 parts, the export works fine, all objects appear in all slides, but i found no way to combine those 2 swf files....
    3) in one slide i found out that the order of appearing/disappearing objects confuses the swf export, so that many objects afterwards are not at all shown.... i played around long and splitted the slide in 2 slides and with some workarounds i got it show all objects.
    4) it would be great if at least some transitions and most effects would be supported and times of effects would be the same inside keynote and in exported swf.
    *exporting to quicktime*:
    1) first i had one large mp3 for the whole presentation and added it as soundtrack and synced it inside keynote. exporting this to quicktime made it run async. but at least export was possible for the full presentation.
    2) i splitted the mp3 for each slide and added each mp3 to each corresponding slide. this way i made it possible to export to swf (see above). but quicktime export now has no sound and slide shows up nearly endless.... qt export is impossible.
    what can i do?
    at least it would help me if i can export ONE swf file.
    best would be if it has same sync inside keynote and in swf - but i can live for now with swf export optimized sync that doesnt work inside keynote. but it should be fixed at least in the future....

    I'm currently having a similar problem, where the Flash exported by Keynote seems to randomly miss some objects on the page that appear after a click or a delay. In fact, in one case, I had embedded a EPS file in the slide, and some parts of the embedded file were exported to Flash but not others. I'm using Keynote 3.0.2, so I'm sorry to hear that Keynote '08 still has this bug which makes Flash export pretty awful to deal with.

  • Quicktime Export - Keynote, Streaming, and Movie Controller Settings

    A few questions regarding qt export from keynote -
    Is there a way to save quicktime export settings in keynote? Right now I'm exporting multiple files to custom sizes, and have to manually enter the size every time.
    I'm exporting for streaming as well, and have to select it in the qt settings window every time.
    also, is there a way to choose to show the movie controller when exporting a movie? Now I have to open the movie after export in qt pro and choose window>movie properties>presenation>movie controller type>movie controller (it defaults to none when exporting from keynote).
    also, oddly enough, is seems that saving the movie after choosing to show the movie controller removes the streaming setting (movies wait to load completely before playing).

    No answer to the main question...but the final question--
    When you edit a QuickTime movie, even if the edit is merely to change the settings on the controller, it breaks fast-start. You should be able to fix it by doing a "Save As..." instead of saving the movie in place. But that doesn't seem to work in all versions of QuickTime; I have noticed that certain versions of QT-7 seem to break fast-start altogether.
    There is an app out there called "Lillipot" that will fix this for you. Drag your movie to Lillipot, it does whatever magical conversion is necessary to make fast-start work again.

  • Quicktime Export causing Out of Sync Audio?

    I'm trying to export a self contained Quicktime movie from my timeline, and every time I try, the audio ends up being out of sync. What am I doing wrong?
    The audio is set to just the defaults, 16 bit, 48khz.
    Sequence settings: HDV1080p30
    When I bring the final exported movie back into FCP, it plays out of sync.
    Exporting through the Share feature to bluRay resulted in perfect sync audio, so I'm at a loss as to why this isn't working.
    Please help!

    Allright, since nobody out there seems to have the answer - I'm going to share what I discovered so that the next person will actually get an answer without having to spend hours and hours finding it in other forums. Here goes:
    Problem: Audio plays in sync on the timeline, an export from the timeline through Share to bluRay results in correctly synced audio; but a Quicktime Export with current settings results in a final movie where audio is out of sync with the video.
    Solutions: I found two solutions to this problem:
    1- When exporting to Quicktime Movie, check "recompress all frames". This solution had mixed reviews, with lots of people saying you should never do this, as it will reduce the quality of your final output; while others said the reduction in quality was not noticeable to the naked eye. I guess you can try it and be the judge.
    2- In your sequence settings, change the compression setting to Apple Pro Res. This is the setting I decided to go with, as I'm currently awaiting the 10 hour render.
    I did do a quick and dirty test on the ProRes option, where it appeared to work. Since the audio is correctly synced in the beginning of the video and then slowly falls out of sync (obviously the 30p to 29.97 problem), I had to run a test using my entire sequence. If you run a test on a 2 minute sequence, it will appear to be correct, because it is a slow falling out of sync issue - the problems occur later in your project (just fyi). Here is what I did (in case you want to try it on your project):
    I created a new sequence and then changed the compression setting from HDV1080-30p to Apple Pro Res 422. I dragged my sequences into this sequence (so they were nested). I unlinked the audio and then selected about a 20 second area from about 3/4 of the way through the project. I sliced this section and then removed all the video before and after (so it would speed up render time and only render black, but I would still be able to see if the audio synced up later - I hope that makes sense - this made my export time only 12 minutes). After it exported, I reimported the movie, found the little 20 second area, and it was correctly synced. So, now I am exporting the whole thing. I sincerely hope this works. I don't have lots of 10 hour blocks just lyin' around!
    Since my audio issue was most likely due to the fact that I captured and edited in 1080 30p, I believe it must be a bug in FCP that exports the Quicktime movie in 29.97 regardless of whatever your sequence settings are (believe me, I tried to change it to 1080-30p and it didn't work). That is why I think the Apple Pro Res option works, but it involves a total re-render of your project. This is also why I believe it plays fine in the timeline, because my timeline was set to 30p. Again, I also believe that is why my export to BluRay through Share resulted in correctly synced audio - the bluRay export I believe uses the Pro Res codec (which, by the way, took 19 hours).
    Wish Apple would fix this bug.
    Message was edited by: Chermeier1

  • Quicktime Export Does Not Play Music

    I am having problems with the Quicktime export function of iPhoto not exporting the background music with the pictures. The old quick time files with the music in them seem to be playing fine in quicktime, so it isn't a quicktime issue. The music plays fine with the slide show, so I wonder why this problem.
    Help is appreciated. I am using 5.0.4 version of iPhoto.

    If anyone reads these posts and is experiencing these problems I think I have a solution! I spoke to Apple today and they are aware of the problema and are working on a solution. In the mean time they have a work-around and it works!! The problem centers on importing music that is not in MP3 format in some instances. So the easy explanation, or fix, is to reformat any troublesome music selections as MP3. The trick is how to do this if you are using iTunes. This is how I went about it:
    First I had to set iTunes to become MP3 friendly. I learned to do this from a post in the iTunes discussions (thanks to Peter Miller!)
    1. open iTunes.
    2. select iTunes preferences.
    3. go to "Advanced".
    4. select "Importing".
    5. In the drop-down menu for "Import Using" select "MP3 Encoder"
    6. Select files in iTunes Library which are not MP3
    7. In the "Advanced" menu select "Convert selection to MP3"
    Steps #6 and #7 were not adequate to convert my clips to MP3, however, so I had to take a couple of additional steps.
    1. Create a folder on the desktop - I labeled mine "Slideshow Music"
    2. Drage your music from iTunes to your new folder. You'll have to trash the original copies eventually, but I'd wait until you're sure the conversion to MP3 works to do so.
    3. Use a utility to convert the files to MP3. I used one called iLoveMP3 that I found on the internet. It worked perfectly. I also found a commercial program called Sound Grinder but didn't try it.
    4. Once you convert your music to MP3, discard the copies in your "Slideshow Music" folder that are not MP3.
    5. Discard the copies of your music in iTunes before re-importing your MP3 copies of the same music.
    6. FINALLY! Drag your new MP3 copies of your music in to iTunes. They are now copied as MP3 and will work in your slideshow!
    I know it is a lot of work, but if you keep the iTunes settings as they are now, and all NEW music is imported as MP3, I think future music usage in slideshows should be a little easier.

  • Quicktime Export taking a long time

    I rendered a project. Took 4 hours. Quicktime Export took the same after the render. Did NOT export self-contained. Usually a Quicktime Export is a matter of minutes, not hours.

    I've had a similar problem before. (after render) I ask it to export as a reference movie, but it still takes forever. However, when I check the supposed reference file, it turns out that it's self contained (you can tell by the size). So, check the file that was exported...if it's huge then that's a good indicator that FCP didn't recognize the referenced video command. Maybe it's time to trash preferences or some other kind of troubleshooting? Then again, this problem has been random for me, happening on some projects but not others. --David
    Message was edited by: daabomb101

  • Quicktime Export settings for projected slide presentation

    I'm looking to find the best quicktime export settings to use in order to have a Keynote 3 presentation as a stand alone movie. I will be projecting the movie from a PC onto a large screen at 1024 x 768 resolution. The project is for a photography club public presentation, and needs to be top quality.
    Thanks for your input
    iMac 2.0GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    The 640X480 vs 720X480 dilemma is an interesting subject! DV Video and Video DVDs use 720X480 resolution. TVs do not have square pixels, but computer monitors do have square pixels - so some adjustment is needed, and 640X480 is the square pixel down-converted equivalent for computers to the 720X480 in non square pixels used by TVs......make sense?
    iDVD supports high definition video
    Well what this means is iDVD can read HD video files, and convert them to standard definition Video DVDs. It does NOT mean that iDVD can produce HD DVDs. HD DVDs and HD DVD players are not on the market yet.
    Today's Video DVDs are not high resolution, they are 720X480. The only way to get higher resolution is to avoid the Video DVD standard, and just make a data DVD. This will not be playable on commercial DVD players, only on computers with the right software and codecs. If I needed to make professional presentations on large screen high resolution monitors, I would not use Video DVDs. Bring a new powerbook and use H.264
    If you want to go the DVD route anyway, then 720 X 480 is the best you can get. I'd tell FotoMagico to export in HD (720p). This is a bit of overkill, as iDVD will encode at a lower resolution, but I've gotten good results that way.
    You may have to use the anamorphicizer to get iDVD to realize the movie is Widescreen.
    hope this helps
    John B

  • Quicktime Export - Double Speed

    I have had more problems with Quicktime Export ever since upgrading to Snow Leopard. My usual way of doing things is to edit my movie, then export to +Quicktime Movie+ using the same format (ie not +Quicktime Conversion+...). However, every time I export that way, my movie is running at 200%, while the audio is running at regular speed. Anyone else having this issue? Anyone know how to fix it?
    2 ghz iMac Intel
    FinalCut 6.0.6

    No one helped. Oh well.

  • Quicktime export contains random grey frames

    Lately, doing a straight Quicktime export (not Quicktime conversion) is resulting in movies with random grey frames in them, lasting about 12 frames or so each. This is HD footage, shot on the Panasonic DVX-100. This only seems to happen when exporting certain sequences, but I haven't been able to establish a pattern as to why it's happening on certain exports but not on others. It's all footage shot, ingested, and edited on sequences with the same exact settings.
    It's only been happening since upgrading to QT 7.5, but the other computer in the office also upgraded, and it hasn't encountered this problem, and can export the same sequences I'm having problems with just fine.
    Has anyone else experienced this, or offer a solution?

    for the record this was not my first post, I forgot my account info. I'm normally very nice but studio x was just puffing his chest and belittling a good question
    This is a Final Cut issue. If it were only a drive/scsi issue the errors would also be there in the animation codec as well. The bad frames ONLY occur when doing a quicktime export [DVCPRO HD 720](referenced, render all frames, and self contained). I'm not dismissing the fact that there very well may be a drive causing problems (G-SPEED XL12).
    The bad frames do not occur any other time. I render plenty of things in the exact same codec over the network to the raid from AE and Motion and never ever have a problem.
    One thing I am doing differently now is long form projects. The projects having issues are a one hour show and a two hour+ show. I don't have this problem with commercials or other small packages. It also doesn't matter if it's a random 10 sec section exported or the whole program.
    This is what I'm working with:
    HVX200 and other mixed footage
    FCP and QT last updated in early july (no internet connection)
    G-SPEED XL12
    Fibre channel to one station that also acts as a file server
    gigabit to one station from the file server
    trunked gigabit to another station from the server (seperate NIC)
    All three stations exhibit the same problem including the station connected via Fibre Channel
    Other people are having the same problem as I've found by searching. The earliest report of this specific issue I've found so far was stated around Jan of this year. But there are more reports from this summer.

  • Quicktime export question

    hey guys
    i know that quicktime export is the best for dvd because it is the same source coming out as it was going in.
    my one video i exported was roughly 17 minutes long...i exported it and it came to about 300mb
    i then exported a video that was only 7 minutes long and it came to 1.5gb!
    both videos has the same amount of stuff going on it it...possibly the 17 minute one had even more! so why would the shorter lengthed video be such a huge file size?
    i am planning on making a dvd with about 25 short lengthed films on it. most blank dvds hold 4.7 gbs so that one video being 1.5gb is kinda hurtin
    why would it export that much larger? is there anything i can do to help that?

    i rendered everything and exported again, althought unfortunately it still came out to be 1.5 gb!
    i can't figure out what it would be...i tried something after...i imported the 1.5gb video into a new project and exported that...it came out to 80 mb which was good, but then when i deleted the other file, that 80mb video file all of a sudden became currupt! i dont know how it did because it was a totally separate exported file? :/
    well i just ran out of space on my mac book pro so i was trying to find stuff to delete to save some space to continue.
    i saw that itunes copies all of the songs from lime wire, so i deleted all of the lime wire copies, which was about 3 or 4 gigs.
    unfortunatly when i opened my projects back up a ton of the music was offline! i suppose when i imported alot of music i chose the limewire copy instead which is unfortunate
    i was freaking out when i saw this! all of these files were offline...is there any way to reconnect them with the exact file copy, thats in itunes?
    even though alot of these files were offline, i still heard them on the timeline which was releaving...
    im still trying to export this 7 minute long video to hopefully be less than 300mb. would there be any more of a problem now that some of the audio is offline?
    all i need is a quicktime dvd quality export of it, if i get that, i suppose it doesnt even matter if i keep the project or rough stuff
    please help!

  • Quicktime export failed - out of memory

    After I managed to open AVCHD (MTS) movies with AE CS4 I just tried to export a 2 min movie. I export as H264 1280x720.
    I keep getting this error "quicktime export failed - out of memory"
    It also happend when using SD movies
    I have 2GB ram and a dual core inter E6550.
    Does anyone encountered such problem ?

    Are you rendering and exporting using the render queue, or are you using the Export command in the File menu? You should almost always use the render queue.
    "Rendering and exporting movies using QuickTime components" and
    "About rendering and exporting".

  • Full Quality Quicktime export squashed the picture

    Exported iMovie HD6 clips as Quicktime export. Clips are 4:3 resolution. Set export dims to "current", but in the exported movie, people and objects look shorter and wider.
    Settings used:
    Compression: H.264
    Quality: Best
    Encoding mode: multi-pass
    Dimensions: 720x480 (current)
    Format: AAC
    Sample Rate 48.000 kHz
    Channels: Stereo
    Bit Rate: 320 kbps
    Prepare for Internet Streaming- Fast Start checked.
    Settings were chosed based on youtube.com recommendations.
    Why does the movie look squashed?

    Tried again, and selected dimensions: NTSC 720x480 4:3 instead of "Current" 720x480.
    This corrected the problem, but can anyone explain why selecting "current" to preserve the 4:3 aspect ratio messed things up?

  • Quicktime Export Components in Final Cut Server

    Our company has purchased a number of Elgato h264 encoders and we're loving them. They reduce our h264 compression times on average from 15-20 mins down to 2-3 mins. It usually compresses our videos faster than real time. Which as a news organization is great for us. These encoders work great on all our Macbook Pros & Mac Pro systems. I've now installed one onto our final cut server and set up a custom compressor setting. Under the 'encoder' tab the file format had to be set to "Quicktime Export Components" instead of "Quicktime Movie" to use the Elgato. And it works great when I send a single file threw compressor. BUT I can't get this custom preset to show up or work inside Final Cut Server. I have other custom settings that do show up and work (but they are all "Quicktime Movie" file formats). I've rebooted multiple times and looked under multiple Responses transcode settings, but the new one I've created to use the Elgato never shows up.
    Is it possible to use Quicktime Export Components in Final Cut Server?
    I couldn't find any mention of this in the FCS admin manual or any other posts in the forums regarding this.

    I have seen on MediaSilo.com a tip to get Elgato H.264 working with Compressor, but I can't seem to be able to find it. Basically, the trick was to create a duplicate setting in Compressor that Final Cut Server is able to read ( not as Quicktime Export Component), associate it with a Final Cut Server's compression setting and later reassign that setting in Compressor to Elgato.
    I will keep diggin' for this tip, it was actually a screen recording.

  • Quicktime Export in 6.2

    Here is what the Keynote Help says about exporting to Quicktime:
    QuickTime: If you recorded a narration, you can choose Slideshow Recording from the Playback pop-up menu. Otherwise, your presentation is self-playing and advances to the next slide or build according to the time intervals you enter. If you have an animation that is set to advance following a previous build or transition, it’s not affected by the time interval you entered.
    In Keynote 09, you could set PLAYBACK USES: Fixed Timing - and then enter Slide Duration and Build Duration as 1.0 seconds to record all your transitions at the intervals you set.
    With 6.2, I'm finding that no matter what I set the Quicktime Export Slide and Duration Build Times to, these settings continue to override my transition time intervals and take control of the timing of the transitions upon export. I have the export set up as Self Playing, so it should override the On-Click settings according to the instructions. Am I missing a step?

    Keynote 6.2 only allows self-playing in QT export.

  • Embed Quicktime export with hyperlinks in web page

    I've got a project I exported from Keynote with hyperlinks -- forward, back, return to menu, etc.
    The links work fine in the Quicktime export playing in the player. They work fine if I open the file directly in a web browser.
    If I embed the file in a web page, however, the link functionality goes away, and it ends up as a 'click-to-advance' movie. Does anyone know if there's a parameter I need to include in the embed code to enable hyperlinks? I couldn't find any likely candidates in Apple's official list...

    My apologies; something must have gone wrong with my export. Tried again, and it works fine!

  • How do I change Flash's Quicktime export dimensions?

    Hello all,
    This is my first post in the Adobe forums, so I hope this is being posted in the right place. I recently upgraded from Flash CS3 to Creative Cloud and am now I'm confused about where an important feature I used is located. In Flash CS3, I would often go to Export > Export Movie, then choose "Quicktime", after which I could edit the render dimensions to scale up the vector content I'd created to a higher resolution. For instance, my document size might be 960 x 650 pixels, but I could then change the render dimensions to 1920 x 1080 and it would successfully scale the vector content to a higher resolution.
    In Flash CS6, the render dimensions are not editable. You can, of course, click "Quicktime Settings..." and change the dimensions there, but this does not result in successful scaling of vector content. It appears to take the rendered low (original) resolution movie and then stretch it to the larger dimensions, resulting in pixelation.
    Of course, for newer projects, I'm creating the documents at a higher resolution to begin with. But I have several older, fairly lengthy animation projects which I'd like to be able to scale up when I export. Can anyone tell me how to do this in Flash CS6?

    And you're saying you adjusted this Quicktime export setting?
    Have you created a new document at your desired size, set your older SWF to allow itself to scale and then exported that? (e.g. import SWF at one size then adjust width/height to the size of the document, then exported)?

Maybe you are looking for