Quitting iTunes

hi. iTunes stopped working when i was copying a music cd. i can't open or quit iTunes. i tried to shut down my mac pro but it won't. i tried to force quit iTunes but it won't. I have downloaded the latest version of IOS and iTunes. How do I make my iTunes work again?

Hey mikejfrancisco,
Thanks for the question. If I understand correctly, iTunes is not responding and the computer will not Force Quit iTunes or power off. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help the issue.
OS X: Using the power button - Apple Support
Hold down the power button for 5 seconds to force the computer to turn off.  Important: You may lose unsaved documents if you force the computer to turn off this way. Use this method of turning off your Mac only if it has become unresponsive for an extended period of time.
Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
Have a good one,

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    If all your songs on the iPod are deleted, most likely the photios are gone too.
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    This forum is for questions from those managing sites on iTunes U, Apple's service for colleges and universities to post educational material in the iTunes Store. You'll be most likely to get help with this issue if you ask in the general iTunes for Mac forums.

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    Hi kinnickate,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    You should be able to use the Force Quit command to quit iTunes, Safari and any other open applications.  Then start the computer in Safe Mode to get back on track.  The articles below will explain how:
    Mac OS X: How to quit an unresponsive application using Force Quit
    Mac OS X: Starting up in Safe Mode
    I hope this gets you back on track ...
    - Judy

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    Create a playlist containing just the mp3 you want to play.  Then try this workflow:
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    - Get Specified iTunes Items (add that playlist here)
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    - Pause (pause for 900+x seconds, where x is how long the chimes take, and 900 is how many seconds are in 15 minutes)
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    Hope it helps!

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    Lion may have replaced files that partially made up your printer drivers. Either way, HP saw fit to make a new set of drivers specifically for 10.7 so you may want to use it simply to avoid any bugs tehy found.
    Get it here:
    http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=bi-98095-2 &cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en&os=219&product=4083652&sw_lang=
    Hope I helped

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    Had exactly the same problem on 2 Macs running OSX 10.6.8.
    On both Macs, Firefox is the default Browser and Cookies and Scripts are allowed for iTunes.com.
    However, Safari Preferences - Privacy - Block Cookies was set to "Always".  I changed this setting to "From third parties and advertisers".
    Now iTunes allows me to view my Account Information.
    Hopes this helps someone.  I couldn't find this fix posted anywhere.

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    mattbeardall wrote:
    Is there an option that someone knows about that would keep this from happening?
    no, if iTunes can't find its drive/folder, it defaults to creating one within your Home directory's Music folder.
    If anyone knows a way I send a product suggestions to apple please let me know, as I have a few that would like to suggest.
    under the iTunes menu choose the Feedback menuItem.

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    I'm planning to not renew my iTunes match ending soon.But when I change my mind in, say, a year, will all my music be available to me. I really don't feel like donwloading and backig up :-)
    Thank you!

    I don't know if Apple keeps a record of what music you had in the cloud. I am assuming that after the subscription lapses, after some amount of time the music in the cloud is deleted. So, after a year, if you sign up again you'll need to go through the process again.
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