R7970-2PMD3GD5/OC system cut out

Hi, I have an MSI R7970-2PMD3GD5/OC and need some help. When playing games the system just cuts out, screen goes blank, and then I have to hard reset system to boot again. Seems like the the fan speed is not picking up? Tried this with different motherboard and power supplies as well. Even tried setting the clock speed to the same as non oc edition but still the same.
windows 8 pro x64
bios: (113-C3860100-X00)
driver:atiumdag (catalyst 13.9) / win8 64
gpu-z info
bios file
Any help would be appreciated.
GPU Core Clock [MHz]    GPU Memory Clock [MHz]   GPU Temperature [ーC]   Fan Speed (%) [%]   Fan Speed (RPM) [RPM]   GPU Load [%]
1010.0                            1375.0                            68.0                                       33                              1802                               22
1010.0                            1375.0                            69.0                                       34                              1864                               22
1010.0                            1375.0                            69.0                                       34                              1894                               22
1010.0                            1375.0                            69.0                                       34                              1900                               22
1010.0                            1375.0                            69.0                                       34                              1899                               22
1010.0                            1375.0                            69.0                                       34                              1899                               31
1010.0                            1375.0                            69.0                                       34                              1897                               30
1010.0                               1375.0                            69.0                                       34                              1898                               32
1010.0                            1375.0                            69.0                                       34                              1895                               32
1010.0                            1375.0                            69.0                                       34                              1896                               32
1010.0                            1375.0                            69.0                                       34                              1895                               33
1010.0                            1375.0                            69.0                                       34                              1893                               34
1010.0                            1375.0                            69.0                                       34                              1890                               37
1010.0                            1375.0                            70.0                                       36                              1888                               41
1010.0                            1375.0                            69.0                                       36                              1963                               43

do you have any OC applied in your PC?
have you tested the card in another PC?
if you use another video card do you have such issues?
also list full and detailed system specifications, read >>Posting Guide<<

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    Hi Keith,
    Check this file /etc/default/login..
    # DISABLETIME If present, and greater than zero, the number of seconds
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    I had the same problem,  finally found a similar question on here and what resolved it! Hope this works for you..
    1st:click START
    3rd: RIGHT CLICK on COMMAND PROMPT  *a window will pop up..which will say "Run as Admin."  ..you must put in Admin. password*
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    "Sonos" your Airplay
    This observation elicited a Eureka moment. After months of problems with our airplay I had worked through almost every suggestion on the net to little or no avail.
    As a result of this post I reconfigured one of our access points as a dedicated airplay network. Brilliant. We have now had 2 weeks of perfect airplay.
    If you are reading this, you are probably fairly tech savvy. You therefore probably have an old router in the garage, shed or attic.
    Get it out, dust it off and connect it to your network as an access point (Ethernet cable and a good internet search on your router). Set it up on an empty wireless channel as "*****airplay" or whatever suits you and connect the airplay clients (airport express, Apple TV, airplay speakers etc.) to that. Keep everything else on the original wireless network.
    Interestingly, this is how Sonos have approached the wireless music solution.
    This has worked brilliantly for us, I hope this helps others in a similar predicament.
    Uncle Duck
    Ps - This is a good work around, but , come on apple - it shouldn't need a degree in engineering
    Variety of IOS devices-  phones, ipods,iPads, MacBooks et al.
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    Laptops,desktop, printers etc
    2 airport express, 1 apple tv

  • Apple TV Airplay Unbearably Cutting Out after Update

    Hi All,
    I have an ATV v3 on a wired ethernet connection to my router (gigabit ethernet) on a 20mbps ADSL line.
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    My setup.
    iPhone 5s, IoS8
    iPad 4, IoS8
    Macbook Retina OS Mavericks
    Wired Gigabit Ethernet connection
    Wireless N connection for the others.
    Static IP Addressing
    Reset / Restarted everything.
    So what's going on?

    I appreciate that with knowing nothing about my network you're pushing a passive aggressive blame on me however it's out of place. I work as a System Admin for a national healthcare staffing firm and from reading your post in this thread I'm assuming I actually have more knowledge on what networking is and what could and could not effect Airplay. Also, please read. The issue is the device is restarting or powering off, how is that network related? Is it getting some demonic version of a WOL packet and powering down?
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    I also put a firewire 800 card in my system.
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    For now, I'm running audio out of headphone jack, using all virtual instruments, so I know it will sound better when I get firewire audio up and running, but I got tired of it cutting out every 3 - 30 minutes. I'm thinking about the apogee duet unit. But again if it's connected via firewire, I don't know where that leaves me..
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    Disk Warrior fixed some volume errors,
    Anyone have any ideas to try?

    I'm using a motu828. I disconnected the firewire connection, and ran audio from the headphone jack to the motu, and VOILA, no problems... Last year, I went thru two motu units, not really sure if they are the issue.
    I think it might be LOGIC's firewire circuitry. Apple techs couldn't find the issue, I had the G5 motherboard replaced. Another factor was I had 3 Lacie firewire drives (2 firewire 800, 1 400) I have had 4 Lacie drives die on me in the last 3 years. They are the only firewire drives I have, so I don't know if the fault lies with them, or the again Apples firewire circuitry, stressing the drives out???
    I also put a firewire 800 card in my system.
    I have now switched to an external ESATA raid setup. No more firewire drives. So far so good. Since I had the whole motherboard replaced, I don't know what that means in terms of MOTU connected via firewire..
    For now, I'm running audio out of headphone jack, using all virtual instruments, so I know it will sound better when I get firewire audio up and running, but I got tired of it cutting out every 3 - 30 minutes. I'm thinking about the apogee duet unit. But again if it's connected via firewire, I don't know where that leaves me..
    My G5 is three and half years old, perhaps it's tired and wants to be retired....
    The dark part of me wonders, if Apple computers don't start crapping out after three years of heavy use, or is it that technology, software, updates, push the hardware beyond it's capacity after a few years.

  • Sound cuts out after any given amount of time, only way to turn back on is to reboot.

    For reference, I am using a fully up-to-date mid-2012 model rMBP. Attached to my MacBook via USB I also have an M-Audio KeyStation 49i, which is where I have my headphones plugged in (probably not related in any way, but just noting this).
    I first encountered this issue while using Chrome and listening to music on SoundCloud with Garageband open after the last Mavericks update yesterday. I initially thought it was a Chrome bug, and in doing some research, I found that other Chrome users were having the same issue as me, but it was related to PepperFlash (a version of the standard Flash player), and disabling it in Chrome Canary fixed the issue for them.
    Unfortunately, it did not fix the issue for me, but I have refrained from using Chrome since then and stuck to Safari to ensure that it's not two issues with the same outcome.
    Then I stumbled across all of the Mavericks users that are having sound problems; anything from crackling/popping to not working at all. It seemed, though, that everyone that was having the sound cut out for them entirely were not only having this happen after their laptops came back from sleep mode (which is not the case for me), but were able to fix it by restarting Coreaudio[d] or -- if they had been using the headphone jack on their Macs -- they just had to plug it in again and take it back out. Neither of these worked or were applicable to my situation. Some were able to get it working again by resetting the PRAM/NVRAM, and a few others seemed to be able to bypass the issue by using Soundflower, but neither of these solutions worked for me either. The only way I can get sound to work again is to restart my computer entirely.
    After doing so, I am only able to listen to audio for a certain amount of time. It seems to vary depending on how much memory the task is taking up. Like I'll be able to listen to a track or two on SoundCloud, or attempt to record into Garageband for five minutes or so. If I'm in a Garageband project that already has a lot of tracks, I'll be lucky if I can even get through a few seconds before it cuts out entirely. There are very quiet crackling/pop sounds every once and awhile, but it is hard for me to distinguish if that is just the natural state of the hardware I am using or if it is related to background system sounds.
    I'm at wit's end trying to figure out what the problem is, mostly because there are so many others with similar issues and varying hardware/software setups that it's hard to track down exactly what my own situation is.
    I'd like to know where I should be exporting any error logs from so that someone can take a look at this issue.
    Thank you.

    After doing some additional testing, I was able to get the sound working again without rebooting by:
    1. Unplugging the MIDI device.
    2. Resetting the audio input and output to "built-in".
    3. Plugging back in the MIDI device.
    4. Changing the audio input and output back to the MIDI device.
    Still, though, the sound only lasts for a little while, and there doesn't seem to be anything indicating how or why it stops.

  • When using full volume on my iphone 4s the sounds cuts out but if I blow air into the speaker it comes back on is this a hardware issue or a software issue?

    Just recently my iphone 4s speakers started acting up. I have restored it twice once to a back up and the other time as a new phone. The speakers get really staticy on full volume and then it cuts out but if I turn down the volume and blow air into the speakers it goes back to play fine until I turn up the volume again. I'm going to try to clean it out with a toothbrush and see if that helps. But I'm curious does this seem more like a hardware problem or is it a problem with the operating system and I should try to hold out until ios 6 comes out and see if that helps. I've read all the problems with this so I'm hesitant to send it in since there is no apple store around here and find out I have to pay to get it fixed. Tried to talk to them on the phone but since it's a week past ninety days I would have to purchase apple care in order to get any help but yet that's only available for 30 days after your purchase so I'm not sure how come they can offer that over the phone. Thanks for any help.

    Thanks for the help. The problem just started suddenly. The problem I have is the closest Apple Store is 3 hours away so I would have to send it in and I don't want to send it to them and then be told I'd have to pay for it. Would they just send the phone back if you decide not to have it fixed. I will probably just get used to it or maybe it will fix itself one day.

  • Mac Mini Audio Intermittent over HDMI, Cuts out with Assertion in kernel.log

    Hello. I've been having trouble with a mac mini (Mid 2011) that I bought on Thursday. It's running OSX 10.7. The Mac Mini is the $599 unit.
    I've got it hooked up to my Sony BRAVIA HDTV (also this year's model) via HDMI, with audio configured to be delivered via HDMI to the TV alongside video. Initially the audio will play through my TV, but after an hour or two of watching something, it will cut out, and there will be no more sound coming out of the TV from the mac. Ultimately, the only way I can fix it is to reboot the Mac Mini. I've also observed that at about the same time sound cuts out, the following error message appears in kernel.log:
    Aug 12 19:21:40 joshs-Mac-mini kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 != result" failed in AppleHDAWidget at line 3957 goto handler
    Aug 12 19:22:10 --- last message repeated 5 times
    As far as I know, assertions failures usually mean software problems (bugs). I suspect I may be encountering a kernel-level bug in Lion, as this error message is showing in kernel.log.
    The following is a list of diagnostic steps I've taken:
    - I've double-checked the sound output device in preferences. It didn't spontaneously change from SONY TV (HDMI) after sound cut out.
    - I've tried changing output to the internal speakers. It plays sound from the mac mini (as expected). When I change it back to HDMI, still no sound from the TV.
    - I've tried turning off and back on the tv. No effect.
    - I've tried unplugging and replugging the HDMI cable. No effect.
    - I've tried replacing the HDMI cable with two other alternates. No effect.
    - I've tried other HDMI inputs for my TV with HDMI attached. No effect.
    - Note: I've got a ps3 and xbox360 on the TV that has successfully used the HDMI inputs and cables tested on. They've never had this type of problem, so I don't think there's a problem with the TV.
    - I've tried rebooting the mac and resetting the "PRAM" (Command-Option-P-R before the grey screen on bootup). Sound still cuts out after a while.
    - All updates are applied.
    Does anybody else have any ideas about what I could try to fix this? This problem is pretty much a deal breaker, as rebooting the mac mini mid-movie kind of destroys the movie-watching experience.

    I'd just like to jump in on this thread to report exactly the same problem. 
    2011 Mac Mini (the 2.5GHz i5 model) running Lion, Sony Bravia TV, HDMI sounds cuts out after a while with the console error "Aug 15 18:30:25 Mini kernel[0]: Sound assertion "0 != result" failed in AppleHDAWidget at line 3957 goto handler".
    Interestingly, after the error occurs, I can still get 5.1 sound through Plex, but not through Quicktime. 2.0 sound and system sounds all fail until I reboot the system.
    Any help would be appreciated. I would prefer not to have to return the Mini.

  • After recent upgrade to Yosemite on Macbook air bluetooth audio cuts out and associated video stops with audio. Likewise with airplay and Apple TV. I have deleted all my saved wifi connections and restarted numerous times. I do not expect a resolutio

    After recent upgrade to Yosemite on Macbook air bluetooth audio cuts out and associated video stops with audio. Likewise with airplay and Apple TV. I have deleted all my saved wifi connections and restarted numerous times. I do not expect a resolution from the community, but hope to get the attention of Apple engineers. If you are having same problems or have a miracle cure I am all ears.

    May start my own thread, but I'm having similar issues.
    I've been using an old iMac (running 10.7.5) and Apple TV for years with no issues. Last week I bought a new Macbook Pro running Yosemite and have had audio issues multiple times. The weird thing is that sometimes it works flawlessly, other times (like now) I spend half an hour just trying to get a song to play.
    My issues are: When I got to "computers" in Apple TV to stream my music, my music is sometimes chopper or intermittent, and I seen to know when it's going to happen based on the status wheel just before it plays. When I choose a song, the status wheel will spin for an unusually long time, usually an indicator that the audio is either not going to work, or stutter.
    When it does finally pull up a song, the playhead sits at the beginning of the song for a good 3-5 seconds before actually playing. Then, when it starts playing, it's all downhill. It will play a few seconds, drop out, play a few more seconds, drop out, and then ultimately the playhead will keep moving across the song as if it's playing, but there's no audio.
    Again, this is a new phenomenon never experienced by me. I've tried everything I could think of, some of them all at once:
    • restart Apple TV
    • restart Macbook Pro
    • quite iTunes/open
    • turn off Home Sharing on iTunes then reconnect it
    • unplugging and cycling both my modem and router
    None of these have alleviated the problem.
    The odd thing is, like this morning, the audio started up perfectly and never gave me any issues. It wasn't until later in the day that it started. Perhaps after the macbook pro had been put to sleep? Not sure.
    Regardless, this is an annoying trait, one that's new to me and my system (as stated, worked flawlessly until my new purchase), and is 100% limited to either a) the macbook pro b) Yosemite or c) both of them.

  • In preview all is good...burning dvd the music cuts out 2 times in 4 songs...i have turned off all other programs, sleep and energy mode for battery...multiple tries... same result ...help

    IDVD - in preview all is good...burning dvd the music cuts out 2 times in 4 songs...i have turned off all other programs, sleep and energy mode for battery...multiple tries... same result ...help

    No audio on DVD disc.
    Most common origin.
    1. Imported audio from iTunes.
    • In iTunes copy out as an audio-CD .aiff
    • Use this in Your movie project
    2. Low - Free Space on Start-up/Boot/Internal/Mac OS Hard disk makes it hard for iMovie to work as intended.
    Down to 1.3 GB and it doesn’t work - especially audio don’t migrate over to Media Browser
    (iM’08 & 09)
    3. Material in iMovie’08 & 09 - Shared to Media Browser and here selected as Large
    large.m4v. It silenced out this project in iDVD. By making a slight alteration - provocing it to ask for a new Share/Publish to Media Browser and here selecting 640x480 - and audio was back when a new iDVD project was created including this movie.
    720x540    960x540
    4. Strange audio formats like .mp3, .avi etc.
    • Change them to .aiff. Use an audio editor like Audacity (free)
    5. Main audio is set to off in System Preferences - Does this by it self - Don’t know why
    Cheque Audio-Out resp. Audio-In
    6. Ed Hanna
    Had the same problem; some Googling around gave me a kludgy, but effective fix
    Downgrade Perian from recent versions back to version 1.0.
    That worked for me, and so far I haven't encountered any deficiencies—except it takes more advanced versions of Perian to enable QuickTime to handle subtitles in .srt format—that I have noticed.
    7. GarageBand fix.
    In this set audio to 44.1 kHz (Klaus1 suggestion)
    (if this don’t work try 48 kHz - me guessing)
    Before burning the DVD.
    • Do a DiskImage (File menu and down)
    • Double click on the .img file
    • Test it with Apple DVD-player
    If it’s OK then make Your DVD.
    Burn at x1 speed.... (or x4)
    • In iDVD 08 - or - 09
    • Burn from DiskImage with Apple’s Disk Utilities application
    • OR burn with Roxio Toast™ if You got it
    Yours Bengt W

  • Audio Cuts out after a few minutes.  IChat AV 2.1

    I have surfed and have not found any topics like this yet. Audio is cutting out after chatting with another Mac - AV user. Both microphones still appear to work in the preferences, but the person can not hear on the other side. Video works fine, but now audio. Any help or suggestions would be helpful. Virex 7 has already been removed. This solved the video problems. Merry Christmas.

    Hi Brian,
    Your title states that the audio cuts out during a chat but the post itself seems to imply that you do not have Audio after the chat.
    IF it is cutting out during a Video cut can you please tell us what connection speeds both ends have ?
    It should be a at least 100kbps up and down.
    If it is not you will have problems. You may find that a cable connection varies as the chat goes on and this might be part of the problem.
    Soemthings that might help:
    GO to System Preferences > Quicktime > Streaming tab and set the Connection sped to mathc the download speed at either end.
    GO to iChat > Preferences > Video > bandwidth Limit Drop Down and set this to NONE.

  • Touchsmart 9100 Audio Cuts Out

    I have Touchsmart 9100 with Realtek High Definition Audio running Win 7 Home Premium SP1, 8GB RAM (currently: 7.75GB Physical, 1.88GB Available, Total Virtual 13.7GB, Available Virtual 7.53); Dell 5650 5.1 surround sound with the three-to-one reducer connector plugged into the analog audio out port.
    Realtek Driver    
    c:\windows\system32\drivers\rtkvhd64.sys (, 3.53 MB (3,698,904 bytes), 2013-12-14 22:28)
    Audio Codecs
    c:\windows\system32\imaadp32.acm    Microsoft Corporation        OK    C:\Windows\system32\IMAADP32.ACM    6.1.7600.16385    21.50 KB (22,016 bytes)    2009-07-13 20:18
    c:\windows\system32\l3codeca.acm    Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen IIS    Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec    OK    C:\Windows\system32\L3CODECA.ACM    79.50 KB (81,408 bytes)    2009-07-13 20:22
    c:\windows\system32\msadp32.acm    Microsoft Corporation        OK    C:\Windows\system32\MSADP32.ACM    6.1.7600.16385    23.50 KB (24,064 bytes)    2009-07-13 20:18
    c:\windows\system32\msg711.acm    Microsoft Corporation        OK    C:\Windows\system32\MSG711.ACM    6.1.7600.16385    14.50 KB (14,848 bytes)    2009-07-13 20:18
    c:\windows\system32\msgsm32.acm    Microsoft Corporation        OK    C:\Windows\system32\MSGSM32.ACM    6.1.7600.16385    28.50 KB (29,184 bytes)    2009-07-13 20:18
    My streaming video audio will cut out for several seconds at a time then return to normal again.  I can, when the audio cuts out, turn up the manual volume on my surround sound to hear however when audio returns, I get blasted until I turn down the surround sound again.   High CPU utilization *may* be a contributor to this problem - currently averaging about 95%.
    What can I do to correct this problem?

    Hi MDS,
    Here are the possible HP products for a Touchsmart 9100. Both models do not list Win 7 Home Premium as an HP supported operating system. Did you upgrade from Vista to Win 7 or did you perform a clean install of Win 7 Home Premium?
    Both models also reflect this updated driver version ( for Realtek High Def Audio. You have driver version ( installed on your PC.
    You could try installing the version per the above link if you have Win 7 Pro 32 bit or 64 bit installed.
    Try checking your file system by opening an administrative command prompt and entering the following: sfc /scannow
    You may have to schedule this task to run at the next boot. Please reboot your system to run the task.
    Do you know which process is consuming all of your PC's CPU time?
    ****I am not an HP employee****
    Please give a" Kudos" if advice received is relevant or" Accept as Solution" if your problem has been solved.
    H8 1380t CTO, Intel i7 3820
    16 GB DDR3
    Pegatron Motherboard- IPIWB-PB (Pittsburgh), Radeon HD 7570 1GB. Win 7 Home Premium upgraded to Windows 8.1 Pro.
    Envy Phoenix 810-150se, Intel i7 4820k
    16 GB DDR3
    Pittsburgh2 Mainboard, NVIDIA GTX 645- 2GB GDDR5. Win 8.1 Pro.
    HP 560z CTO AMD Phenom II X6 1090T
    16 GB DDR3.
    Radeon HD 6570
    Win 7 Home Premium upgraded to Win 7 Pro.
    HP ENVY 17t-j000 CTO Quad Edition Notebook. I7 4702mq
    12 GB DDR3
    Nvidia Graphics
    Win 8 Pro
    Errare humanum est.

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