Radeon 4870 problems |SPLIT

I have MSI 4870 MD1G crossfire problem! plzzz
help me!
some times when im playing game some artifacts comes like blue, green...
is it hardware problem? i think, this problem pertain to Driver!
i cant crossfire my graphics too! i can, but i mean when i tested my graphics with 3D fturemark vantage the scores is too low! in same options it about 12900! only one of them 8500??!
help me!
my system: cpu: amd phenom 2 4x. 4 gb ram. 1 tb hdd. main board x64 msi and power ocz 700w

Stop hijacking other people topics! Topic splited. Also stop posting the same xx times..
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some times when im playing game some artifacts comes like blue, green...
Where that happend? You have 2x4870 MD1G or?
OS running?
What mainboard you got?
Do you use VGA drivers from MSI web?

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    I saw in another thread the suggestion to raise the memory clock to 925. I'll try that as I've tried just about everything else I can think of. We'll see what happens. I had a similar problem with a 3870 a while ago. Never did get to bottom of that. I really want to use ATI graphics cards, but if this is going to be normal I'll have to go back to Nvidia :(

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    Hi all,
    This problem has been happening more and more often recently. It used to happen once a month, not it has happened three days in the row.
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    Screen of the display problem: http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/2248/wierdvideoproblem.jpg
    Thanks in advance for any help,
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    Contact MSI USA Tech support using this form:

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    If ATi didn't specify the card you bought is designed for your Mac, then it's strictly the PC version and is incompatible with OS X. It may work correctly in Bootcamp for Windows, but not for OS X.
    Your best option would be to return the 4350 and purchase a "designed for Mac" video card by ATi or nVidia cards offered on the Apple online store.

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    now it is affecting things. I pull up display preferences.  If the displays are mirrored, even setting the projector
    to 1400x1050, it says "usuable resolution 1280x1024."  It didn't use to do this at all.
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    As noted in the first post, both of these newer USB DAC work fine at 24/96 on my wife's iMac, so it's clear that they didn't both become defective when I connected them to the Macbook Pro at the same time.
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    Then I switched to the replacement/updated DAC, but I got no sound at all from either USB port at any bit-rate. And returning to the original DAC again now results in no sound again.
    Sigh... I will reset the PRAM and SMC again, and see how far I can get with this. I'd still love some help. Thanks!

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    Hey there all,
    First post.
    Been following for a while now.
    I'm running into a problem with my MacPro..
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    Thanks for looking into this.

    Okay.. so I did the smc reset. No luck.
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    This information is GOLD! Solid GOLD!
    I have an early-'08 Pro also, and got the HD 4870 this afternoon via FedEx. I tried running a game, and got a "Cannot load 3D acceleration" error message. I noticed that moving windows was choppy, as was switching between Spaces pages. I called AppleCare, and after a loooooooong discussion with some very friendly folks, the tech support guy sent me to the Apple Store support to initiate an exchange.
    I then found this thread, downloaded the beta drivers, and BAM! it works like I hoped it would, blazing fast graphics.
    I called AppleCare back so they'd be aware of it, and while I was on the phone, the guy even followed that link and said, "Wow, what the heck is that site?" He was very happy to have the information.
    Spread the word!
    Of course, then, today, I noticed on MacRumors that a new nvidia card is going to be offered as an upgrade next month. Sigh. I think I'm happy enough with this one to ignore the nVidia offering. I hope 10.5.7 comes out soon.

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    The brushing itself is fast, but can pause afterwards while the CPU figures out the solution to the brush stroke. Some brushes are always very quick while other are more CPU taxing.
    Then I noticed something I do out of habit. Having the awesome Logitech MX Revolution mouse, and having Exposé functions mapped to the thumb wheel, when Aperture pizza-wheels, I habitually hit my mouse button for Exposé's Dashboard, and Aperture resumes near immediately. A hack, but it often works. This is not limited to Aperture, but something I do anytime OS X pizza-wheels, and works the vast majority of the time.
    Also looked at the atMonitor while just doing a quick test. My VRAM never went more than 40% used in Aperture, and was normally around 25% VRAM used. X1900XT video card has 512MB VRAM and driving 1920x1200 pixels (23" Cinema display).

  • Can I run Radeon 4870 + GeForce 120 simultaneously

    What seems like a pretty obvious question is one I can't find answered on the web.
    I just ordered a Mac Pro with GeForce 120 as standard, and I also ordered a Radeon 4870 to install in it.
    I'll put the radeon in the main slot and move the geforce into the 2nd slot.
    Can I do this? Will both cards operate and allow desktop spanning etc?
    Also, will the colour reproduction be the same across both screens? I will be running 2 x 24" LED displays.
    Thanks in advance.

    Wouldn't it be better to connect one to each card, therefore giving 512MB of RAM to each screen, rather than splitting the 512MB of one card amongst two screens?
    The VRAM may be better utilized with two cards and two displays, but unlike Crossfire or SLI, you will not get the combined processing power of the two cards.
    Many applications won't benefit at all from two layers of VRAM.
    You will, in fact, be rendering all graphics with one card, with that card then passing the information onto the second card.
    The VRAM on the primary card, as well as the GPU, are still going to be working as if two displays were connected to it.
    What would cause a hit in performance?
    In all practicality, Yes.
    What all this means, in reality, is higher latency on the PCI bus while passing graphics from one card to the other, without any gains in processing from the second card.
    In a dual display/dual card setup, this means one may actually lose performance as opposed to two monitors on a single card.
    In a three monitor setup, well, these issues become moot out of necessity for additional display ports.
    And to reiterate what Malcolm said, some applications may actually have trouble with dual card setups.
    FCP is one known to have issues.

  • Any ol' saphire radeon 4870 will do?

    Just curious as to if I bought a PC version of the Saphire Radeon 4870 with the dual DVI connectors and installed into the new Nehalem mac pro's if you think there would be any problems. Upgrading to the ATI from Apple will cost an additional 180, but another 99 will have to go to the adapter so I can use my second DVI monitor. I figured I would save 80 dollars and having to go through another cable if I bought the dual DVI version of the card.
    Do you guys see a problem with this?
    Thank you in advance for your opinions

    http://www.welovemacs.com/9227128.html (costs more and fedex on top)
    You should only need to buy one though some PC cards actually haven't included anything like the above and instead include a molex to 6-pin or 8-pin power cable.
    Anything coming from Apple, if it needs two, it will have them (just like the 8800GT and other cards included, or the 3870s).

  • How Do I use an Ati Radeon 4870 HD for 3 Monitors

    I am new to the Apple world and community.  I recently got a new job that requires me to use a Mac Pro.  OS X version 10.6.8.  2.66 ghz dual xeon and 32 GB of ram.  It has a ATI Radeon 4870 HD.  I can run 2 monitors fine using the DVI and Mini DV port ( Using a convertor from apple. ).  When I try to use the 2 other HDMI ports for my third monitor, Mac OS wont detect it.  The wierd thing is some of the images from certain apps show on the 3rd Monitor. 
    Under graphics information it shows the Radeon 4870.  Under PCIe information it shows the same card.  On the back of my machine I have 2 HDMI slots and another lower down with Mini DV and DVI.
    The Displays I am running are 3 HP LP2475w Monitors.  Running in DVI mode with one converted to Mini DV.  The 3rd non working is running in DVI to HDMI but it can be run Straight HDMI if need.  Ive tried alot of configuration settings and I can't get the HDMI port to be detected by MAC OS.  Ive plugged one in at a time and just the HDMI do not detect.
    Please let me know what information is needed to help troubleshoot this better.

    A 5770 is $249 or slightly less and in the same dept to me as replacing hard drives, adding some RAM in order to work and because my understanding is it was the first card to support 3 monitors.
    The 5770 only requires 10.6.5+ - and the 4,1 had way too many issues with 10.5.7/10.5.8
    The 4870 may or may not provide what you need for the software you run, even though 3 yr old machine but 4 yr old plus video card.
    4870 vs GTX 285 that came out at that time also
    http://www.geek.com/articles/games/macpro-whats-better-ati-radeon-4870-or-nvidia -gtx-285-20090720/
    The default card was Nvidia GT120 and req'd no power cables and popular way to support more displays.
    People were running DUAL 4870s to support 3rd monitor though back then:

  • ATI Radeon 4870 won't detect second display

    ATI Radeon 4870 won't detect second display I have a sony that come up as a sdm-hs95p and a asus that i want to connect they both have vga and both have conveters vga to dvi and on the asus it also has a dvi to mini dp because on the graphics card it has dvi and mini dp

    You can't use more than one converter per display.
    You need to get single converter that connects directly from the Mac port to the display.

  • Dual Radeon 4870 in 2009 Mac Pro

    Can I install 2 Apple supplied Radeon 4870's in the new 2009 Mac Pro?

    Hey just look & found even better this will power both 4870's leave your mac some more power for the other stuff OUTPUT.CONNECTORS: STANDARD PCI-EXPRESS 6.PIN :: 2 OUTPUTS
    ADVANCED PCI-EXPRESS 8.PIN :: 2 OUTPUTS Just what you need on the Mac Pro & use the other slots that need power as well
    MFG PART# PPA4501100 | UPC# 845685004208 ::
    AVAILABLE IN 300W | e.brochure | reviews | tech.data | tech.diagram
    :|: QUAD PCI-EXPRESS 2X(6.PIN)+2X(8.PIN) :|: EFFICIENCY: 85%+
    UNIT : DIMENSIONS | WEIGHT : 7.5"W X 1.63"H X 5.69"L @ 3LBS
    RETAIL BOX : DIMENSIONS | WEIGHT : 13.75"W X 3.5"H X 7.65"L @ 4LBS

  • Ati Radeon 4870

    Does anyone know if the ATI Radeon 4870 will fit and work inside of a B/W G3? I heard someone did put one in and it works great.

    Are you playing troll again, or are you asking a serious question?

  • ATI Radeon 4870 on K9AGM2-L ?

    Hello, I am planning to buy a new ATI radeon 4870 video card. But I need at least 2 SATA because I am using 2 SATA HDDs. It is a double slot video card solution and I see it is long...Does anyone have such card installed on this mobo MSI K9AGM2-L? Does it cove all the SATA connectors? Thanks.

    Thanks I have found some dimensions of the ATI card: http://forums.gameon.co.uk/showthread.php?p=381274
    And as I measured it will definitely be all over 4 SATA connectors. So everybody that wants a double slot video card and in length over 21cm will need those right angel SATA cables. When I will get them and also the ATI 4870 I will post a picture here. I hope it will fit even with those cables... 
    I measured it in my case and probably it would fit - the ATI radeon 4870 + Those 90°SATA cables
    Ok So I finally bought everything what I needed,  but I have now Gainward ATI radeon 4850 GS instead of mentioned 4870. 4850 (9,25") is slightly smaller than 4870 (9,5"). With difficulties I have installed my card into the microATX mobo, when you have double slot videocard you CANNOT use any SATA connector on the MOBO! As you can see on the pictures below it just fits with the 90°SATA cables, BUT the plastic cover on the cooler is thinner than the card and when I pull out the card some condensers are bent on that side where are the SATAs...
    It is definitely a good idea to buy a standart ATX motherboard in this case...
    By Ivanhoe_sk
    By Ivanhoe_sk
    By Ivanhoe_sk
    By Ivanhoe_sk

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