Radio Groups on Portal

I have two fields on an Oracle Portal form labelled:
2004 UG Prospectus
2005 UG Prospectus
I want the enquirer (person completing the form) to only be able to select one or other of the fields (not both). On a normal Oracle Form, this would be achieved by using a Radio Group. The Radio Group function exists but I have no idea how to use it - locating any help on Radio Groups and Portal appears to be impossible!
Any help will be appreciated.
Julie Webber

I don't want to use a LOV. What I am wanting is to have two separate fields, one labelled 2004 Prospectus, the other 2005 Prospectus. If 2004 is selected, they can not select 2005 and vice versa.
On normal Oracle forms, this is achieved by using Radio buttons. I can not find out how to use the equivalent on Portal.

Similar Messages

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    I have a radio group in a portal form. How do I set one of them as checked when the form comes up?

    It might be possible with javascript. since a radio group is an array, you should loop
    through the index to set the correct
    checked value.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by [email protected]:
    I tried that already, and it still didn't work. Any idea? I am using portal version 3.0.6.

  • Set default radio group value

    I want to clarify the following:
    Is it true that if I assign a radio group to a base table field then I can assign a default value to it?
    If it is not a non-base table field, I can still assign a radio group to it, but I cannot set a default value for the radio group?
    The portal version that I am using is 3.0.9
    on Solaris.

    In order to ensure that the "ALL" option is selected, you have to do a few things:
    1 - On your radiogroup's definition, set the following:
    Display Null: No
    Null display value: (leave blank)
    Null return value: (leave blank)
    2 - then, update the List of values definition setting to include a NULL value. Something like:
    SELECT ' ALL ' d, -1 r FROM DUAL
    SELECT DNAME d, DEPTNO r FROM DEPT ORDER BY 1(this way, ALL becomes part of the data). Note that, in this example, I have used -1 as the "null return value" - this is because I am using a number field here (DEPTNO). Change this to a string if you are using a VARCHAR2 field.
    3 - Create a new Page Computation. This should run Before Header on the radiogroup item. The computation would be a Static Assignment of the "null return value" you set above - in my example, this is -1 The computation should be conditional on the value of the radiogroup item being null. This, I have found, is the best way to ensure that you get a default value before the page is loaded.
    I have done all this on: []. My report's SQL query is then:
    WHERE :P216_DEPTNO = -1 OR DEPTNO = :P216_DEPTNOAndy

  • Read Only Display of Radio group and Text area with counter not working

    I am using Apex 3.2, with 10g for the database
    I have this form, with fields that will set to read only when status = 'closed'
    All of the fields display as read only except for 2. I cannot figure out why this is not working correctly.
    1st field is Issues that is a text area with character counter, with a sql query behind it, that is set to null unless the query is pulling in the data.
    2nd field is Status which is a radio group that will not display as read only when status = 'closed'
    I have other fields on the form with the same format and they change to read only when the status = 'closed', I have even copied the pl/sql expression from one field to these fields and it still doesn't work correctly. I have also tried javascript for an on load event, which works, but once I click on the save button, it disables all of the page items, which works correctly, but I purposely forget to enter information, to make sure the validations are firing correctly, which it does, but the script disables everything, not allowing me to correct the errors. The javascript is firing on the on page load event.
    Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

    That API seems to have a bug, it returns true/false/null, so you could use 'return not nvl(htmldb_util.current_user_in_group(p_group_name => 'APP Admin'),false)' to get a false value.
    Unfortunately there's another problem: using the read-only attributes for checkbox or radiogroup item makes them hidden. My suggestion would be to create another item that has disabled="disabled" in the HTML Form Element attribute in the item definition and display that item or the non-disabled item alternately, using conditions based on the current_user_in_group logic.

  • Read-only radio group losing value on validation error

    It took quite a while to track this down, but I think I've got it narrowed down properly. I have an APEX form for updating a record in a databse table with a radio group which is conditionally read-only. If that radio group has a value AND is read-only, when the form is submitted and hits a validation error, the value of the radio group is lost.
    For example, the radio group SUBMITTED_FOR_APPROVAL is set to Y and is read-only for a given user. That user then changes something else on the form and submits it. However, the form now hits a validation error for some field. When the form reloads with the validation error displayed, all the fields are restored except the read-only radio group which is now blank. If a select list is used with the identical read-only condition, it works fine. Likewise, if a radio group is used, but the read-only condition is removed, it works fine. It is only when it is a radio group and it is read-only, that the value does not appear to be submitted to the session with all the form values whent he form is submitted.
    Is this a bug or am I simply missing something?
    Apex 3.1.2
    Rgds/Mark M.

    It's using a shared component LOV cleverly called LOV_YN which consists of a static LOV with
    1 Display=Yes, Return=Y
    2 Display=No, Return=N
    The settings in the LOV section on the item iteself:
    Named LOV: LOV_YN
    Display Extra values: No Dynamic translation: Not translated
    Number of columns: 2 Display null: No
    Null display value is blank as is null return value
    Item was setup as a radio group and was only converted over to a select list to work around this issue. Let me know what else you need and thanks again.
    Rgds/Mark M.

  • Getting value of radio group in a report

    i have multiple radio gropus(one group for each row) in my report. Each row can be identified either by my rownm or id. I am looping through my report rows once the page is submitted to get the values of each radio group but I am not able to make it is my code. Any suggestions?
    v_res number;
    FOR i IN (SELECT q_id FROM svy_q)
    'begin select APEX_APPLICATION.G_F ' ||i.q_id|| ' (1) into '||v_res||' from dual; end;';
    VALUES (1,

    Sorry, got my solution. There were unintended spaces in my SQL.

  • Clearing a Form or Radio Group on Click of a Button

    Hi Experts,
    I have a simple VC model which has BI Query as Data service and a Form is connected to it.
    Form will be populated based on the input to the BI Query.
    I have Few Input Fields, Drop Downs, Date files and Radio Groups in that form.
    I have included two buttons 1. Clear whole form, 2. Clear Radio Group
    I was able to clear whole form by giving some garbage value to one of the fields.
    But didnt find any way to clear only Radio Group.
    Kindly let me know how can i reset only Radio Group in the above form.

    Hi Jayant Kulkarni
           Please go through this link
    Please reward points if useful

  • Displaying a radio group in SQL QUERY report region

    Good morning everyone,
    I have a report in which a column - ORDER STATUS, will come in with a value of 1, 2 or 3...being order unfilled, order partially filled, or order filled, respectively.
    I would like to display the order status as a radio group on the report so that it will be easy to run down the column of radio buttons to see what is filled, etc.
    I've gone to the manual and checked the doco on HTMLDB_ITEM.RADIOGROUP. But the example given there is actually for CHECKBOX (is this an error?!?).
    I went to the forums and found nothing suitable.
    My region is an SQL QUERY. Can I display the STATUS as a radio group in the SELECT ?
    This is the question.
    Thankyou in anticipation. TC. 23/11/2004

    There may be better solutions, but here's what I was thinking:    create table orders (id number, status number, customer varchar(30))
        insert into orders (id,status,customer) values(1,1,'ACME')
        insert into orders (id,status,customer) values(2,2,'BENSON')
        insert into orders (id,status,customer) values(3,3,'CLARKE')
        Query Source
          id "ORDER NUMBER",
          customer "Customer Name"
        from orders;Scott

  • Radio group in classic report based on another column on the same row.

    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    Application Express
    How can I have a radio group column based on an LOV utilizing another column on the same row of the report?
    For example: what if I had a survey application and depending on the likert scale that was assigned to the question there would be different possible answer choices:
    Question 1 on row 1 of the report: The class instructor was friendly?
    Likert scale choice is Agreement.
    Choices on Radio Group: Strongly Agree, Agree, Undecided, Strongly Disagree
    Question 2 on row 2 of the report: The class offered good materials?
    Likert scale choice is Quality.
    Choices on Radio Group: Excellent, Below Average, Average, Above Average, Excellent
    The radio group can change per row depending on the Likert scale assigned to the question which is assigned to a different column on the row.
    Can LOV utilize the column? :
    SELECT scale_text
    FROM scale_choices
    WHERE scale_category_choice_id = 2 <<= this would be the Likert scale identifier
    BY display_order

    Here is the answer:
    p_idx IN NUMBER,
    p_query IN VARCHAR2,
    p_attributes IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_show_null IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'YES',
    p_null_value IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%NULL%',
    p_null_text IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '%',
    p_item_label IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_show_extra IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'YES')

  • How to set the intial Value for a single radiobutton in a Radio Group

    Hi All,
    I have a radiogroup with 3 buttons. The Names of the RadioGroup are driven from a XXVO.
    3 Radion Buttons:
    * X
    * XX
    * XXX
    When the Page loads i want to make one Radio button XXX to be the default , please suggest how do i do it.
    Note : The radiobutton values are coming from VO

    Hi ,
    As AJ said create 3 radio buttons in ur page and assign to one radio group,,
    OAMessageRadioButtonBean appleButton3 =
    OAMessageRadioButtonBean orangeButton3 =
    ---For radio button u can check in page it self.
    Meher Irk
    Edited by: Meher Irk on Nov 23, 2010 2:47 PM

  • Disable Radio button in a Radio Group

    I have a radio group wiht four radio buttons. I would like to diable one of three radio buttons based on specific condtions. For rdisabling the radio group I use the syntax
    Please help me with the syntax to disable only one button from the radio group

    END;where BLOCK3.RADIO references your radio group and R1 references the radio button you want to disable :)

  • Radio group / Image issues: additional labels - how do I get rid of them?

    Hello experts,
    I'm having a little issue with a radio group in VC on SPS 11.
    The problem is that I need a radio group in a popup (not sure if that is relevant) - and I also can create this - but it creates a textfield (with a label that has the radio groups name as its text) as well, that is not shown during design time, but only after I deploy the model.
    The annoying textfield is always displayed at the lower left corner of the popup.
    How can I disable this?
    On a related note, I'm also having a similar issue with Images: for an Image with name IMG3 it also displays a textfield with a label 'IMGFLD3" that shows the resource that is currently displayed in the image.
    What can I do about this?
    Best regards,

    Hi Srini,
    I used the following work around:
    Instead of using one image UI control that has many images in the Control Properties -> Image tab (all with their respective visibility condition), I used many image UI controls with just one image each (and visibility condition 'true'), stacked them on top of each other, and used the 'hidden' property of the image control instead to select which image is displayed
    Hope that helps, best regards,

  • Radio group read only problem

    I have three radio group items that are defined EXACTLY the same except for the label and associated database column. Each radio group item uses the same named LOV for "Yes" and "No". Each field contains either a "Y" or "N" value.
    When the "read-only" condition is satisfied, two of the three radio group items incorrectly do not have either the "Yes" or "No" radio button checked. When I change all three fields from "radio group" to "select list" then all three fields display either a "Yes" or "No" value correctly.
    Doesn't the radio group work when the read-only condition is satisfied? Is there a work-around to it?
    Thanks, Andy

    We are using APEX version 2.0.
    Has this been fixed in version 2.2?

  • Issues with the Radio Group and interactive report

    I have an interactive report that shows customer names and associated revenues... I want my users to be able to filter customer list by Province and by City in a way that when the user select a province then only associated cities show up (driven by a table)... for the filtration I am using 2 Radio Group items (one for Provinces and the other one for Cities)
    Everything is working fine, except for the fact that when I select a province (let's say Prov A) and then select a city (let's say City A1) and again when I select another Province (let's say Prov B) I get the list of all cities associated to Prov B + city A1... Not sure why my previous selection of City is showing up with the list of new cities when I change the province... I SHOULD BE ABLE TO REST ALL CITIES WHEN A NEW PROVINCE IS SELECTED
    here is the code
    For interactive report
    select     CUSTOMER_NAME,
         SUM(YTD) AS YTD
    from     T_TABLEA
    when :P2_PROV = 'All' THEN PROVINCE
    when :P2_CITY = 'All' THEN CITY
    For Province Radio Group I am using a static list:
    STATIC2:All;All,Alberta;AB,Ontario;ON,Quebec;PQ,British Columbia;BC
    For City, I am using a dynamic list using following code:
    select 'All', 'All' return from dual
    select distinct INITCAP(CITY) display_value, CITY return_value
    from T_TABLEA
    Province = :P2_PROV
    order by 1

    Check the session state of items P2_PROV and *:P2_CITY* when the issue occurs and run the LOV query separately with the session state values.
    If that too fetches it wrongly, then you would need to change your query.

  • Radio group and textarea selection

    I have a form with a question like: "How did you hear about us?" and a radio group with some choices. One of the radio group choices is "Other - please describe!". When selected, a text area changes from "read-only" and the user can write something. I am not able to update a record with user's selection in one table field (I can save either radio group selection or text area). Any help? Thank you!

    Unfortunately it is not on Internet. But part of the code is this:
    if ((isset($_POST["MM_update"])) && ($_POST["MM_update"] == "form1")) {
      $updateSQL = sprintf("UPDATE sarcini SET solutie_6=%s, introd_6=%s WHERE id_question=%s",
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['Proposal_text'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['Full_name'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['id_question'], "int"));
      mysql_select_db($database_dbconfig, $dbconfig);
      $Result1 = mysql_query($updateSQL, $dbconfig) or die(mysql_error());
      $updateGoTo = "Search_answer.php";
      if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
        $updateGoTo .= (strpos($updateGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?";
        $updateGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
      header(sprintf("Location: %s", $updateGoTo));
    And than:
    <INPUT name="Proposal" type="radio" id="Proposal_0" value="No answer." checked="CHECKED">
                    No answer.
                  <p align="left">
                    <INPUT name="Proposal" type="radio" id="Proposal_2" value="E-mail answer.">
                    E-mail proposal</label>
                <p align="left">
                    <INPUT name="Proposal" type="radio" id="Proposal_1" value="I have this answer:">
                    I have this answer:</label>
                  <label for="Proposal_text"></label>
                  <textarea name="Proposal_text" id="Proposal_text" cols="50" rows="6"></textarea>
    I would like to update with: "No answer." , "E-mail answer." or, if  id="Proposal_1" is checked, with the values entered by user in textarea "Proposal_text".

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