RAID's as Startup Disks

Actually several questions in that. I've cobbled together three basically useless old external firewire drives into on 500G unit that is actually useful. My goal is to move my massive iTunes library to that (I have a Time Capsule for backup, so the issues of data loss are prepared for). However, I WAS using one of those tiny drives to have a copy of the system software, and a couple of utilities (onyx and Disk Warrior) as quick way of getting the system up and running if I have a problem. I want to install snow leopard on the new raid drive, but the installer won't find it. Is this because you can't use a raid as a startup drive? Or is it that it's all old firewire drives? Or is the problem something else entirely?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

You don't need hardware RAID. In fact hardware RAID is very limited when it comes to booting a Mac. The closest are probably a 4-drive or dual drive enclosure with built in RAID bridge, but that isn't hardware RAID.
Listed in the profile is PowerBook G4 listed along with 10.6.x by the poster, which are way off.
Without a controller though you are asking to share the FW bus single channel which doesn't make much sense or have bandwidth. Any of today's drives can saturate a FW800 connection.

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    Are you using bootcamp for Windows?
    Unless something has changed, if your startup disk is a raid (of any flavor), Windows will not see it.
    You'll have to use the option key at startup to switch back to X.
    If you are using sheepshaver or similar for OS9, 9 will not see the raid.
    Both are minor, but can be annoying.
    I believe you need 3 disks for a striped raid.
    2 for the actual raid, and the 3rd for parity.
    This setup allows for data recovery in case of failure.
    a 2 disk raid striped is subject to data loss if one of the drives fails.
    If I recsll correctly, both drives will be formatted during the raid creation process.

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    Do you have your projects set to use a drive other than startup?
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    PS will always use the boot disk for scratch to some extent even with an alternate primary scratch disk.
    Be sure to turn off Spotlight as it causes problems.
    4GB of RAM would be nice, I understand small files don't work well if there is more than 4GB RAM but large files will. OS X uses free RAM as cache and RAM disk before using disk drives.
    How much RAM is allocated to PS? More RAM would help.
    A dedicated lean boot drive helps. Install just what is needed for your work, use a separate drive for data, and yet another RAID volume for scratch.
    When in doubt, backup with SuperDuper, and do an erase and then restore. Always backup before repairing; and never, ever, use an old version of Tiger CD/DVD - like 10.4.2 on 10.4.7/.8. Use "fsck" instead, or your emergency boot drive.
    Also, give Applejack a shot and delete the cache folders and swap files from time to time to keep a system humming. CS/CS2 and Tiger benefit nicely from more RAM.

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    Is the disk partitioned?
    Boot the operating system DVD, use Disk Utility from the Utilities menu (second screen of the installation process, just before you start the actual install) to ake a complete backup to an external disk, make a second backup (in case there's a problem with the first), wipe and repartition the internal disk (using Disk Utility), and reload.
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    I'm don't know about the new systems, but I remember that I set the % full to warn me. Your % might be set to 20% or something rather than 10% which is a preferable safety margin for many uses. I solved this start up disk problem by installing a 2 Tb internal drive and keeping my data files on external, raided, drives. A real show-stopper is when your 45 Tb external drive warns you that you're too close to OUT for comfort. And, Yes, I do keep it trash free.

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    Best regards

    Creating a mirror with Apple DU destroys the data.
    With 3 drives, use your system now as backup (you can pull it later) and use Disk Utility Restore to clone your system to the new mirror, after you create mirror. Then put the backup on the shelf for emergency backup.
    SoftRAID has always been my choice for mirror (stripped reads and better feature) as well as for stripped RAIDs - don't know if it works with server though. - their pdf manual is worth a look.

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    SATA Settings:
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    P-ATA: yes
    P-ATA channel: both
    875P NEO FISR2
    P4C with Intel stock fan (55C - 59C)
    Corsair ValueSelect PC3200 CL 2.5 512K x 2
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    Antec True Power 480
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    DDR: 333 at 2.7V
    Vcore: default
    Performance mode: Ultra Turbo

    Thanks for the quick responce  
    I did set the boot order to:
    1st) Floppy 1.44
    2nd) SATA 1
    and SATA raid to no but without success. In fact, I even tried the 'legacy' mode but it is still the same.  :angryfire:I could boot from drive c if I remove the floppy, but the problem is that there will be no harddrive c and d to work with. Removing the floppy disk will result in normal Winxp boot - which is ok. My c drive is like a sitting duck if there is a crash on OS without a backup image

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    go about removing the duplicate?

    Thanks. I had actually tried that with the boot mode set at UEFI and it didn't work, but I gave it another try set at legacy and it works fine.
    The documentation for this seems confusing to me, though. Isn't this RAID card considered a mezzanine card? The documentation here says to enable the onboard controller to get a mezzanine card to work:

  • XP no longer shows up as a startup disk

    After upgrading to leopard today, my XP partition no longer shows up as a startup disk.
    I had/have my windows partition on it's own drive that was NOT created with bootcamp. I pulled my osx disk from the my mac pro and installed windows on the disk i had in bay 2 using 100% of the disk (ntfs). after installing the bootcamp windows drivers, i reinserted the osx disk and all has been well for the last 4 months,... until the upgrade today that is.
    Now, when i go to the 'Startup Disk' preference Windows is no longer an option. the disk still shows up in Finder and I can navigate around the file system.
    Anyone have any ideas on how I can get it to show up again? I'd really rather not have to reinstall if i can avoid it.

    I have exactly the same problem (well, maybe).
    I have installed MacFUSE and ntfs-3g. I don't know if this is of any relevance, because I don't know if it was working directly before I installed them.
    I have my OS X and NTFS volumes on the same physical disk. I also had to install Windows twice because I buggered it up the first time (formatted the partition as FAT32 and ran into a bunch of disk errors).
    I also notice that in WinClone I have 2 Untitled Volumes at /dev/disk0s3 and /dev/disk1s1. /dev/disk0s3 seems to be the legit Windows NTFS partition, but I have no idea what /dev/disk1s1 is about. I don't know if it's been there all along or not but perhaps it is confusing matters and stopping the legit Windows volume/installation from being detected...? Should that second volume exist at all? It doesn't exist according to the Disk util.
    edit: I used fdisk just to have a look at the two untitled partitions.
    Jacbook:dev jacteh$ sudo fdisk /dev/disk0s3
    Disk: /dev/disk0s3 geometry: 10651/255/63 [171117408 sectors]
    Signature: 0xAA55
    Starting Ending
    #: id cyl hd sec - cyl hd sec [ start - size]
    1: 72 368 111 45 - 371 101 51 [ 218129509 - 1701990410] <Unknown ID>
    2: 74 67 115 32 - 299 114 44 [ 729050177 - 543974724] <Unknown ID>
    3: 65 114 111 32 - 353 115 52 [ 168653938 - 0] Netware 3.xx
    4: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0 - 0] unused
    Jacbook:dev jacteh$ sudo fdisk /dev/disk1s1
    Disk: /dev/disk1s1 geometry: 0/4/63 [63 sectors]
    Signature: 0x0
    Starting Ending
    #: id cyl hd sec - cyl hd sec [ start - size]
    1: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0 - 0] unused
    2: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0 - 0] unused
    3: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0 - 0] unused
    4: 00 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 [ 0 - 0] unused
    I can hold the option key upon startup and manually enter Windows like that, but I'd prefer to be able to restart and boot Windows without having to hold a key.
    Apart from not seeing the Windows boot volume in the system prefs pane, Boot Camp (and the rest of Leopard) has been excellent. I am impressed at the level of apple hardware support for windows. It seems to be much better than most native PC hardware.
    I am dying for an answer. It's a fairly minor problem in the grand scheme of things, but **** it's frustrating.
    Message was edited by: jacteh

  • How do I get more space on my startup disk

    How do I get more space on my startup disk?

    Freeing Up Space on The Hard Drive
      1. See Lion's Storage Display.
      2. You can remove data from your Home folder except for the /Home/Library/ folder.
      3. Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on freeing up space on your hard drive.
      4. Also see Freeing space on your Mac OS X startup disk.
      5. See Where did my Disk Space go?.
      6. See The Storage Display.
    You must Empty the Trash in order to recover the space they occupied on the hard drive.
    You should consider replacing the drive with a larger one. Check out OWC for drives, tutorials, and toolkits.
    Try using OmniDiskSweeper 1.8 or GrandPerspective to search your drive for large files and where they are located.

  • How to install an OS on a Mac Pro without using a startup disk

    Good Evening... I have purchased an Mac Pro 4,1 without any HDD attached to it and I have no startup disk for the installation an OS... When I do power on the Mac Pro, I get a flashing folder with a question mark in it! How can I be able to add an OS for two HDDs that I would like to install?

    No. Boot the MP using the external drive. If you need to prep the drives, then:
    Drive Partition and Format
    1. Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
    2. After DU loads select the hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Apply button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Security button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.
    Once the drive has been prepped just clone your external drive to the internal drive:
    Clone using Restore Option of Disk Utility
      1. Select the destination volume from the left side list.
      2. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
      3. Select the destination volume from the left side list and drag
           it to the Destination entry field.
      4. Select the source volume from the left side list and drag it to
          the Source entry field.
      5. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    Destination means the Internal drive. Source means the External startup drive.

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