Raise actions in faces-config ?

Does anyone know if theres a way to raise actions in faces-config.xml (or any of the other config xml files) ?
Ideally i want a <navigation-rule> that will redirect to a specific page but also raise an event (so that an Observer method can be run in the background)
Thanks for any input

Thanks, i managed it using a navigation handler. For anyone else interested this link is pretty good, it explains how to implement a very simple custom NavigationHandler:

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    Hi All,
    I am trying to evaluate the features of JSF2.0.
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    With best regards,
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    <!-- =========== FULL CONFIGURATION FILE ================================== -->
    <faces-config version="1.2"
    </faces-config>Thanks in advance to all.

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         private String dataTransferType;
         public DataFile(){}
        public DataFile( String aDataTransferType )
            this.dataTransferType = aDataTransferType;
         public String getDataTransferType()
              return dataTransferType;
         public void setDataTransferType( String dataTransferType )
              this.dataTransferType = dataTransferType;
    }Here is the way that the initial value of the "dataTransferPropery" is set in the faces-config.xml file:
    </managed-bean>Now, in another class FileManagementBean, I first instantiate the DataFile class
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    this.recordItems = this.getRecordsList( datafile.dataTransferType );The compiler did not like it at all.
    But, if I arbitrary introduced a String in the FileManagementBean:
    String defaultSelectedDataTransferType = "importFile";
    this.recordItems = this.getRecordsList( defaultSelectedDataTransferType );My code worked as I had expected without any problem.

    Thanks for all your attention.
    The runtime error is rather strange:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.faces.FacesException: javax.faces.FacesException: Can't instantiate class: 'actions.DataManagementBean'.. class actions.DataManagementBean : java.lang.NullPointerException
    The DataManagementBean is the class that accesses the property "dataTransferType" in the DataFile class. And the initial value of the "dataTransferType" is defined in the faces-config.xml file.
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    String defaultSelectedDataTransferType = "importFile"and in the DataManagementBean's constructor, I use this statement:
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    this.recordItems = this.getRecordsList( datafile.getDataTransferType() );The DataManagementBean cannot even be instantiated!
    In my faces-config.xml file, I have:

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    The parse has reported the following error:
    <Line 24, Column 2>: XML-20201: (Fatal Error) Expected name instead of <.
    Thanks for all...
    Message was edited by:

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    In this ListAction class, I instantiate a business delegate; say, ListPersonnel.java and call a method in this business delegate to return an ArrayList: personnel. Of course, this business delegate goes through facade, DAO, etc. to populate the ArrayList. This ArrayList is a collecation of a JavaBean called PersonnelBean that gets and sets a number of personnel information; such as ssn, name, etc.
    Upon this ArrayList is successfully populated and received by the ListAction class, I am going to display a web page with a table. In JSF, it is <h:dataTable ...>.
    My questions are regarding the managed bean in the faces-config.xml file.
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    1. Which one is my <managed-bean-class>?
    packageName.ListAction? or
    packageName.PersonnelBean? or something else?ListAction
    2. What should be my <managed-bean-name>? I guess
    that I can give a name I like. Is it right? What
    about xyz?Anything you like. xyz is OK.
    3. Then, how do I specify the "value" attribute of my
    <h:dataTable ...> tag when I display a web page to
    show the data table? Is it correct to specify
    value="#{xyz.personnel}"? What is the correct
    specification if it is wrong?xyz.personnel is OK assuming that ListAction class has a public
    method getPersonnel() which returns the ArrayList of PersonnellBeans.
    4. I guess that I can give any name to the "var"
    attribute in the <h:dataTable ...> tag. Is it right?Yes, you can give any name you like.

  • Error BME-99003 faces-config diagram

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    BME-99003: An error occurred, so processing could not continue.
    The application has tried to de-reference an invalid pointer. This exception should have been dealt with programmatically. The current activity may fail and the system may have been left in an unstable state. The following is a stack trace.
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.shape.helper.Polyline.getExtent(Polyline.java:314)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.shape.BaseDiagramEdge.getExtent(BaseDiagramEdge.java:1467)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.shape.BaseDiagramEdge.getExtentStorage(BaseDiagramEdge.java:1522)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.shape.BaseDiagramEdge.hitTestDP(BaseDiagramEdge.java:1770)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.util.BaseShapeSet.hitTestDP(BaseShapeSet.java:1462)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.BaseDiagramView.hitTestDP(BaseDiagramView.java:6641)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.event.DiagramEventHelper.getHitTest(DiagramEventHelper.java:271)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.event.DiagramEventHelper.getHitTest(DiagramEventHelper.java:215)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.event.BaseDiagramMouseEvent.getHitTest(BaseDiagramMouseEvent.java:137)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.track.CursorTracker.mouseMoved(CursorTracker.java:98)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.track.ModularTracker.processEvent(ModularTracker.java:216)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.track.TrackerStack.processEvent(TrackerStack.java:389)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.BaseDiagramView$53.processEvent(BaseDiagramView.java:719)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.PageView$PageViewPanel.fireEvent(PageView.java:2904)
         at oracle.bm.diagrammer.PageView$PageViewPanel.processEvent(PageView.java:3090)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:3955)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2024)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3803)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Container.java:4212)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:3905)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:3822)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2010)
         at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Window.java:1774)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3803)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:463)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:242)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:163)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:157)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:149)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:110)
    If further errors occur, you should restart the application.
    Also, report the problem on the JDeveloper forum on otn.oracle.com, or contact Oracle support, giving the information from this message.

    Hi there Neelixx... I can help you!!! :P
    Hey, in your file system still existing your faces-config.oxd_faces, is in the WEB-INF folder, but in the JDeveloper is called only faces-config, and that is different to your faces-config.xml,
    That problem had his start when you delete the jsp files who was pointing the navigation case in the diagram (faces-config.oxd_faces)....then....the thing that you have to do....is.....replace that faces-config.oxd_faces with a previous version and start from there.....you will cant save your faces-config.oxd_faces but...you have to go to the source of your old faces-config.oxd_faces and copy the source code (in compare files, or history of your faces-config.oxd_faces you will can find the source code)....you can copy that to a txt file, then...close your JDeveloper, and, via Windows Explorer you have to find the your faces-config.oxd_faces in your proyect and replace it from there......to do that you have to open your faces-config.oxd_faces of your proyect with a notepad and delete all, then you have to copy your old source code of your faces-config.oxd_faces into that file....save....open your JDeveloper and be happy....
    PD:Take care to not add new navigation cases in your faces-config.xml until you can fix your faces-config.oxd_faces or that will not works again.....
    if that not works i will try to help you, because, im not in my work now, and here i dont have JDeveloper, then if i remember good that can solve your problem, but if not, tomorrow morning i will can be sure.
    And dont worry if this dont works....because that problem have a solution...i works unders version control and always happen that kind of things with our faces-config.oxd_faces and i always can rsolve it....
    Take Care, good luck and bye!

  • Faces-config redirect issue

    My JSF application needs to be populated with some values on the load of the page. Essentially these values need to be fecthed only on first logon.
    So in order to avoid going to database on page load all the time, I wrote onload action in index.jsp. I return a string success/failure from that action which should forward control from index.jsp to either search.jsp/error.jsp.
    This is how I hv declared it in my faces-config.xml:
    </navigation-rule>If I don't put <redirect/> here, then even though search.jsp page shows, I am not able to perform any action on it.Non of my buttons are submitted. I want to get rid of <redirect/> as I don't want browser URL to change.
    Please note that this is an ajax enabled application and I use a4j tag library fo ajax support.
    Can some please clarify on this??
    Thanks in advance!

    This probably won't help you b/c you're actually using JSF, which I am not nor have I used yet, but I was getting validation errors in Rational Application Developer 6.0.1 similarly. RAD has two validators (in addition to others) turned on by default: Faces Client Validator and Faces JSP Validator. I'm not sure, but it looks like I was getting a timeout when trying to verify a URL located in the Struts 1.2.8 validator-rules.xml file:
    RAD would eventually spit out an error listed in the 'Problems' tab that indicated a timeout occurred--probably due to a bad connection while trying to validate. Anyway, I went into the Window menu, selected Preferences -> Validation and deselected the two validators mentioned above. After saving that change, I cleaned my workspace and rebuilt all of the projects. This time RAD didn't complain and all of the projects were rebuilt successfully.
    Hopefully this info will be of use to others.

  • What is difference between ADF Task Flow and Faces-Config - when delpoy ?

    What is difference between ADF Task Flow and Faces-Config? When I create navigation between pages with ADF task flow then the navigation don't work when I deploy my application to Weblogic 10.3. When I use default server then navigation works fine. With Faces_config in both situations all works ok - on Stanalone server and default.
    Where is the problem?
    Best regards!

    Shay, I don't use both faces-config and adf task flow! When I failed with task flow I tried faces-config.
    I have active on my weblogic - adf.oracle.domain(1.0, This is the right ADF? If yes then where is the problem?
    Best regards!

  • JSF Converter how to use property in faces-config

    I have made an Converter for my listbox, and it is working.
    Now I want to use a property to change the behavior of the converter.
    My faces-config looks like this:
    <!-- Converters -->     
    <converter-for class>model.PacemakerBranche</converter-for-class>
    I try to set the test property to 12345.
    The setTest(String test) is not set.
    What am I doing wrong??
    My converter looks like this:
    public class BrancheConverter implements Converter {
    private String test;
    public String getTest() {
    System.out.println("getTest " + test);
    return test;
    public void setTest(String test) {
    System.out.println("setTest " + test);
    this.test = test;
    public Object getAsObject(FacesContext ctx, UIComponent component,
    String value) {
    return getMgr(ctx).getObject(model.PacemakerBranche.class, new Long(value));
    public String getAsString(FacesContext ctx, UIComponent component,
    Object object) {
    return ((BaseObject) object).getId().toString();
    private Manager getMgr(FacesContext ctx) throws HibernateException {
    return (Manager) FacesContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(ctx).getBean("manager");

    You can't use f:converter tag for setting properties.
    There are two ways you can use:
    (1) use f:attribute tag
    ex.<h:inputText value="#{...}"/>
      <f:converter converterId="...."/>
      <f:attribute name="test" value="#{...}"/>
    </h:inputText>Note that you should get the value of the attribute from the UIInput component, something like:comp.getAttributes.get("test");(2) develop a custom converter tag.

  • How to specify multiple message bundles in faces-config.xml

    I have different properties file which I want to use as message bundle.
    When I specify this in faces-config.xml
    and now when I try to use that in my jsp page like this
    <f:loadBundle basename="/Message" var="message"/>
    <f:loadBundle basename="/Help" var="help"/>
    and access any messagestring from those files I can not excess either of them. But when I use only one of them it works fine.
    Am I doing something wrong or I can not do this thing at all??
    Thanks in advance.

    I only specify one properties file in the <application> tag. That one is used for system messages. I have other properties files for labels, and another for just standard app text, so in my faces-config.xml I have something like this:
    where my message.properties is used for system messages (validation, etc).
    I don't list the other property files there. I have two more that I use, labels_en.properties, and standard_en.properties. Labels are words that have a : at the end or a *: for required fields. Standard are just other words that I use in my application. So on every page that I have, I start out with the following header:
    <f:view locale="en_US">
    <f:loadBundle basename="label" var="label"/>
    <f:loadBundle basename="standard" var="standard"/>

  • JDeveloper Is it possible to only display custom validator IDs defined in faces-config.xml

    I have many custom validators and do not need to see the default values as listed in the below screen shot:
    Is it possible to only show the custom validators I define within faces-config.xml?

    don't understand this sentence:
    "Do not specify the binding attribute value in the f:validator tag for the bindings not to display."
    The answer to the question seems to be "no" you cannot suppress the other validator entries as they too are configured in a faces config file - though not the one in the application

  • Issue with faces-config.xml file

    I'm working on a project which needs more no. of JSF Pages and JSF Navigations,
    But when i trying to creat pages more than 25 pages,the process becoming too slow,does this
    effects the Application performance?Can any one suggest me why it happens and what are the
    limitations for creating the JSF pages.
    Does their any alternative to solve this Issue,I'm thing to create more faces-config.xml files as the
    Jsf pages increases,does this solves?
    Please suggest me.
    Thank you,

    Hi Bandaru,
    Are you trying to use the visual diagram option of faces-config? Coz i encountered difficulties when using it with many pages (more than 40) and the faces-config.oxd_faces was no longer able to support the diagram. "Solution" was to use only the overview and the sources of the faces-config. I don't know exactly but my problems were caused by the faces-config.oxd_faces and i don't think it affects performances for the application.
    For information, that was on a Jdev

  • Reference faces-config.xml file from java code.

    I would like to reference the navigation rules I have set up in my faces-config.xml file from inside my source code.
    For example:
    Navigation Rule:
    I would like do some sort of lookup by 'pricingEngine' and get '/faces/template/t_pricing_engine.jsf' back.
    Any ideas?

    I would like to reference the navigation rules I have set up in my faces-config.xml file from inside my source code.
    For example:
    Navigation Rule:
    I would like do some sort of lookup by 'pricingEngine' and get '/faces/template/t_pricing_engine.jsf' back.
    Any ideas?

  • Error message in adf-faces-config.xml file in myEclipse

    i'm trying to customize appearance of my JSF/ADF Faces app (which worked fine until now), and tried to insert a adf-faces-config.xml file in my WEB-INF directory, this is it (copied from a tutorial) :
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <adf-faces-config xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/view/faces/config">
    <!-- Enable debug output -->
    <!-- Pick accessibility options based on a per-user managed bean -->
    <!-- A silly use of EL: English users get one appearance, -->
    <!-- others get another -->
    #{view.locale.language=='en' ? 'minimal' : 'oracle'}
    after saving the file (in myEclipse) i get the following error message on the second line :
    cvc-elt.1 : Cannot find the declaration of element 'adf-faces-config'
    what does that mean and what should i do ?

    i'm trying to customize appearance of my JSF/ADF
    Faces app (which worked fine until now), and tried to
    insert a adf-faces-config.xml file in my WEB-INF
    directory, this is it (copied from a tutorial) :
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- Enable debug output -->
    <!-- Pick accessibility options based on a per-user
    managed bean -->
    <!-- A silly use of EL: English users get one
    appearance, -->
    <!-- others get another -->
    #{view.locale.language=='en' ? 'minimal' : 'oracle'}
    after saving the file (in myEclipse) i get the
    following error message on the second line :
    cvc-elt.1 : Cannot find the declaration of element
    what does that mean and what should i do ?
    thx...Hello again,
    i'm still stuck with this, could somebody PLEASE give me a hint ?

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