Raw para 350D y CS

Acabo de comprar la Canon 350D y hace poco, en el trabajo, compramos el Photoshop CS (un poco antes de que saliera el CS2 por lo que no podemos actualizarlo gratuitamente). Parece ser que Adobe no ha creado un upgrade para abrir los RAW de la 350D en CS y que, como ya lo ha hecho para CS2, no tiene pensado hacerlo. He leido en algún lado que puedo convertir las imágenes a DNG y posteriormente trabajar con ellas en PS. Lo he intentado pero no me funciona. ¿Alguien sabe si hay solución para esto?

Hola Claudio:
Bueno, yo ya ofrecí mis disculpas por haber echado mano de una desafortunada analogía.
Puntualicé la cita de Borges no para expresar ninguna opinión geopolítica, sino únicamente porque ese fue el marco histórico de la ocurrencia del escritor. Desde luego mi solidaridad estuvo siempre con el pueblo argentino durante el conflicto armado.
Ahora, volviendo al tema de la terminología, lo que sucede es que aun entre los angloparlantes hay mucha gente que ignora que la designación «raw» no significa otra cosa que cruda en este contexto. Incluso se generaliza la costumbre de escribir la palabra toda con mayúsculas, RAW, como si se tratara de algún acrónimo. En muchas presentaciones y seminarios no falta quien levante la mano para preguntar en inglés qué significa "RAW", y muchos creen que algo tiene que ver con Adobe, por la segunda letra.
Pues nada, que también en inglés la teleología de dicha voz es denotar su índole carente de cocción, es decir una imágen cruda, sin cocinar.
Los que como tú y yo, así como todos nuestros colegas coetáneos, pasamos harto tiempo
cocinando en el laboratorio, lo entendemos de inmediato.
Hoy en día en los laboratorios contratan a jóvenes recién egresados de las escuelas preparatorias para que, con una breve instrucción y capacitación sobre los aparatos de análisis cromatográficos modernos, realicen por escuetos sueldos las tareas analíticas que en nuestros tiempos hacían los quimicos titulados cocinando largas horas en el laboratorio. El resultado es que sólo un porcentaje reducido de los químicos en la actualidad perciben ingresos dignos, mientras que otros encontramos mayor remuneración en otros campos ajenos a la química.
También hay que recordar que el idioma inglés es extraordinariamente flexible y acomodaticio; lo puedes torcer, estirar, doblar, hacerlo nudos, y sigue sobreviviendo, como si fuera de caucho. El castellano, por lo contrario, es rígido y transparente, frágil y quebradizo como una vara de cristal de las que usábamos como agitadores, y si la dobles, la tuerces o la doblas, se quiebra, se destruye.
A menudo es inútil inventar una traducción nueva que se imponga, por eso verás que no mucha gente habla de balompié y baloncesto, y nos quedamos con futbol y fútbol, así como con el
También adoptamos nombres de marcas para designar genéricamente a diversos artículos según la región. En México, por ejemplo, se habla exclusivamente del «claxon» para referirse a las bocinas de los automóviles, pues Claxon era el fabricante de las trompetas que traían los vehículos antiguos. Si alguien dice «bocina» en México para referirse al claxon, con seguridad lo abuchean y se ríen de él. :) Esa es la realidad.
Sin embargo, cuando ya existe una palabra totalmante castiza y arraigada en el lenguaje familiar, como el adjetivo
crudo, no veo ningún inconveniente en usarlo tal cual, en su contexto adecuado.

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    Toda la información y los enlaces de descarga de Adobe Camera Raw 8.5, para los que utilizan diversas versiones de Photshop y de sistemas operativos de Windows y de Mac:
    Keeping Photoshop Up-To-Date
    Marca por favor tu pregunta como contestada, para facilitar su consulta a otros usuarios del Foro. Gracias.

  • Displayed white balance differs from camera value (Canon .CR2 raw)

    I've noticed that Lightroom will often display a sequence or group of pictures with a very visibly different white balance between consecutive frames.
    Looking at the EXIF info in a sample Canon .CR2 raw (EOS-350D), the recorded colour temperature is 5200K (camera set for AWB), but Lightroom reports this as 4950K after import. For the next frame (continuous shot), the EXIF colour temperature is again 5200K, but Lightroom reports 4900K.
    This still happens in LR1.2 (on newly imported photos).
    Why does Lightroom appear to make its own decision for white balance rather than use the recorded value?

    In any case, I'm worried about the discrepancy
    between Aperture and Camera Raw on something so
    Sorry I can't help you directly with Aperture as I haven't bought it - yet. However, re-the above quote, I'd just mention that the interpretation of colour temperature values is not quite as simple as it might seem. Even more so when you bear in mind that RAW converters from 3rd parties like Adobe or Apple are not based on the RAW conversion engine produced by the camera manufacturer - in effect they have to guess/estimate what the temp/tint values in the RAW file actually mean...
    Some time back I made a series of tests using 3 Canon cameras, with ACR, Capture One & the Canon RAW converter. Each produced noticeably different results, and C1 & ACR showed quite different temp/tint values. (The Canon software only showed 'As Shot' - no values). The differences were consistent between shots from each camera (using WB values input or AWB) - but they weren't consistent from one camera to another. Which program produced the best result depended very much on the Camera/Subject/Personal taste...
    Hope someone can help with Aperture specific info, I'm sure there must be a way of making camera specific adjustments to the RAW conversions...

  • Problemas para visualizar con los Adobe las fotos de una Sony alfa 700

    Acabo de comprar una sony alpha 700 y resulta que al bajar las fotos, tomadas en RAW2 que es el RAW de la alpha 700 de Sony, que en el visor de la camara se ven perfectas y tambien en el programa de sony, en el brige pierden los colores y se ven blancas. Lo raro es que al empezar a bajarlas en y con el bridge, o sea cuando recien se bajan se ven bien y a los tres segundos se aclaran. Las abro en Camara raw para pasarlas a photoshop y se ven igual de feas aunque es evidente que contienen toda la informacion porque al arreglarlas con Camara Raw se logra dejarlas perfectas. La bronca es que en el bridge no se puede saber si las fotos tomadas están bien o no porque se ven demasiado claras y planas y sin color y además hay que hacerles mil y un cambios para sacarles lo que tienen. Tengo computadora con windows vista de 64 bits, photoshop CS4 instalado para 32 bits, camara raw 5.4. que dice soportar la Sony a700.
    ¿Puede alguien ayudarme con este problema, serà necesario bajar algun plugin para quen los productos de Adobe lean bien el Raw2 de la sony alfa 700?
    Ya hablè con el soporte de Sony y luego de darle toda la informacion me dijeron que el problema es de la compatibilidad de los productos Adobe, que ellos no pueden dar informacion de terceras partes, que es en Adobe donde tienen que decirme cual es la solucion, que puede ser algo de la configuración o algun plugin necesario.
    Es espantoso trabajar así a si que ruego a quien tenga algun dato dejarlo aquí escrito

    Parece que hay reportados algunos problemas de Camera Raw con las imagenes de esa cámara de Sony.
    Adobe recomienda que compruebes que el firmware de esta cámara esté actualizado.
    A pesar de ello hay algunos usuarios que aprecian algunos defectos (pequeños) con tomas con ISOs elevados cuando se comparan con otros convertidores como el excelente Capture.
    Pero el caso que describes parece más evidente y de mayor importancia, asi que intenta lo siguiente:
    En Bridge tienes en el menú Edición: Preferencias de Camera Raw con una sección para Ajustes de Imagen por defecto:
    Comprueba que inicialmente la primera, tercera y cuarta casillas estén desactivadas, marca más tarde las que creas que pueden automatizar o simplificar su uso.
    También puedes probar a convertir las imagenes RAW2 a DNG primero, y si los resultados son aceptables editar en este formato que además es standard o universal, en Camera Raw. Tienes que descargar un plug-in :

  • Bridge no muestra la imagen como el Camera Raw

    Buenas noches:
    Ya he probado de todo: verificar que no estén marcados automatismos, desinstalar, limpiar con adobe cleaner, volver a instalar, etc.
    La versión CC de Bridge en 64bits no me muestra la imagen tal y como la trabajé en el Camera Raw. En resumidas cuentas, me destroza la fotografía.
    Lo curioso, es que si esa misma imagen, la abro y la guardo como *.psd, el bridge si la muestra como debería; en cambio, con el fichero raw sigue haciendo lo que le da la gana.
    Algo estuve leyendo que la versión 8.4 del camera raw (para Mac) daba una serie de problemas similares, puede ser este el mismo caso pero para W7?.
    Muchas gracias.

    Creo entender lo que preguntas, a ver si es lo que a continuación explico:
    tema 1: campos que automaticamente son completados por B1 y campos que son traspasados desde la transacción a la transacción del asiento contable que se genera.
    tema 2: Copy from o copy to o funcionalidades de genración de un documento desde otro.
    Si ejecutas las opciones que te permiten hacer una transacción desde otra (tema 2), normalmente eso implica que todos los campos existentes en el documento origen son traspasados al documento que se genera. Eso es lo regular, para todos los campos incluyendo los campos de usuario, pero las excepciones existen y eso aparece en los campos que son administrados por B1 y en particular aquellos campos que son llenados por B1.(tema 1)
    Si el campo ref2 es llenado con cierto valor en una transacción y luego la transacción es usada para otra, normalmente el campo ref2 es llenado por B1, y no es copiado desde  el documento origen.
    Creo que este es tu caso. Recuerda que son 2 transacciones diferentes que si bien estan relacionadas, los journal entries que se generan no se relacionan entre ellos, con excepción de la conciliacion.

  • Problem loading JPEGs from network drive?

    I'm having a rather frustrating problem with Bridge\Lightroom 2 which I think is due to ACR 4.5, and I'm hoping someone here may be able to offer some advice:
    When opening (in bridge) or importing (in Lightroom) a network share containing JPEG images the majority of the previews\thumbnails are corrupted.
    This screenshot illustrates the problem in bridge (http://www.amirkamal.com/acrbug.jpg). As you can see the thumbnails are corrupt as is the preview, however the magnifier tool on the preview window shows the /true/ image. The irfanview window, in the lower right corner, shows what the image should look like, demonstrating that the JPEG itself is not corrupt.
    If I were to import this directory into Lightroom the same problem is present, although the form of the actual image corruption (or even the number of images corrupted) may be different. It also persists through to the develop module as well, making lightroom completely unusable.
    If I disable the 'Prefer Adobe Camera Raw for JPEG and TIFF files' option in Bridge then previews are rendered correctly, which is what leads me to believe that ACR is the problem and not Bridge or Lightroom. This would be an acceptable work around for Bridge, but obviously isn't possible for Lightroom.
    Also, if I copy the JPEGS locally and then import\view them the problem does not occur. The seems only to affect JPEGs: TIFF and Raw (Canon 350d .CR2) files do not show this problem.
    It almost seems as if ACR is trying to process the JPEGs before they have been completely loaded, and thus ends up rendering garbage.
    Has anyone else seen this problem before, or have any idea how to fix it?
    My system specs are below incase they offer any clues,
    Local machine:
    Adobe Bridge CS3
    Adobe PhotoShop Camera Raw
    Windows XP 32bit SP2
    Intel Pentium 4 D @ 3.3GHz
    2Gb RAM
    nVidia 7950GT with latest (175.19) drivers
    Images stored on:
    Windows Server 2k3 R2
    Intel Celeron D @ 3Ghz
    1Gb RAM
    RAID 5 Array
    Connected over a 100mbps network

    I have never worked on image files which are located remotely in a network ... but I noticed a higher probability of problems occurring when working with Bridge on external hard disk drives connected via USB 2.0. So I acquired the habit of copying the folder of images I plan to work on to an internal hard disk drive and do the work there. When I'm done then I'll copy the whole folder (or at least the modified files therein) back to where it came from.
    -- Olaf

  • Metadonnées EXIF

    Comment afficher toutes les métadonnées EXIF dans LR5? En mode Bibliothèque, le pavé métadonnées n'affiche que 18 paramètres, alors que l'inspecteur de l' APERçU Apple donne 44 paramètres EXIF (en format raw)...  par exemple la balance des blancs n'apparaît pas dasn LR5,  et c'est un paramètre utile.
    Pour mémoire, ci après la liste des 44 métadonnées fournies en RAW par Aperçu :
    Valeur d’ouverture: 7
    Numéro de série du boîtier: 063025006761
    Nom du propriétaire de l’appareil photo: 063025006761
    Espace colorimétrique: sRVB
    Configuration des composants: 1, 2, 3, 0
    Rendu personnalisé: Processus standard
    Date et heure de numérisation: 13 avr. 2014 15:35:46
    Date et heure d’origine: 13 avr. 2014 15:35:46
    Version EXIF: 2.3
    Valeur d’angle d’exposition: 2
    Mode d’exposition: Exposition automatique
    Programme d’exposition: Priorité d’ouverture
    Temps d’exposition: 1/80
    Flash: Désactivé, ne s’est pas déclenché
    Version FlashPix: 1.0
    Ouverture numérique: 11
    Longueur focale: 70
    Unité de résolution du plan focal: pouces
    Résolution du plan focal X: 3 810,585
    Résolution du plan focal Y: 3 815,9
    Sensibilité photographique (ISO): 640
    Modèle d’objectif: EF70-200mm f/4L IS USM
    Numéro de série de l’objectif: 0000809fd6
    Spécifications de l’objectif: 70, 200, 0, 0
    Valeur de l’ouverture maximale: 4
    Mode de mesure: Motif
    Dimension X en pixels: 5 472
    Dimension Y en pixels: 3 648
    Type de saisie de scène: Standard
    Valeur de la vitesse d’obturateur: 6,375
    Temps inférieur à la seconde: 43
    Temps inférieur à la seconde numérisé: 43
    Temps inférieur à la seconde d’origine: 43
    Balance des blancs: Balance des blancs automatique
    AFInfo: 0.2836258, 0.486568, 0.01498538, 0.02686404, F, 0.3925439, 0.5825109, 0.01498538, 0.02686404, F, 0.3925439, 0.486568, 0.01498538, 0.02686404, F, 0.3925439, 0.390625, 0.01498538, 0.02686404, F, 0.4910453, 0.6233552, 0.01790936, 0.02083333, s, 0.4890351, 0.4825932, 0.02192982, 0.0348136, F, 0.4910453, 0.3558114, 0.01790936, 0.02083333, F, 0.5924708, 0.5825109, 0.01498538, 0.02686404, s, 0.5924708, 0.486568, 0.01498538, 0.02686404, s, 0.5924708, 0.390625, 0.01498538, 0.02686404, F, 0.7013889, 0.486568, 0.01498538, 0.02686404, F
    Programme interne: Firmware Version 1.1.3
    Compensation du flash: 0
    Mode centré: 1
    Stabilisation de l’image: 3
    ID de l’objectif: 242
    Informations sur la lentille: 70, 200, 0, 0
    Modèle d’objectif: Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L IS
    Numéro de série de l’objectif: 0000809fd6
    Numéro de série: 063025006761

    Sur la gauche de votre panneau Metadonnées, vous avez sélectionné exif et iptc, et il vous en manque encore, du coup, je suppose que ce petit plugin devrait vous dépanner ou celui-ci.
    La question est soulevée sur feedback.photoshop.com et je vous laisse voter pour les idées les plus pertinentes. Parmi les réponses des équipes de développement, une très explicite est de bien expliquer quelle méta-donnée vous souhaiteriez voir exposée et pour quelle raison, afin d'appuyer votre demande d'exemples et d'utilisation réels et lui donner plus de poids.

  • Can't Find Or Acces My RAW Files ( Canon EOS 350D

    I'm new to SLR Cameras.. I have a Canon EOS 350D So y decided to shoot in RAW. But i have problems and question. If you just go to the camera directory can you see the RAW images? And i cannot find my RAW files that i shot..in my camera i can see them but in Bridge CS3 and PS CS3 nothing...i've already downloaded the update Camera RAW 4. But Nothing So how to work with RAW.. Pls Help me..because i need to shoot again tommorrow so i'm short on time..
    Raizen Albertsz,

    I found some one with almost the same problem so i am going to change his words a little bit so that you can understand my problem.
    I'd taken a few shots here and there this week in RAW + Large format, but wasn't able to find the RAW files. OK, I thought perhaps I was mistaken and didn't have the settings correct & didn't really take any RAW shots.
    So I reformatted the 4GB Scandisk CF card (via the camera) and took more shots, all in RAW + Large. Going thru the camera display with Info turned on, I can verify that each one was indeed on RAW + Large. But I still can't find them.
    I'm using a cable to connect my EOS Rebel XT (EOS 350D) to transfer the files to a selected folder on my pc. Opening that folder in Windows (I have Win XP)there are only the the JPGs in it. If i open Adobe Bridge CS3 or PS CS3 i would find only the JPGs. Where are my RAW .CR2 files going? I was under the impression they would be in the same folder as the JPG images, with same file number. So that i can see like a thumbnail or something.
    I've downloaded the Camera RAW 4.4.1. Upgrade. I did what is written
    To install with Adobe Creative Suite 3 or Photoshop CS3:
    1. Exit Photoshop CS3.
    2. Open My Computer.
    3. Double-click Local Disk (C:).
    4. Navigate to: (Please read directory carefully)
    Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CS3\File Formats
    5. Move the existing Camera Raw.8bi plug-in to another location (for example, a new folder on your desktop). Ensure you keep this version in case you need to revert back.
    6. Copy the Camera Raw plug-in, Camera Raw.8bi, from the download into the same folder as in step 4.
    7. Launch Photoshop CS3 or Adobe Bridge.
    Note: If generic camera thumbnails appear in Adobe Bridge, follow these steps:
    1. Check to make sure the plug-in was installed in the correct directory in step 4 above.
    2. Start Bridge.
    3. Choose Tools > Cache > Purge Central Cache.
    but still nothing. So what else could i do?
    Raizen Albertsz,

  • IPhoto (and preview) not recognising Canon 350D raw files

    I'm using a Canon 350D (UK version of Digital Rebel XT) and OS X (specifically preview and iPhoto) won't recognise the .cr2 raw images it produces.
    The images have finder thumbnails but if I try to open them I get:
    The document "xxx.cr2" could not be opened.
    Couldn't open the file. It may be corrupt or a file format that Preview doesn't recognize.
    In iPhoto I get an 'Unreadable files' alert telling me it can't read them and then lists the files.
    I know that it should work fine and am stuck in terms of what I'm doing wrong.
    This problem has existed since I was on 10.4.7 when I bought the computer and camera - I'm now on 10.4.9. I did download the Aperture trial to see if that helped and had the same problems. Reinstalling OS X made no difference.
    Any ideas?

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Have you run this update: Digital Camera RAW Support Update 1.0.1 (Universal)
    Do you Twango?

  • Canon 350D Raw images not recognised

    I'm using a Canon 350D (UK version of Digital Rebel XT) and OS X (specifically preview and iPhoto) won't recognise the .cr2 raw images it produces.
    The images have finder thumbnails but if I try to open them I get:
    The document "xxx.cr2" could not be opened.
    Couldn't open the file. It may be corrupt or a file format that Preview doesn't recognize.
    In iPhoto I get an 'Unreadable files' alert telling me it can't read them and then lists the files.
    I know that it should work fine and am stuck in terms of what I'm doing wrong.
    This problem has existed since I was on 10.4.7 when I bought the computer and camera - I'm now on 10.4.9. I did download the Aperture trial to see if that helped and had the same problems. Reinstalling OS X made no difference.
    Any ideas?
    Imac 20" C2D   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Actually, I was getting support for my Canon Powershot S50 in 10.4.8 (at least I could open the Raw files, although Image Capture mysteriously stopped downloading them from the camera), after doing the 10.4.9 Combo update Preview announced it could not open the files. I went in and hacked this file:
    "/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Raw.plist"
    Changed the entry for Canon S60 (which I don't have) to Canon S50. Preview will now open the files, haven't tried Image Capture yet to see if it is still broken (works fine in Panther BTW). See this discussion in MacOSXHints:
    It worked sort of for me (at least I can open the Raw files I already have).

  • Aperture 2 Raw Conversion and Canon EOS 350D? Getting slightly worse?

    I have compared a few images I shot with my Canon EOS 350d using the RAW converter in version 1.1 and version 2.0. These pictures showed flowers with special lighting conditions (high contrast, with selective sunlight). Then I've looked at some other pictures.
    * 1.1 shows better distribution of light. In 2.0 a wall was more evenly lighted, where 1.1 showed that there are different different levels of light.
    * in 2.0 one often has to apply 'recover hightlights', where this was not necessary in 1.1. Bright areas on flowers are much brighter in 2.0.
    * in 2.0 dark areas are quite a bit brighter
    * in 2.0 some pixel-size artifacts were introduced. For example on some leaf, darker green pixels appeared that were not there in 1.1
    For the images I was looking at (especially when 'played' with light), the new raw converter of Aperture 2.0 seems to be a step backwards.
    What are others' experiences?
    Rainer Joswig

    I wonder if the slowness is related to the rendering of the canon raw files.
    As an experiment, you might try exporting the raw photos and creating a new separate library with them to see if aperture runs just as slow.
    Even if you find the nonraw library runs more smoothly, I am not really suggesting you adopt this as part of your workflow. It just might be good to know if the format is a factor or if something else is causing the laggardly performance.

  • Unable to recognise Canon 350D raw images

    I've posted this in the Tiger forums and someone suggested I try here too.
    I'm using a Canon 350D (UK version of Digital Rebel XT) and OS X won't recognise the .cr2 raw images it produces.
    The images have finder thumbnails but if I try to open them I get:
    The document "xxx.cr2" could not be opened.
    Couldn't open the file. It may be corrupt or a file format that Preview doesn't recognize.
    In iPhoto I get an 'Unreadable files' alert telling me it can't read them and then lists the files.
    I know that it should work fine and am stuck in terms of what I'm doing wrong.
    This problem has existed since I was on 10.4.7 when I bought the computer and camera - I'm now on 10.4.9. I did download the Aperture trial to see if that helped and had the same problems. Reinstalling OS X made no difference.
    Note that I've tried the Digital camera raw support download and also editing the raw.plist file (have since done an archive and install so I know I haven't damaged it).
    Any ideas?

    bought the computer and camera - I'm now on 10.4.9. I
    did download the Aperture trial to see if that helped
    and had the same problems. Reinstalling OS X made no
    If you hadn't said that you'd reinstalled everything, then I'd be less puzzled.
    Firstly - are these files straight out the camera/off the card? Or are you using some Canon software to copy or look at them first? It's not unheard of for software like DPP to modify the files slightly and make them unreadable by third-party programs.
    Next - It's worth checking what versions of frameworks are installed on your system, against someone else who also has a Mac working with Aperture.
    This can be done by running "System Profiler" (Applications -> Utilities; or by going to the "About This Mac" menu (first option on top left Apple menu) and then clicking on "More Info...", select the "Software" option on the left hand side, and then select "Frameworks".
    Key ones to look at are:
    - ProKit (3.1)
    - QuickTime (7.1.3)
    - QuartzCore (mine's 1.4.11, but I've not updated to 10.4.9 yet.)
    also ImageIO (a part of ApplicationServices) is quite critical - but unfortunately SystemProfiler doesn't report that. But you say you've applied 10.4.9 (if you've installed either of the DigitalCameraRAW updates hopefully they were installed before updating to 10.4.9) so it should have been updated to the latest, correct version then.

  • Tiger & Camera RAW for Canon Rebel XT (350D)

    I'm trying to find out WHEN Apple will update either iPhoto or Tiger (presumably the latter) so that it natively reads Camera RAW for the Canon Digital Rebel XT (350D).
    I've looked on both Canon's and Apple's site with no luck other than to find what I already know (that it's not yet supported). Has anyone heard rumor as to when support for this format might be forthcoming?
    I already have Adobe CS2, so I have RAW support. The reason I want iPhoto to support RAW is so I can use the slideshow and "book" features without having to process my RAW photos into JPEG first (I have enough space on my Powerbook's hard-drive used up by RAW's already - I don't want duplicate files).

    Well, I can't make iPhoto support XT RAW, nor can I tell you when it will. I do, however, have a workaround - if you have PhotoShop (may also work in Elements).
    Get Dr Brown's Image Processor (free photoshop script) here:
    This works with CS1 and is apparently built into the latest version of PS.
    It gives you complete control over your RAW processing and then batch processes the files to JPEG (and/or TIFF and/or PSD). THe processed jpegs can then be imported into iPhoto. I have been doing it this way since long before iPhoto supported any type of RAW format.
    iPhoto is great, and it is nice that they added RAW support. However, if you really want to shoot RAW on a regular basis, iPhoto is not the best choice to process your files. It does a good job, but a tool like PhotoShop (or the program that comes with your camera) provides a much higher level of control - which is supposed to be the point of shooting RAW. If you just want most of the settings to be "automatic" then you may as well shoot jpeg (which is actually a RAW file that the camera processes for you).
    After doing that, you can save the RAW "originals" to CD/DVD/etc. to save space. If you really want to protect yourself, convert a set to DNG (Adobe's new digital negative format) and archive those as well. With all the different RAW formats floating around now, you never know what will be supported in the future. (Imagine trying to run iPhoto in "ClassicX mode" on your OS XXX system machine because none of the tools 25 years from now support the "ancient" Rebel XT RAW format!)

  • STILL no EOS 350D/Rebel XT RAW Support

    I can't believe that even after several small iPhoto updates to 5.0.4 and the newly released Pro photo software Apeture today, Apple STILL isn't supporting the EOS 350D RAW format!! C'mon guys, it's not like it's that hard. It's all very well supplying drivers for 3rd party devices with OSX but you have to keep them up to date - very embarassing to be able to connect all sorts of obsolete DSLR models to iPhoto but not one that was released only 6 months ago.

    Phil this is not really an option either as the last update to DNG is not supported by iPhoto, so there is no reason to think that this latest version will be immediately supported in Aperture. Right now apple really needs to work with camera makers to get things in order, otherwise this new program will be just like iPhoto and not kept up to date. It is understandable that the latest cameras may not work, but if you are going to offer a pro app then you should atleast try to get camera makers on board so that they can update the decoder to you immediately.

  • Camera Raw 8.5 para Photoshop CC/CC 2014

    Para los que no podemos instalar esta interesante actualización de Adobe Camera Raw de Photoshop:
    Camera Raw updates cannot be applied
    También el DNG Converter 8.5 con perfiles de lentes:
    Product updates
    Daros por avisados!

    El comando Ayuda>Actualizar de Photoshop CC 2014 todavía no actualiza a esta versión hay que descargarla e instalar manualmente desde el enlace indicado.
    Esta nueva versión incorpora mejoras y nuevas opciones como la posibilidad de modificar con un pincel la máscara del Filtro Graduado y del Radial, y la previsualización de esa máscara en ambos filtros (herramientas en la parte superior).
    Un botón para vista previa por defecto para cada panel.
    Mejoras en la calidad de imagenes NEF de Nikon, con menos ruido.

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