Raw processing Elements 10

I have Elements 10 which will not support RAW files from my Panasonic Lumix gm1. Is there an update to Elements 10 to do this or have I got to buy a new version of Elements which will support these files?

Please try updating the ACR.
For this, go to Help > Updates and install the update of ACR.
Let us know if this resolves your issue.

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    I am very confused about RAW Processing and hope that someone can offer me some advice.
    I have a Canon 400d and use Photoshop Elements 7. I am dabbling with RAW Processing and find the 'Camera Default' settings in the RAW Converter very confusing. Having downloaded the latest set of camera profiles from Adobe Labs I expected to see a setting styled Canon 400D but instead I am faced with lots of options on the Camera Calibration window of the RAW Converter, the options being:
    ACR 4.4
    ACR 3.6
    Adobe Standard Beta
    Camera Settings, Faithful, Landscape, Neutral, Portrait, Standard. (I suspect these coincide with the 'Picture Stles' on the camera and can probably be ignored)
    I have no colour calibration programme so am unwilling to trust the colours on my monitor as being true when printed so it is important to me that I start off at least with the recommended default setting for my camera.
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    Help please, before I go barmy and thanks in advance!
    Jeff Hodgson

    All of the profiles that you see listed are the ones that are designed specifically for your camera model. You will never see profiles listed with a camera name. Camera Raw is intelligent enough to list just those profiles that are for your camera. The camera settings profiles such as faithful, landscape, neutral, etc. are for your camera, and are designed to match those in-camera settings as closely as possible. So they should not be ignored as you suggested. Try loading one of your raw images and changing profiles before you do anything else in camera raw. That way you will be able to see how the different profiles affect your images.
    That doesn't necessarily mean that the profiles will provide exactly the results you are looking for. You will probably have to make adjustments to your pictures in order to get the look that you want.

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    See this video tutorial on using exposure adjustments in the Camera Raw editor in Elements.
    http://www.photoradar.com/techniques/video/teach-yourself-photoshop-part-3-video-1-master- exposure-in-acr

  • How to open jpg, tiff files in camera raw from elements 10 organizer

    How to open JPG, TIFF files in camera raw from Elements 10 organizer.

    Thanks for that Damead, I agree with you that Organiser is real pain (there is a total lack of intuitiveness if that is  the correct word).
    For my own work I use 'Lightroom' for around 90% of the time, only going into PSE10 for the 10% difficult bits the Lightroom can't handle.
    I only needed to sort out the JPEG file opening method within PSE10 for some freinds in a small Photo Group that I run in Woodhall Spa, UK. 50% of the 12 members are beginners & a number of them do not have Raw capability on their Camera's, but now they can get their JPEG's into Camera Raw within PSE10 they have the same simple tabular form of adjustment sliders (not as many as in Lightroom of cause) but it gets over the labourious problem of going thru the PSE10's individual tool selection process each and every time since we are trying to get everyone in the Group working with individual Tools rather than the 'Auto' functions. We do this so that they learn what they are doing rather than staying 'dumb&happy' within Auto all the time & they also learn how to get more detailed control for each photo.
    Ref. your comments on file handling/usage, I agree with your comments. Its far and away much more preferable to set up a file structure in 'Finder" (or in 'Explorer' if still using Windows) that you understand so you always know how to find the files. Also, I also never ever use the Camera Auto Load programme but physically 'drag & drop' photo files direct from the 'card' into the file system so I always know thier place (ie: they go into the location I want, not that which the Auto Loader wants).
    As regards your comment about 'Lightroom', I don't have any problems at all since I just imported the whole of my photo file structure into the Lightroom Library Catalouge and then it automatically shows up on the LHS of the screen, still in that format, so you can search it direct within Lightroom and display all of the photo's in variuos arrangements and sizes; everything is as easy to find as it is in 'Finder' plus of cause you have all the 'Tagging' possibilities to use as well. As you add more new files into the 'Finder' structure, all you need to do in Lightroom is reimport, starting 1 level up from the new files and Lightroom will find the new files that need loading (ignoring the older ones already in the Library at that or lower levels) then 1 click and its done.
    Your comments about getting others to follow a set file structure is very pertinant and also applies to evrything else that one ever does apart from just photo work; the times I have had to help others find info/files etc on their PC's because they don' know the location of anything is too many to contemplate.

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    Does anyone know what is causing this problem.
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    The ACR version used are different in PSE and PS CS5. That can be cause of change in preview. Can you open same image in PSE and PS and then compare if they are different.
    make sure you have set ACR dialog box settings to default and not custom or nay otehr saved settings.

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    try free Adobe DNG converter... however your raw processing capabilities will be still locked at the level of your old ACR version - so upgrade is always a good idea (if budget permits).

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    And as an added bonus, it would also be great to simultaneously update the Camera Profile - to "Adobe Standard".
    I have lots of folders of DNGs that were processed in ACR 5.7 or Lightroom 2.7, and so they were processed in the older, 2003, process version.
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    My father does not yet have Lightroom 3, but does have Photoshop CS5 and ACR 6.1 installed and he wants an efficient method to do the same using those tools. We found that if we open the folder in Bridge, select all the DNG images, open the multiple images in Camera Raw, click on the "Select All" button in the upper left corner of the window, that we can then go to the Camera Calibration panel and make these two changes to all of the images simultaneously.
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    austinmirage wrote:
    Is there an efficient method to update an entire folder of DNG images to the newer RAW process in Camera Raw 6.1 - to "2010 (Current)"?
    And as an added bonus, it would also be great to simultaneously update the Camera Profile - to "Adobe Standard".
    You CAN easily make a Camera Raw preset or use Copy/Paste develop settings to change a folder's worth of files to "Adobe Standard"...that's simple. However, currently the Process version is not captured in a preset not copy/paste settings...the only current method is to actually open images inside of Camera Raw, select all and change the Process version to what you want...note, even Sync won't sync the Process version...only select all and then change the setting.
    It's hoped in the future this will be somehow addressed...it will require that the subsetting for Process version be a separate item in the Camera Calibration settings.

  • Why my raw looks different in lightroom and camera's raw processing software

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    Is it a common problem or it is just a special case as to sony's dslr camera.

    The main reason is that each different software is interpreting image and color data in its own way due, I guess, to different processing methods.
    In that way, digital is not different than film : no film render colors and contrast the same way.
    You have to choose what fits the best for you.
    As an example, I think ACR / LR handle Canon files pretty well ( quite close to Canon's propietary raw converter - neutral settings - ). On the other hand, Nikon owners have more troubles and seem to prefer Capture 4 or NX renderings.

  • This photo was adjusted using an earlier version of Apple's RAW processing

    It is May 16 2012. A couple of days ago there was an update to OSX. I am now at 10.7.4. My Aperture version is 3.2.3. Digital Camera Raw 3.12.0 build 615 and a bunch of zeros.
    Last night when I imported a slew of photos, everything seemed to go well, but when all processing was complete all of the photos changed to a deep green hue. I finally found the message in the title line: "This photo was adjusted using an earlier version of Apple's RAW processing" and somewhat resolved the problem by individually reprocessing each master.
    Does anyone know what has caused Aperture to act this way and how the problem can be fixed? From a timing perspective, I feel that it was the OSX update, but I cannot be sure.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    I am on a MacBook Air (mid 2011) running Lion 10.7.4 and Aperture 3.2.3 with Digital Camera Raw 3.12.0.  I have the exact same green photo import problem described above.  I have a Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF3 and I shoot RAW.  Sometimes (I can't seem to determine what triggers this), when I click on the photo and Aperture brings it up in the Split View, Aperture briefly re-processes the photo and displays it without the green tint, but now the photo is over exposed.  If I right click->remove all adjustments, then the photo finally displays correctly.
    Sometimes, Aperture tells me "This photo was adjusted using an earlier version of Apple's RAW processing".
    The fix suggested by Snoop Dogg at https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3942768?start=30&tstart=0 took away the green tint.  But now the recently imported photo is still over exposed.  By default, I turn on "Auto Enhance" on on my imports into Aperture.  I still have to right click->remove all adjustments, then the reapply the "Auto Enhance" quick fix before my photo finally displays correctly.
    Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.  Thanks.

  • ACR vs Aperture for Raw Processing

    I have been using Lightroom for over a year (including beta versions on my old PC), but have grown tired of it's lack of worthwhile output options. I have a trial version of Aperture and think that it is a far superior product on the management and output side of things, but I am having problems getting my raw files to look good to me.
    I could process all the files in Bridge first, then create tiffs or PSDs to import into Aperture, but that would negate have the purpose of Aperture. I need help with an Aperture workflow and probably with raw processing controls in Aperture.
    Specs: 17" MBP with 10.5.1, Aperture 1.5.6
    Camera: Pentax K10D ver 1.3
    I typically convert my PEF files to DNG due to better compression in DNG, but have tried using the original PEF with identical results. Any help is appreciated.

    I too came back to Aperture after a year of Lightroom's "workflow". It really is possible to match or surpass LR's output. There's a good guide to the adjustment tools here:
    Also lots of tips about workflow, etc. here:
    You probably won't want to spend too much money if you're just using the trial, but Ben Long's book
    Aperture Pro training Series: Aperture 1.5 is very good.

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    I use Elements 11 on Mac OSX.

    Here's a list

  • Camera Raw in Elements 9.03

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    Hi Rich, for your camera you need PSE11 or PSE12 (the current version). Alternatively, download and install the free Adobe DNG converter to convert your raw files to the Adobe universal Raw format and the files will open in all versions of PSE (keep your originals as backups and for use in the camera manufactures software)
    Windows download (.exe file) click here DNG Converter 8.4
    Mac download (.dmg file) click here DNG Converter 8.4
    You can convert a whole folder of raw images in one click. See this quick video tutorial:
    You Tube click here for DNG Converter tutorial

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    Application :
    Database :
    OS : HP UX
    ASGNO 179279
    APP-PAY-51118: Error was encountered when processing assignment 179279
    APP-PAY-51119: Error was encountered when processing Element Type US_TAX_VERTEX
    Invalid jurisdiction code found in primary work location

    Please see (Payroll Process Fails: FORMULA_ERROR_TEXT A compiled version of the formula 431 cannot be found Compiled Version of formula cannot be found [ID 358881.1]).

  • Leica D-LUX 4 (LX3) RAW Processing

    Hi all,
    Just wanted to report some interesting behavior regarding the long-awaited RAW processing ability for the D-LUX 4 and Panasonic LX3. I did not see this happen on the first library I coverted, because I let Aperture do the image processing, so the files were already converted when the Library upgrade process finihed.
    Anyway, this time I did not process images when doing the upgrade of my personal library, because I wanted it to finish the task quickly. It did about 3 hours for some 40K photos.
    I had been shooting RAW + jpg since I got my Leica D-LUX 4 in the hopes that Aperture would support it some day...and that day came!
    Anyway, the .RWL RAW files show up in the browser view as black boxes with the warning triangle. They convert when you select them individually, and that was pretty much as expected.
    What was cool though, was when I had opened an .RWL image into Split View, and then arrow key selected the next unprocessed image. Aperture displayed "Unsupported Picture Format" on top of a low res image that had really severe lens distortion for an instant in what appeared to be a 16:9 or longer aspect ratio image, then displayed the properly converted 4:3 RAW file.
    This is obviously the lens correction processing that is part of the way the camera operates, and that A2 was incapable of converting correctly. I thought it worth mentioning that you can sort of see it at work in A3.
    It is so great to have A3 do such a good job on these files, and be so responsive. Really enjoying getting to work with my Leica RAW files finally.
    K.J. Doyle

    Tonys264 wrote:
    I have been waiting for over a year for RAW support for the Leica D-Lux 4 using Aperture 2. It seems that this support is only going to be offered for Aperture 3 users. I have asked at my local Apple Store for an explanation without any success. Is it really just a marketing ploy for A3, or was there a technical reason why A2 could not have support for this camera??
    Hi Tony,
    Now I am not sure if this conversion works on a machine without Aperture 3 on it, because all of the machines here have A3 on them...
    I just dragged a .RWL file into iPhoto and it opened, no problem.
    I have no control over the conversion, of course, and the better control system for RAW is what you are paying for in A3.
    I shot over 30K images with my DL4, storing RAW + JPG hoping for this, and seeing them come up in A3, and be so workable (better that Phase one) was a very happy day for me.
    K.J. Doyle

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