Re: BIOS version 3.30 Tecra A11/M11: Problems with Ubuntu systems?

I just got the invitation to update to BIOS version 3.30 on my Tecra A11/M11.
I'm still running Win7 right now but plan to add a dual boot with Ubuntu when the next LTS hits in April.
Is anyone having trouble with the new BIOS?
Should I upgrade, or leave 3.20 intact?
I find no evidence of trouble with 3.20.

Why to upgrade the BIOS if everything is OK?
Furthermore as far as I know Toshiba does not support the Linux OS and I doubt the new BIOS would improve any Linux performance so if you are happy with the v3.20, stay with that

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    Visual Studio Premium 2012.
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    Entering page number works fine to view that page Request.Form parameters sample for that (change page from page 3 to page 5):
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    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

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    TECRA A11
    Windows 7 Professional  6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
    BIOS 3.20
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  • My Firefox crashes 2-3 times per session since I've updated to new version. I have never crashed before this latest version. Is there a known problem with this?

    My Firefox crashes 2-3 times per session since I've updated to the latest version. This has NEVER happened with previous versions of Firefox. Is there a known problem with the latest version?

    Hello luv2golf80, we're sorry to hear that Firefox is crashing. In order to assist you better, please follow the steps below to provide us crash ID's to help us learn more about your crash.
    #Enter about:crashes in the address bar (that's where you enter your website URL) and press Enter. You should now see a list of submitted crash reports.
    #Copy the 5 most recent crash ID's that you see in the crash report window and paste them into your response here.
    Thank you for your help!
    More information and further troubleshooting steps can be found in the [[Firefox crashes]] article.

  • I keep getting adobe script problems. I have 3.6.13 version and have never had this problems with prior versions

    I can't find a solution to the adobe flashplayer that is associatied with Firefox. I keep getting script problems and am asked to either continue or ignore the problem. I've been a long-time user of Firefox and have never had any problems with Firefox or any associated programs (plug-ins) and so this is a surprise to me. I checked the version of the flashplayer and find that I have the most current version; so I'm not sure what's going on.

    Do a malware check with some malware scan programs.<br />
    You need to scan with all programs because each program detects different malware.<br />
    Make sure that you update each program to get the latest version of the database before doing a scan.<br />
    * - Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
    * - SuperAntispyware
    * - Windows Defender: Home Page
    * - Spybot Search & Destroy
    * - Ad-Aware Free
    See also "Spyware on Windows": and [[Searches are redirected to another site]]

  • Tecra M5 Sysprep Problem with file hdaudbus.sys

    We have a syspreped image, which has been created from a Toshiba Tecra M2.
    Our current image works on the following model of machines :-
    Toshiba Portege 4000
    Toshiba Portge 4010
    Toshiba Portege M100
    Toshiba Portege R100
    Toshiba Tecra M2
    Toshiba Tecra S1
    Toshiba Satellite Pro 6000
    Toshiba Satellite Pro 6100
    We now have to get the current image working with the new Toshiba Tecra M5.
    The driver I am having a problem with is HDAUDBUS.sys
    When the machine first boots up and almost before it even tries to build itsself, it says it cannot find the file 'hdaudbus.sys' and it seems like it is looking on the D:, if you browse to system32\drivers, then the driver installs correctly, but I cannot seem to automate this process.
    I have copied over all the driver and inf files that are required.
    I have populated the sysprep.inf file (under the heading "OemPNPDriversPath") with the driver and the correct path. This does not make any difference. I also have 'DriversSigningPolicy' set to 'IGNORE'
    I have sysprep'd the image using -pnp, mini setup and reseal.
    The question is :-
    A) Am I doing something wrong and is there a correct way of getting windows/sysprep to automatically install this driver?
    B) I have a fix for the above problem, which is :-
    Put our sysprep'd image onto the Tecra M5, manually installed ALL the correct drivers and then re-sysprepped the image. The question is, Is it ok to do this? (It appears to work well)? Or is it not recommended to sysprep the same image, multiple times, on different model machines?
    Any advice would be appreciated!

    Hello Mark
    Your posting is very interesting but I really don't know who should help you. Like you can see this is user-to-user forum and you will be lucky if someone can tell you anything about your problem.
    This file is Microsoft one and try to check on some Microsoft support page if there is solution available.
    Anyway good luck!

  • Satellite S55 BIOS update to 1.60 has a problem with UEFI keyboard backlight control

    I recently updated my BIOS to version 1.60 from 1.50. The update went well. However now the setting for the keyboard backlight control will not hold my setting. I don't wish the backlight to illuminate as it will use up power. When I enter my UEFI and change the setting to "OFF", then save and exit, the keyboard illumination appears to operate as expected. However, following a Windows restart, or shutdown and boot, the UEFI setting resets to "TIMER" with "Backlight Lighting Time" set to 0. If I leave the mode set to "Timer", and set "Backlight Lighting Time" to 10, again the backlight appears to operate properly. But a reboot resets the time to 0. I thought possibly I was not saving and exiting UEFI properly. To test this, I change the setting for the "Internal USB3.0 Controller from "Enable" to "Disable", then also set the backlight control to "OFF", did a save/exit. I found that the USB3.0 remained disabled, but the backlight control again reset to "Timer". The BIOS update was provided by the Toshiba Service Station app as an optional update, so it should be the right one for my laptop. Any help would be appreciated.
     My laptop is a Satellite S55-A5295 and is running Windows 8.1 with BIOS 1.60 and EC 1.20.

    Thank you for your response. When I purchased the laptop, I also bought a 2-year repair plan with Geek Squad.  I took the device to the tech and it was his opinion that there might be a bug in the BIOS I installed.  I asked if we could retro the BIOS to a previous version and he told me he didn't recommend it as there are always risks when updating the BIOS.  He said it wasn't worth it as the device was stable with no other known issues besides the keyboard lighting.  He recommended I contact Toshiba support to document the problem.  This I did.  However, I was told by Toshiba I was beyond my complimentary support and would have to pay $49 to correct the issue.  I agreed to purchase the support.  The tech had me try various resets including the hardware reset button but to no avail.  At this point the tech informed me that I can always press "Fn-z" to cycle the lights off after boot/restart, and that my support time was ending.  I only hope that the problem is with the BIOS and not with hardware such as BIOS memory, and that a new firmware update will correct the problem. I appreciate this forum and the people that are trying to help others correct their problems.  Please keep up the good work. 

  • After installing version 6.0.1 i have problems with some webpages that don't open or it doesn't charge internal pages of the same website

    I have problems working with this website that I use every day for my work since the latest version of Firefox was installed on my PC (6.0.1) previosly I had 5.0 version and worked fine with no trouble at all
    its a Real estate site and when i open the site and request a list of properties I need to check, the next page does not charge the info, only the header of it.

    cor-el, I started Firefox in the Safe Mode as recommended. It looked and worked fine. Same after I closed and reopened it. As suggested, I shut down and restarted and so far it is operating "normally." Pages open on the first try and the back button works just fine. The double headers are gone and all my Bookmarks are in place. I did not change any settings or stop any functions (add-on's, etc).
    Hopefully this has solved the issue. Only time will tell. Thanks for your help. I also have a long list of other things to try from Safe Mode if the issue returns.
    I appreciate your prompt help. Larry.

  • Firefox keeps popping up wanting me to upgrade. What happens if I don't? I have tried the more current versions, however my computer continually has problems with it. So I have downgraded to 3.6.

    Basically, I just want to know what happens if I choose not to upgrade to the most current version? I keep getting pop ups to upgrade my 3.6 but it always takes me to the download for 6.0! I '''DO NOT''' want 6.0-it sucks! My computer is not even a year old but Firefox 6.0 caused many issues. Plug ins-all updated/current, but 6.0 would not allow some of my programs run properly. So I uninstalled it and reinstalled 3.6. This version seems to be the only one that does not cause problems! If you need any further information, please eel free to contact me @: ''removed''

    I don't know why all these programmers won't get a real job, instead of "upgrading" something that worked very well up to a year ago. Every "upgrade" takes away a lot of functionality - and eliminates useful plugins. Sadly, Firefox seems now aimed at kids who like to play with the computer, neglecting people who use the Internet for BUSINESS purposes. Version 6.0 crashes constantly, sometimes every few minutes, so it became totally useless. I'm switching to Opera.

  • Problems with installing system fonts on the PC version of Muse?

    I have created a site in Muse and everything is fine when the file is opened on my mac where it was created.
    My customer has brought a muse subscription as they wanted to maintain it in house, but they are on a PC. Muse was purchased and installed on the PC ok.
    I have now given them the Muse file and it opens up ok in the PC Muse version apart from copy in Myriad Pro Bold (I assume as it's not a standard system font, it uses a substitute). The body copy displays ok as it's just Myriad Pro and that seems to be installed as system font already.
    The customer purchased Myriad Pro Bold font and installed the font to their fonts library on the PC (WINDOWS 7), but Muse will still not recognise it when the Muse file opens and it also doesn't appear in the systems fonts list in Muse?
    It appears in Word, which is why we couldn't figure out why it wouldn't at least appear in the system fonts section in Muse?

    With the current release of Muse fonts are listed differently on Mac and Windows (due to the fact the underlying operating systems enumerate fonts differently).
    On the Mac Myriad Pro Bold is listed as such in the font menu. On Windows Myriad Pro Bold is accessed by selecting "Myriad Pro" from the menu then using the "Bold" icon button in the Control panel or Text panel to apply bold. This is something we're actively working on changing, but for now it means a Muse site file that's taken from Mac to Windows (or vice versa) is likely to need to have the bold and italic versions of the fonts re-applied. The easiest way to do this is to use Paragraph styles and or Character styles to format the text in your site, then redefine the individual styles to accomplish the font change.
    A major inconvenience in a cross platform workflow and not the way it should work, I agree. We're actively working on it.

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