Re: Default Printer

I am doing something similar to send PCL commands to an HP Laser printer.
The trick I use is to invoke a DOS command to copy a file directly to the
printer. I use UNC notation to identify the destination printer, which
seems to work fine in both Netware and Microsoft networks.
For example:
task.part.operatingSystem.runCommand('copy c:\\temp\\output.pcl
Kevin Klein
Sycamore Group, LLC
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Mankind, when left to themselves, are unfit for their own government.
-- George Washington
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Mamarot <[email protected]>
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, December 02, 1998 7:49 AM
Subject: Default Printer
Hi All,
We are using Kyocera printers at all our sites. We have created a macro to
print a form using the Kyocera's Express commands. To access this macro I
need to send a string of characters straight to the printer.
The solution I have used is to open the printer as a file, ie. declare a
file with the printer as the file name. The problem I am now having is how
to get the Windows Default printer's path or printer name (eg.
\\network_path\kyocera fs-400)
Has anyone retrieved the printer name / path under Windows 95 / NT, or maybe
suggest another way of sending a string straight to the printer without
creating a window first.
Many thanks,
Michael Mamarot.
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You need a third-party tool such as:
Sidekick 4.2.7
AirPort Location 0.60230

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    Hi,What operating system you are using? What application you are printing from?

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    Photoshop CS4 uses an old (introduced in Win16?) printing API that limits the printer name length to 30 or 31 characters. With your printer name, that gets you halfway into "Series" and anything past that will be ignored.
    The simple solution is to rename your printer to something shorter. Go into the control panel, printers and faxes, and right-click on the printer and choose "Rename" and rename the printer. That should resolve the problem.

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    Hi Stuart,
    The registry entries for User's Default Printer are:
    Win 9x:
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]
    "Device"="Printer Name"
    The device is the name used to represent the printer in the registry. The name can be found in the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Printers\Settings] key.
    Machine name is part of the "Printer Name," which you can use to ping directly (i.e., w/out having to look-up its IP address).
    Hope this helps.

  • How to print report on client default printer ?

    I develop web application. I use jdev . I can print report in PDF format.
    My Problem
    I can't print report on client default printer. when Client run application and print. Report is printed at server default printer
    How can I do.
    _My source code for print to PDF format._
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    response = (HttpServletResponse)context.getExternalContext().getResponse();
    String urlSchema = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL";
    String schemaName = "hr";
    String schemaPass = "hr;
    reportPath = "D:\\Project\\Reports";
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(urlSchema, schemaName, schemaPass);
    reportPath = reportPath.endsWith("\\") ? reportPath : (reportPath + "\\");
    input = new File(reportPath + reportName + ".jasper");
    reportParameters.put("SUBREPORT_DIR", reportPath);
    reportParameters.put("P_IMAGE_PATH", reportPath);
    jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(input.getPath(), reportParameters, conn);
    response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + reportNameOutput + ".pdf");
    OutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream();
    JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream(jasperPrint, outputStream);
    _My source code for print to *printer*._
    {code}FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    response = (HttpServletResponse)context.getExternalContext().getResponse();
    String urlSchema = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL";
    String schemaName = "hr";
    String schemaPass = "hr;
    reportPath = "D:\\Project\\Reports";
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(urlSchema, schemaName, schemaPass);
    reportPath = reportPath.endsWith("\\") ? reportPath : (reportPath + "\\");
    input = new File(reportPath + reportName + ".jasper");
    reportParameters.put("SUBREPORT_DIR", reportPath);
    reportParameters.put("P_IMAGE_PATH", reportPath);
    jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(input.getPath(), reportParameters, conn);
    JasperPrintManager.printReport(jasperPrint, false);
    conn.close();Edited by: jaae251 on Jun 18, 2009 2:29 AM

    If you offer a PDF to the end user, they usually know what to do with it. OTOH, if you wish to provide software to facilitate the local printing, you might launch an application on the client side that accesses the JNLP API's PrintService - that can be done in a sandboxed application.
    A signed application might access the normal J2SE based print services. Though I heard that Sun had decided to make printing a 'prompt on first attempt' deal - even for sandboxed apps., from 1.5 plus (or was it 1.6 plus?).
    It would be a serious security bug if a web site could print on the client printer, without trust or active involvement from the end user.

  • Print Reports on Client Default Printer

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    How it will be possible by using plain URL send to report server or any other idea to achieve this task.
    Thanks in advance.

    If you offer a PDF to the end user, they usually know what to do with it. OTOH, if you wish to provide software to facilitate the local printing, you might launch an application on the client side that accesses the JNLP API's PrintService - that can be done in a sandboxed application.
    A signed application might access the normal J2SE based print services. Though I heard that Sun had decided to make printing a 'prompt on first attempt' deal - even for sandboxed apps., from 1.5 plus (or was it 1.6 plus?).
    It would be a serious security bug if a web site could print on the client printer, without trust or active involvement from the end user.

  • Default printer and problem with printing Crystal Report

    Good morning
    I have SAP B1 and on the client the default printer is "AMM_4014DN_PCL6_domain-srv FRONTE-RETRO"
    Then i have another printer "AMM_4014DN_PS_domain-srv".
    Before the default printer were the "AMM_4014DN_PS_domain-srv".
    Now the default printer is "AMM_4014DN_PCL6_domain-srv FRONTE-RETRO".
    When i push the button "Print" in the menu bar to print for example an invoice, instead of printing on the default printer AMM_4014DN_PCL6_domain-srv FRONTE-RETRO is always printing on then AMM_4014DN_PS_domain-srv.
    The report to print was made with Crystal Report 2008 and on the report I also set the correct default printer (AMM_4014DN_PCL6_domain-srv FRONTE-RETRO).
    So what's the problem ? Why is continue to print to the older printer ?
    So i also delete the older printer (AMM_4014DN_PS_domain-srv) and very strange still printing on the old printer.
    I also shut down the client, but no effect.
    The operating system of the client is Win Vista and SAP B1 is host on a Win2008 server.
    Thanks in advance.
    Regards Gabriele

    Check this SAP Notes
    [1030589 - Printing preference in document printing|]
    [1609615 - Obtain printer settings from default printing layout|]

  • Any way to override default printer settings into a PDF

    Hi -- I work for a large organization that has lots of computers and printers and prints a lot of forms and documents.  We are moving towards more digitization of documents and records including printing forms as needed as opposed to having large sets of forms onhand.  This should save us a lot of time and money once complete as these forms often change and the old process would be to then trash much of these documents and re-print for just one change.  The majority of our printers do have letter & legal trays as well as duplex support, however due to the vast number of users the default printer settings tied to each user and/or computer may be slightly different.  While standardizing all the printer settings across all users/computers would be one solution, we don't anticipate doing this as depending on the job peformed the different settings may be more preferable / advantageous for that user.
    As such the other solution I can think of is to hardcode the specific printer settings needed to correctly print a large document into that PDF file which may differ from that computer's print settings.  For example, the default computer print settings may be to print on just 1 side but duplex would be encoded / scripted directly into the PDF so IRREGARDLESS of the computer/printer settings this document would always print duplexed.
    Is there anyway to do this?  I would need to do more than just duplexing -- ie some form sets would need to be both duplexed and 'fit to printable area' whereas some would need to be only on one page and 'shrunk to printable area', etc, etc.  Our current practice is to insert a 1 page coversheet at the front of each document with the printer settings that need to be used for that form set, however this has been difficult for some users to do and has caused unnecessary time with our IT troubleshooting form printing.

    Hi Brandon,
    You can use the Print Presets in Acrobat for that purpose. Please follow the steps below:
    1. Open the PDF in Acrobat
    2. Open Document Properties dialog (using Ctrl + D)
    3. Select the "Advanced" tab
    4. In the "Print dialog Presets" section, you can choose DuplexMode as well as Page Scaling for this document.
    Please let us know if this works for you

  • How to automatic print to default printer

    now i use this command
    it 's show pdf file in browser if i want to print i must click printer icon on browser, but i want it to automatic print to printer immediate
    someone has solution.

    Because the reports run on the server and not on the client machine, there really is no way to print to the client's default printer because the server has no way of knowing what this printer is.
    You could create a user parameter with a list of the printers that are normally used and have the users select which printer you wanted the output sent to.

  • Standard ALV Report default  print parameters

    We recently upgraded to ECC6. In some of the ALV reports for example F.35  (Credit Master Sheet) default print parameter has wider column specifications (X_65_255) as against earlier version (X_65_132). It might be due to flexibility in increasing additional columns but for our purpose X_65_132 was sufficient.  
    Now when we print with the standard settings the fonts are small. Individual users can change that default settings but due to large user base we want to default it at a global level but only for transaction F.35.
    Also we want to turn off ALV Statistics at this global level. We dont want to add a task for end users.
    Can this be achieved just for a specific report ? If not then for all reports? Please advise.

    The no shading as well as many "extended print parameter" are no part of the OLD structures used by the OLD reuse FM, they are stored in memory (MEMORY ID 'EXTPAR')
    Check if 1703403 - Missing interface for extended print parameter can be applied in your system ?
    Nevertheless, could you try a single call like
    call function 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS'
         mode                   = 'CURRENT'
         suppress_shading       = 'X'
         no_dialog              = 'X'
         report                 = sy-repid
         out_parameters         = w_params
         archive_info_not_found = 1
         invalid_print_params   = 2
         invalid_archive_params = 3
         others                 = 4.

  • How to change default printer in tx me28

    Hi Experts,
    How can I change the default printer in tx me28? I have checked the customizing but I don´t know in which point I can change the default printer.

    If the client is Windows, you can use the following:
    host('cmd /c Rundll32 Printui.dll PrintUIEntry /y /n "the_printer"');Francois

  • Default printer settings for HP Deskjet 882c

    All I want to do is set this printer to print in black and white by default. If I wanted color, I would use my other printer ... I want faster than a snails pace so I brought this one back out.
    Being a PC for my entire life, this should be an easy thing to set the default print settings on the printer. I don't see them!
    What I am printing is emails off hotmail ... tons of them ... going back months ... so please don't ask me to add an additional step here ...
    Pulling my hair out here ... help would be lovely!

    You are on the right track for sure. The claim code is in fact printed in blue, so if your color inks are low or empty it will not show up. 
    I noticed there are 2 version of the 6500A, I will go under the assumption that you do not have the 'Plus' version since you didn't specify this, shouldn't be a big discrepancy either way (let me know if I am wrong).
    Viewing your ink levels is covered here, your Cyan ink cartridge could be empty :
    You can still find the claim code on the front panel of your printer without color ink. Go back to web services on your printers display and it will show your "*" email address. The prefix before the "@" is in fact your code.
    Also note that your code has most likely expired, which happens after 24 hours of being generated. Not a big deal. If your code has expired you will have to reset the web services in your printer, this will generate a new printer code. You can do this easily from the front panel of your printer.
    Follow this link and expand the section “What if I lose my printer code before registering?” under “Frequently asked questions (FAQs)”
    (*a note on step 4, some firmware updates may have simplified this entire step to be simply “remove web services”)
    After enabling the web services again the printer code area will still be blank if you are out of cyan ink. 
    Regardless the new code will display on the front panel (under web services).
    I hope this gets you going with ePrint. Let me know if you are having issues printing in color beyond this, or if you are still experiencing difficulties with ePrint.
    I work on behalf of HP.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Is there a way to change the default print tray on an HP LaserJet 500 color M551 Printer

    Is there a way to setup the default print tray for a HP LaserJet 500 color M551 printer to be tray 2 printing both online and direct?
    If so what would be the best way to go about implementing it?
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Usually, you can change the default paper trays through the control panel and through the Embedded Web server (EWS).
    Check the settings on your control panel. Here is a link to the User Guide, check out page 94 and see if that helps you out.
    m551 User Guide
    For the EWS, put the printer IP address into your browser, then go to the tab that would list tray settings. Not sure exactly which tab has it for this printer series, but on other printer series it is on the system tab under paper setup.
    I am an HP employee.
    Say Thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in the post that helped you.
    Please mark the post that solves your problem as Accepted Solution

  • Set default printer in free Reader app for Windows 8?

    Is it possible to set a default printer for the free Reader app?  We're new to Windows 8.  We set our HP as the default printer in the windows control panel, and the setting works for our other programs like word and IE, but the Reader app forces us to choose the HP printer every time we try to print a doc.  We have to click the More options and choose the printer from the list.  OneNote and the MS Document writer come up first in the list, and we don't use either of these.

    Photoshop CS4 uses an old (introduced in Win16?) printing API that limits the printer name length to 30 or 31 characters. With your printer name, that gets you halfway into "Series" and anything past that will be ignored.
    The simple solution is to rename your printer to something shorter. Go into the control panel, printers and faxes, and right-click on the printer and choose "Rename" and rename the printer. That should resolve the problem.

  • Can't tie emailed Pages document to my default printer

    In our office we have several printers: HP LaserJet 1300, HP Color LaserJet 2605dn, HP LaserJet 4/4M PS, etc.
    On my MacBook Pro I have set HP LaserJet P2055dn as my default printer.
    My colleague from office sent me Pages document via email. On his MacBook Pro default printer is HP Color LaserJet 2605dn, and I also have this printer set up as a network printer, while my default printer at home is HP LaserJet P2055dn.
    Every time I have to print his Pages '09 document, the default printer is HP Color LaserJet 2605dn. Even if I specify my own printer in Page Setup dialogue window, save it as the default printer — after closing this document and reopening it the same old HP Color LaserJet 2605dn is back as the default printer for this document again. Every time I want to print this document I have to change printer back to my HP LaserJet P2055dn.
    Two questions:
    1) Why can't Pages use my default printer as the default printer?
    2) Why Pages doesn't save default printer for this document which I specify in Page Setup dialogue?

    As fruhulda said, this problem has been discussed at great length, but no solution seems to have been found. I have a Canon and an Epson, but am not currently using the Canon, yet every document I first printed with the Canon still shows it as the selected printer. I have to change to the Epson each time I print one of those documents. I finally decided it was unproductive to get frustrated all the time and to take a positive attitude about it: it teaches me look and think about what I’m doing rather than blindly clicking buttons. It didn’t fix the problem, but it brought a bit of serenity into my life. Philosophy vs technology.

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