Re-directing index.cfm

Hi all,
My website used to contain .cfm files but we've changed all the website programming to html pages. I was wondering how I can re-direct index.cfm to index.html because the .cfm link is still live in various places around the web. Any help? Thanks in advance!

If coldfusion is still running on the server, create an index.cfm template that simply contains the following:
<cflocation url="index.html" addtoken="no" />
If coldfusion is no longer available, then you'll have to configure your 404 error page for the site to redirect to the new index.html page.

Similar Messages

  • Adding Facebook, Twitter links to index.cfm

    Hey all,
    Brand new to CFM and need to add the Facebook sharer and twitter links to .cfm page and was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction?

    As a starting point, I am starting here.
        function fbs_click()   
                u = location.href; t = document.title;
      '' + encodeURIComponent(u) +
                '&t=' + encodeURIComponent(t), 'sharer', 'toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436');
                return false;
    <a rel="nofollow" href="<url>" onclick="return fbs_click()" target="_blank">Share on Facebook</a>
    So I have that working where it is grabbing the location.href and document title fine of the page, but it the implementation doesn't seem to be the same on a .cfm page.
    I am only now starting to become familiar with <cfoutput> and coldfusion syntax in general. I have never seen it before today.
    I have done dynamic development, but not with CF, only with Java and C#.
    The stories are news stories that are rotated in and out and changed on a weekly basis within the index.cfm page.

  • File not found: index.cfm

    I have a new ColdFusion 9 install on a CentOS server with Apache 2.2
    I applied the 9.0.1 update.
    The install is Standard, not Enterprise.
    I can access the admin at /CFIDE/... perfectly.
    The problem is when I try to access the first domain I have setup on server, where I installed ColdFusion on Wheels. When I type (using example instead of real domain) or, I get a ColdFusion error screen saying that it cannot find index.cfm . But index.cfm is there.
    I checked ColdFusion logs, and I have noticed that apparently, somewhere, two single quotes are being appended to the file name.
    This is what I see in cfserver.log:
    05/14 09:28:47 Error [jrpp-140] - File not found: /index.cfm The specific sequence of files included or processed is: /home/folder/folder/index.cfm''
    (with those two single quotes in the end. The file, without the single quotes, exists. The path included in the log file is the real valid path)
    From application.log:
    "Error","jrpp-140","05/14/12","09:28:47",,"File not found: /index.cfm The specific sequence of files included or processed is: /home/folder/folder/index.cfm'' "
    Here at application.log it is more obvious that two single quotes seem to be appended to the index.cfm file name.
    Can any one help with this? Could be these quotes the problem, and if so, where do I need to change? Any help with this will be really appreciated.
    Edit: adding text from exception.log in case it helps
    "Error","jrpp-146","05/14/12","10:24:18",,"File not found: /index.cfm The specific sequence of files included or processed is: /home/folder/folder/index.cfm'' "
    coldfusion.runtime.TemplateNotFoundException: File not found: /index.cfm
            at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(
            at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(
            at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke( 8)
            at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(
            at coldfusion.filter.NoCacheFilter.invoke(
            at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(
            at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(
            at coldfusion.filter.CachingFilter.invoke(
            at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(
            at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service(
            at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(
            at coldfusion.monitor.event.MonitoringServletFilter.doFilter( )
            at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter(
            at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(
            at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service(
            at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(
            at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(
            at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke(
            at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch(
            at jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable(
            at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable(
            at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable(
            at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable(

    I have solved this problem and will leave the solution here in case it helps someone.
    It was a permissions issue.
    This server has cpanel. The account files are stored at /home/account/public_html folder.
    The folder belongs to the account user, and nobody group.
    I added coldfusion user to nobody group, and also to the account user group.
    Then restarted coldfusion (without restarting it didn't work).
    And now coldfusion finds the index.cfm file.

  • I am using a program that opens a document in adobe and I need to save it back in the program.  I get this message: this document is trying to connet to: fill://index.cfm?event=vendorsonly.submiteventform.  Help

    I am using a program that opens a document in adobe and I need to save it back in the program.  I get this message: this document is trying to connet to: fill://index.cfm?event=vendorsonly.submiteventform.  Help

    Have you contacted the people who make the program? It sounds like something special from that program.

  • Index.cfm in wwwroot used for all IIS sites

    Just this morning it seems that all of our cf sites are pulling the same index.cfm file from our root cf8 directory although they are set in IIS to point to their correct directories. This has always worked for years and nothing has been changed. I've looked high and low and cant seem to find a solution. Any help would be appreciated

    Check in CF Administrator to see if someone turned on "Cache web server paths" (it's on the Server Settings > Caching page).
    -Carl V.

  • CF8.0.1 Standard (32bit) on Leopard 10.5.7 - Don't have permission to access /CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm

    Attempting to install CF8.0.1 (32bit) on Leopard 10.5.7 server, keep getting error message "You don't have permission to access /CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm".  Followed instructions from CF release notes "CF 8 update 1" part 2.  Switched Apache from 64-bit to 32-bit mode (sudo lipo httpd -thin i386 -output httpd); using conf file (httpd.conf) in /etc/apache2.  *Am confused by these instructions: (a) instructions for installing 64-bit CF8.0.1 on Mac OS X Leopard say to use "etc/httpd" for 32-bit installations.  but (b) instructions found at end of document under Mac OS X Leopard say that you can configure 32-bit CF on Leopard, but you must use 64-bit Apache in 32-bit mode.... and the location for conf file (httpd.conf) is in "etc/apache2".
    I'm attempting to install/run CF8.0.1 Standard (32-bit) via Apache2 (32-bit mode), but am unable to get access to /CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm to finish installation.  File permissions for the CFIDE folder are System=RWX, Wheel=RX, Everyone=RX.  What am I missing here?

    I am having the same issue... Any help appreciated..

  • Battling to download PDF via index.cfm file

    I'm trying to download an pdf from alink to a index.cfm file
    - Firefox downloads a 0byte file which then dissapears immediately,
    whereas IE7 at least recognises a PDF file, but still downloads it
    as a 0byte file which then wont open anyway :(
    Any ideas??

    Wrong forum (this is Digital Editions), but ...
    I find .pdf files often won't launch properly on my Win8.1.  It starts the process but it doesn't do the right thing.
    Try making sure you don't have any copies of Reader working (AcroRd32.exe on my 32 bit Win 8.1).
    Start a copy from the start screen (or start menu if you've set one up) BEFORE you try to access the file.
    Now try to do the download or open it from the downloads directory.
    I find that way the file will open properly.

  • 404 with link to shopping cart index.cfm

    I have tried to reference the file several ways without success.  Please help me sort this out.  Thanks!
    <a href="/index.cfm/fuseaction/YourShoppingCart.additem/productid=1001">add to cart</a>
    <a href="./index.cfm/fuseaction/YourShoppingCart.additem/productid=1001">add to cart</a>
    <a href=" ductid=1001">add to cart</a>

    Or, naturally,
    <a href="index.cfm?fuseaction=YourShoppingCart.additem&productid=1001">add to cart</a>

  • CFMX61 (updater) does not parse index.cfm

    Actually, it will only parse the file if it is asked for
    explicitly in the URL.
    I updated my RedHat AS3 / Coldfusion 6.1 with the 6.1
    Updater. After restarting, everything works fine except if you use
    a URL that is assuming an index.cfm file is present. What you get
    then is a raw CFM file. But if you add index.cfm to the URL it
    works fine.
    Apache has index.cfm configured as one of its "directory"
    (DirectoryIndex index.cfm index.html default.html index.htm
    I have installed the connector hotfix, tried taking the
    index.cfm out of the Apache configuration (it totally stopped
    working) and still not luck.
    Does anyone have a "what to try next." idea

    I found the problem. In the httpd.conf file where the jrun
    module connector is loaded, the line "AddHandler jrun-handler .cfm
    .cfml .cfc .jsp .jws" needed the .cfm .cfml and .cfc extensions
    added. There probably are not two people in the world who could
    explain why these extensions were not in the line already.

  • Defaulting to index.cfm

    I'm responsible for several CF sites on the same server and
    each new project provides new challenges - this one is really
    irritating me though. I'm using a CF breadcrumb script to map out
    where users are in the site; it searches the directory and lists
    the folders as links. Each page is therefore an index.cfm in a
    seperate folder (eg home/index.cfm).
    I haven't built this site in any different way to any others
    (so i thought) and were it not for the breadcrumbs the issue
    wouldn't be such a problem, i'd just include "index.cfm" in any
    menu links.
    Clicking on a breadcrumb link just brings a "Forbidden"
    error. If there's an index.html page in the folder it defaults to
    that no problem.
    Any ideas?

    are you on IIS or Apache?
    where do the links in the breadcrumb menu point to: just a
    folder or
    actual index.cfm file in the folder?
    it sounds like directory browsing is allowed on your
    sub-folders, but
    not for the user CF is running under... though i might be
    Azadi Saryev

  • "File not found: /Adobe_CFC_Generator/handlers/index.cfm"

    Ok I know this is going to turn out to be something silly.  But I cannot seem to get the Extensions to function.  I get the error "File not found: /Adobe CFC Generator/handlers/index.cfm" every time I attempt to use the CFC generator and similar errors for ther other extensions.
    I am using ColdFusion 9 Standalone Server and Apache 2.2.x on Windows XP SP3.
    ColdFusion is installed to:  C:\ColdFusion9
    Apache is installed to C:\Apache
    The Apache Documents folder is mounted to C:\wwwroot rather then the traditional htdocs.
    All Websites are within the wwwroot and set up using VirtualHosts and all sites run off of port 80.  I am using a hosts file to make the domain names back to this development system.
    When installing coldfusion the document root was set to C:\wwwroot thus the CFIDE is within that director.
    The Server is configured to use the local systems hostname on Port 80.
    Server Home = C:\coldfusion9
    Document Root = C:\wwwroot
    Version 9.0.X
    I have access to the RDS Dataview and fileview.
    I have attempted to use a virtualhost mapping to the extensions already.  I have also changed the name of the folder to Adobe_CFC_Generator and set a host setting for it to resolve to the systems static ip address and then used the virtualhost mapping.  No luck so far.  The files are there in the c:\wwwroot directory.  When I first looked a the settings for the extension it stated that the path was C:\wwwroot/Adobe CFC Generator. (Note the slashes.)  So I modified the servers document root to be C:/wwwroot.  Still no go.
    The extensions install location is currently C:/wwwroot/Adobe_CFC_Generator.
    Again I am sure this is something stupid simple.  Anyone have any idea what I am missing?

    I did each.  The files were accessable.  However it still would not function and then I noticed that in the application log file there was a note that the location it was looking for the files were in the CFIDE directory.
    So I copied the folders into that directory and mode no other changes and Bing!  It worked.
    This may be related to my development setup.  It is perhaps not a normal setup.  I have apache, cf9 and the wwwroot folder all off the root of the c: drive.  I use a hosts file to map the actual IP address of my system to the domain names rather then using the loopback.   Apache uses virtual hosts to locate each site.   When coldfusion is installed I use that wwwroot to place the cfide directory.
    The error that it was showing in the application log was:
    "Error","jrpp-9","07/22/09","20:45:11",,"File not found: /Adobe_CFC_Generator/handlers/index.cfm The specific sequence of files included or processed is: C:\wwwroot\CFIDE\Adobe_CFC_Generator\handlers\index.cfm'' "
    The Adobe CFC Generator was attempted both with and without spaces.  The CFIDE directory being in the path even though the actual install location was C:\wwwroot\Adobe_CFC_Generator seemed a little odd so I tried simply locating the generator files in the CFIDE and everything seems to be working.
    Also note that I had attempted to create a mapping to the Adobe CFC Generator files in ColdFusion and through a VirtualHost and both did not work because of the spaces in the name.  Which Is why I tried the _'s.  It still did not work though.
    Not sure if this is a bug or (more likley) that my configuraiton is just odd but as long as it continues to work I am cool with it.
    Any thoughts?

  • Coldfusion will only display index.cfm no matter what .cfm page is opened

    I am currently learning ColdFusion using the tutorials on In doing the exercises I am running into a particularly unusual problem. No matter what .cfm document I have opened and I am attempting to work on the only page that will preview in Dreamweaver's Live View and in any browser is the index.cfm page of the exercises that I am working on. I have worked on these exercises on another computer, a laptop, with no problems. Both of the computer were running Windows 7 and all of the Site Setup information seems to be the same on both computers. Any ideas on what could be causing this? I cannot proceed effectively with the tutorials if this problem persists. I have all of the required components installed on my computer so I really don't know what the problem could be. Any help would be appreciated. Let me add that this is not happening with every CF document but with a particular Site Setup and exercises that I am working on through the tutorials that come with the Coldfusion tutorial provided by
    NOTE: I am learning ColdFusion MX at the moment, but I have ColdFusion 9.1 installed on the computer that I am having the problem on.

    Thanks for getting back to me. I have attached a .pdf and two (2) text documents which should serve to explain the problem in greater detail. I am sending this from my email which is how I am able to attach the documents. The pdf really shows my screen and what is actually happening. If you cannot open the files let me try to explain:
    I have two (2) separate CF sites set up on my computer. I have the same sites set up on my laptop. I have downloaded lessons from so that I can learn CF. In one of the CF sites, which has graphics included, no matter what page I am working on when I go to view that page in "Live View" or any browser the only page that displays is the index.cfm page. I do not get an error message, what displays is only the index.cfm page. In other words, the only page that will display in this particular site in the index.cfm page. I do not have this problem on the laptop. I hope that clarifies the situation. If not please let me know. I am attempting to fix the problem but I do not know what to do as I have tried several things, including deleting the site setup and setting it up again. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
    Click here for ColdFusion Problem.pdf or copy and past this link to your browser:
    Click here for  user_list.cfm document or copy and paste this link in your browser:
    Click here for storyteller.cfm document or copy and paste this link in your browser:
    Message was edited by: Peter G.

  • .../index.cfm

    Puzzler for you...recently I have had visits from some  suspicious bots - well, one is a SYNAPSE user agent, the other bingbot (which is not that suspicious).  However, they have both been entering crawling URLs with three dots (such as .../index.cfm).  I"ve looked through the source as well as the diplayed code, and it does not seem to be coming from me...almost as if a longer URL is being abbreviated somewhere and then treated as a true URL...and out of the tens of thousands of visits a day, I only get a handful of these errors, from random parts of the site.
    Anyway, on my test server, this URL errror generates a 404 error; on the production server it generates a ColdFusion error (string index out of range: -1).  Not a problem but annoying. Any ideas on what settings could be different in the two servers to generate the different result?  In theory the test and production servers are identical. 
    Obviously I could put something in Application.cfm, but that feels like a workaround....
    (CF9 on Windows Server 2008)

    What happens when you try accessing any other ColdFusion
    templates (other than Administrator)? Also check your installation
    log file, see if you have any warnings, fatal errors or non-fatal
    errors. Install log should be under /opt/coldfusionmx7/

  • Index.cfm not found

    <form action="/index.cfm" method="post">
    <form action="../index.cfm" method="post">
    <form action="../../index.cfm" method="post">
    Have tried them all, no luck.  Any help?

    You are not explaining your scenario at all, thus it's nearly impossible to know what you are trying to accomplish and how.
    If the index.cfm is in the same folder as your current form template, referring to "index.cfm" or "./index.cfm" should work.
    Your three examples would try to access index.cfm from your web server web-root, and parent folder(s) of your current template path.
    Are you using cfc's or custom tags to display the form? This could also confuse you with the paths.

  • Index.cfm file

    Hi ,
    I am new to coldfusion and i would like to have the following
    items clarified.
    1) Why we need to have Index.cfm file
    2) What is the diff between Application.cfm and
    I removed the index.cfm file from directory and accessed the
    application and I don't find any difference
    Pls advice.

    Just to clarify/expand on the previous answer - the index.cfm
    file allows you to access a URL without actually specifying the
    file name. That is, if you point your browser to
    then the server will look for a default file in the root directory.
    The default file is typically index.html or default.html as stated
    previously. On a web server using CF files it is often index.cfm.
    The actual name of the default file is specified in the web server
    such as IIS on Windows servers.
    If you specify a URL such as the above without specifying the
    filename and there is no default file it will produce an error.
    If you do specify a filename in the URL - - then the existence of the default file
    is not an issue.

Maybe you are looking for