Re-Downloading videos at the higher quality

Is there a way to do this? I read that there was but I looked through the menus and found nothing. I'd like to upgrade my 320X240 videos to the 640x480 resolution.
Please help!

Yes I'd like this too. The album artwork is free, so an upgrade to the higher-quality videos should be as well.

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    Handbrake won't convert AVI files, But there are many more than those mentioned that will
    The choice of conversion software is a personal choice, I have around a dozen applications that will tackle AVI's, however VisualHub is not one of them, not because there is anything wrong with it but rather I have enough such applications in my arsenal already.
    I would use mpegstreamclip in most scenarios for what you are wanting to do but maybe not always. It is a good idea to have a few applications to choose from as not all do the same thing. mpegstreamclip has a few more options than some bog standard applications without becoming overburdening with choices.
    You might want to try a few applications yourself before deciding on the software for you. isquint is a free limited version of visualhub, you might want to give that a whirl to get a feeling for visualhub.
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    Here's how I use mpegstreamclip, but your AVI's may well be low quality, you shouldn't set the bitrate any higher than your source file and likely lower, you shouldn't increase the frame size either.
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    What kind of file are you editing?
    Read Bill Hunt on a file type as WRAPPER
    What is a CODEC... a Primer
    What CODEC is INSIDE that file?
    Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below... A screen shot works well to SHOW people what you are doing
    For PC or

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    I hope you are referring to Flash Player and you have installed it successfully. Ideally, you should be able to view Flash videos available in Internet.
    Do you have any issues in viewing videos?
    If so, please let us know your operating system (Windows XP, 7 or Mac) and the browser you use (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari).
    Also, let us know what you see in the following link:
    The following doc has useful information:

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    thank you

    Other than the videos on YouTube, can you post a link or URL of the videos you having problems with for us to test out for you?
    I use Firefox which has quite a few video converter add ons that allows downloads of any type of video from the net. The one I use is called +Flash Video Downloader.+
    "Is there anything else I need to have installed in order to be able to download videos?"
    The latest versions of the following:
    VLC Media Player
    Perian (AVI and FLV support)
    "I also have divx and 3ivx installed"
    You can get rid of those if you have any of the above installed.
    " Mac OS X (10.5.2)"
    Use Software Update to update your OS which is seriously out of date. The last version of Leopard I believe was either v5.6 or v5.8. Also, update all the other things listed that pertain to the OS & your model computer if applicable to your needs.

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    Log in to the Store. Click "Account" in the Quick Links area to the right of your Screen.
    When you get through to your Apple Account Information page, up the top you'll be seeing "iTunes Plus: Enabled".
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    You can use SnapZ Pro X, which will screen record with sound any animation on the monitor into a QuickTime file, but it's expensive.
    If you look for Add-ons for Firefox, there are some that download Flash and YouTube videos to a file on your machine.
    You Mac likely will come across sites and content that won't play in Quicktime, on your Mac or in your web browser unless you install additonal codecs
    You can get them here
    Flip4Mac $29
    Bookmark and download Flash from here, DO NOT trust any website telling you to install anything or follow their links.
    Flash update
    Silverlight update
    There is a FlashBack trojan making the rounds which tries to con people into installing it by looking like it's the real thing.
    Make sure your Flash (and Silverlight) is current by running these checks
    How to install
    When you click a link, a download of the installer file occurs to your Downloads Folder usually located next to your Trash Can or in your Users Folder.
    Open the folder and double click (or File: Open) the download and icon can appear on your desktop which you open and inside is a installer package which you double click on to launch the installer.
    OS X will check the download to make sure you intended to start it and that it's not malware it knows about.
    Follow the installer instructions to install the software onto your computer and quit when finished.
    Some require the browsers to be closed first, others require the machine to be restarted to enable the software.
    Once the install is completed, remove any and all downloads from your Download folder, it's safer to keep this folder empty so you can keep track of what appears in there.
    Drive by downloads of malware can occur and reside in the Downloads folder, mixing in with files residing there and await your click to install.
    For backup, restore, performance and other tips I've got, read here

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    DJ McFly
    17" PowerBook   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    If you managed to download at something other then 128kbps, you have been fortunate as there may have been some type of issue with the file. Unfortunately, I really speculate as to how you got a higher bitrate download as any speculation on Apple products or services is against the "terms of use" of these forums. The store sells downloads in protected AAC format at 128kbps ONLY, that is All they sell. You will not get a higher bitrate download as a request to re-download will get you 128kbps. Consider yourself lucky, it happened to me one time last summer with an album downloaded in what appears to be AAC 260 VBR, It hasn't EVER happened again & I'm talking about hundreds of dollars spent, after this one specific instance, on other downloads.

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    Is there any way to re-download all my old videos
    from iTunes with the new, higher resolution? Or am I
    going to be stuck with the crappy quality? Any help
    would be great, thanks.
    if you think the videos you bought are "crappy" quality then why did you buy them in the first place?

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    How to download a high quality song in itunes? because we got a system at school and the quality that i download is not good in skeakers.

    If you're referring to songs you're importing from CDs, change the default encoder to use a higher bitrate or Apple Lossless or AIFF and reimport the CDs. The format and bitrate of songs obtained from other sources are fixed; while it's sometimes useful to convert a song to a different format, it will not improve the song's quality.

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    How are you judging the quality on another device?  HD is defined by the number of pixels

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    Hi, thanks for the help. I have been using itunes with an Ipod for several years, but recently upgraded to a 60G Video Ipod. I was trying to download a couple of videos from the store last week and recieved an error message. The message was;
    "There was an error downloading your purchased music. The disk could not be read from or written to.
    Use the Check for Purchased Music command in the advance menu to try later."
    Any advice? I have been able to download music with no issues, its just the videos. When I sent an e-mail they blamed my Firewall, but I don't have one on my PC.

    I was having the same problem and got the exactly same responce from tech support, ( the tech support is a joke) Here is what I finally did to get mine to work, the probleml was with my company firewall,
    These steps worked for me:
    Go under EDIT
    Click on Preferences
    Click on Advance Tab
    Under Itunes Music Location,
    Hit Change and write down the locaton incase the new locaton does not work for you.
    Under temp hit the New Folder button
    Delete the old location ( you might not need to do this )
    Type in new location
    I used the following: C:\TEMP\Itunes
    Hit the ok and it will take a few minutes to move all your libary to new location
    Go back to Advance
    Click on the Check for Purchased
    This worked for me and I hope this helps you out
    My personal opinion is that we pay big money for these IPODS and Apple cant even support us .....What a shame!!

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    Some videos will allow downloading.
    I use Safari, and when I right-mouse click on some videos, there will be an option to download.

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