Re: FileSaveDialog

Hi Bryan,
I just tried your code (replacing YourFolder[1].Title with some simple
and taking out the YourFolder.Clear) and it worked fine for me on
Windows NT
V4.0. The behavior is a little strange... that is, you write to the
then ask you want to save it afterwards, but I assume this is just an
I suggest that you report this to Forte support.
Does anyone know how to use the FileSaveDialog? This is the code that I
have, and I am running into an error that I don't understand:
ret : integer;
theFile : File = new();
ret = self.Window.FileSaveDialog('Save your file', '*.dat', theFile, theFile);
if ret = BV_OK then
self.window.messagedialog('Your folder has been downloaded successfully.');
end if;
The error says : Windows Common Dialog failed with error code 0x3002.
If anyone has any suggestions or help, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

subhanzeeshan wrote:
Re:Reminder Pop-Ups for Recovery
Um, huh?
This section is not a "personal reminder" area... If you have a question, please post it in a form we can understand!
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    wasn't your Question answered there: /thread/84965 [original link is broken]?

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