Re-import existing photos?

I'd like to re-import photos that LR is telling me are already in a catelog and so won't let me import them. I'm sure they are already in the catelog, but I don't know where and I don't want to have to find them. How do I over-ride this? Thanks!

If the photos are already in the catalog, then there is no benefit to re-importing, plus there is significant disadvantage (you would have to edit the re-imported photos). So, please, as advice for the future, do not consider re-importing a solution.
The solution to your problem is to find the photos in your catalog. Please perform all of these steps, and you will find your photos.
Go to the Library Module (not the Import screen)
Select Photo->Stacking->Expand All Stacks
Turn off all filters (Ctrl-L once or twice)
Click on All Photographs in the Catalog Panel on the left
Search for any one of your photos by file name in the Filter Bar (use backslash to turn it on if it doesn't appear)
In the future, to use Lightroom and prevent this problem, you need to use some method of organizing the photos ... I recommend using keywords and other metadata, but some people use folders ... and then use that method of organizing to make finding your photos easy.

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    That is how it is supposed to work. iPhoto will be the photo manager and will also manage all image files. If you are using iPhoto forget about the extra folders with image files in Pictures and use only iPhoto to access the photos.
    See the user tips on how to access the photos in iPhoto from other applications:  (iPhoto for Mac)
    How to Access Files in iPhoto
    iPhoto and File Management
    Exporting From iPhoto
    If you do not want a photo manager and prefer the Finder, use PICASA.  But give iPhoto a chance. It is very versatile and in the long run much saver than letting image files sitting around in open folders. You have always access to your photos from other applications using the provided tools, like the Media Browser.

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    Hi foxifoodie,
    Unfortunately, those photos live in your iPhoto Library which was on your previous MacBook Air. Did you, by any chance back them up to a disk or flash drive? If not, have you consulted someone at the Apple Genius bar about recovering any of them, or using the Migration Assistant to get them moved over to your new MacBook Air?
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    Otherwise, foxifoodie, I would talk to the Apple folks to see if there is any way to get these back for you!  (Worst case - have them all printed out so you at least have a hard copy! Then, possibly have a good photo service put them on disk for you so you can upload them to your new MacBook Air?
    Good Luck!

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    Powerbook G4 15"   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Do you still have a copy of your V5 iPhoto Library folder? If so you might try the following.
    1 - Download and run BatChmod on the V4 iPhoto Library folder with the settings shown here, substituting your account name for mine. Then try launching iPhoto with the Option key depressed and select that new V5 library folder to open. See if that will get you over the "bad" albums.
    Did you have any unique characters in the album names, i.e. umlauts, etc.
    One a different note: there's a way to share the photos so that all of the users can have their own library, do their own edits and only have one set of original files. That is to use iPhoto in it's "alias" mode which only imports alias files for each photo into the library and leaves the original files untouched. It provides more flexibility for all users to edit photos, create slideshow and books, etc. independently of the other users. On a single Mac you would put the source files in folders inside the Shared folder. Then each user creates an alias library and imports the photos from Shared folder. Any new photos should be added to a new folder in the Shared folder so that users will know which are new. If that sounds like it might work for you look at these Tutorials. #1 will assist you to recover the keywords from your current library prior to converting over to an alias based library. Good luck.

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    Click HERE for more information on Syncing

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    Quit iPhoto and to to the iPhoto library (by default in your pictures folder) - right click (control click) on it and select show package contents - find the folder named import (on importing) and drag it to the desktop - DO NOT MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES - launch iPhoto and you will be fine.
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    Go to your Pictures Folder and find the iPhoto Library there. Right (or Control-) Click on the icon and select 'Show Package Contents'. A finder window will open with the Library exposed.
    Look there for a Folder called 'Import' or 'Importing'.
    Drag it to the Desktop. *Make no other changes*.
    Start iPhoto. Does that help?
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    ... should I be looking at a different system altogether?
    If your entire organizational goals are to continue to use your "nicely organised" folders, then why bother with the PSE Organizer in the first place? You have extra work (must import the photos) and more limitations (must do all photo management inside of the PSE Organizer), and its hard to see any benefit from using the PSE Organizer. You won't achieve any "better organization" than what you have now.
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    The amazing device cannot do it because no amazing developer has written an app for it.  There is some interest, others have asked, but i have a hunch that the market is fairly limited, and no developer has jumped at the chance just yet.
    Any sort of tethered approach means try to feed the material to the pad thru the cck.  Which means the app would have to use the allowed/existing cck pathway in a manner that does not violate the sandbox rules.  That may be the problem.

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    Bookmarks and history are stored together in your profile folder in a database file named places.sqlite. These articles should help with restoring as much or as little of your other profile as you like:
    Locating the folder: [ Profiles | How to | Firefox Help]
    The following article has suggestions for recovering bookmarks: [ Lost Bookmarks | Troubleshooting | Firefox Help].
    To move more settings, see: [ Recovering important data from an old profile].
    Hope this helps.

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    Are you shooting in raw or jpeg?
    I’m not sure there is raw support for your Sony model and you don’t say which Kodak you have. But for jpegs Lightroom will normally work.
    For your existing photos it would usually be necessary to export versions to the desktop or create new folders in Finder. Those duplicates will contain the editing adjustments you have already made and can be imported into Lightroom using “Add” in the import dialog.
    I would suggest you download Lightroom and use it free for 30 days. You can then test it to ensure it meets your needs. You can download from this link:

  • Help with importing PC photo files and then organizing it all in iPhoto

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    I'm relatively new to mac but I am just loving my purchase! I need some serious help with getting all of my photos organized though so I can easily find it for editing in iMovie.
    I've accumulated over 10,000 photos stored on my PC which I've since transferred over to my LaCie external drive for my MacBook Pro via a wireless network connecting my PC & Mac. Some of these I've put onto my laptop internal hard drive and those I've imported into the iPhoto library. However, do I need to move the rest of the photos from my LaCie drive into my internal hard drive to import the photos into iPhoto, or can I tell iPhoto to look for the files in the external drive. If so, how do I do that? I know I'll then have to create albums in order to sort them, which I know how to do. Is there any fast way to do it by date? I had it sorted into different file folders by month & year so I could easily find them on my PC and would like to do the same using albums.
    I am quickly running out of hard drive space on my laptop which is why I've put most of my photos on the external drive. Once I organize my existing collection, I would like to be able to import new pictures and have it stored on my external drive, not my internal drive. How do I do that?
    Any other tips on organizing a massive photo library would be greatly appreciated.

    Is there any fast way to do it by date? I had it sorted into different file folders by month & year so I could easily find them on my PC and would like to do the same using albums.
    This is where you get to enjoy the power of iPhoto's database. You can change the Sort in the View menu. Check out View > Sort Photos > by Date.
    Or, click the little calendar icon near the lower left corner of the iPhoto window. This allows you to filter the library by year, month, week, or date. You can Command-click to add another date to your filter. You can Option-click to choose a recurring date: you get that month or date for all years in your library. [Want to see your kid's birthday for every year? Just Option-Click that date. Cool.]
    The keywords filter is similar. There is a preference setting where you choose to filter based on ALL keywords chosen (where by choosing more keywords you narrow your field) or ANY keyword (where the more keywords you choose, the larger your field will be). Click on a keyword to filter your library by all photos containing that keyword. Use Command-click to add more keywords to the filter. A difference is that Option-click will eliminate photos with that keyword from your filter. [You can find all pictures of your kids with your dog but NOT at Halloween.]
    You can create Smart Albums to combine the use of dates, keywords, ratings, titles, comments and more. The more information you enter into the database, the more powerful the tools become.
    When your task of importing is complete and you are ready to play with iPhoto's features it may help to look at the iPhoto multimedia tutorial. Better organized than trying to read through the Help files, it can help you get acquainted with many of iPhoto's features.
    Have fun.

  • Is there a way to import the photo's in my iPhoto (9.2.1) into a folder so that I can use the Canon Solutions Menu EX software to print photos on Pixma MG5220 printer

    Is there a way to import the iPhoto (9.2.1) database of photos into a folder so that I may use Canon's Solution Menu EX software to print on a Pixma MG5220 ? I do not want to remove the existing photo's from iPhoto but transfer them to a folder that the Canon software will recognize.

    You Export photos from iPhoto -
    In iPhoto File menu ==> export - create the folder on the desktop - then use them as you wish

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