Re installed.

Had a little crash on the Mac Pro last night, so let time capsule sort it out over night.
All working now, but had to go and associate some extensions with the apps I use.......
The only thing I can't get back to how it was is pdf docs in finder used to look like ie magazine pdf or books had their covers on, but now just show as
PDF. I don't know how they showed the images on the finder folder in the 1st place.
Any ideas??
FYI jpegs and movies etc do show as images etc, just the PDFs which don't now

If you want to change the pdf appearance, do a Get Info (command - I) on a pdf file, unlock the panel if locked (lower right) and you should be able to cut and paste a new icon in the top left box.
All mine show as pdf.

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    I sorry for your experience, but there is no way to recovery the data encryped by BitLocker untill now.
    BitLocker is designed to make the encrypted drive unrecoverable without the required authentication. When in recovery mode, the user needs the recovery password or recovery key to unlock the encrypted drive. Therefore, we highly recommend
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    Please refer to the link below for the statement:
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

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  • How to Install Coldfusion 8 64-bit on Small Business Server 2008 64-bit

    How to Install Coldfusion 8 64-bit on Small Business Server 2008 64-bit
    I ran Coldfusion 8 on SBS 2003 Premium for 6 months with no problems.  When we finally decided to cut over to SBS 2008, that’s when everything went to hell.  I tried for weeks to get Coldfusion 8 to install properly on the new SBS 2008 64-bit box.  During the course which, I found bits and pieces of information for Vista 64-bit and Windows Server 2008 64-bit installations.  There are some distinct differences, however, with SBS 2008 since it runs core Web applications like OWA, RWW and Companyweb.  After countless unsuccessful attempts, one of which completed corrupted the box, I found the solution.
    I have attempted in this white paper to detail the steps to assist others who may be in a similar situation.  I don’t make any warranty for the information, but so long as you follow the steps carefully you should be fine.  BTW, for those of you who say Adobe offers free technical support for licensed users, that’s not entirely true.  Like I said, I purchased CF8 and originally installed it on an SBS 2003 Premium box.  After we cut over to SBS 2008 and encountered problems, Adobe wouldn’t provide any technical support without charging.  Moreover, based on my initial conversations with Adobe’s technical team, no one seemed to know much about running 64-bit on SBS.
    From my understanding, only two versions of Coldfusion 8 can be installed in 64-bit: Enterprise and Developer.  The “normal” install (which I paid a grand for) can only be deployed in 32-bit mode – gee, THANKS Adobe!  By the way, in Developer mode only two distinct IPs can access the site in addition to the localhost.  Any additional IPs will result in a CFML error message stating that the maximum number of IPs have been exceeded.  At any rate, take your time and follow the steps to achieve a successful installation. 
    Back Up SBS
    It’s always a good practice to backup your server before deploying any kind of major system changes.  Although this step is optional, I recommend it in case you need to restore your server for any reason.  Bear in mind, if your system ever gets totally corrupted, you cannot restore back from the twice daily incremental backup images alone.  You will need a full backup with system recovery information to restore.  Here are the basic steps:
    Click: Start > Programs > Administrative Tools.  Right-click “Windows Server Backup” and choose “Run as administrator”.
    Click “Backup Once” under Actions in the right-hand pane.
    Choose the “Different Options” radio button under Backup Options.
    Choose the “Custom” radio button.  What we’re primarily interested in here is backing up the OS – not your data partitions or attached drives.
    Select the “SYSTEM (C)” checkbox, uncheck any others.  Also, ensure that the “Enable system recovery” checkbox is selected before continuing on.
    Under ‘Specify Destination Type’, I usually select the “Local drives” radio button and point it to a Terrabyte USB drive I use for backups.  You can point this to a tape drive, or select the “Remote shared folder” radio button if you map to a UNC path to store your backup images.  Just remember, make sure that whatever path you select can readily be accessed in the event of an emergency.  Also, make sure the “Verify after writing (recommended)” checkbox is selected.
    Under ‘Specified Advanced Option’, I usually select the “VSS full backup” radio button instead of the default since I don’t use a 3rd party backup product.  If like me you rely solely on SBS for your backups, choose the full backup option.
    Confirm everything and click “Backup”.  This process may take several hours depending on the size of your system.
    Verify ISAPI Filters:
    In IIS Manager, double-click the server instance in the left-hand pane.
    In the center pane under IIS, double click the “Modules” icon to verify that the ISAPI native modules are already installed for IIS.  If it’s set up correctly you should see two entries:
    IsapiFilterModule              %windir%\System32\inetsrv\filter.dll
    IsapiModule                        %windir%\System32\inetsrv\isapi.dll
    If either of these modules are missing, you will need to re-install these (google for a solution).
    Set Up Development Environment
    Create a directory for your CFML files outside of the default Windows location (e.g., default is usually C:\inetpub\wwwroot\).  For the purpose of our install, I created a directory on a separate disk called: D:\DEV.
    Copy and paste your CFML files and directories into the new DEV root Web directory.  This will eventually be the directory where the Coldfusion installer places the CFIDE and CFDOCS folders. 
    Open IIS Manager and double-click the server instance in the left hand pane.  Expand the “Sites” folder.  Right-click the Sites folder and select “Add Web Site”.
    Enter a name in the “Site Name” box (e.g., “test-site”).  You will notice that the system will automatically create a corresponding Application Pool with the same name.  NOTE: this is important to prevent conflicts between the DefaultAppPool (needed for SBS Web apps like OWA, RWW, etc.) and the application pool needed for Coldfusion to function properly in SBS 2008.
    Point the “Physical Path” to the directory you created in step #1 above (e.g., “D:\DEV”).
    Don’t worry about testing the connection.  If you click “Test Settings” you may receive a warning that IIS cannot verify access to path (D:\DEV).  Don’t worry about this for the time being.
    Under “Host name”, enter a DNS path to your site (e.g., “”).  Click “OK”.
    Configure Application Pools for Installation
    In IIS Manager, double-click the server instance in the left-hand pane.  Click on “Application Pools” to display the list of server application pools in the center pane.
    In the “Actions” pane on the right-hand side, click “Set Application Pool Defaults”.
    Change “Enable 32-Bit Applications” - the second item from the top – from “False” to “True”, and then click “OK”.  NOTE: if you skip this step, Coldfusion will not properly create the required mappings during the install. We will change this setting back after the installation completes – more on this later.
    Modify the File for 64-Bitness
    Click: Start > Programs > Accessories.  Right-click “Notepad” and choose “Run as administrator”.
    Open the config file from within Notepad – default location: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config
    Do a search and change this one line from:
    <add name="PasswordExpiryModule" image="C:\Windows\system32\RpcProxy\RpcProxy.dll" />
    To this:
    <add name="PasswordExpiryModule" image="C:\Windows\system32\RpcProxy\RpcProxy.dll" preCondition="bitness64" />
    Restart the IIS Admin service.
    Set HTTP Compression
    According to some threads I read, the http compression module can cause errors if you don’t disable it globally. To remedy this, perform the following:
    Click: Start > Programs > Accessories.  Right-click “Command Prompt” and choose “Run as administrator”.
    At the command prompt, change directory to intetsrv by typing: cd inetsrv
    Run the following command:
    C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv>appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/httpCompression /-[name='xpress']
    This will turn off HTTP compression for all sites in IIS.
    In IIS Manager, double-click the server instance in the left-hand pane.  Double-click the “Compression” icon in the IIS section of the center pane.
    Uncheck all of the boxes, then click the “Apply” button under Actions in the right-hand pane.
    Recheck all of the boxes, then click the “Apply” button under Actions in the right-hand pane.
    Restart the IIS Admin service.  This should enable compression and coldfusion to work at the same time.
    NOTE: if for some reason you need to reverse this, run the following command from the command prompt:
    C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/httpCompression /+[name='xpress',doStaticCompression='false',dll='%windir%\system32\inetsrv\suscomp.dll']
    Download the 64-bit installation package from Adobe – filename: coldfusion-801-wind64.exe.
    Right-click the file and select “Run as administrator”.
    Accept the terms of the License Agreement.
    If you have an Enterprise license, enter it.  For our purposes, just click the “Developer Edition” checkbox.
    Select “Server configuration” – the default radio button.
    I deselected all subcomponents and can’t guarantee that you’ll arrive at the same results if you select additional items like “.NET Integrated Services”.  It should be fine, particularly if you install documentation.  My preference was to keep the install as plain vanilla as possible.
    Select the directory path for Coldfusion to install into – default is :C\Coldfusion
    THE NEXT TWO STEPS ARE CRITICAL TO YOUR SUCCESS.  Unselect “All IIS Websites” and select the “Configure specific IIS Website or another web server” radio button.  Click “Add”, and then select your test Web site (e.g., “test-site”) under “IIS Web Site”.  Hit “OK”.
    Do NOT use the default directory path for the CF Administrator location (e.g., default path: “C:\inetpub\wwwroot”).  Instead, point the installer to your new DEV root Web directory (e.g., “D:\DEV”).  The bottom line, you want the installer to place the CFIDE directory and files within this folder, alongside your other CFML files and folders.
    Enter an Administrator password.
    Choose to Enable RDS, or not.  I enable this by preference but it is not required.  This allows you to make updates to files using a CFML editor directly vs. having to move/FTP the files over if you’re working remotely.  Opponents to this argue that it’s potentially less secure, but for a lower environment I don’t see this as a major concern.
    Confirm everything to kick off the install.
    If all goes well you should see a message at the end stating that the install was successful.  I recommend you uncheck the box that asks you to open the CF Administrator in the default Web browser after the install.  NOTE: we will open it a different way during the post-installation tasks.  The worst thing that will happen if you forget to uncheck the box is that you might receive an error that the command prompt hung – not a big deal – just close it and move on to the next (final) steps.
    Verify CF Installation:
    The installation will create a new folder in your program group: Start > Programs > Adobe > Coldfusion 8.  The default “Administrator” link will not work because it points to the wrong path: The “” or “localhost” path as you may recall in IIS, points by default to the “C:\inetpub\wwwroot” directory.  Our CFIDE files, however, are located within: D:\DEV.
    To bring up the CF Administrator logon page, open up a Web browser and replace the “” part of the path with the DNS path name to your CF environment (e.g.,
    This should bring up the Coldfusion Administrator Login screen.  Enter in the Administrator password you created during the install to log in and configure your application server.
    Verify that your test-site renders correctly by typing in your test URL into a Web browser (e.g.,
    Fix Application Pool Defaults to Re-enable SBS Web Applications:
    At this point, Coldfusion Administrator and your test CMFL Web site should be working properly.  The problem is, default SBS Web applications like OWA, RWW and Companyweb will throw errors and fail to start.  Fortunately, this is easily remedied by performing the following steps:
    In IIS Manager, double-click the server instance in the left-hand pane.  Click on “Application Pools” to display the list of server application pools in the center pane.
    In the “Actions” pane on the right-hand side, click “Set Application Pool Defaults”.
    Change “Enable 32-Bit Applications” - the second item from the top – from “True” to “False” this time.  This should re-enable the SBS applications, which would otherwise result in 500 errors (e.g., OWA, RWW, Companyweb, etc.).  There is no need to restart IIS.
    Open a Web browser and test that you can once again connect to OWA, RWW and Companyweb successfully.
    In IIS click to highlight the application pool for your new site (e.g., “test-site”).  In the right-hand pane, click “Advanced Settings”.  Ensure that “Enable 32-Bit Applications” – second item from the top – is set to “True” for this application pool specifically.
    Lastly, jump up and down for joy!  Hopefully now, everything is working.  Best of luck!! ..Paul D (MCP).

    First, it would be a good idea for you to specify what distro of Linux you're using, as not all are supported by Adobe.
    Second, this is probably your problem right here:
    In a nutshell, CF expects the 32-bit version of to be in /lib, but it's probably not. You might be able to modify the installer to point to the correct location for that file, or you might be able to create a symlink to the file - but as the above link describes, creating a symlink might have negative consequences.
    As for installing CF 8 64-bit, that's only available with Enterprise, not Standard. If you want CF Standard 64-bit, you need to upgrade to CF 9.
    Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

  • HELP! Can not install Oracle 8.1.5 w/ RedHat 6.1!

    I can not get Oracle 8.1.5 to install onto Linux RedHat 6.1. The
    Oracle installation script generates several errors. I have
    tried several attempts, using different options, but they all
    generate errors.
    Please help. The Oracle Installation scripts appear to be very
    buggy... or perhaps they are incompatible with the standard
    RedHat 6.1 release. Either way, it is very frustrating.
    I have documented one of my (failed) installation attempts below.
    Does anyone have any words of wisdom?
    I am installing Oracle onto a Dell Latitude CPi PC w/ 128MB RAM,
    a 366MHz Pentium II, and RedHat 6.1 (using the standard Linux
    2.2.12-2 kernel). RedHat was installed using the standard "Gnome
    Workstation" configuration.
    The Oralce CD is labeled:
    "Oralce 8i Enterprise Edition
    Release 8.1.5
    for Linux
    (c) Oracle Corporation 1999"
    I got this CD about one week ago at Oracle OpenWorld '99 in Los
    Angeles... it should be their "latest & greatest" version so far.
    1. Pre-Installation and ./runInstall
    I created an "oracle" Unix account w/ groups "oinstall" (the
    primary group) and "dba" (a secondary group).
    I created directories /u01 through /u04, belonging to oracle.
    I setup .cshrc and sourced it, containing:
    umask 022
    setenv DISPLAY `hostname`:0
    xhost +
    setenv ORACLE_BASE /u01/app/oracle
    setenv ORACLE_HOME ${ORACLE_BASE}/product/8.1.5
    setenv ORACLE_SID cprtest
    setenv PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
    setenv NLS_LANG US7ASCII
    I downloaded jre116_v5 and installed to /usr/local/jre.
    Finally, I executed (from the "oracle" Unix account):
    cd /mnt/cdrom
    Problem: I got the error (from ./runInstall):
    Initializing Java Virtual Machine from /usr/local/jre/bin/jre.
    Please wait...
    Error in CreateOUIProcess(): -1
    : Bad address
    Workaround: Executed the following commands instead:
    cd /mnt/cdrom/install/linux
    3. and
    I selected the following options (from ./
    Source: /mnt/cdrom/stage/products.jar
    Destination: /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5
    Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition
    Typical (585MB)
    Installable Components: Oralce Intelligent Agent
    Global Database Name:
    SID: cprtest
    Directory for Database Files: /u02
    Then (when instructed by ./, I attempted to execute
    (from the
    "root" Unix account):
    cd /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5
    Problem: I got the error:
    "bash: ./ Permission denied"
    The execute bit was not set.
    Workaround: I executed:
    chmod a+x
    5. Configuration Tools
    The Oracle Installer (./ attempted to execute:
    A. Net8 Configuration Agent
    B. Oracle Database Configuration Agent
    Problem: The "Oracle Database Configuration Agent" failed with
    the following error message:
    "One or more tools have failed. It is recommended but not
    required that these tools succeed for this installation.
    You can now select these tools, read its details to examine
    why they have failed, fix those problems, and retry them.
    Or, you can click "Next" to continue."
    When I selected the "Oracle Database Configuration Agent" for
    more info, I got the following additional details (as the cause
    of the error):
    "A required command line argument is missing."
    The log file
    "/u01/app/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions.log" recorded:
    "Command which is being spawned is /usr/local/jre/bin/jre
    DBCreateWizard /createtype seed /numusers NO_VALUE /apptype
    NO_VALUE /cartridges NO_VALUE /options NO_VALUE /demos NO_VALUE
    /seedloc NO_VALUE /sid cprtest /orahome
    /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5 /orabase /u01/app/oracle /dbloc
    /u02 /clususer NO_VALUE /cluspswd NO_VALUE /nodeinfo NO_VALUE
    Invalid Exit Code. The following result code will be used for
    configuration tool: 1
    Configuration tool Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
    Workaround: There is obviously nothing I can do to fix this
    problem. It appears to be an internal bug in ./
    Therefore, I selected "Next" and executed "dbassist" directly.
    6. dbassist
    I executed:
    Problem: I got the following error:
    "JNLS Execution:oracle.ntpg.jnls.JNLSException
    Unable to find any National Character Sets. Please
    check your Oracle installation."
    Workaround: Press "OK" and ignore the error.
    7. dbassist (cont.)
    I selected the following options:
    Create database
    Copy existing database files from the CD
    Global Database Name:
    SID: cprtest
    Problem: I got the following error:
    "CD-ROM drive not detected on this system.
    Database not created."
    (Note: I've been running the installation scripts from the
    CDROM drive this entire time. "df" shows the CDROM drive
    mounted on /mnt/cdrom. "ls /mnt/cdrom" works too.)
    Workaround: Abort (which generated the additional error: "Unable
    to create database. DBCA-00003: No CD-ROM drive detected.") and
    run dbassist again, this time using different parameters.
    8. dbassist, again
    I executed "dbassist" again and selected the following options:
    Create database
    Create new database files
    Concurrently connected users: 5
    Options: Oralce interMedia, Oralce JServer, and iM demos
    Global Database Name:
    SID: cprtest2
    Create database now
    Problem: I got the following error:
    "ORA-01012: not logged on"
    Workaround: Try, try again.
    9. dbassist, one last time
    Executed "dbassist" once more and selected the following options:
    Create database
    Create new database files
    Concurrently connected users: 5
    Options: Oralce interMedia, Oralce JServer, and interMedia
    Global Database Name:
    SID: cprtest3
    Output creation script
    Then, I executed (from the "oracle" Unix account):
    cd /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/install
    setenv ORACLE_SID cprtest3
    Problem: I got the following output:
    "Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
    (c) Copyright 1997, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
    Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning and Java options
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    SVRMGR> SVRMGR> Connected.
    SVRMGR> ORACLE instance started.
    ORA-01012: not logged on
    SVRMGR> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7>
    8> 9> CREATE DATABASE "cprtest3"
    ORA-01012: not logged on
    SVRMGR> Disconnected."
    Workaround: Beats me.
    10. sqlplus
    I attempted to execute sqlplus, but got the following error
    "/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/sqlplus: Permission denied."
    The execute bit was not set.
    Workaround: I executed:
    chmod a+x /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/sqlplus
    I gave up for now... there were just too many things wrong with
    this installation, starting with the very first command I was
    supposed to execute (./runInstaller).
    I can't fathom why Oracle's installation script has so many bugs.
    Am I just doing something terribly wrong?
    Please help.

    I'm using enlightenment version 0.15.5-41, which is more recent
    than the 0.15.5-37 version (containing the Oracle installer
    patch) that you recommended. Unfortunately, it fails when using
    this version.
    I also tried installing Oracle using twm, with enlightenment
    disabled. This didn't help either.
    Furthermore, the errors that I'm encountering in the OUI are
    not just toward the end of the installation. They happen from
    the very beginning, right after I enter "./runInstall", and
    continue every step of the way.
    Calvin Mitchell (guest) wrote:
    : Check out my thread: "Assistants Failure Toward end of Oracle
    : Install" to see where i've gone with this.
    : if your running Enlightenment as your window manager you need
    : upgrade to 0.15.5-37, that will solve the OUI error.
    : Let me know if you solve any of your problems.
    : Chris Russell (guest) wrote:
    : : I can not get Oracle 8.1.5 to install onto Linux RedHat 6.1.
    : The
    : : Oracle installation script generates several errors. I have
    : : tried several attempts, using different options, but they all
    : : generate errors.
    : : Please help. The Oracle Installation scripts appear to be
    : : buggy... or perhaps they are incompatible with the standard
    : : RedHat 6.1 release. Either way, it is very frustrating.
    : : I have documented one of my (failed) installation attempts
    : below.
    : : Does anyone have any words of wisdom?
    : : I am installing Oracle onto a Dell Latitude CPi PC w/ 128MB
    : RAM,
    : : a 366MHz Pentium II, and RedHat 6.1 (using the standard Linux
    : : 2.2.12-2 kernel). RedHat was installed using the standard
    : "Gnome
    : : Workstation" configuration.
    : : The Oralce CD is labeled:
    : : "Oralce 8i Enterprise Edition
    : : Release 8.1.5
    : : for Linux
    : : (c) Oracle Corporation 1999"
    : : I got this CD about one week ago at Oracle OpenWorld '99 in
    : : Angeles... it should be their "latest & greatest" version so
    : far.
    : : 1. Pre-Installation and ./runInstall
    : : I created an "oracle" Unix account w/ groups "oinstall" (the
    : : primary group) and "dba" (a secondary group).
    : : I created directories /u01 through /u04, belonging to oracle.
    : : I setup .cshrc and sourced it, containing:
    : : umask 022
    : : setenv DISPLAY `hostname`:0
    : : xhost +
    : : setenv ORACLE_BASE /u01/app/oracle
    : : setenv ORACLE_HOME ${ORACLE_BASE}/product/8.1.5
    : : setenv ORACLE_SID cprtest
    : : setenv PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
    : : setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/lib
    : : setenv NLS_LANG US7ASCII
    : : I downloaded jre116_v5 and installed to /usr/local/jre.
    : : Finally, I executed (from the "oracle" Unix account):
    : : cd /mnt/cdrom
    : : ./runInstall
    : : Problem: I got the error (from ./runInstall):
    : : Initializing Java Virtual Machine from
    : /usr/local/jre/bin/jre.
    : : Please wait...
    : : Error in CreateOUIProcess(): -1
    : : : Bad address
    : : Workaround: Executed the following commands instead:
    : : cd /mnt/cdrom/install/linux
    : : ./
    : : 3. and
    : : I selected the following options (from ./
    : : Source: /mnt/cdrom/stage/products.jar
    : : Destination: /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5
    : : Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition
    : : Typical (585MB)
    : : Installable Components: Oralce Intelligent Agent
    : : Global Database Name:
    : : SID: cprtest
    : : Directory for Database Files: /u02
    : : Then (when instructed by ./, I attempted to execute
    : : (from the
    : : "root" Unix account):
    : : cd /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5
    : : ./
    : : Problem: I got the error:
    : : "bash: ./ Permission denied"
    : : The execute bit was not set.
    : : Workaround: I executed:
    : : chmod a+x
    : : ./
    : : 5. Configuration Tools
    : : The Oracle Installer (./ attempted to execute:
    : : A. Net8 Configuration Agent
    : : B. Oracle Database Configuration Agent
    : : Problem: The "Oracle Database Configuration Agent" failed
    : : the following error message:
    : : "One or more tools have failed. It is recommended but not
    : : required that these tools succeed for this installation.
    : : You can now select these tools, read its details to
    : : why they have failed, fix those problems, and retry them.
    : : Or, you can click "Next" to continue."
    : : When I selected the "Oracle Database Configuration Agent" for
    : : more info, I got the following additional details (as the
    : : of the error):
    : : "A required command line argument is missing."
    : : The log file
    : : "/u01/app/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions.log"
    : recorded:
    : : "Command which is being spawned is /usr/local/jre/bin/jre
    : : -Duser.dir=/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/assistants/dbca/jlib
    : : -classpath
    : 3_1_10.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/jlib/share-
    : cle/product/8.1.5/jlib/help-
    : 3_0_7.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/jlib/oracle_ice-
    : n.jar
    : : DBCreateWizard /createtype seed /numusers NO_VALUE /apptype
    : : NO_VALUE /cartridges NO_VALUE /options NO_VALUE /demos
    : : /seedloc NO_VALUE /sid cprtest /orahome
    : : /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5 /orabase /u01/app/oracle /dbloc
    : : /u02 /clususer NO_VALUE /cluspswd NO_VALUE /nodeinfo NO_VALUE
    : : /gdbName
    : : Invalid Exit Code. The following result code will be used
    : : configuration tool: 1
    : : Configuration tool Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
    : : failed"
    : : Workaround: There is obviously nothing I can do to fix this
    : : problem. It appears to be an internal bug in ./
    : : Therefore, I selected "Next" and executed "dbassist"
    : : 6. dbassist
    : : I executed:
    : : dbassist
    : : Problem: I got the following error:
    : : "JNLS Execution:oracle.ntpg.jnls.JNLSException
    : : Unable to find any National Character Sets. Please
    : : check your Oracle installation."
    : : Workaround: Press "OK" and ignore the error.
    : : 7. dbassist (cont.)
    : : I selected the following options:
    : : Create database
    : : Typical
    : : Copy existing database files from the CD
    : : Global Database Name:
    : : SID: cprtest
    : : Problem: I got the following error:
    : : "CD-ROM drive not detected on this system.
    : : Database not created."
    : : (Note: I've been running the installation scripts from the
    : : CDROM drive this entire time. "df" shows the CDROM drive
    : : mounted on /mnt/cdrom. "ls /mnt/cdrom" works too.)
    : : Workaround: Abort (which generated the additional error:
    : "Unable
    : : to create database. DBCA-00003: No CD-ROM drive detected.")
    : and
    : : run dbassist again, this time using different parameters.
    : : 8. dbassist, again
    : : I executed "dbassist" again and selected the following
    : : Create database
    : : Typical
    : : Create new database files
    : : Hybrid
    : : Concurrently connected users: 5
    : : Options: Oralce interMedia, Oralce JServer, and iM demos
    : : Global Database Name:
    : : SID: cprtest2
    : : Create database now
    : : Problem: I got the following error:
    : : "ORA-01012: not logged on"
    : : Workaround: Try, try again.
    : : 9. dbassist, one last time
    : : Executed "dbassist" once more and selected the following
    : options:
    : : Create database
    : : Typical
    : : Create new database files
    : : Hybrid
    : : Concurrently connected users: 5
    : : Options: Oralce interMedia, Oralce JServer, and interMedia
    : : demos
    : : Global Database Name:
    : : SID: cprtest3
    : : Output creation script
    : : Then, I executed (from the "oracle" Unix account):
    : : cd /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/install
    : : setenv ORACLE_SID cprtest3
    : : ./
    : : Problem: I got the following output:
    : : "Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
    : : (c) Copyright 1997, Oracle Corporation. All Rights
    : : Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    : : With the Partitioning and Java options
    : : PL/SQL Release - Production
    : : SVRMGR> SVRMGR> Connected.
    : : SVRMGR> ORACLE instance started.
    : : ORA-01012: not logged on
    : : SVRMGR> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7>
    : : 8> 9> CREATE DATABASE "cprtest3"
    : : ORA-01012: not logged on
    : : SVRMGR> Disconnected."
    : : Workaround: Beats me.
    : : 10. sqlplus
    : : I attempted to execute sqlplus, but got the following error
    : : message:
    : : "/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/sqlplus: Permission
    : denied."
    : : The execute bit was not set.
    : : Workaround: I executed:
    : : chmod a+x /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/sqlplus
    : : sqlplus
    : : I gave up for now... there were just too many things wrong
    : : this installation, starting with the very first command I was
    : : supposed to execute (./runInstaller).
    : : I can't fathom why Oracle's installation script has so many
    : bugs.
    : : Am I just doing something terribly wrong?
    : : Please help.

  • Cannot install windows 8.1 on imac 5k - apple support says "Correct, that machine can't install windows" Boot camp fail

    I have a brand new imac 5k, with 4ghz i7, 295x GPU, 3.1TB fusion drive.  Bought the machine so I could dual boot - I need windows for VR Dev work.
    I've spent the last week and a half on tech support calls with Apple Senior Tech agents, and Microsoft agents as well, and today have been told that indeed this machine cannot run windows 8.1.  Apparently Apple engineering knows about the issue, but says the problem is microsoft's.  Ugh.
    The latest iteration of the issue comes when installing 8.1 onto an external thunderbolt SSD (without even using boot camp) - I go through the EFI installer, convert the drive to GPT, format it as ntfs, but when I select the partition to install onto, the installer says it can't find the partition it just created.  Smuh? 
    I've also tried the install through boot camp.  This installation actually worked twice, but the install was unstable.  After booting back into osX, then returning to Windows, the windows install went corrupt and couldn't be repaired.  Subsequent attempts to install windows yielded a flurry of different errors, including "windows doesn't support GPT in this mode" or "the disk is locked, please unlock the disk" or "MBR must be converted to GPT" (where once I converted to GPT, the drive could no longer be found, despite the operation completing successfully.)
    At any rate, it's a huge mess.  I'd happily return the machine for a different config, but the company I bought it from will only swap it for a similar model -- so I've spent a pile on a machine that does not function as advertised; apple says "too bad, talk to Microsoft." Microsoft says "too bad, we've never seen this, this is an apple issue."
    Has anyone out there gotten windows up and running on an iMac5k with fusion drive?  If so, did you have to go through a crazy maze to make it work?
    Any help is appreciated.

    Michael Conelly wrote:
    After much gnashing of teeth, and a half dozen support calls, I'd all but given up.  I finally seem to have solved this though - sort of - by installing windows 8.1 on boot camp on an older iMac, then cloning the bootcamp disk to an external thunderbolt drive via Winclone.  That worked seamlessly, sticking to winclone's instructions, and I can boot via EFI to Windows 8.1 on the new iMac.  So far so good.
    I usually install W8.1 via EFI by using DU and a Free Space partition. The 3TB Fusion is first split into the underlying SSD/HDD physicals. OSX and Windows OSes are installed on SSD via EFI (no BCA). The OSX part and half the HDD are then used to create a new CS volume. The other HDD half becomes NTFS for non-Windows OS files. The Hybrid MBR method is completely unsatisfactory with the 3TB Fusion drive.
    How is the TB/Winclone image for performance of the OS (since pagefile.sys is also on the TB)?

  • Error Level 10: I have this error where a plugin broke that I had to remove because it was not finding it. How do i install it back so it functions?

    8/29/2014 7:15am
    It seems to me that if Microsoft's platform can not fix it with the troubleshooter that the troubleshooter sucks.  It does not know when errors are thrown so your developer sucks on creating software for errors that are popping up in your software?
    if a error is thrown in Windows 8 it should catch it upon a thrown error in programming? This hsould be a level 1 ticket. Since when I call you support for error in your product no one wants to address problems in your software and get mea tech to resolve
    The question now is how do I fix this and why is it causing me an internal error 500 for my web server install?
    I may have other issues but I need access to my web server through my browser I used fsocketopen to troubleshoot it?
    It gets back a internal 500 on Gecko process in firefox and on IE it just won't serve out the document in my web server abyss or apache? So the question is what service is broken so I can't serve my [web server] pages out? Let me go through all the event
    logs that I have with errors below?
    Under Applications:
    1) Failure to load the application settings for package microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Error Code: 10
    2) LMS Service cannot connect to Intel(R) MEI driver. Error level 1
    3) Failure to load the application settings for package microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Error Code: 3
    4) SearchIndexer (3476) Windows: The database engine attached a database (1, C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb). (Time=0 seconds)
    5) Internal Timing Sequence: [1] 0.000, [2] 0.000, [3] 0.125, [4] 0.000, [5] 0.000, [6] 0.000, [7] 0.000, [8] 0.000, [9] 0.000, [10] 0.000, [11] 0.000, [12] 0.000.
    Saved Cache: 1 0: Evenet Id level 326.
    6) SearchIndexer (3476) Windows: The database engine started a new instance (0). (Time=0 seconds)
    7) Internal Timing Sequence: [1] 0.000, [2] 0.000, [3] 0.000, [4] 0.000, [5] 0.000, [6] 0.000, [7] 0.000, [8] 0.000, [9] 0.000, [10] 0.000. eveent level 105
    8) SearchIndexer (3476) Windows: The database engine (6.03.9600.0000) is starting a new instance (0). Error Level 102
    Under Security:
    1) We might want to check this out here User Account Management changed?
    Under Setup: no errors.
    Under System below:
    1) Name resolution for the name timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded.Event level  1014
    2) Intel(R) 82567LM-3 Gigabit Network Connection
     Network link is disconnected.
    3) The system has returned from a low power state.
    Sleep Time: ‎2014‎-‎08‎-‎29T05:10:07.602701000Z
    Wake Time: ‎2014‎-‎08‎-‎29T13:13:47.945773100Z
    Wake Source: Device -USB Root Hub : Error level 1
    4) The browser has forced an election on network \Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{58565081-3013-43B6-AE07-CC89C71F6036} because a master browser was stopped. Event Id 8033.
    5) The driver \Driver\WudfRd failed to load for the device SWD\WPDBUSENUM\_??_USBSTOR#Disk&Ven_EPSON&Prod_Storage&Rev_1.00#7&2d369789&0&533536503532383375&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}. Event error 219.
    6) The driver \Driver\WudfRd failed to load for the device SWD\WPDBUSENUM\{3c83e4cf-28e9-11e4-827b-b8ac6f8aec21}#0000000000004000. Error Level Id 219.
    7) The UMDF reflector was unable to complete startup because the WUDFPf service was not found.  This service may be started later during boot, at which point Windows will attempt to start the device again. Error Id 10114.
    8) Unable to bind to the underlying transport for [::]:80. The IP Listen-Only list may contain a reference to an interface which may not exist on this machine.  The data field contains the error number. Event Id 15005.
    9) The supersafer64 service failed to start due to the following error:
    The system cannot find the file specified. Event ID 7000.
    10) The SNMP Service encountered an error while accessing the registry key SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SNMP\Parameters\TrapConfiguration. Error: 1500.
    11) The SAS Core Service service failed to start due to the following error:
    The system cannot find the file specified. 7000
    12 The World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW Service) did not register the URL prefix http://*:80/ for site 1. The site has been disabled. The data field contains the error number. 1004
    13) The driver \Driver\WudfRd failed to load for the device SWD\WPDBUSENUM\_??_USBSTOR#Disk&Ven_EPSON&Prod_Storage&Rev_1.00#7&2d369789&0&533536503532383375&0#{53f56307-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}. Error level 219
    14) Name resolution for the name timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded. Error level 1014.
    Now I need help with all these error since Windows 8 with maybe 15 applications is failing after no setup errors? What would cause these we need to find out? Since I can not use your product with so many developer errors? and to put out a products that doesn
    work is pointless? So please call me and have some help me through the errors and tell your support to stop ignoring the errors that broke the products?
    Sincerely, William Dunlap {removed} N. Academy blvd, 201, Colorado Springs, CO 80910 http:\\
    {removed}.  I need a tech to help me get my web server up?

    So now you don't release the security breaches in windows 8. You mean to tell me that you can use Powershell - Using WMI to breach security in VB apps on the web by getting my file structures?
    What is this all about?
     1 Set VPN NIC Settings
        2 Get Network Data from servers
    Set VPN NIC Settings
    $error.clear | out-null
    $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
    if ( $Args.Count -ne 1 ) { "
    Not enough arguments
    Usage :
        script.ps1 server
    "; exit }
    $server = $Args[0].ToLower()
    "We are working with $server"
    $netAdapt = get-wmiobject -class Win32_NetworkAdapter -computer $server
    if (!($netAdapt)) {  
        "Failed to connect to the target server!"
    foreach ($card in $netAdapt) {
        IF (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($card.NetConnectionID))) {
            if ($card.NetConnectionID.CompareTo("VPN Virtual NIC") -eq 0) {
                $myID = $card.DeviceID
    $NAC = [wmi]"\\$server\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.index='$myid'"
    "Setting DNS Toggles"
    $dnsToggle = $NAC.SetDynamicDNSRegistration(0,0)
    if ($dnsToggle) {
        } else {
    $strShowNicKeyName = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\$guid\connection"
    $reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $server)
    $regKey= $reg.OpenSubKey("$strShowNicKeyName",$true)
    $showIcon = $regKey.GetValue("ShowIcon")
    if (!($showIcon -eq 1)) {
        "The icon is hidden.. Setting it now"
        $setIcon = $regKey.SetValue('ShowIcon',1,'DWORD')
       } else {
        "The icon is visible already."
    "Script Ends"
    Get Network Data from servers
    $myfile = get-content servers.txt
    echo "Server    IPs    Subnet    GW" | out-file "Results.txt" -Append
    foreach ($server in $myfile) {
        Write-Host "Looking at $server"
        $colitems = Get-WmiObject win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -computer "$server" -Filter 'IPEnabled = "True"' | select ipaddress,ipsubnet,index,defaultipgateway
        foreach($objItem in $colItems) {
        Write-Host ""
        $myip = $objItem.IPAddress -join " "
        $mySubnet = $objItem.IPSubnet  
        $myGW = $objItem.DefaultIPGateway
        $temp = $objItem.index
        $myid = Get-WmiObject win32_NetworkAdapter -computer "$server" -Filter "index = $temp" | select  netconnectionid
        $myid = $myid -replace "@{netconnectionid=",""
        $myid = $myid -Replace "}",""
        echo "$server    $myip    $mySubnet    $myGW    $myid"
        echo "$server    $myip    $mySubnet    $myGW    $myid"  | out-file "Results.txt" -Append
    Is this possible on any machine with power shell and if so how is access done?
    William Dunlap

  • [Guide] Install and run Windows 7/8 from an external drive without using bootcamp (works for late 2012 iMacs with 3TB drive)

    This is a copy of a post from my blog, you can also Read it on my blog...
    After I received my new iMac with a 3 TB Fusion Drive, I was disappointed when I realized that Bootcamp was not running on this model and prevented me from installing Windows on it. I wanted to take advantage of the powerful iMac hardware to play games but I couldn't.
    There are a few ways of working around this limitation, but I found most of them quite complex and most of the time they required formatting the internal hard drive or repartitioning it and go for a brand new installation of Mac OS X. I was not comfortable with that.
    But there is another way, and that is to install Windows on an external hard drive, using either USB or Thunderbolt. Personally I used a Lacie Rugged 1 TB drive that has both USB3 and Thunderbolt connectors. Both work very well.
    This guide may interest you if:
    You have an internal hard drive of more than 2TB and you can't run bootcamp at all (like late 2012 iMacs with a 3TB drive)
    You have limited space or you don't want to dedicate disk space on your internal hard disk drive to a Windows installation
    What this guide will make you do:
    It will make you erase all your data from your external USB3/Thunderbolt hard drive
    It will make you install Windows on your external USB3/Thunderbolt hard drive
    It will make you install bootcamp drivers
    What this will not make you do:
    It will not make you modify anything on your internal Mac hard drive
    It will not make you use or install the bootcamp assistant
    It will not activate the Preference Pane for the default boot drive. You have to boot by pressing the ALT key to manually select your boot drive each tome you want to boot Windows.
    What you'll need
    An external hard drive with a USB3 and/or Thunderbolt connector. This drive will be formatted so ensure you saved your files before going further. You can use either an SSD drive or a classic hard drive.
    A Windows 7 or 8 install DVD or ISO (check whether to install 32 or 64 bits versions based on your Bootcamp drivers) and the corresponding Windows serial number.
    One of the following:
    Mac OS X with a Windows 7 or 8 Virtual Machine (use VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop for example. Note: VMWare Fusion seems to have some issues with Thunderbolt and USB3. Plug your drive to a USB2 enclosure or hub to work around this -it worked for me-, or use another VM software) → Read the important note below
    A PC running Windows 7 or 8 → Read the important note below
    Windows AIK (free) running on your Virtual Machine or on your PC, or just the imagex.exe file (the rest of the Windows AIK package is not needed)
    Download imagex.exe
    Download Windows AIK (this download and installation is not required if you have already downloaded imagex.exe)
    Bootcamp drivers for your Mac. You can get these either by running bootcamp from your Mac (Applications > Utilities > Bootcamp) or, if like me you have a 3TB drive and can't run bootcamp at all, use the direct download links here.
    A USB stick to store your bootcamp drivers
    IMPORTANT: If your Mac has a 64 bits processor, your Windows Virtual Machine on OSX, your Windows installation on your PC and your Windows DVD/ISO must also be in 64 bits!
    Step by Step guide
    Step 1: Get the install.wim file
    If you have a Windows ISO file:
    Mount the ISO
    If you're on OS X: double click on the ISO file
    If you're on on Windows 7: Use a software like Virtual Clone Drive (free)
    If you're on Windows 8: double click on the ISO file
    Open the mounted drive, then go to the "sources" folder and locate the "install.wim" file. Save this file to C:\wim\ on your Windows installation or virtual machine.
    If you have a Windows DVD: open the "sources" folder on the DVD and locate the "install.wim" file. Save this file to C:\wim\ on your Windows installation or virtual machine.
    IMPORTANT: If instead of a "install.wim" file, you have "install.esd", you can not continue this step by step guide. And an ESD file can not be converted into a WIM file. So you must get a version of the Windows installation DVD/ISO that has an install.wim file.
    Step 2: Clean, partition and format your external hard drive
    On your Windows installation or virtual machine, plug in your external hard drive (can be plugged using USB2, USB3 or Thunderbolt at this stage)
    Open the command prompt in administrator mode (cmd.exe). To run it in administrator mode, right click on cmd.exe > Run as admin.
    Type the following and hit enter to open the disk partitioner utility:
    diskpartType the following and hit enter to list your drives:
    list disk
    This will display a list of disks mounted on your computer or virtual machine. Make sure your drive is listed here before you continue.Identify the disk ID of your external hard drive. Replace # by your real external disk ID in the command below:
    select disk #Clean all partitions by typing the following (warning: this will erase all data from your external drive!):
    Create the boot parition by typing the following followed by the enter key:
    create partition primary size=350
    This will create a 350MB partition on your external driveFormat the partition in FAT32 by typing the following:
    format fs=fat32 quick
    Set this partition to active by typing:
    Assign a letter to mount this partition. We will use letter B in our example. If B is already used on your PC, replace B by any other available letter:
    assign letter=b
    Windows will detect a new drive and probably display a pop-up. Ignore that.Create the Windows installation partition using all the remaining space available on the external drive by typing the following:
    create partition primary
    Format the new partition in NTFS:
    format fs=ntfs quick
    Assign a letter to mount this partition. We will use letter O in our example. If O is already used on your PC, replace O by any other available letter:
    assign letter=o
    Windows will detect a new drive and probably display a pop-up. Ignore that.Exit the disk partitioner utility by typing:
    Step 3: Deploy the Windows installation image
    Still using the command prompt in admin mode (you didn't close it, did you? ), locate the imagex.exe file mentioned in the "What you'll need" section and access its folder. In our example, we have put this file in C:\imagex\imagex.exe
    Type the following and hit enter (remember to replace o: with the letter you have chosen in the previous step):
    imagex.exe /apply C:\wim\install.wim 1 o:
    This will take some time. The Windows installation image is being deployed to your external driveOnce done, type the following to create the boot section (remember to replace o: and b: with the letters you've chosen in the previous step):
    o:\windows\system32\bcdboot o:\windows /f ALL /s b:
    If you get an error message saying that you can't run this program on your PC, then most probably you are running on a 32 bits installation of windows and you're trying to deploy a 64 bits install. This means you did not read the important notes in the beginning of this guide
    If you get an error message on the options that can be used with the BCDBOOT command, then it's because you're installing Windows 7, and the /f option is not supported. If that is the case, remove /f ALL from the command and retry.
    Step 4: Boot from your external drive and install Windows
    Plug in your external drive:
    If you've done all the previous steps from a Windows PC, unplug your external drive from your PC and plug it to your Mac, either on a USB3 or a Thunderbolt port.
    If you've done all the previous steps from your Mac using a Virtual Machine, ensure the external drive is plugged in to a USB3 or Thunderbolt port. Using USB2 should also work but you'll get very poor performance so I don't recommend doing that.
    Reboot your Mac and once the bootup sound is over, immediately press the ALT (option) key and release it only when the boot drives selection screen appears. If you did not get the boot drives selection screen, reboot and try again. The timing to press the ALT (option) key is quite short. It must not be too early or too late.
    On the boot selection screen, choose "Windows" using the arrow keys on your keyboard, then press enter.
    The Windows installation starts. Follow the on-screen instructions as normal. The installation program will restart your computer one or 2 times. Don't forget to press ALT (option) right after the bootup sound, and boot on Windows again each time to continue the installation.
    Step 5: Install bootcamp drivers
    Once the Windows installation is complete, plug in the USB stick where you stored the bootcamp drivers (see "what you'll need" section), open it and right click on "setup.exe" and select "Run as admin". Follow the on-screen instructions.If you have an error saying that you can't run this program on this PC, obviously you have installed a 32 bits version of Windows and the bootcamp drivers for your Mac are made for a 64 bits version. You have to restart the whole guide and make sure to get a 64 bits version of Windows this time!
    Once the bootcamp drivers are all installed, reboot and press ALT (option) after the bootup sound to boot on Windows again. And Voilà, you have Windows installed on your USB3/Thunderbolt drive running on your Mac.
    Now each time you want to boot on Windows, press and hold the ALT (option) key after the startup sound and select "Windows", then press Enter.

    Hi i'm trying to follow your guide, I installed windows 8 on bootcamp to do it planning to remove it after the operation is done, but i get stuck at part 3: every command i give to imagex i get a pop-up ftom windws asking how do I want to open this kind of file install.wim and imagex does nothing, what do i have to do to stop those pop-ups?

  • How large of a hard drive can I install on dual G5, and do I need more RAM?

    I recently had a situation in which my dual-processor 2.0 G5 was completely refurbished by Apple repair-new logic board, both processors, video card, thermistor, all new. Finally it has been working well after a month of trips back and forth from the Apple store. I have two internal hard drives installed on my G5, both 300GB, one for OS applications, and one for audio. I am running out of space on my main hard drive, and so I recently purchased a Maxtor 1TB hard drive, now manufactured by Seagate, from Fry's. After having my G5 refurbished, I was having an issue with my Samsung 930B monitor going into sleep mode when I boot-up from a CD, but other than that G5 was working fine. I removed the main 300GB hard drive from slot #1 and put it into slot #2, from which I had removed my audio hard drive. I installed the Maxtor drive in slot #1 and reformatted it for Mac using my laptop with ATA/USB cables previously purchased for data transfer. This took about 14 hours as I used the "zeros" option. After that I hooked up the internal cables to both drives and tried to boot up from Leopard in order to install it on the Maxtor drive, but again my monitor went into to sleep mode. We went to the Apple store to try to see if there was an issue with the computer, but everything worked fine with their monitors and CD's, as well as my CD. So there is some kind of issue with my monitor, probably software as it works fine when booting up from the main hard drive, and also was fine when I did its self-test function. While at the Apple store, they installed Leopard from their hard drive which took about 30 minutes.
    My problem is this: When I arrived home, I turned on my G5, which had been set to boot from my new Maxtor drive and complete the Leopard setup process, which we had decided to do at home as it would have taken another 20 minutes in the Apple store. The G5 turned on, chimed, I got the Apple screen with the wheel, but then after that my monitor goes into sleep mode. I can hear Leopard's setup intro playing through the speakers, but the screen is in sleep mode. So I reboot holding down the option key so I can boot up from my old (300GB) main hard drive, now in slot #2. This works and the monitor screen does not go to sleep. However, as I am browsing on the web to check for issues concerning this monitor, the G5 freezes, and I get a screen with black bars with writing in them and various technical language across the screen. This happened several times after rebooting. Finally I shut the computer down. I am going to try removing the new hard drive and putting both old ones back in and see if the G5 stops crashing. I think the monitor issue is a separate issue, and I am more concerned with the crashing, as previous to the new hard drive installation the G5 was working fine, monitor fine, other than the issue when booting up from a CD. Do I need more memory? Is the 1TB hard drive too large for my dual-processor 2.0 G5 and overloading it? Would I be better off with a 500GB drive? Would appreciate advice from persons with experience in this area. Thank you.

    I have replaced my 5 year old G5 with a Mac Pro, as the G5 just had too many issues, even after replacing all major components (logic board, both processors, video card, etc.) Once I took out the 1 TB hard drive from my old G5, it stopped having the kernel panic issue. Nonetheless I had been through a lengthy repair process previous to this issue, so I didn't care to trust an older machine any longer, especially since being told by an Apple tech that the "new" parts were really just older parts stockpiled from a central location. Could be new, could be refurbished. Apple was kind enough to credit the money we had spent on the G5 repairs towards the purchase of my Mac Pro.

  • How can I install to a drive other than C?

    I installed the CS6 Master Collection trial version. During the installation, I specified a destination folder on my D: drive (C: is a small SSD drive meant to hold only Windows).
    For the 32-bit versions of the programs, the shortcuts created in the Start Menu point to the D: location I specified during installation, but clicking on them gets me a "file not found" error, because the actual programs were placed on the C: drive. They work if I copy the installed Adobe folder and its full contents over to the appropriate D: location.
    The 64-bit versions are a different mess: Unlike with the 32-bit versions, the installer placed the 64-bit versions of the programs in the specified D: drive folder, but when I attempt to start the programs, I get the "Configuration Error: Please uninstall and reinstall the program; Error: 1" message. Presumably this is because some of the configuration files or settings the programs are looking for are actually pointing to locations on the C: drive, where the installer put them despite my directions. But I have no idea which files or settings they are, or how to find them.
    How can I fix these configuration errors and get the 64-bit versions working?
    If anyone from Adobe sees this, can you please fix the installer so that it installs the ENTIRE package where I specified, and that all the various pieces installed know where the rest of the pieces are in a non-C drive installation?
    My system:
    Windows 7 SP1
    Intel Core i7, 8GB RAM
    C drive: 60GB SSD (Windows system files)
    D drive: 1TB HDD (All other programs and files, including my Windows User folders)

    Yes, I have redirected my User folder to the D: drive.
    I know that some shared components must reside on the C: drive; that's fine. I just don't have room for the entire installation on there.
    The real issue here is that, when a drive other than C: is selected as the destination, the CS6 package installs into a broken state every time, out of the gate, on my system. Some components get installed to D: and some to C:, but the various components of the programs seem confused about what exists where, as shown below:
    I select a folder on D: as the destination folder for the install, and here is what I get:
    64-bit versions of the package -- Program files are installed to the D: drive as specified, but attempting to start them results in a configuration error message stating that the program must be uninstalled and reinstalled, and lists "Error code: 1".
    32-bit versions of the package -- Program files are installed to the C: drive against what I specified. The shortcuts installed in the Start menu for the 32-bit versions point to the locations where these program files SHOULD be, on the D: drive. If the Adobe folder containing the program files is copied over to the correct location on D:, these programs function normally with no errors.
    I have the 32-bit versions working by copying the program files from C: to D:. I just want to get the 64-bit versions working as well.
    Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated; I'm really looking forward to testing the CS6 suite on my system!

  • I tried to install latest OS update. Recd error installing. IT tried to load the upgrade in Safe Mode. Now system will not boot up. IT says I have to do a clean install which loses all data.

    After receiving an error when I try to install the latest update of OS-X, I took my laptop to oour schools IT dept. They tried to run the update in safe mode and then they got an error saying the system could not find the hard drive. Now they want to run a clean install which loses 1000's of docs and pictures. I have Block I exams in med school next Monday and all of my notes and slides are on that hard drive.
    The IT dept took the hard drive out and tried to back it up and they said they other computer could not connect or find my hard drive.
    Major panic....
    I have Norton antivirus and have never found any viruses on the system. I also have a program called ExamSoft which some other students here have noted they had similar crashes. Not sure if that is the issue...

    Several take home messages here:
    always back up before you update.
    always back up anything you don't want to lose. Kind of like flossing. Only floss the teeth you don't want to lose.
    Norton is very, very bad software, and you should get rid of it.
    You don't need antivirus software on your mac. Antivirus software on macs causes more trouble than it is worth.
    Your hard drive may be failing and thus may not be salvageable.
    You could try booting into the recovery partition and seeing if you can repair your hard drive.
    If that doesn't work, then there is a small chance that a third party utility (like Disk Warrior or TechTool) might be able to fix your drive (if it is not failing).
    If that doesn't work, you may be able to send your drive and a lot of cash to a drive recovery service and see if they can get your files off it.
    In the mean time, get notes and slides from a (smart) friend.

  • Install of 8.6 or 9.0 freezes

    Tried searching for a bit, but I didn't see anything in this forum that helped. If I missed something, I apologize--please point me in the right direction!
    Got out the old beige G3 to play around with the other day. I decided I wanted to attempt to install OSX on it since I've got a zif 1Ghz upgrade sitting around and some extra hard drives.
    My tale begins with a fairly stock G3. The original (I'm guessing) 6GB hard drive is an Apple OEM drive, but it has passed on. It had OS 9 on it and was running fine. Since the drive died, I decided to start with a new hard drive and 8.6 since the tower (by the way, it's a Rev. A) came with 8, right? I figured, perhaps wrongly, that the best path to OSX would be by running all the proper updates through OS 9. Sounds like 10.2 is fairly stable for the G3 tower without lots of tweaking, so that's what I was shooting for.
    Well, here's what I did to prepare the drive and computer:
    Pull extra RAM
    Pull personality card (only card installed)
    Replace PRAM battery
    Set drive and CD-ROM to master
    Boot to open firmware (set-defaults, reset-all)
    Reset with p-r-opt-cmd dance
    Then I booted to the 8.6 install disk. I ran disk setup and initialized the 80GB ATA drive (WD Caviar) with two partitions (7GB and 73GB roughly) since I was planning on working my way up to OSX and have read about the 8GB partition limitation. Just in case I installed the drivers for the disk with drive setup after I initialized it.
    Restart, boot to 8.6 install disk. Run the installer, selecting the ~7GB partition. It freezes with four minutes left. That's not good!
    I had three RAM modules, so I started from scratch and ran the whole procedure from top to bottom with each module. Same thing.
    Tried the OS 9 install disk. At this point, I was a little frustrated. Maybe my install disk was messed up. Nope. OS 9 install freezes with seven minutes left every time.
    Is it possible that all three RAM modules are corrupt? This computer has been sitting for quite some time. The PRAM battery was toast, hence the replacement. Oh, and by the way, the only things hooked up are the CD-ROM and hard drive. No ZIP or floppy attached during the installation attempts.
    Am I missing something super obvious?
    Thanks for taking the time to read this poor tale. I look forward to being enlightened.

    Jon - My goal now is to get this machine back to where it was in the not so distant past. I'd prefer not to start pouring money into it if I'm not sure that it will work. I'll keep that in mind if I do find a solution to my problem, or if I can fairly definitively narrow my problem down to the motherboard.
    BDAqua - Thanks. I knew the reset-nvram didn't work on this firmware, and I--probably mistakenly--assumed that doing the p-r-opt-cmd dance took care of that reset. I'll try that in about an hour.
    While I'm sitting around, I decided to test one more variable--the CD-ROM drive. Booted to the OS9 disk and initialized my 80GB disk. Then I used Disk Copy to copy the CD to a later partition. I'll install 8.6 until it freezes. Believe it or not, it'll show the flashing disk with question mark, and eventually boot 8.6. This is not so with OS9. If I let that install until it freezes, it won't boot at all. So I'll try to boot up 8.6 with another hard drive attached, and attempt to run the OS9 installer to install on the other hard drive. At this point I'm grasping at straws. I'm not even sure the installer will run if it's not on a CD.
    So I'll try the reset after this (probably fails).

  • I have formatted my SSD and hard drive.... I am running a clean install from disk of 8.1 pro. I cannot determine if it is a compatibility

    issue or hardware issue. I had run a memory test and scan disk for bad sectors from the bios. As administrator, I enabled automount  in diskpart to allow windows to assign a drive name. 
    From the bios, I can see both drives and only the ssd. I have not pinpointed when the harddisk is unmounted. It is formatted as NTFS. I can hear it unmount either during boot or upon waking from sleep mode. The bios sees no bad sectors nor does windows.
    However, when I had the intel compatibility software installed, my hard drive never mounted. I did a restart and inorder for windows to see my hard drive. I disabled the intel software for the 4th gen i7 processor. This problem is happening less often. I do
    not think I have solved the problem. Intel or Windows... I think a bit of both. 
    If there is a software patch, please guide me to it. I am in school and use my laptop ALL the time. I believe it is a compatibility issue. I have attached this from searching intel's site for downloads and windows is up to date. 
    I am quite concerned because I can hear my harddrive unmount. It is labeled as healthy NTFS partition. I have checked for hidden volumes and done everything I know to do to check the integrity of the hardware as administrator. I have searched microsofts
    libraries and forums and have done everything I can find as suggestions. 
    I have checked for malware, viruses, etc. My only clue this is going to happen is the hard disk spins up and I hear the fan, then I hear it unmount the drive. Of course, after unmounted there are other issues which I have ruled out as the cause of the problem.
    Basically, I am experiencing a lack of swap space after my hard drive unmounts.
    Any suggestions, are welcome! I would really like to know if this is a known windows issue. I should not have to disable intel's processor software. I paid for the features of the i7 and would like to utilise the processor.

    According to your descriptioin, I don't think this is system problem, it should be Intel driver problem. It would be contact Intel to confirm this issue whether this is their driver problem.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

  • I install iTunes on Windows 7 64-bit, it opens, it crashes

    The subject says it all, pretty much.
    - I install the latest iTunes (downloaded 01/31/2014)
    - I open it, then go to iTunes store, and it hangs itself after login
    - I open it, then close it, then hold SHIFT and double-click, as I want the library on a separate drive. I can select the drive, but in the meantime, the program hangs itself. In this case, onlt for about 30 minutes. Then it asks if I want to see the tutorials. I try to close it. It's been running in this state for over 8 hours now.
    I've tried uninstalling everything related to itunes, even removing all files from the registry. Each time I install, I get the same result. I have not prior install history left on this PC, as no install had been ever authorized when I had it on this machine for a few days back 3-4 months ago. The machine I used before has been repurposed, and doesn't have the software anymore... But it's also Windows 7 64-bit
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    When I run the iTunes64setup.exe it says: "The thingy is not a valid win32 application."
    That generally indicates that the installer has been getting damaged on the download.
    What web browser have you been using for downloading the iTunes64Setup.exe? Does it make any difference if you use Firefox instead of IE for the download (or vice versa)?

  • Install Windows 8.1 Pro on Mac Mini Late 2014

    I'm trying to install Bootcamp on my Mac Mini.  Windows reports that it cannot install or create a partition on the drive after formatting the BOOTCAMP partition as NTFS.
    This is my setup:
    1. Mac Mini Late 2014 with 2TB Fusion Drive.
    2. Windows 8.1 Pro x64 full version ISO downloaded from Microsoft Store.
    3. Sandisk Extreme Flash Drive (I have tried both 16GB and 64GB).
    4. Bootcamp partition = 500GB.
    5. Other USB devices plugged in: Corded USB Mouse and Apple Extended Keyboard (both of which are required to enter the serial number and navigate the installer window).
    6. No additional storage devices of any kind are connected aside from the internal Fusion drive and the installer drive.
    7. Booting from the EFI portion of the Bootcamp created Windows installer.
    I have read that I should try using a USB 2 flash drive rather than a USB 3 flash drive, so I will try that next.  I fail to understand how this could make any difference.
    If you have any other tips, please let me know.
    I have installed or helped other people install bootcamp many times over the course of the past 2 years.  Every single time it has caused endless headaches and literally weeks of wasted time.
    I have read endless posts on what is causing these problems.  I will consider summarising these for anyone else having the same problems.  Everyone has their theory so far about this Bootcamp nightmare, but so far there doesn't appear to be any one magic solution.
    Apple's inability to address the issue suggests that the problem may be with the Windows installer.  Perhaps Microsoft is deliberately causing this?
    I suspect the two most likely causes of these issues are the downloaded ISO or the Thumb Drive.
    If you have any better idea, please let me know.
    On another topic, how to I rename the NTFS partition back to BOOTCAMP?  All options to rename this partition are greyed out in Disk Utility...

    Paul@Sydney wrote:
    7. Booting from the EFI portion of the Bootcamp created Windows installer.
    The FAT32/NTFS partition is usually not adequate for an EFI install. You can delete the BCA-created partition and create a Disk Utility partition which is formatted as Free Space. This will be split into an MSR and MSD. Fusion drives create problems, especially if the BC partition lies outside the traditional MBR 2TB boundary.
    Before you delete the BCA-created partition, please post the output of
    diskutil list
    diskutil cs list
    sudo gpt -vv -r show /dev/disk0
    sudo gpt -vv -r show /dev/disk1
    I have read that I should try using a USB 2 flash drive rather than a USB 3 flash drive, so I will try that next.  I fail to understand how this could make any difference.
    Windows installers up to W8.1 do not have USB3 drivers. These are installed after Windows is installed and BC drivers are in place.
    Apple's inability to address the issue suggests that the problem may be with the Windows installer.  Perhaps Microsoft is deliberately causing this?
    The requirements are pretty strict when installing Windows. Any deviations cause headaches and grief.
    I suspect the two most likely causes of these issues are the downloaded ISO or the Thumb Drive.
    The USB is usually the issue.
    On another topic, how to I rename the NTFS partition back to BOOTCAMP?  All options to rename this partition are greyed out in Disk Utility...
    After Windows is fully installed and BC drivers are in place, log into Windows, right click on it and rename it on the Windows side. It cannot be renamed on the OSX side with diskutil renameVolume. Here is an example sequence. You cannot rename volume during the installation process.

  • Install win 8.1 error looking for disk

    I have a new Mac Mini w/ Mavericks OS.  I have been trying to install Win 8.1 for days.  I had a keyboard on order, finally came today to allow me to Recover the Mac from a failed Win 8.1 install.  I have read hundreds of conversations on this topic. And to air one question constantly asked, 'Why! Why is it that there are dozens of different ways people are having to use to install one program? Why?!?'
    I am able to get to the page in Windows setup where I am to select the drive called BOOTCAMP. 
    I select the drive
    I then FORMAT the drive
    Then I am told that drive - or any installation for Windows drive - is NOT found or available.
    I've gotten to this screen a dozen times now.
    I have arrived there by two methods  1) following the 'book' on Win 8.1 installation via BOOTCAMP  and  2) Once here I shut the machine down and reboot with CTRL-key at restart -> select the WINDOWS drive from those available -> then follow the Windows install panels.  Which, every time leads me right back to this page.
    A note about this page.  Every online tutorial, including the one on the Windows site and here on Apple forums, shows a DIFFERENT layout of the page. The tutorials show a page with a link to click for Advanced settings.  My window just shows those Advanced settings.  I don't see how this makes the process work or not, but that's a peculiarity of my setup woes compared to the instructions that exist.
    NOW .. HOW in the name of all that is sensible!! -- do I get from the page where I select the partition I need to install Win 8.1 on..?
    Again ..PLEASE!!! DO NOT retroute me through all the old settings everyone has been hashing about since September 2013.  I need to know What Works NOW - January 2014- to get Windows 8.1, installed and working on my Mac Mini running latest version of Mavericks.
    Thank you ... I HOPE!

    Windows 8.1 is not yet officially supported in Bootcamp. There is no way to know when it will be supported.
    Having said that some systems will install it and it runs fine, though these systems appear to be few and far between.
    The only advice I can give is to try some of the workarounds available on various sites or wait until it is supported by Bootcamp.

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