Re : opportunity & Sub opportunity

any one could differentiate opportunity and sub opportunity with example.
Sathish Prabhu.

You can link opportunities to each other, and thus connect sales projects and opportunities that are related to each other. This is particularly useful if you split a sales project into several sub projects, but you want all sub projects to be linked to the main sales project.
You can later display the links in the master and sub-opportunity, and branch to the linked opportunity directly.
Opportunity hierarchies are especially useful, if you:
·       Wish to combine several sales projects that are connected
·       Wish to clearly structure sales projects that consist of several subprojects
To be able to use these you will have to define an  object relationship profile in Customizing to specify which objects can be linked to an opportunity (for example, sub-opportunities). In this activity, you can also specify which relationships should be displayed on the Details tab page, and which should also be displayed in the product table on the Products tab page. You then assign the object relationship profile to the required transaction type.
Two types of links are possible:
1.  Linking Opportunities
A master opportunity is linked to by a sub-opportunity at header level.
This is useful, if you wish to group several corresponding sales projects (for example, projects in different countries), and you wish to assign these to a master opportunity.
Linking Opportunity Items to an Opportunity
2. The item for a master opportunity is linked to a sub-opportunity.
This procedure is recommended, for example, if you wish to manage a central opportunity, but you wish to have separate opportunities for the products contained in it. This allows you to enter all detailed information (for example, your own sales methodology) for all relevant opportunities as u201Csub projectsu201D.
You can also enter your own items for the sub-opportunity.

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    Hi Raghu,
    The relationship profile is more like a determining characteristic/control set. If the profile allows something (example - add a sub opportunity, allow multiple subsequent assignments etc), then this action is allowed in the transaction. This action updates the document flow. Once subsequent object is created, the only link that is between the two transactions at the technical/system level is the document flow.
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    Hi Vijay,
    Can you try function module CRM_DOC_FLOW_READ_DB?
    By giving opportunity GUID it will return associated information.
    Kind regards,

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    You can get an Incontext report under the opportunity that is IS PROMPTED by the Account on the opportunity as you can pass the Account ID from the Opportunity object.
    To try and also get the products to be filtered might not be possible in OnDemand as you might not be able to easily pass all the Product IDs to the In Context Reports.
    The web applet url & html will be like this
    url as"Account ID"&P3=%%%Account_Id%%%&Options=rfd
    'POD' is your actual pod
    'ABCDE' is your company number
    'OpptyInsightsaAccountwithAccountIDasIsPrompted' is your report name with
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    Web Applet HTML as
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    Thank you and best regards

    Hello Vanessa,
    This is a fresh development for my current customer which is not yet completely tested. The last customer had the same requirement, created an OSS-message for it, SAP told him in standard it is not possible and gave up. I think I already heard that too many selection parameters are not supported but I haven't seen it yet in our project. But I have seen that with mabye 100000 excluded transactions there is a time out.
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    Best regards,

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    Krgds, Eva

    HI Eva,
    Even i did the same thing for my project. Updating the Sub contract status, with whatever the master contract has got.
    SO i used the ORDER_SAVE badi, and called a FM , where i wrote the logic to update the subcontract.
    So u can also do the same thing, by coding in the ORDER_SAVE badi, what ever logic u want.
    Reward points if helpful.

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                           ii) Source Opportunity to Sub-Opportuntiy
                           iii) Source Opportunity to Activity
                           iv)Lead to Opportunity.
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    Thank you.

    Hi Kitcha,
    I m not very much clear about what u required exactly but if u want to create Opportunity transaction with same Customer and other data i.e. from A to B and vice versa you can simply use Copy Control for transaction.
    SPRO->Customer Relationship Management->Transactions->Basic Settings->Copying Control for Business Transactions

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    Hi Karunakar,
    The Customizing Object for the Opportunities are :
    CRM_DNL_OPPORTH - Header details
    CRM_DNL_OPPTYPE - Sub Types
    CRM_DNL_OPPIPOR - Classes
    CRM_DNL_OBJREF - Links
    For the Transaction Type  : the following customizing is used  : CRM_DNL_OPPORTH - Header details
    Best Regards,
    Vignesh Ravikumar

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    - Jas

    Hello Jasendu,
    The best way to implement this is to maintain a single Sales Role with all the sub catagories ('Lead Management' , 'Opportunity Management' ) and apply role filtering concept according to the users. That way you need to maintain a single Sales role. Check out the below blog for more details abour role filtering.
    Filtering Role Content by User Attributes
    Or else, you can create three different roles, one for each 'Lead Management' , 'Opportunity Management'  and other containing both of them and assign to users accoedingly.
    [Reward Points for helpful answers]
    Message was edited by:
            Debasish Sarkar

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    Not sure where exactly and at what point you need to be able to determine it. If an Opportunity is created as a follow up to another Opportunity then there is a document flow established. You can always see the preceding document from the current document using function module CRM_ORDER_READ and using parameter ET_DOC_FLOW.
    Before coding this, you can run the program CRM_ORDER_READ in SE38 and check out the output.

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    Business Server Page (BSP) error
    What happened?
    Calling the BSP page was terminated due to an error.
    This link is in Alert section. When I click one alerts...then in sub. action click on the opportunity no. then i get this dump.
    Any Idea how to fix this.

    Hi friend,
    Please see this document,
    Setting Alerts
    Step 1:
    Creating Alert Category
    Go to T-Code u201CALRTCATDEFu201D create a new alert Classification u201ECRM_ALERT‟ and provide a description
    Step 2:
    Select the Classification u201CCRM_ALERTu201D and create a new alert category u201CALERT_MAILu201D with description u201CAlerts for Sales Managersu201D and press ENTER.
    Step 3:
    In the Container tab create a new container element
    Step 4:
    Select tab u201CLong and Short Textu201D
    Enter the information required for Alert. To add Container element in the text, select
    And add the relevant element.Save the Alert Category.
    Step 5:
    Select Authorization Subscription. Click on new entries and add the role u201CSAP_BC_ALM_ALERT_USERu201D or we can use any other relevant role. (Make sure that the role is assigned to the Alert recipient in SU01)
    Setting up Method call u201CTrigger_Alertu201D
    Step 6:
    The standard Method call u201CTrigger_Alertu201D would be used to trigger alerts. But the method call won‟t call the container elements. We need to change the Method Call and do the necessary changes to get the values in the alert.
    Refer OSS note: 821188
    Follow the steps below
    Copy the BAdI u201CTRIGGER_ALERTu201D to u201CYTRIGGER_ALERTu201D and do the necessary changes
    Change your TRIGGER_ALERT method as follows:
    Insert the following call before the call of the SALRT_CREATE_API function module:
    CALL FUNCTION 'SWC_ELEMENT_SET' EXPORTING element = 'PROCESS_TYPE' field = ls_orderadm_h_ref-process_type TABLES container = lt_container EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. CALL FUNCTION 'SWC_ELEMENT_SET' EXPORTING element = 'OBJECT_ID' field = ls_orderadm_h_ref-object_id TABLES container = lt_container EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1.
    Save and activate the method.
    Setting Up Actions:
    Step 7:
    Create an Action profile u201CYALERTu201D and create and Action Definition asu201D YLEAD_ALERT1u201D with description u201CAlert Lead Informationu201D. Select the u201CPartner function as u201CEmployee Responsibleu201D in the Action definition.
    Select the u201CMethod callu201D as Processing type and assign method u201CTRIGGER_ALERTu201D
    Assign u201CParametersu201D
    Create a Container for u201CALERT CATEGORYu201D
    Step 8:
    Enter the Element name as u201CCATEGORYu201D and relevant description. Enter the Structure name as u201CSXMXALERTCATu201D and the Field as u201CCategoryu201D.
    Step 9:
    Go to initial value tab and Give the initial value as the Category we have created.
    Save the Action and assign to relevant transaction.
    Webui Configuration
    Step 10:
    Log on to Webui > Select the worklist from the navigation bar
    Select u201CPersonalize alertsu201D and Click subscribe for the alert u201CCRM_ALERTu201D and save
    Step 11:
    Testing of Alert Category Note: This Program used only to test whether the alert triggers to the recipients or not. It will not pass any Container values of the alert category; it will pass only the text entered in the alert category.
    To test our alert configurations run the report u201ERSALERTTEST‟.
    Specify the alert category u201CALERT_MAILu201D that we have created in ALRTCATDEF. Execute (F8).
    this will help

  • Master Opportunity

    Hi Guys
    Why can't we have multiple relationships for a master opportunity in the object profile for the opportunity ?
    I understand the reason why we cannot activate the option to delete the master opportunity.
    Thanks in advance

    This can be achieved by making use of Object Relationship Profile.
    In customizing , choose path:
    Transactions &#61664; Settings for Opportunities &#61664; Define Object Relationship Profile.
    Here create profile for opportunity. At the second level, choose Relationship object SUB_OPPORT, and MAS_OPPORT.Tick on Multiple relation.
    Assign this profile to the Opportunity transaction type.
    When u will create an opportunity, a realtionhip tab will appear, where u can add the other opportunity transactions either as master or sub.
    This shall also update the document flow.
    Wish the information is useful,
    Shalini Chauhan

  • Creating Opportunity

    Hi All,
    1. *Can we create an opportunity with revenue and product qty projection on a quarterly and yearly basis*
    2. Can we assign master opportunity to a sub opportunity in CRM7.0 system. If yes can any one please guide me how to do it.

    1. For your 1st topic a new functionality available from CRM2007 is used. It is called PPM (pipeline performance managment and it alows you to set plan quaterly or yearly.You can read more about this functionality here:
    2. Yes, it is possible. You need to create profile under spro>crm>transactions>basic settings>define object reference profile. Here you can create new profile which links master (MAST_OPP) and sub opportunity (SUB_OPP) or use the standard one. And then you need to assign this profile to your opporunity transaction type under spro>crm>transactions>basic settings>define transaction types.

  • User must wait several minutes before NEW opportunity shows up in report

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    The report will prompt for the opportunity name and then retrieve the formatted quote form.
    The issue is, after the opportunity is created and product revenue added, when the user tries to run the report, the data selection will not display the opportunity. The opportunity will not show up until after the user logs out and then back into CRMOD.
    EDIT: The log out/in portion was just a coincidence and plays into a delay in some sort of background processing problem.
    If the user just waits , up 15 to 20 minutes in some cases, the opportunities will show up in the list. Sometimes, they appear very quickly, other times it take a very long time.
    I am surmising that this has to do with some sort of business function that runs in the background, and being a shared system, there is a backlog in the processing. Similar to the wait queue for data imports.
    Is this normal behavior?
    Edited by: nsidev on Aug 28, 2009 1:59 PM

    Hi, I think the problem is with the drop down prompt not getting refreshed with newly added opportunities, otherwise with the direct reports clicking the "rerfresh" link brings the newly created opportunity. The problem also doesnt seem to happen if the prompt is of type "Browse through choices and/or type in directly "
    -- Venky CRMIT

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    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
    Thanks & Regards

    You need to modify report and club all revenue to single item / row.

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