Re-position Popups

Is it possible to set the position of a popup window? Seems
odd that you can set the popup window size but there is no setting
for relocating the popop.

Hi PlainEnglish
I don't believe my fellow Adobe Community Expert stated he
knew of anything or anywhere you could go to obtain this
information. I don't believe it has ever been documented. It is
something you would need to undertake on your own to determine what
code needs to change and where to change it. As Peter indicated,
you would definitely need to have a pretty good handle on
JavaScript before undertaking such a project.
Cheers... Rick

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    Hi all,
    I have a popup link in one of my topics that appears at the very bottom of the page. The issue I'm having is that when the user clicks to open the popup they have to scroll to see it. Adding white space beneath it helps (as does customizing the size) but is not ideal. Is there a workaround where I could actually have the popup display above the link?
    Much thanks

    Welcome to our community
    Please take a moment and report this to Adobe as a bug. The more reports, the more likely it will be to see a solution emerge.
    Link to the bug report is in my sig line.
    As for your statement:
    This was never an issue in Robohelp 5, so i dont understand how this is now a problem in RH9.
    Keep in mind that each release of ANY software may introduce issues that were unforseen. Especially with something like RoboHelp HTML. The popup functionality occurs courtesy of JavaScript. Each release brings tweaks to the JavaScript in order to properly accommodate different browsers.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7, 8 or 9 within the day!
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training
    SorcerStone Blog
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  • Exact positioning of dialog box

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    Maybe you can use the code Jobinesh talks in this article:
    Decompiling ADF Binaries: Positioning popup at the center of the screen
    It has a property for Z-Index. Maybe you want to put it negative or something so your next popup validation comes on front.
    Hope this is helpful

  • Position GUI element in runtime

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    I would like to positioning popup window relativ to a GUI element (InputField). How can I read the element position?? That is possible, the generic value helper are positioned relativ to linked element. I would like pisitioning my popup window similiary but i dont know how

    you can try following:
    IWDWindowInfo _windowInfo = wdComponentAPI.getComponentInfo().findInWindows("<WINDOW_NAME>");
    IWDWindowManager manager = wdComponentAPI.getWindowManager();
    IWDWindow _window = manager.createWindow(_windowInfo, true);
    ((IWindow)_window).setWindowPositionControl( "<CONTROL_ID>" );
    <CONTROL_ID> - "<COMPONENT_ID>.<VIEW_NAME>.<UI_CONTROL_ID>" (for example "PFCBCNPF.POSearchCriteriaCV.SearchButton")
    To get it you need to view HTML sources of your generated view in browser, for example "<a ... id="PFCBCNPF.POSearchCriteriaCV.SearchButton"...>"
    pay attention that it is NOT documented feature (setWindowPositionControl method) and you are using it at your own risk.
    Regrads, Maxim R.

  • Open Browser behavior question

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    of the window that pops up using the open browser behavior. I'm
    doing a catalogue, and I would like that when you press a thumbnail
    the popup window pops up to a specified size to the left of the
    thumbnail. Any suggestions? Thanks

    The DW open browser doesn't have the option to positions
    popups. You can use
    our open browser window which does, and has more features as
    well. It's
    Trent Pastrana
    "roigron80" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g2mvh3$9c3$[email protected]..
    > Hi, does anyone know if its possible to control the
    placement of the
    > window
    > that pops up using the open browser behavior. I'm doing
    a catalogue, and I
    > would like that when you press a thumbnail the popup
    window pops up to a
    > specified size to the left of the thumbnail. Any
    suggestions? Thanks

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    Thank you

    I have this same problem, but I believe it is a major problem and not just an annoyance as in the original poster.
    It seems my laptop displays the proper width but is lacking the last inch at the bottom of the screen, and the websites I visit a lot will have pop up windows that grey out the original screen and has a blue bar at the top of the pop up but if I try to grab the window and move it up so I can get to the necessary selections buttons at the bottom, then I release the window it either slides back to its original position or it pops back to its original position.
    I believe this is a programming problem with the website but I find it hard to believe a web author would do such a stupid thing like this making the website totally useless for those people who use laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. where the screens do not display the normal size of a typical desktop monitor. Knowing that today, of those people who access the internet, 82% of them will access the internet from a laptop, notebook,, tablet, or other mobile devices. Any web designer who uses this lock in place pop up window should know they are losing 82% of the potential customers simply because they are not able to access the proper buttons at the bottom of the popup window.
    I have been a computer expert nearly as long as the original poster (I missed the text only stage of computer displays) and I cannot figure out any way of getting around this stupid coding mistake in website design, so the website is useable. So if FoxFire could give me a way I can get past this coding mistake and let me gain access to the un-movable or re-display to a position popup, I guess I will be like the other 82% of surfers today, and simply go to a website that does not make using their site imposable because they are too stupid to know that today's web-surfing customers use other methods to view the internet and who leave their desktops at home.
    I cannot believe web developers don't check their website coding on several devices before posting the site for internet usage, I know I check everything I write on all the devices I can before I will upload the site to the internet, oh well, my customers will get the surfers and they will simply get ignored because surfers cannot use their sites.

  • Price update in VF02

    Dear Friends,
    according to our requirement.
    i need to update price in VF02
    in the vf02 Condition tab there is a button call UPDATE
    so i want to do this part by automatically i mean by coding
    please if you have done this kind of thing please update me.
    Thanks in advance

    If you want to control pricing type (B or C etc) through configuration, you can do it in item category level copy control configuration in VTFA (If you are doing order related billing) and VTFL (if you are doing delivery related billing) in the field "Pricing type". This will work during invoice creation, when the invoice is getting copied from order or delivery
    However if an invoice is already created and you want to reprice like you would do in VF02, you can do a BDC like below.
    The below code does repricing on a sales order item, but you can record similar coding on VF02 also, using SHDB and tailor accordingly. We have this code working in our system where we reprice our contracts/orders using the same.
    LOOP AT ft_item INTO ls_item.
    * Item overview screen - Press the item position button
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMV45A'     '4001'.
        PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_OKCODE'   'POPO'.
        PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_CURSOR'   'RV45A-VBAP_SELKZ(01)'.
    * Item position popup screen - Enter item number and press OK
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMV45A'     '0251'.
        PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_OKCODE'   'POSI'.
        PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'RV45A-POSNR'  ls_item-posnr.
    * Item overview screen - Select item and press pricing button
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMV45A'     '4001'.
        PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_OKCODE'   'PKO1'.
        PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_CURSOR'   'VBAP-POSNR(01)'.
        PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'RV45A-VBAP_SELKZ(01)'  'X'.
    * Item pricing screen - Press price "Update" button
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMV45A'     '5003'.
        PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_OKCODE'   'V69A_KONY'.
        PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_CURSOR'   'KOMV-KSCHL(01)'.
    * Price update popup screen - Double click SAP B or C reprice type
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMSSY0'     '0120'.
        PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_OKCODE'   'PICK'.
        CASE ls_item-knprs.
    * If B is requested in input, we do reprice B which
    * will eliminate all manual repricing and bring back SAP item pricing
          WHEN 'B' OR 'D' OR 'M'.
          PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_CURSOR' '05/03'."05/03 = repricing B
    * If C is requested, we do C repricing keeping manual conditions intact
          WHEN 'C'.
          PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_CURSOR' '06/03'."06/03 = repricing C
    * Item pricing screen - Go back to Item overview screen
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMV45A'     '5003'.
        PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_OKCODE'   'BACK'.
        PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_CURSOR'   'KOMV-KSCHL(01)'.

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    I'm looking to stylize a piece of text to have a "fake" 3d extrusion. The built-in 3d Extrusion tool in AI wants to create perspective, which I don't want. I just want the straight-on text, with a isometric style of extrusion.
    Any advice, or is there a plug-in?

    In 3D Effect, select one of the isometric orientations from the Position popup menu. Make sure the Perspective slider is set to zero.

  • Open Browser Behavior window name

    When the Open Browser Behavior is used there is an option to
    provide a window name. What is the proper syntax for referring to
    the window name in a javascript? Thanks...

    The DW open browser doesn't have the option to positions
    popups. You can use
    our open browser window which does, and has more features as
    well. It's
    Trent Pastrana
    "roigron80" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g2mvh3$9c3$[email protected]..
    > Hi, does anyone know if its possible to control the
    placement of the
    > window
    > that pops up using the open browser behavior. I'm doing
    a catalogue, and I
    > would like that when you press a thumbnail the popup
    window pops up to a
    > specified size to the left of the thumbnail. Any
    suggestions? Thanks

  • How to popup a page from a button not in a region position

    I am using Apex 2.2.1. I have a form (not a report) on which I've placed a button that is positioned "among the items" as opposed to being placed in a specific region position.
    When the button is clicked I would like to have another page popup. The problem is that I can get this to work only if the button is placed in a region position. With the button in a region position, I define the target to be a URL and then place a call to the popUp2 function, as in:
    javascript:popUp2('f?p=&APP_ID.:32:&SESSION.::NO:::', 900, 700);
    This works fine.
    However, I need to position my button on the immediate right hand side of a form item. But when I create a button in such a position, I have no field in which to place the call to the popUp2() function. Instead, I have to create a "Branch to Page or URL" and then place my javascript call in the Branch field. Unfortunately, when I click the button, Apex wants to branch to page zero instead of the desired page. I saw that when I move the mouse over the button, Apex shows:
    javascript: doSubmit('MY_BUTTON_REQUEST');
    And, as mentioned, Apex tries to branch to page zero.
    How does one call the popUp2() function from a button that is not placed in a region position?
    Thank you for your help.

    Hi Elie,
    I had the same problem ... I only got it solved with creating a hidden item and adding the input-tag into the "Post Element Text" field.
    Just have a look in the source code of your page, how a button is build and copy the necesaary code to the mentioned field. So you get a button with ApEx layout and can add your javascript call.

  • How do i position a dialog popup box when it opens???

    i'm using the adf faces to follow a navigation link (dialog:addUser) to a new dialog popup page. all is working great; i am able to return the values in the popup as expected.
    what i can't find is how do i position this popup when it opens? i don't want it in the upper left over the calling page...i want to move it over and down so it appears to be more centered. can this be done? there's an attribute for height and one for width but not one for upper left X and Y positions that i can find.
    thanks for any support on this.

    apparently, i'm using the defaults as I don't have any idea as to that attribute. i searched for the showPopupBehavior and it's nowhere in my application. btw: i'm using jDeveloper

  • Functions in File ring popup position should be improved

    one of the welcome new features of CVI2013 is the ring control Functions in File in the toolbar allowing to quickly jump to a function.
    Unfortunately, if there are several functions in a file, "quickly" is limited: In this case the ring control showing the function names turns into a ring control popup. This popup is misplaced in the sense that the mouse cursor position always results in the list scrolling to the first entry in the ring. I suggest to fix it by placing the popup slightly different such that the ring does not immediately start scrolling...
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Wolfgang,
    I asked for this feature but I haven't been able to find it in CVI 2013
    how can I enable it?
    is there a checkbox or what else?
    Probably this idea is not necessary anymore
    In claris non fit interpretatio
    Using LV 2013 SP1 on Win 7 64bit
    Using LV 8.2.1 on WinXP SP3
    Using CVI 2012 SP1 on Win 7 64bit, WinXP and WinXP Embedded
    Using CVI 6.0 on Win2k, WinXP and WinXP Embedded

  • RH8 Popup position in .chm

    I am using auto-sizing pop-ups on an image mapped topic. When you click the image in the compiled Help, the pop-ups open in the upper left-hand corner of the topic instead of over the image in a place relative to the map as it did when the Help was compiled Help with RH5. Also, the pop-up window size does not appear to be seems to be using a default size though I have not set one. I did a quick search in this forum and did not find anything on this issue...which of course, doesn't mean it isn't here. Is this a known issue or something I need to fix in the code?

    there is already a thread related to popup position in RH8 @ if you see the post there is a script posted which fixes this popup issue in CHM output. the script is located @*jVe*gnSEca1AsdOG9gNoQ
    RH9 which is released last month has all the popup issues fixed, you can try downloading the trail version of RoboHelp 9.

  • Position of dialogbox container relativ to popup screen

    I try to position a dialogbox container right under a popup-screen.
    The popup is created via
      call screen ... starting at X Y.
    So the popup appears with coordinates (X,Y) relativ to the underlying dynpro.
    Now I want to display a dialogbox container 'near' that popup. When calling the create object <dailogbox> I can specify some coordinates (parameters left, top).
    But these are in pixels and absolute ccordinates on the screen.
    So, how can I calculate some coordinates for the dialogbox to get it near the popup?
    Thanks for any help.

    mention the "ending at a b" coordinates also.
    so that u can know where the pop-up ends.
    give the dialoge box coordinates as "a+1 y".

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