Re: TreeView Node Delete

Would anyone know of an efficient way to remove DisplayNode-type nodesfrom
a treeview? I am trying to simply code
DeleteTreeNode (node: DisplayNode)
Node.parent.FirstChild = node.NextSibling;
Node = Nil;
However, this is not working...Node.Parent = NIL ;
The TreeView will figure out the rest.
[email protected] Stephen Semeniuk
Sentai Advanced Research Corporation
The moving cursor writes, and having written, blinks on.

Geoffrey -
You may not even want to write this method, since the following line of
code will do just as well:
node.Parent = NIL;
As for the Related attribute, you can put anything you want in there; Forte
does not use that attribute for anything. I usually use the Related
attribute to reference the object that I am displaying. For example, if
the tree is displaying a corporate hierarchy, the Related attribute will
reference an Employee object.
I am not sure what you mean by a "profound performance issue", but if you
are concerned about storing as little data on the client as possible, there
is a useful technique. Do not load in data for nodes that you will not be
displaying, and then create nodes when they are needed to be displayed
(listen for the RequestFolderOpen event). You can also handle the
RequestFolderClose event, and then remove nodes that are not displayed.
However, you are best off to create some tests for different numbers of
nodes at different levels, and then see what the actual performance is.
There are many variables that will affect performance, so you will need to
construct a few simple scenarios. If the existing performance is
satisfactory for the amount of data you will be viewing, then there is no
need for additional optimizations.
I'm happy to give you further ideas on this.
At 10:47 AM 3/2/98 -0500, Geoffrey Whittington wrote:
Would anyone know of an efficient way to remove DisplayNode-type nodes from
a treeview? I am trying to simply code
DeleteTreeNode (node: DisplayNode)
Node.parent.FirstChild = node.NextSibling;
Node = Nil;
However, this is not working...
Also: the attribute of 'Related' on a DisplayNode is of type Object. I
believe that it can reference any type of object. Can someone tell me if
there has been a known problem with using this attribute to contain
references to other allocated objects? Is there a profound performance
issue with a treeview with 200+ nodes?
Geoffrey Whittington
Software Engineer, Descartes Systems Group Inc.
[email protected]
(519)746-8110 x2333
Curtis Bragdon, Forte Consulting
[email protected]
Voice Mail: (510) 986-3807
Paging: (888) 687-6723
"I've seen dozens of triggering towns." - Richard Hugo

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    Hi Mou_kolkata,
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    Thank Armin for the details about blinking TreeView Nodes.
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    Hello Ravi,
    Try this demo program:
    Also try:
    **reward if this helps

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    Yes, you can use a validation with Class = PropRemove and Level = Remove, then specify a combination of up to three property values to trigger validation failure.  Easiest is to create a derived property which evaluates your conditions and results in a True/False condition to be used for the validation.  In our implementation we use a property that is only accessible to system admins which specifies whether deletion is allowed and defaults to False, so a node cannot be deleted without an admin override.

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    private void numericUpDown1_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
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    And CollapseToLevel method:
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    CollapseToLevel(node.Nodes, level - 1);

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    ExpandToLevel(node.Nodes, level -1);
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    Please click on this
    i hope this will solve your problem

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    Am new to the Web UI developmoent.
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    the steps which i followed after going through many threads on sdn , was
    u2022Add View to Window: Open the Window node, find your window,
    right click on it and choose Add View.
    u2022Add Component Usage: Open the Component Usages node,
    right click on Component Usage and choose Add Interface View.
    u2022 Added the code in ' WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE ' method.
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    Exception Class  CX_BSP_WD_INCORRECT_IMPLEMENT - There is no node text 'BTORDER' in controller ''. 
    Source Text Row:  39
    Initialization of view ZTOP_OPPORT/MyOpptResult of UI Component WCC_SLS_HOME failed
    An exception has occurred Exception Class  CX_BSP_WD_INCORRECT_IMPLEMENT - There is no node text 'BTORDER' in controller ''. 
    Source Text Row:  39
    Cannot display view WCC_SLS_HOME/SalesHome of UI Component WCC_SLS_HOME
    An exception has occurred Exception Class  CX_BSP_WD_INCORRECT_IMPLEMENT - There is no node text 'BTORDER' in controller ''. 
    Source Text Row:  39
    Window MainWindow of UI Component WCC_SLS_HOME cannot be displayed
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    Please let me how do i go about this..

    Hi seema rajjot
    Please check the CTXT class variables , there is a possibility of existing the context node that you created delete that entry manually from there.
    After deleting from there go to CREATE_CONTEXT_NODES method there you will see entry for context node class creation with name CREATE_YOUR CONTEXT NODE NAME, delete that entry manually.
    process to delete the component enhancement.
    Step 1
    First delete the View enahncement, select your view right click on it select delete, while deleting you must be bit catious a pop up will come with standard classes and Z classess there you have to select only Z classes.
    Step 2
    Once View enhancement is deleted delete the Component enahncement.
    if you created any Runtime repository entires or View configuration with your custom fields then first you have to delete those view and runtime repository configuration and then perform the above two steps
    Thanks & Regards

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    Thank you, marxin

    Check the bindings of tree node widgets.

  • Recover a Node deleted by option 2 in CCMS

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    2. You want to remove the selected nodes from the runtime environment,
    but keep the associated class properties for later use. The system
    deletes the nodes only if there are no more alerts for them,
    otherwise it marks the nodes for deletion.
    Now it is marked for deletion.
    How can i recover it back from deletion?
    Thanks for your help.

    Perform the restore steps as below:
    Restoring a Node in the Alert Monitoring Tree
    If you want to restore a node that you have deleted, follow the appropriate procedure below, depending on the deletion method that you used:
    You only deleted the node from the display (option 1)
    In this case, you only need to change the corresponding monitor definition again.
    You deleted the node in the runtime environment (options 2-4)
    In general, nodes that have been deleted from the shared memory are recreated and provided with values again, at the latest when the relevant application server is restarted. For nodes with passive data suppliers (the data collection methods), it is sufficient to execute the corresponding method. Follow the procedure below:
    Choose CCMS ® Configuration ® Alert Monitor, or call transaction RZ21.
    In the Topology group box, choose Segment Overview and choose Display Overview.
    The system displays the Monitoring: Display Technical Topology screen. Choose change mode with the Display « Change () pushbutton.
    Choose the segment that contains the node. If the deleted node is contained in a subtree of an application server, this is the segment with the name of the application server; otherwise, the segment is the central instance.
    Choose Reset Segment in "WARMUP" Status. This restarts all startup methods of this monitoring segment.
    You can find out whether a node is provided with data by passive or active data suppliers by choosing the Properties for the node. If an entry exists for Data Collection Method in the tab page Methods, the node is supplied with data by a passive data supplier.

  • TreeView nodes don't display

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    I've looked through everything at least twice but don't see the reason for this. RefMeTreeViewAdapter populates the StringList ok and also DoAddItem() works as I can see from a InformationAlert I hacked in for debug reasons. Unfortunately I've no debug build for further investigations.
    But maybe someone of you has an idea what can cause this symptom.

    To resolve that issue. Another few hours later I discovered I missed adding LocaleIndex for the NodeWidget resource. After that it works.
    > You should never ship a plugin without testing it in the debug build.
    Thanks for the link. I somehow doubt Adobe will hand out a debug build to a hobby coder who's still in evaluation phase. But I'll think over it.

  • [CS3] TreeView Node Right click Contextual Menu

    Fellow Developers,
    Following is the code that I wrote in class FooPnlNodeEH : public CEventHandler to add a contextual menu. It doesnt work. Anybody has an insight what I might be doing wrong?
    bool16 FooNodeEH::RButtonDn(IEvent* e)
             InterfacePtr<IApplication> theApp(gSession->QueryApplication());
             InterfacePtr<IActionManager> actionMgr(theApp->QueryActionManager());
             InterfacePtr<IMenuManager> menuMgr(actionMgr,UseDefaultIID());
             // get the coordinates based on the mouse location
             GSysPoint location = e->GlobalWhere();
                PMString("Do something", PMString::kEncodingASCII, PMString::kNoTranslate),
                location, location, kFalse, this);
          } while (kFalse);
       return kTrue;

    This UI change is really stupid and useless. People got used to some specified menu items order. Changing this order could only annoy and anger.
    Also the reload button has been relocated. This is another example of stupid Firefox 4 UI change. The good news is that it could easily be relocated to its original place.
    It looks like the Firefox developers are suffering from idleness and boredom.

  • How to move node in treeView using two buttons ?

    Hello ,
    Am starter , and am working on a Winforms application.
    I browse an XML file , then I populate treeview in my interface. I want to move selected node in the two sens ( up and down)  using two button ( so not with events , normal drag and drop with mouse ) .
    - I select the nod 
    - I click on the up button , then the node take the new place ( something like , drop and insert maybe )
    I don't know if is possible to affect this events to button or they are another way to do this 
    this is my code concerning populating treeView :
    private void browseSourceFileBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var openSourceFile = openSourceFileDialog.ShowDialog();
    if (openSourceFile == DialogResult.OK)
    fichierSourcePath.Text = openSourceFileDialog.FileName;
    // Connect the XML FILE DATABASE to the application interface
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (openSourceFileDialog.FileName == String.Empty)
    MessageBox.Show("u should open a file", "Erreur de chargement", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
    MessageBox.Show("plz wait ");
    statusLabel.Text = "Début de chargement du fichier";
    var doc = new XmlDocument();
    var rootNode = new TreeNode(doc.DocumentElement.Name);
    sourceTreeView.CheckBoxes = true;
    sourceTreeView.AllowDrop = true;
    DateTime starteTime = DateTime.Now;
    BuildNode(doc.DocumentElement, rootNode);
    DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
    TimeSpan duree = endTime - starteTime;
    string chargementTemps = "" + duree.Minutes + "min : " + duree.Seconds + "s : " + duree.Milliseconds + "ms";
    statusLabel.Text = "Chargement effectué avec succés en :" + chargementTemps;
    catch (Exception)
    statusLabel.Text = "Echec de chargement";
    thanks u a lot 

    Hi Nico68er,
    According to your description, you'd like to move up or down the node in TreeView.
    By reseraching, I found this post in StackOverFlow is similar with your issue.
    From this answer.
    You can use the following extensions
    public static class Extensions
    public static void MoveUp(this TreeNode node)
    TreeNode parent = node.Parent;
    TreeView view = node.TreeView;
    if (parent != null)
    int index = parent.Nodes.IndexOf(node);
    if (index > 0)
    parent.Nodes.Insert(index - 1, node);
    else if (node.TreeView.Nodes.Contains(node)) //root node
    int index = view.Nodes.IndexOf(node);
    if (index > 0)
    view.Nodes.Insert(index - 1, node);
    public static void MoveDown(this TreeNode node)
    TreeNode parent = node.Parent;
    TreeView view = node.TreeView;
    if (parent != null)
    int index = parent.Nodes.IndexOf(node);
    if (index < parent.Nodes.Count -1)
    parent.Nodes.Insert(index + 1, node);
    else if (view != null && view.Nodes.Contains(node)) //root node
    int index = view.Nodes.IndexOf(node);
    if (index < view.Nodes.Count - 1)
    view.Nodes.Insert(index + 1, node);
    Child nodes will follow their parents.
    You could use this class in your program.
    If you want to move the node up. Call the Extensions.MoveUp(this.treeView1.SelectNode)
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (this.treeView1.SelectedNode != null)
    If you have any other concern regarding this issue, please feel free to let me know.
    Best regards,
    Youjun Tang
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • I deleted nodes with the web developer and the deletion has become permanent. How to undo?

    I was trying to remove all the "Recommended Pages" etc. garbage on the right-hand side of Facebook and got a little click happy with 'delete nodes' using the Web Dev tools - as cathartic as it was! :)
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    I've read that all changes are supposed to be temporary until you restart the browser but this hasn't helped at all and I did try unchecking the 'Use hardware acceleration when available' that I read somewhere else, to no avail.
    Any assistance that can be rendered would be very much appreciated.
    For the record, I've learned my lesson and won't futz around with this anymore! :)

    For a node deletion in the Inspector tool,revert that by reloading the page. If that isn't working for you, you could try Command+Shift+r to reload the page bypassing the cache.
    You can check for problems with the sessionstore.js and sessionstore.bak files in the Firefox Profile Folder that store session data.
    Delete the sessionstore.js file and possible sessionstore-##.js files with a number and sessionstore.bak in the Firefox Profile Folder.
    HT > Profile Directory: Open Containing Folder
    Deleting sessionstore.js will cause App Tabs and Tab Groups and open and closed (undo) tabs to get lost, so you will have to create them again (make a note or bookmark them).

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