Reading old values in a forms pl/sql block

In a pl/sql block, in a form.
Lets say I want to loop through...
cursor c1 is
select description
from students
where student_id = 1000;
open c1;
fetch c1 into v_description
update students
set description = new description
where student_id = 1000
select description into v_old_description where student_id = 1000;
end loop;
In step2 when I am reading the record I am getting the new description which is expected.
My question is how can I get the old description. i-s the value of description which was before step1.

No, you perform an update, so the old value is overwritten in the database.
If you really want to use sql, and I don't see why in your example, you can try [flashback query|] .

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    To answer your questions:
    DOMAIN and SUBDOMAIN can be any names of your choosing, but they must be consistent between the put and the get. They are not implicit.
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    v_tkn_ser_no lcams_db.user_token_link.tkn_ser_no%TYPE;
    v_actv_ind lcams_db.user_token_link.utl_actv_ind%TYPE;
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    return_url VARCHAR2(200);
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    p_block_name=>blk, p_attribute_name=>'A_USER_KEY_ID');
    p_block_name=>blk, p_attribute_name=>'A_TKN_SER_NO');
    p_block_name=>blk, p_attribute_name=>'A_UTL_ACTV_IND');
    session :=
    v_event := session.get_attribute_as_varchar2('buttonType');
    my_url := 'lcams_db.otp.otp_utl' | |
    '?p_event=' | | v_event | |
    '&p_user_key_id=' | | TO_CHAR(v_user_key_id) | |
    '&p_tkn_ser_no=' | | v_tkn_ser_no | |
    '&p_actv_ind=' | | v_actv_ind;
    The 'A_...' references are actual fields on the form, which are based on columns in my table.
    I use the get_value_as_... calls to get the values the end user entered and I pass them to a procedure in a package that I had previously defined.
    lcams_db is the schema, otp is the package and otp_utl is the procedure. The p_... names are the actual names of the parameters in the procedure.
    Let me know if you need additional clarification.

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    Enter the password for fleet2 : *****
    Re-enter the password for fleet2 : *****
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    The other PL/SQL region should read the information from the source (table or view). If I understand your right, you are trying to "read" the information from your first PL/SQL block on load?
    Denes Kubicek

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Pl see if the solution in this thread can help - Re: Capture who changed data using Forms Personalization & changed to what
    If not, pl see old threads that discuss forms personalization

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    Thanks in advance,

    Welcome to the forum!
    This is a simple example:
    Some functions to test:
       RESULT := 12;
    END f_test1;
       RESULT := 10;
    END f_test2;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pack_test_functions IS
       PROCEDURE proc_test;
    END pack_test_functions;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY pack_test_functions IS
       PROCEDURE proc_test IS
          v_sql    VARCHAR2(4000);
          v_result NUMBER;
          v_sql := 'SELECT F_TEST1() + F_TEST2() FROM DUAL';
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql
             INTO v_result;
       END proc_test;
    END pack_test_functions;
    /into v_result you have the result of the operation.

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    exit when cv1%notfound;
    end loop; \n"
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    Statement stmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, name, pass);
    stmt = conn.createStatement();
    rs = stmt.executeQuery(pl/sql block);
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    kindly help me........
    paritosh tomar

    You can execute anonymous PL/SQL blocks in JDBC.
    I suggest searching this forum's archives for the word "anonymous".
    If I remember correctly, there should be a relevant post from David Rolfe from a few years ago.
    Good Luck,

  • Get back old values into Form Building Application

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    I use Oracle Forms Building Version (Production) under Window XP system. Below is the database trigger code:
    Aaap_approved          EXCEPTION;
    IF (Aapfn_List_Items_Desc(:OLD.AREV_STATUS) = 'APPROVED' AND
                   :OLD.AREV_MODIFIED_BY = 'AAPTRF') THEN
    RAISE Aaap_approved;
    END IF;
    WHEN Aaap_approved     THEN                                                            RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(40509,'This Review cannot be modified. '||
         'AAP Approved prior to Conversion');
    END aapt_review_bur;

    Thanks John, but the proposed of this trigger is to prevent any user to update the records that were loader prior to the Data Loader. That is the reason that this trigger has a condition to compare the old value with the new value. Please, see the syntaxes below:
    /* This trigger prevents to modify any AAP review */
    /* that was already approved PRIOR TO THE Conversion.*/
    IF (Aapfn_List_Items_Desc(:OLD.AREV_STATUS) = 'APPROVED' AND
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20090,'This Review cannot be modified. AAP Approved prior to Conversion');
    END IF;
    END aapt_review_bur;
    What I really want is that when the above trigger fire and the user receive the raise application message meaning that the user could not updated the record. But the wrong value still show on the form and it will keep getting this error until you put back the previous value. What I really want is to be able to raise the application error and to show back any values that were tried to modify.

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    gj / Fedro,
    Only using the &referecne, you can pas a string / multiple character values and this would work for query only.
    The bind parameter in PL/SQL wouls support only single value
    The Oracle Reports Team

  • Using dynamic sql in triggers with :OLD values

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    create or replace trigger trg_some_tbl_bd
    before delete on some_tbl
    for each row is
    v_sql varchar2(4000);
    v_sql := generate_insert_command('some_table');
    execute immediate v_sql;
    the return value from "generate_insert_command" function is the string:
    insert into deleted_table (table_name , date , pk1 , pk2) values
    ('some_table' , sysdate , :OLD.pk1 , :OLD.pk2)
    the execute immediate command notice the :OLD and looks for bind variables.
    i need to know i can i bypass that. i tried looking for escape characters but couldent find any...
    i would appriciate any help , it's kynda urgent
    Thanks !

    I don't believe this is going to work. Even if you could get around the fact that :old looks like a bind variable, the :old values are not visible to the dynamic SQL statement, they're like local variables in that respect.
    If you wanted to pass old values in, those values would have to be passed in as bind variables, i.e.
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql USING :old.pk1, :old.pk2which defeats the purpose of using dynamic SQL.
    Since you have to create a trigger for each table, I don't see why you would bother with dynamic SQL inside the trigger-- your table structure is fixed when the trigger is created. You could write dynamic SQL that generated the triggers in the first place, but the code inside the trigger should be dynamic.
    As an aside, you realize that logging every audit record into a single table creates rather massive contention issues, right? And have you considered how painful it is to query this sort of table? Have you considered other options for maintaining history like Workspace Manager? Or at least separate history tables for each table?

  • Passing values from a form to a page containing forms.

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    Yes, this is possible.
    I will give you a brief outline.
    From the 1st form, you need to save the value, you want to pass to the 2 other forms, using the wwsto_api_session apis.
    Then, using go() or call() from the Successful submission section, you need to go/call the page containing the 2 forms.
    You need to write some pl/sql code in the 2 forms (on the page) to retrieve the value saved and perform the action you desire. The saved value can be retrieved using the wwsto_api_session apis.
    However, both forms will not get executed at the same time unless both of them are in the same tab i.e. unless both forms are visible at the same time.
    If the forms are on different tabs, they will get executed when they are being displayed.
    But, there are ways to execute both the forms, if it really necessary, even if they are not on the same tab.
    I will be posting the an example soon in this thread.

  • Using select list as default value in tabular form.

    I am using Application Express I have two questions that are related.
    I have a Select item *'P1_SELECT'* and a tabular form My Items.
    Question 1. The My Items tabular form col1 Attributes are set Display As Text Field, and the Tabular Form Attributes are set Default Type = item(application or page item name), Default = P1_SELECT. I have checked the session state value is set on P1_SELECT ie. Fred. What I need to know is, why, when adding a row to the tabular form My Items does col1 not display 'Fred' as the default value from the select item P1_SELECT? I can change col1 of the Tabular form to be Display as Text (save state) and this will work. However that leads me on to:
    Question 2. After adding say 3 rows to the form, I then change the select P1_SELECT value to Bob and Bob is now set in session state on the P1_SELECT item, but when I again add row to the form the value Fred is still the value not Bob. It seems that the tabular form keeps the default value as Fred and not Bob. How can I get this to look or work like:
    Your help is needed.

    Howard (DBA in Training) wrote:
    Do you submit the page or set the value after changing the selection? If not, the display value seems to be Bob but the working value is still Fred. That's what you are seeing right? In the "Settings" section, what do you have for "Page Action when Value Changed". I've been using "Redirect and Set Value" because I was staying on the same page after the selection.
    Additional info which might be helpful (or NOT). ====================
    NOTE: I am just a novice's novice with APEX and I had much agony with Select Lists. It was challenging to have the Select List value displayed because there seem to be so many different sources of the Select List value, namely:
    1) the current value in the session state
    2) the value you can specify in "Source value or expression" in the "Source" section of the Select List item
    3) the value you can specify in the "Post Calculation Compution" in the "Source" section of the Select List item
    4) the value you can specify in the "Default value" of the "Default" section of the Select List item
    [Now, if I've misdescribed any of these, remember, this is from a novice's perspective.]
    It's like putting a clock (back) together. Get any of the pieces wrong and it will probably not work right.
    I had an addiitonal challenge in that I wanted the same Select List displayed on multiple pages and for the currently selected value (from the former page) to already be set on the new page when it was displayed. What fun!
    To see what I did here: login Dever/Ima9Dever
    Remember, I'm doing many things you will likely not need to do. I iniitalized the Select List for the first time it displayed. I copied the Select List value from old page to new page by storing it in an application item F217_SYS_NIC_NM.
    Best wishes,
    HowardHi Howard,
    You don't have submit the page for just setting one item's session state. you can use a Dynamic Action OR use Page Items to Submit property if available (this is available in various places such as sql region,chart region etc)
    In context to this question you don't have to do any of those..just see my example above

  • NLS_LANG value that suits Forms 10G and Database 11G wanted !

    I can't believe how bad is to install Oracle Database and Oracle Forms on the same Windows Vista machine!
    I had a problem in Oracle Forms 10g that prevents many items in the Form Builder menu from appearing in English Language and also prevents anything in the web-based forms runtime from appearing in English. I searched the forum for a solution and found that I have to set a NLS_LANG value in the environment variables equal to the following: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1256.
    I did this and my Forms builder looked great. Everything in english with no problems. But now what ?! The Oracle Database itself refused to connect from all clients! It refused to connect from Forms Builder, SQL Deeveloper, and even from SQL PLUS! The error given is: ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified.
    It seems that what I exactly need is a NLS_LANG value that will satisfy both Oracle Forms 10G and Oracle Database 11G that both are installed on the same Vista machine. The question is: What could this NLS_LANG value be?!
    Thank you in advance

    If you have connected to the database on which the form is based, prior to running the form from the Builder, the uname and password will automatically be passed in at startup and you will not be prompted.
    If you would rather hard code a username and password, enter it in formsweb.cfg. For example:
    Remember that this change will only impact runtime and have no effect on the Builder.

  • Resolved: Use value from select list in pl/sql block

    I have a form with a select list: P18_BONUSTYPE, the values of which come from a LOV.
    When the user clicks a button, a page process is used to insert a row into a table.
    When I use the :P18_BONUSTYPE bind variable in my insert statement I get an error "Invalid number" I get an "Invalid number" error. I assume that APEX is using the displayed text in that bind variable, not its actual (html option) value.
    I checked the HTML of the page, and the correct values are in the select list.
    Can someone tell me how to get the value into a bind variable that can be used in a pl/sql block for a page process?
    Message was edited by:
    Issue was a value in another item.

    Did you tried changing the value using "to_number"? (i.e. to_number(:P18_BONUSTYPE)).

  • How to change the dynamically  LOV value to old value if it errors out

    We have an use case like when a value is selected from LOV, some validations(EO validations) occur on that and if the validation fails we are throwing exception.But the new value is appearing in LOV text box. We need to display the old value in the LOV if the validation fails. Can you please let me know if there is any way to do that?

    After thinking about this, I wondered if I had mis-read the I added #2
    Please state your Jdeveloper version, and elaborate on your use-case:
    *1. Are you saying that the LOV contains incorrect values that the user has chosen?*
    If so you should restrict the LOV values to what is acceptable for the row (based on what other values are in the row)
    By restricting the values in the LOV the wrong value can no longer be selected, you would not need to build in functionality to revert back to previous values.
    I woud start by creating a view criteria for the view object the LOV is based on. The form values would send the binding variables to the view criteria, and that would then execute the query (invoking the view criteriea). The LOV would then contain some information on only acceptable values.
    You may be able to adapt some of the ideas presented in this video (on cascading list boxes) to make your LOV work properly.
    This video shows some ways to manipulate view criteria:
    *2. Are you saying that the user has selected other fields in the form -- validation on those fields fails, and you want to revert back, but the LOV still contains the values selected?*
    In that case, you need to clear the values in the form and re-execute the view object -- and refreshing to the correct value.
    Edited by: Stuart Fleming on Sep 12, 2012 12:04 PM
    Edited by: Stuart Fleming on Sep 12, 2012 6:52 PM
    Edited by: Stuart Fleming on Sep 12, 2012 6:52 PM

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