Reading old VB3 projects into VB6

I need to import/read in/translate an old VB3 project into VB6 in order to update and revise.  I am new to VB6 (though not new to Basic - since 1976) and can't seem to find any way to do this.

I wrote a vb6 app back in the day to do this I can share if you want,  it uses search + replace to go through frm files replacing vbx references with their ocx equivalents among other things, also 16->32 converts for forms that use 3rd party components from the likes of farpoint, infragistics, crystal, desaware, and creates valid 32bit frx
Only problem I can remember with it is forms that have a tabbed dialog on so before conversion copy and paste all tab page controls out to the form and re-add the control in vb6

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    Hi I had the same issue and fixed it with deleting "UpdatedtoiMovie10" see step 4.
    n the Finder, click the Go menu and choose Home.
    Open the Movies folder.
    Move the “iMovie Library” file to the Trash.
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    Open iMovie.
    Choose File > Update Projects and Events.

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    Which version of GarageBand are you using on your Mac?
    Any version of GarageBand 6.0.1 or later should be able to open GarageBand iOS projects.
    See this link:   GarageBand for iOS and Mac: Project compatibility - Apple Support
    GarageBand 6.0.1 comes with iLife '11 installer disks, you can buy them at Amazon or eBay and then update to GarageBand 6.0.5 from the Support downloads page.
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    You may well find that FCE will work on Lion.
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    OK, if you don't want them all in the same Keynote file so you can hyperlink around the file to the desired slide numbers, then try this.
    Create your Keynote of a song. Name it easily so you can find it easily. At the end of each song keynote, put a "Return to Index" and hyperlink it to the Keynote with the program. On the program slide you can Name the songs, Song 1, Song 2, Song 3, and Song 4. Of course, you can enter the name of the song in the program slide. If you use the generic name the process of creating the hyperlink is an easy one (it's even easy if you enter the name of the song you want). If you keep all song Keynotes in the same folder with the index, it's a matter of selecting the file title as the Keynote slideshow to hyperlink to. So you can change the four songs in a program presentation in about 2 minutes max. so you get:
    File name: Agenda
    Modern Church of God
    Sunday, October 10, 2010
    Reverent I M. Religious, presiding
    10:30 am
    Call to order
    Song 1 (hyperlink to "Rock of Ages")
    Song 2 (hyperlink to "Bringing in the Sheaves")
    Song 2 (hyperlink to "Ave Maria")
    Sermon, "How do we maximize our resources."
    Song 3 ((hyperlink to "Jesus Loves Me")
    Song 4 (Oh, What I friend we have in Jesus)
    At the end of the Rock of Ages lyrics Place
    "Return to Program" and hyperlink to "Agenda"
    For the next week, "Agenda 10/17" Change the hyperlinks for songs to the new selection of keynotes you have created earlier. It will take about a minute or two to make the changes. You do each one by clicking the Enable hyperlink selection box when one of the song references is selected. The pull the pull down menu to Keynote Slideshow. A box will open. Go to your folder with all song and agenda files. Select the song keynote you want to access with the click, when you select the song file and click "Open" your connection is made. You then project the agenda file on Sunday morning. When you reach song 1, you click on it and the song's keynote comes up. When the song is finished, click on Return to Program and your program Keynote is back up.
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    Per my earlier post, if you change that from All Supported Media to All Files, can you Import?
    [Edit] I see that All Files did work, and that you are up and editing! That is great news.
    As mentioned, the only issue that I had was with a very few 3rd party Transitions, and PrPro was nice enough to tell me exactly where these were used, and what their names were. I just wrote down those TimeCodes, added Cross-Dissolves to replace whatever the previous editor had used, and was up and editing.
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    Good luck,
    PS - the reason that I asked about platforms is that Pr was X-platofrm, but then with PrPro, through version 2.0, it was PC-only. It was not until CS3, that it went back X-platform. This created a little problem for Mac users, with newer PrPro versions, but older PC Projects. We get about 1 of these issues per year, and the answer is for the Mac user to befriend a PC-person, with the right version of PrPro, do that Import step, then Save_As, and hand off the now, X-platform version of the PRPROJ. Hey, it fosters "hands across the aisle," and we've found several PC-users, with the right versions around here, who have done that conversion, out of the kindness of their hearts. That had zero to do with your Project, but wanted you to know why I asked.
    Message was edited by: Bill Hunt - Added [Edit] when I saw the last response.

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    I've had some degree of success going from Avid to PPro through the use of AAF (Advanced Authoring Format). If the project is really complex, the transfer may not work that well, but I was surprised to see just how much transferred cleanly. Check the Avid documentation for exporting a project as an AAF, and the PPro documentation for importing.
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    Apart from opening Captivate files with other Captivate versions has you have already done, there is no other solution for upgrading your projects.
    Bite the bullet and do this immediately to get your projects into CPTX format files.  Cp7 or later versions will not open .cp format files.  Only CPTX.  So since you appear to currently have Cp versions that will open your old Cp3 files, you are best advised to do this right away.  Otherwise your next upgrade to Cp7 or Cp8 later this year could see you tossing all courses built in the older Cp format.

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    you can't turn a project into an album ... images live in projects ... albums are "references" to images in those projects ...
    projects can live in folders ... projects can contain folders and albums ...
    i'd suggest reading these articles:
    and getting this book:
    you need to get the basic understand of the aperture library way of storing and sorting images ...

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    If I double-click it, terminal opens.
    Recommended applications are Textwrangler, Terminal.... not really the right thing to watch a movie.
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    iMovie doesn't support importing one iMovie project to another. When we try, we get exactly the error you quoted.
    You can, however, import all the Timeline video and audio as a single clip to a new project. Or you can drag files from the Media folder of the project to the Timeline of a NEW project.
    In the Finder, Control-click on the project icon and choose Show Package Contents from the popUp menu. You'll see the movie "Timeline" in the window that opens. You want to import that movie to a new project, or import selected files in the Media folder.
    To import, drag the file to the Timeline of a NEW iMovie project. If importing the Timeline Movie, everything on the Timeline of the original project will arrive as a single clip in the new project.
    If the project failed on the external drive, it may be because the disk does not use the disk format required by iMovie. Use Disk Utility to check the disk format, which must be "Mac OS Extended". If it's not that format, use Disk Utility to reformat the drive. (Which will erase all the files on the drive, so make backups.)

  • Archiving old iWeb projects

    Can I save old iWeb projects to iCloud?  If so, how do I do that? Or must I save them to a new web host ? Thanks.

    No.  To archive your websites make copies of your Domain.sites file that resides in your Users/Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder.  That's the file/package that iWeb uses to create and publish your website.  Keep copies of it to preserve the website at the date the copy was made.
    If you're running Lion read the following:
    In Lion the Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    To open your domain file in Lion or to switch between multiple domain files Cyclosaurus has provided us with the following script that you can make into an Applescript application with Script Editor. Open Script Editor, copy and paste the script below into Script Editor's window and save as an application.
    do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults write iWebDefaultsDocumentPath -boolean no"delay 1
    tell application "iWeb" to activate
    You can download an already compiled version with this link: iWeb Switch Domain.
    Just launch the application, find and select the domain file you want to open and it will open with iWeb. It modifies the iWeb preference file each time it's launched so one can switch between domain files.
    WARNING: iWeb Switch Domain will overwrite an existing Domain.sites2 file if you select to create a new domain in the same folder.  So rename your domain files once they've been created to something other than the default name.

  • I imported a COMPLETED book project into Aperture 3, only to discover that  the resolution of all the photos has been reduced to totally unacceptable levels

    I imported a COMPLETED book project into Aperture 3, only to discover that  the resolution of all the photos has been reduced to totally unacceptable levels.  Any easy solution?
    1. I finished an Aperture 2 (Two) book project and tried to submit it to Apple for printing. At that point I learned (belatedly, obviously) that Apple no longer accepts books from Aperture 2. I don't know how I would have known to even ask if Aperture 2 had been sunsetted as far as book projects go.
    2. So I tried to download Aperture 3 ($79.99), only to be told that I couldn't download Aperture 3.5.1 because I was still running OSX 10.8.x. So I read current reviews for OSX 10.9.x, and ...
    3. Downloaded and installed the current operating system (about a 3-hours process for me).  OSX 10.9.2, here we are!
    4. Then I returned to the Apple Store, found, and purchased Aperture 3.  [For safety's sake, it would sure be nice to have a .dmg file I could copy and file away.  I lost a perfectly legal and good copy of Adobe's Photoshop Elements 3 years ago because I wasn't smart enough to make a safety copy, and when my iMac crashed (fried electronic components), I was left with a copy of the software that wouldn't run, and couldn't be verified as legit.]
    5. When Aperture 3 finished installing, I found and imported my COMPLETED Aperture 2 book project, which import seemed to proceed nominally -- the right number of pages, the right content on those pages, that sort of thing -- until I started looking more carefully at the pictures themselves.  All of them, about 300 of them, have been imported into an Aperture 3 book project in such a reduced resolution that they are fuzzy at the size the book will be printed.  Screen-capture of just one example (at 100% viewer setting):
    I don't know what to do at this point to correct the problem, short of going through the entire book project, copy the custom captions (since those go away when you "delete" photo content), delete the photo, re-insert the photo, and paste back the custom caption.  Lather, rinse, repeat - ~300 times!  An estimated 2-3 hours of additional work.
    Or does anyone in this community know either (1) that I did something wrong in the Aperture 2-to-Aperture 3 import (I don't recall being offered any options or choices in the process); or (2) that there is a wholesale one-step solution to my problem?
    BTW, I tried to edit my "Product" info, but OSX 10.9.x is not in the pick list.  I am running OSX 10.9.2
    <Re-Titled By Host>

    Frank, thanks for your note.  I wrote "COMPLETED" because I had gone to a lot of effort to get the content of the book precisely as I wanted it. I would fully expect to see my level of effort and care matched by functional competence in Aperture 3 to render the book the way I created it.  Too much to ask?
    And yes, I upgraded the Aperture 2 Library first.  [Not ALL my tens of 000s of pix, because I use Lightroom selectively for photo editing. But Yes to the Aperture 2 Library.]  That step took a number of minutes, but seemed to work fine (no error messages of any kind).
    Then I opened the existing book project in Aperture 3, which followed some "magic-box" process that took a minute or so.  As I said, when that step was done, by all appearances the book was ready to submit for printing - until I examined the photos a little more closely.  You did see the blurry example I included, didn't you? That is what each and every photo looks like.
    Text-box content appears to have been rendered pertectly, for the record (including captions).
    So, ... is this result something you have heard of before?  Do you know of a one-step solution?  Or am I looking at an extended picture-by-picture fix?

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