Reading String (Name-Value) from text file into XML

I have a requirement for reading a text file and converting each entry of that text file into XML format. I have not came across such thing yet so looking for some ideas. I am using SQL Server 2005 and here is a sample entry from my source text file,
Jun 4 14:31:00 zzzz64x02 fff:
I will get multiple entries like this in my source text file which I have to convert into XML (using TSQL).
Any help will be useful.
'In Persuit of Happiness' and ..... learning SQL.

And I'm telling you that this is a bad option. You would use the vaccum cleaner to wash the dishes, would you?
If you for some reason would do this task in SQL Server, you would implement it as a CLR stored procedure, but from what you have said I don't understand why you would do this server-side at all.
What's wrong with the current C# solution?
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]
Got it.  I was just looking for the available options, nothing wrong with my C# solution. And yes, I don't use vacuum cleaner to wash dishes.
'In Persuit of Happiness' and ..... learning SQL.

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                  value1 = Integer.valueOf(tokenizer.nextToken()).intValue();
                  value2 = Integer.valueOf(tokenizer.nextToken()).intValue();
                 return value1;
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    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
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    using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(file))
    returnvalue = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
    catch (Exception ex)
    // do somthing when exception
    return returnvalue;
    show how to use it as below
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    string txt =await TextFileHelper.LoadTextFileFormInstalledLocationAsync("TextFile1.txt");
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    Oven test ‏16 KB
    datalog032010003.txt ‏1 KB

    Your first mistake is reading the file as DBL. Your first three columns are obviously not numeric values. Did you ever look at the output array? Read it as strings. Second, you would need to combine those first three columns to create an actual time stamp before you write to the db. Unless of course you have one column for date, one column for time, and one column for AM/PM. I would not recomend that type of structure in the db.

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    Knowledge is the only thing that I can give you, and still retain, and we are both better off for it.

    I tried a couple versions of this.
    Declare @StartDate Date, @EndDate Date
    Select @StartDate = convert(varchar, getdate()-28, 112), @EndDate = convert(varchar, getdate()-1, 112)
    declare @fullpath1 varchar(1000)
    select @fullpath1 = '''\\ms\london\FTP\' + ''' between ''' + Convert(Varchar(10), @StartDate, 101) + ''' and ''' + Convert(Varchar(10), @EndDate, 101) + '''_SP.SPC'''
    declare @cmd1 nvarchar(1000)
    print (@cmd1)
    select @cmd1 = 'bulk insert [dbo].[SPBMI_Monthly] from ' + @fullpath1 + ' with (FIELDTERMINATOR = ''\t'', FIRSTROW = 5, LASTROW = 675, ROWTERMINATOR=''0x0a'')'
    exec (@cmd1)
    Here’s the string:
    bulk insert [dbo].[SPBMI_Monthly] from '\\ms\london\FTP\' between '02/03/2014' and '03/02/2014'_SP.SPC' with (FIELDTERMINATOR = '\t', FIRSTROW = 5, LASTROW = 675, ROWTERMINATOR='0x0a')
    The error message I keep getting is:
    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'between'.
    Msg 319, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression, an xmlnamespaces clause or a change tracking context clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon.
    I feel like I’m already pushing this thing to the limit. 
    Maybe this last part isn’t possible.
    Knowledge is the only thing that I can give you, and still retain, and we are both better off for it.

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    If anyone has a similar script they would be willing to post or email to me, for me to use as a foundation and to learn from, I would be very very very grateful. My email is forman.jq at gmail dot com.

    I guess that this script may be a good starting point.
    --[SCRIPT fromfolder_2spreadsheet1]
    The target spreadsheet must be open at front and must contain the sheet sheet_destination which much contain the table table_destination.
    Choose the folder supposed to store the source sopreadsheets.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    (* Edit these height properties to fit your needs *)
    property destination : "destinationDoc.numbers"
    property sheet_destination : "destination"
    property table_destination : "insert here"
    property premierelignedestination : 2
    property colonne_destination : 2
    property ledossierhabituel : "Macintosh HD Maxtor:Users:yvan_koenig:Desktop:dossier habituel:"
    property ligne_source : 2
    property colonne_source : 2
    on run
    my activateGUIscripting()
    Select the folder storing the spreadsheets from which we will extract values *)
    set dossier_source to choose folder with prompt "Choose folder storing the Numbers documents…" default location (ledossierhabituel as alias)
    Build a list of disk items available in the selected folder *)
    tell application "System Events"
    set les_elements to every disk item of folder (dossier_source as text) --whose (get type identifier) is in
    set les_tableurs to {}
    Extracts the list of the Numbers spreadsheets available in the selected folder *)
    repeat with refsurelement in les_elements
    if type identifier of refsurelement is in {"", ""} then
    copy path of refsurelement to end of les_tableurs
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell -- System Events
    if les_tableurs is {} then
    No Numbers documents available so we stop the process. *)
    set rapport to "The folder “" & dossier_source & "” doesn’t contain Numbers documents !"
    set rapport to {}
    end if
    Check that the target Numbers document is open at front
    and that it embed the defined sheet embedding the defined table. *)
    tell application "Numbers"
    set existants to name of documents
    if destination is not in existants then
    copy "The document " & destination & " is not open !" to end of rapport
    tell document destination
    if sheet_destination is not in (name of sheets) then
    copy "the sheet " & sheet_destination & " is unavailable in the document " & destination & " !" to end of rapport
    tell sheet sheet_destination
    if table_destination is not in (name of tables) then copy "The table " & table_destination & " is unavailable in the sheet " & sheet_destination & " of the document " & destination & " !" to end of rapport
    end tell -- sheetSource
    end if
    end tell --document destination
    end if
    If target document is not at front or if it doesn't match the defined requirements,
    we quit the process. *)
    if rapport is not {} then error my recolle(rapport, return)
    Clean the target table, minus row 1 supposed to be storing columns headers *)
    tell document destination to tell sheet sheet_destination to tell table table_destination
    set selection range to range ("A2 : " & name of last cell)
    end tell --document destination
    end tell -- Numbers
    my selectMenu("Numbers", 4, 9) (* Suppress *)
    set liste_valeurs to {}
    tell application "Numbers"
    repeat with un_tableur in les_tableurs
    Open the spreadsheets and extract from each of them the wanted value *)
    open un_tableur
    tell document 1 to tell sheet 1 to tell table 1
    set une_valeur to value of cell 2 of column 2
    end tell
    if une_valeur is 0.0 then
    copy "empty" to end of liste_valeurs
    copy une_valeur as text to end of liste_valeurs
    end if
    close document 1
    end repeat
    Now, it's time to insert the values in the target table *)
    set ligne_destination to premierelignedestination
    tell document destination to tell sheet sheet_destination to tell table table_destination
    repeat with une_valeur in liste_valeurs
    if not (exists row ligne_destination) then add row below last row
    if une_valeur is not "empty" then
    set value of cell ligne_destination of column colonne_destination to une_valeur
    end if
    set ligne_destination to ligne_destination + 1
    end repeat
    end tell -- document destination
    save document destination
    end tell -- Numbers
    end run
    on recolle(l, d)
    local oTIDs, t
    set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
    set t to l as text
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
    return t
    end recolle
    on activateGUIscripting()
    (* to be sure than GUI scripting will be active *)
    tell application "System Events"
    if not (UI elements enabled) then set (UI elements enabled) to true
    end tell
    end activateGUIscripting
    my selectMenu("Pages",5, 12)
    ==== Uses GUIscripting ====
    on selectMenu(theApp, mt, mi)
    tell application theApp
    tell application "System Events" to tell process theApp to tell menu bar 1 to ¬
    tell menu bar item mt to tell menu 1 to click menu item mi
    end tell -- application theApp
    end selectMenu
    I apologize, I'm too busy to write more explanations.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 18 août 2010 21:38:04

  • Trying to load a javascript link from text file into a dynamic textfile

    Can anyone help me with this problem? Im trying to load in a
    newsfeed from into my text field. If i put this
    javascript link on an html page, the page shows correctly, which is
    im supposed to get 3 dynamic links with news content headlines.
    Please view the link to see what i mean:
    Now, i cannot get this same type of display behavior in my
    text field if i just paste into my text file the javascript link
    thats supposed to bring up the 3 headlines. It is my understanding,
    that flash cannot do this without some sort of specific
    actionscripting, that involves asfusion, and/or externalInterface.
    Im not sure exactly how to go about setting this up to make this
    work. My current code looks like this:
    If anybody could tell me where im going wrong and what i
    should change in order to get the desired result im going for, Id
    very much appreciate it. Thanks

    well sorry there fanmap - but I don't think you're going to
    be able to get this to work. here's why: the link points to a php
    file - which gathers dynamic info from a DB - the return from the
    php is generating a string that is based on the DOM and
    'constructs' a javascript method that in turn writes to the html
    document. although we can embed html into a textField in Flash
    there are a limited number of supported html tags - and JS methods
    will not operate internally. in addition, (i'm not certain someone
    correct this if i'm off) there's no way to 'change' the output of
    the php call, therefore you will not be able to read the return
    because it is designed to use the DOM and write solely to the
    current document. Even if you were to access the JS method from the
    swf file (which one can) it will still only write the content of
    the php return to the html document - and the output is not
    compatible with the textField class.

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  • Read and write Values from Configuration File in BizTalk

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    I though to use SQL Server and create one table with single column.Biztalk will call the Storeproc to get the value and similary for update system will call another SP.
    Instead of using SQL Server DB is there option to implement this requirement like app.config,BTSsvcxxexe.config ,SSO Config store etc.
    If multi-users access the value from Config store and try to update ,how to handle lock mechanism.

    Hi BizQ,
    Refrain from using BTSConfig file or any custom config file if you have a requirement to update the data. Modifying a
    configuration file at runtime can cause some nasty, unexpected behavior inside your application if it's not managed properly.
    I would suggest you to use Custom DB or SSO Database in this case.
    Both have their Pros and Cons.
    SSO Database:
    You get out of the box encryption
    It is a central store which will service all BizTalk servers within your group
     SSO implements a caching mechanism internally for the data
    Custom DB:
    By storing the configuration in the database you don’t have to worry about consistency of data across servers like you would with a config file.
    Cache needs to be implemented by program to avoid delays in reading from physical file.
    In your case I recommend to go with SSO DB as in terms of storing custom configuration data in SSO for End Point/Application
    specific information and credentials and potentially configuration information which you also need to write and update at runtime from your code or via an administrator.
    You can use Richard Seroter's tool to store values as "Config Store" in SSO database and then write a .net helper
    utility to retrieve it using SSOConfigStore class. It has method GetConfigInfo and you need to pass application name with other parameters. It returns ConfigurationPropertyBag from where you can read property name and values.
    Please mark as answer or vote as helpful if my reply does

  • Problem in reading Sql server data from text file.

    I am selecting record from sql server 2005 and save the result in text file.
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    I also tried a lot for this. And didn't want to do copy paste for all .sql files. Finally the files could be read as is the clue is to read the file using UTF-16 format like
    BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis,Charset.forName("UTF-16")));
    I guess it would help and save work to copy paste text to other files and resaving it!

  • Problem reading external HTML format from text file

    I have a text file containing html formatted text which I try to get into a textfield.
    All works fine locally and even on my localhost test server, but when uploading to the real server - I get a blank.
    Anyone have any ideas? THANKS
    The text file :
    and the AS code in the movie:
    viewData.onPress = function() {
         //get text
    var tz
    function loadText() {
    var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    my_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
      if (success) {
      mytext.htmlText= this.t2;
      } else {
      //trace("Error loading/parsing LoadVars.");

    Thanks kglad, I did it and it made me find the real problem:
    The text file is generated by PHP script that gets an html formated text from flash (it is an online editing part of an application):
    the AS code to call the php:
    var send_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    send_lv.t1 = "&t2="+editor.t1.htmlText+"&";
    send_lv.sendAndLoad("write.php", res_lv, "POST");
    the PHP:
    $mydata = $_POST["t1"];
    $myFile = "recipe.txt";
    $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");
    fwrite($fh, $mydata);
    print "&done=done";
    From some reason the online server adds \ before any " , but WAMP doesn't.
    here is the text generated on localhost (WAMP)
    online server:
    &t2=<TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Comic Sans MS\" SIZE=\"14\" COLOR=\"#FF0000\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\">online text</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>&
    I know its not a Flash problem now, but do you have any idea?

  • How to convert text file into xml file

    Hi Folks,
    I am genarating list of data into text file, but i want to genarate xml file for this text file. How to achive this , please let me know. Thanks.

    hi Vishal,
      Use<b> GUI_DOWNLOAD</b> FM and give the file name as <b>file.xml</b> with BIN Mode....
      Download internal table to presentation server file(PC)
      DATA: ld_filename TYPE string value <b>file.xml</b>,
    Pre version 4.7 declaration e_file like rlgrap-filename.
      DATA: begin of it_datatab occurs 0,
      row(500) type c,
    end of it_datatab.
      call function 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'
                filename         = ld_filename
                <b>filetype         = 'BIN'</b>
                data_tab         = it_datatab[]
                file_open_error  = 1
                file_write_error = 2
                others           = 3.

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