Reading/writing UTF-8 Characters

We're having a problem with storing and displaying UTF-8 Chars in Oracle.
The configuration is at the end of this post.
A value such as 'et køretøj Test' written to the db does not get rendered
properly and comes back with garbage chars. If we go to sqlplus and convert
the same to UTF-8 manually by updating it to
select convert('et køretøj Test', 'UTF8', 'WE8ISO8859P1') from dual
then everything gets rendered fine on the front-end. These tests are being
done on WinXP (Win2000 as well), and the app runs under both Unix and Win2k
Are we missing some config settings?
-- Dev
DriverName Weblogic, Inc. Java-OCI JDBC Driver (weblogicoci37)
DriverVersion 6.0 Service Pack 2 05/24/2001 11:55:44 #117037
StartWebLogic.cmd has
WL Console -> JDBC Connection Pool setting
( We've tried this with and without these values)
Running (from JSP)
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery
( "select * from nls_database_parameters" );
the output is
Jsp setting (using Struts as well)
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html ; charset=UTF-8"%>

I had trouble with Spanish charcters and seem to have been able to fix it. My posting
here is based on that experience.
Keeping that NLS_LANG in weblogic start script does not seem to do anything.
2. For weblogic to treat charcters according to a charset you need to specify some
params in weblogic.xml. Otherwise your form data may end up being interpreted in
3. When you send data to database you need to make sure any bytes go in with correct
"Dev Ashish" <[email protected]> wrote:
We're having a problem with storing and displaying UTF-8 Chars in Oracle.
The configuration is at the end of this post.
A value such as 'et køretøj Test' written to the db does not get rendered
properly and comes back with garbage chars. If we go to sqlplus and convert
the same to UTF-8 manually by updating it to
select convert('et køretøj Test', 'UTF8', 'WE8ISO8859P1') from dual
then everything gets rendered fine on the front-end. These tests are being
done on WinXP (Win2000 as well), and the app runs under both Unix and Win2k
Are we missing some config settings?
-- Dev
DriverName Weblogic, Inc. Java-OCI JDBC Driver (weblogicoci37)
DriverVersion 6.0 Service Pack 2 05/24/2001 11:55:44 #117037
StartWebLogic.cmd has
WL Console -> JDBC Connection Pool setting
( We've tried this with and without these values)
Running (from JSP)
ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery
( "select * from nls_database_parameters" );
the output is
Jsp setting (using Struts as well)
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html ; charset=UTF-8"%>

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    Hello everybody!
    I am trying to write UTF8 encoded characters to a jsp page, but is seems as if the PrinterWriter I get back in the getWriter call keep returning a writer parametrized for the ISO-8859-1 character set.
    I am calling setContentType with "text/html; charset=UTF-8" as parameter but it does not help.
    Anyone know what I should do?
    Thanx alot!
    Regards Daniel

    I put the following in a "page" directive at the top of my JSPs:
    contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
    That handles getting a jspWriter that write UTF-8.
    You also need to convert the parameters you get from the browser's form input fields to UTF-8 encoded Strings.
    Like this:
    String temp = req.getParameter(parmName);
      // bail out if nothing here
      if (temp ==null) return "";
        temp  = new String(temp.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"),"UTF-8");
      catch (Exception e)
        Mydebug("UTF-8 conversion exception");
      }When you get the parameter it is UTF-8 encoded, but Java's default encoding is ISO-8859-1. After executing the conversion above, temp is a UTF-8 encoded String.

  • Reading/Writing UTF-8 fromat

    Hi Java folks ...
    i need to read and write UTF-8 text format but i couldn't do that by using this code ... can you help me :
    public class Po2Tab {
         private String strResult;
         public Po2Tab(String PoFile) {
              try {
                   RandomAccessFile fr = new RandomAccessFile(PoFile,"r");
                   String s = "";
                   String temp = "";
                   int x = 0;
                   while( s!= null )  {
                        System.out.println("reading line:"+String.valueOf(x));
                        s = fr.readUTF();
                   strResult = temp;
              } catch (Exception ee) {
              try {
                   RandomAccessFile fr = new RandomAccessFile(PoFile.replace(".po", ".tab"),"rw");
                   System.out.println("finished wirting file");
              } catch (Exception e) {
         public String getResult() {
              return strResult;

    How do you know you can't read it? Unless I'm blind, all I see is
    - you read
    - you ignore the result
    - you assign an empty String to the attribute.
    - you write the empty attribute again.
    Though I don't quite get what your program is supposed to do anyway...

  • Stax reading /writing need help from xml guru plz

    hi, i have been told that stax reading /writing should involve no overhead and that is why i use it and i am now able to write my large data to file, but using my reader i seem to run out of memory, using netbeans profiler i ahve found that char[] seems to be the problem,
    by backtracing i ahve found that javax.xml.parser.SAXParser.parse calls the xerces packages which eventually leads to the char[ ], now my code for my reader is attatched here...
    package utilities;
    import Categorise.Collection;
    import Categorise.Comparison;
    import Categorise.TestCollection;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
    import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import measures.Protocol;
    * @author dthomas
    public class XMLParser extends DefaultHandler
        static Collection collection = new Collection();
        List<Short> cList;
        List<Comparison> comparisonList;
        File trainFileName;
        File testFileName;
        TestCollection tc;
        List<TestCollection> testCollectionList;
        List<File> testFileNameList = new ArrayList<File>();
        List<File> trainFileNameList = new ArrayList<File>();
        boolean allTrainsAdded = false;
        Protocol protocol;
        List<File> trainingDirList;
        File testingDir;
        int counter = 0;
        File[ ] trainingDirs;
        File[ ] trainingFileNames;
        File[ ] testFileNames;
        TestCollection[ ] testCollections;
        Comparison[ ] comparisons;
        Comparison c;
        short[ ] cCounts;
        String order;
        String value;
        File trainDir;
        /** Creates a new instance of XMLParser */
        public XMLParser() {
        public static Collection read( File aFile )
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            System.out.println( "Reading XML..." );
            SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
            SAXParser sp;
            try {
                sp = spf.newSAXParser();
                sp.parse( aFile, new XMLParser() );
            } catch (IOException ex) {
            } catch (SAXException ex) {
            } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long totalTime = ( endTime - startTime ) / 1000;
            System.out.println( "Done..."  + totalTime + " seconds" );
            return collection;
        public void startElement(String uri,String localName,String qName, Attributes attributes)
            if( qName.equals( "RE" ) )
                testCollectionList = new ArrayList<TestCollection>();
            else if( qName.equals( "p") )
                boolean isConcatenated = new Boolean( attributes.getValue( "c" ) );
                boolean isStatic = new Boolean( attributes.getValue( "s" ) );
                protocol = new Protocol( isConcatenated, isStatic );
            else if( qName.equals( "trdl" ) )
                trainingDirList = new ArrayList<File>();
            else if( qName.equals( "trd" ) )
                trainDir = new File( attributes.getValue( "fn" ) );
                trainingDirList.add( trainDir );
            else if( qName.equals( "td" ) )
                testingDir = new File( attributes.getValue( "fn" ) );
            else if( qName.equals( "TC" ) )
                System.out.println( counter );
                comparisonList = new ArrayList<Comparison>();
                testFileName = new File( attributes.getValue( "tfn" ) );
                testFileNameList.add( testFileName );
                tc = new TestCollection( );
                tc.setTestFileName( testFileName );
            else if ( qName.equals( "r" ) )
             order = attributes.getValue( "o" );
                value = attributes.getValue( "v" );
                cList.add( Short.parseShort( order ), new Short( value ) );
            else if( qName.equals( "c" ) )
                cList = new ArrayList<Short>();
                trainFileName = new File( attributes.getValue( "trfn" ) );
                if( !allTrainsAdded )
                    trainFileNameList.add( trainFileName );
        public void characters(char []ch,int start,int length)
            //String str=new String(ch,start,length);
        public void endElement(String uri,String localName,String qName)
            if (qName.equals( "c") )
                allTrainsAdded = true;
                cCounts = new short[ cList.size() ];      
                for( int i = 0; i < cCounts.length; i++ )
                    cCounts[ i ] = cList.get( i );
                c = new Comparison( trainFileName, tc );
                c.setcCounts( cCounts );
                this.comparisonList.add( c );
            else if( qName.equals( "TC" ) )
                comparisons = new Comparison[ comparisonList.size() ];
                comparisonList.toArray( comparisons );           
                tc.setComparisons( comparisons );
                testCollectionList.add( tc );
            else if( qName.equals( "RE" ) )
                testCollections = new TestCollection[ testCollectionList.size() ];
                testCollectionList.toArray( testCollections );
                collection.setTestCollections( testCollections );
                testFileNames = new File[ testFileNameList.size() ];
                testFileNameList.toArray( testFileNames );
                collection.setTestingFiles( testFileNames );
                //String[ ] testCategories = new String[ testCategoryList.size() ];
                //testCategoryList.toArray( testCategories );
                //collection.setTestCategories( testCategories );
                trainingFileNames = new File[ trainFileNameList.size() ];
                trainFileNameList.toArray( trainingFileNames );
                collection.setTrainingFiles( trainingFileNames );
                //String[ ] trainingCategories = new String[ trainCategoryList.size() ];
                //trainCategoryList.toArray( trainingCategories );
                //collection.setTrainingCategories( trainingCategories );
                collection.setProtocol( protocol );
                trainingDirs = new File[ trainingDirList.size() ];
                trainingDirList.toArray( trainingDirs );           
                collection.setTrainingDirs( trainingDirs );
                collection.setTestingDir( testingDir );
             //System.out.println("End element:   {" + uri + "}" + localName);
    }i thought it may have been a recursive problme, hence having so many instance variables instead of local ones but that hasn't helped.
    all i need at the end of this is a Collection which holds an array of testCollections, which holds an array of cCounts and i was able to hold all of this in memory as all i am loading is what was in memory before it was written.
    can someone plz help
    ps when i use tail in unix to read the end of the xml file it doesnt work correctly as i cannot specify the number of lines to show, it shows all of the file as thought it is not split into lines or contains new line chars or anything, it is stored as one long stream, is this correct??
    here is a snippet of the xml file:
    <TC tfn="
    /homedir/dthomas/Desktop/4News2/output/split3/alt.atheism/53458"><c trfn="/homed
    ir/dthomas/Desktop/4News2/output/split0/alt.atheism/53586"><r o="0" v="0"></r><r
    o="1" v="724"></r><r o="2" v="640"></r><r o="3" v="413"></r><r o="4" v="245"></
    r><r o="5" v="148"></r><r o="6" v="82"></r><r o="7" v="52"></r><r o="8" v="40"><
    /r><r o="9" v="30"></r><r o="10" v="22"></r><r o="11" v="16"></r><r o="12" v="11
    "></r><r o="13" v="8"></r><r o="14" v="5"></r><r o="15" v="2"></r></c><c trfn="/
    homedir/dthomas/Desktop/4News2/output/split0/alt.atheism/53495"><r o="0" v="0"><
    /r><r o="1" v="720"></r><r o="2" v="589"></r><r o="3" v="349"></r><r o="
    please if anyone has any ideas from this code why a char[] would use 50% of the memory taken, and that the average age seems to show that the same one continues to grow..
    thanks in advance
    danny =)

    hi, i am still having lo luck with reading the xml data back into memory, as i have said before, the netbeans profiler is telling me it is a char[] that is using 50% of the memory but i cannot see how a char[] is created, my code doesn't so it must be the xml code...plz help

  • UTF-8 characters (e.g À ) are not supporting in batch file

    I am trying to add user using batch file, I have used UTF-8 characters in username. I am trying below command net user Àdmin "sdf" /ADD /FULLNAME:Àdmin /COMMENT:"description" I observed that user added successfully but if i see local users
    then is shows ├Çdmin in place of Àdmin.
    If I run the above command manually on cmd it is working as per expected but it is not working if i execute this command using bat file.
    It looks like limitation of bat.
    I have gone though few forums and found that this could be the problem of DOS version.
    I am using 6.1.7600 DOS version.
    Could anybody help on this.

    chcp 65001 helped me to run UTF-8 batches
    example for unicode character ⬥:
    chcp 65001
    C:\Tools\Code128\Code128Gen.exe 0 "aCLa" 2 D:\Out\128_N2T60_⬥CL⬥.bmp
    C:\Tools\Code128\Code128Gen.exe 0 "aCLAa" 2 D:\Out\128_N2T60_⬥CLA⬥.bmp
    if your .bat file begins with BOM mark, remove it (switch the encoding to "UTF-8 without BOM") otherwise the interpreter will complain about first line of your batch, for example:
    C:\Tools\Code128>´╗┐chcp 65001
    '´╗┐chcp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    After some time, original UTF-8 batch file stopped working normally at commands which contained non-ascii characters. Commands were executed normally as before (producing correct output), but this misformatted message was shown at output of each:
    C:\Tools\Code128>C:\Tools\Code128\Code128Gen.exeThe system cannot write to the specified device.

  • How to validate UTF-8 characters using Regex?

    Hi All,
    In one of my applications, i need to include UTF-8 character set for validation of a certain string, which I am validating using a Regex.
    However, I do not know how to include UTF-8 characters in a Regex, or if at all, we can specify the UTF-8 charaters ina regex.
    Please Help!! Its Urgent!!!
    Thanks in Advance,
    Rajat Aggarwal

    Ok, Let me re-state my problem again, and exactly what i am looking for:
    I have an XML file with the following header: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    This XML file contains a tag, whose text is to be validate for a syntax : Operand operator Operand.
    Now, the operand on the right hand side of the operator could be a variable, or a string literal, which may contain some permissible special characters (as said above), and may or may not contain UTF-8 characters as well.
    I am using the xerces SAXParser to parse the XML document, and am retrieving the text of the elemnt tag with the method <code>element.getChildText("<tagName>")<//code>
    According to the org.jdom.Element API Docs,
    the getChildText() method is defined as follows:
    h3. getChildText{noformat}public java.lang.String getChildText(java.lang.String name){noformat}<dl><dd>Returns the textual content of the named child element, or null if there's no such child. This method is a convenience because calling <code>getChild().getText()</code> can throw a NullPointerException. <br<dd><dl><dt>Parameters: </dt><dd><code>name</code> - the name of the child </dd><dt>Returns: </dt><dd>text content for the named child, or null if no such child
    Now, I am not sure if the String that I am reading is in UTF-8 Format. Is there any special way of reading a string in that format, or for that matter, convert a string to UTF-8 encoding?

  • Efficiency of reading/writing files character-by-character

    I've been assuming that when I do a file "open for access," that among the housekeeping functions set up behind the scenes, there is some sort of buffer created, the size of which is somehow related to the logical sector size of the disc in question, so that reading or writing short pieces of text, or even single characters, doesn't cause independent physical read/write actions at the disc drive.
    Does anyone know if this is true or false? Maybe the question would be clearer posed another way. Suppose I set up a loop to read or write 1024 characters, sequentially, but one at a time. Obviously the loop will require much more time to execute than a singe read or write statement calling for 1K of text all at once. But will there be significantly more activity at the disc drive itself? Will the data be read or written on 1024 successive spins of the platter, or will it be buffered down to one spin, or maybe a couple, depending on the exact location of sector boundaries and so on?

    Thanks for this. I was sure some such facility was in operation, but I couldn't find anything explicit on the question. I have a task in which I'm trying to convert what looks like incredibly badly formed XML application files into properly tagged and well-formed XML so that I can then get them through a well-designed XML parser. To decode these utter shambles requires decision logic that goes nearly character-by-character. One tutorial page I found on Applescript file I/O suggested that reading/writing character-by-character was inherently inefficient, which I can see that it is, I just wanted to make sure the inefficiency didn't go all the way down to the mechanics of kicking the disc for every single character. The description in the tutorial was ambiguous, and a little disconcerting.
    The tutorial also suggested an alternative strategy of reading an entire file at once into a string and then working with the string. But my files are megabytes long, and I wonder how efficient operations are on megabyte strings, presuming there isn't a limit on string length. Short of trying to do some complex adaptive algorithm, which I might never get working right, I'm pretty sure that keeping to the KISS principal, and just going character-by-character, is a near-optimal strategy in my case.

  • GetClob not working with UTF-8 characters

    I have a column with data type CLOB in a table in Oracle DB. I want to store
    and retrieve CJK(Chinese, Japanese, Korean) data. I have tried all the
    resultset functions provided by Oracle but I was not able to get UTF-8
    characters from CLOB column. Please let me know how can I get the UTF-8 data
    from a CLOB column in an Oracle DB.

    Clob may be supporting unicode but isnt NCLOB specially for unicode!
    as the document "Migration to Unicode Datatypes for Multilingual Databases and
    Applications" says "Unicode datatypes were introduced in Oracle9i. Unicode datatypes are supported through the SQL
    NCHAR datatypes: NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and NCLOB. (In this paper, “Unicode datatypes” refers
    to SQL NCHAR types.) SQL NCHAR datatypes have existed since Oracle8. However, in Oracle9i
    forward, they have been redefined and their length semantics have been changed to meet customer
    globalization requirements. Data stored in columns of SQL NCHAR datatypes are exclusively stored in
    a Unicode encoding regardless of the database character set. These Unicode columns allow users to
    store Unicode in a database, which may not use Unicode as the database character set. Therefore,
    developers can build Unicode applications without dependence on the database character set. The
    Unicode datatypes also make it easier for customers to incrementally migrate existing applications and
    databases to support Unicode."

  • Importing a thesaurus with UTF-8 characters in it?

    I have a *.syn file with UTF-8 characters in it (danish characters) and the file is encoded in UTF-8. I can import the thesaurus without any problems, and if I export it again it looks all good, it is encoded in UTF-8 and the danish characters looks good.
    However if I try and search with broaden or narrow I never get any hits when there are danish characters involved, but it works fine for ASCII characters.
    Maybe I should note that searching with danish characters without using the thesaurus works fine.
    Any ideas where I should look for my problem?
    Thank you

    NLS_LANG is a system environment variable.
    See the Globalization Support Guide:
    How are you loading the thesaurus? Via the command line admin utility or via web services? If it's web services then setting the environment variable may not work.

  • Error reading/writing file "com.garageband.cs":`≤Ć». message

    Hey all! Don't know if anyone can help but I keep getting the message...
    " Error reading/writing file "com.garageband.cs":`≤Ć». " with a cancel button.
    If you click on it it does go away, but after a time playback starts skipping and stuff.
    Anyone help please?

    first two things to try for “oddball” probs:
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

  • Error reading/writing file message when opening garageband and/or files

    I've been recently getting this message when I open garageband and files
    "Error reading/writing file\\U201D
    I've been in and repaired disk permissions and all that it says it is all fine, reinstall garageband and message still comes up, weird.
    not only is garageband being a nuisance, Mac OS X 10.6.2 is being a pain when shutting down telling me to restart the computer. This only happened since upgrading to 10.6. No one as yet knows this promble so I'm gonna have to ring apple and see what is going on here.
    and also my other problem is that mac doesn't seem as snappy anymore I noticed this before upgrading to 10.6 and made no difference when "cleanly" installing 10.6. I get a colour wheel popping up and i'm having to wait with simple tasks. iMac only 2 years old.

    i give up with this discussion forum no no one knows anything

  • Keep getting message pop up "Error reading/writing file  "": Logical end-of-file reached during read operation," and "The Preferences are not loaded completely. Save them to "" anyway?" Using Logic pro 8. ???

    Logic froze while I was working on something so I forced quit.  Now every time I open LOGIC a message pops up that says:
    "Error reading/writing file
    Logical end-of-file reached during read operation."
    The only button option is cancel so I press it and another message appears that says:
    "The Preferences are not loaded completely.
    Do not save them, as you would overwrite the Preferences file with incomplete data."
    Then when i close logic a box appears saying:
    "The Preferences are not loaded completely.
    Save them to "" anyway?"
    There are 3 button options to press; ok, cancel or dont save.
    I press "don’t save" cuz I don't want to ruin anything.
    I found a discussion located here: that says if I delete the file "" it will resolve the problem.  If I do this will I loose or mess anything up at all, automation, saved channel strips customizations, saved effects, synth, or ultrabeat customizations etc? Or especially will I loose any work I've done?  I have hundreds pieces of music files I've created.  I'm scared to mess anything up with all the hours and months of work I've done.  Is there anyway to fix this without loosing anything?  I'm using Logic Pro 8.
    Thank you

    You can safely delete this file - its the preference file for control surface settings - you haven't said whether you're actually using a control surface or not, if so, you will have to set it up again. A new file will be created when you fire Logic up again, but of course it will contain default settings. If you have a complicated control surface setup, remember to keep a backup copy somewhere in case any future problems arise.
    Other than that, you really have nothing to be scared about - hopefully your problem is as simple as that and there isn't an underlying problem (a corrupt hard drive, for example). You seem concerned about losing work, so I guess you want to think about backing that up on a regular basis too. If you're saving your projects to your system drive, do get an external one for this. And also check that you have plent of free space on your system drive - you need to keep about a quarter or third of it free for your OS and programs to run properly (some temporarily stored files can be quite large).

  • Reading/Writing .xlsx files using Webdynpro for Java

    Dear All
    I have a requirement to read/write excel files in .xlsx format. I am good in doing it with .xls format using jxl.jar. The jxl.jar doesn't support .xlsx format. Kindly help me in understanding how do I need to proceed on reading/writing .xlsx files using Webdynpro for Java.
    Thanks and Regards
    Ramamoorthy D

    i am using jdk 1.6.22 and IBM WebSphere
    when i use poi-3.6-20091214.jar and poi-ooxml-3.6-20091214.jar  to read .xlsx file. but i am getting following errors
    The project was not built since its classpath is incomplete. Cannot find the class
    file for java.lang.Iterable. Fix the classpath then try rebuilding this project.
    This compilation unit indirectly references the missing type java.lang.Iterable
    (typically some required class file is referencing a type outside the classpath)
    how can i resolve it
    here is the code that i have used
    public class HomeAction extends DispatchAction {
         public ActionForward addpage(
                             ActionMapping mapping,
                             ActionForm form,
                             HttpServletRequest request,
                             HttpServletResponse response)
                             throws Exception {     
                             String name = "C:/Documents and Settings/bharath/Desktop/Book1.xlsx";
               FileInputStream fis = null;
               try {
                   Object workbook = null;
                    fis = new FileInputStream(name);
                    XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
                    XSSFSheet sheet = (XSSFSheet) wb.getSheetAt(0);
                    Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator();
                    int number=sheet.getLastRowNum();
                    System.out.println(" number of rows"+ number);
                    while (rows.hasNext())
                        XSSFRow row = ((XSSFRow);
                        Iterator cells = row.cellIterator();
                    XSSFCell cell = (XSSFCell);
                    String Value=cell.getStringCellValue();
               } catch (IOException e) {
               } finally {
                    if (fis != null) {
                return mapping.findForward("returnjsp");

  • " DVD RW Drive " is not reading / writing DVD. It can read only CD.

    HP Pavilion dv6-3140se Entertainment Notebook PC 
    {Personal Information Removed}
    Product Number:   XS065EA 
    " DVD RW Drive "  is not reading / writing DVD.  
    The same DVD can be read on my frnds laptop. 
    Corresponding drivers r up to date.. I even tried uninstall and then restart and then let my laptop install the required driver automatically. I've tried everything I could find on some forums.
    I was told to delete " Upper & Lower filters ". I didnt find Lower filter so I had to delete only "Upper Filter".
    Plz assist me..
    I will be waiting for ur kind reply.
    Thank u so much.

    The upper and lower filter thing only applies if the drive is not showing up at all in the Device Manager. If it appears as a drive and will perform any function at all, then it is likely a hardware issue. One way you can be sure is to try to boot from a bootable DVD such as a Windows 7 install Disk. If the computer will not boot from such a disk then it is apparent the hardware is defective, not the Windows software because the problem exists even before Windows loads.
    The drive has multiple lasers and it is possible for one to go out but not the others.  The drive is easily replaced. See below:
    This eBay seller ships worldwide. You would have to transplant your plastic drive face but that is very easy to do:

  • UTF-8 characters not displaying in IE6

    Dear Sirs,
    I have an issue in displaying UTF-8 characters in Internet explorer 6.
    I set up my all jsp pages encoding as UTF-8.
    Any language characters(like chinese,tamil etc) perfectly dispaying in firebox browser.
    But in internet explorer, the characters are not displays like ?! ..
    Could any body help me out?

    Thanks Viravan,
    But, I have added this line in my jsp before html tag.
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>
    After html tag,i added this meta tag.
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
    So, the UTF-8 encoding is capable to show different language characters in firebox browser.
    But In Internet Explorer 6 other language characters not displaying..
    > jsp sends out the UTF-8 BOM (hex: EF BB BF) before
    the HTML tag.I cant understand this line.I m new one to java.
    So ,please help me out.

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