Really Annoying Alert !!!!!

The finder alert sound when copying a file to (in my case) a USB pen drive that appears as an external disk, is to me an incredibly ANNOYING sound, I cant even describe it.
I JUST WANT TO GET RID OF IT!!!! I cant find it in the System Library Sound folder, it is not one of the sound selections in Dock>System Preferences>Sound, is there any program available to change/remove finder sounds? It seems System Pref>Sound>Sound Effects only changes the basic alert sound.
PS I know I can turn off ALL sounds, but I just want to get rid of this one.

Hello Richard:
Read this knowledge base article and see if it helps.
Message was edited by: Barry Hemphill (to add article!)

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    Hello everyone. I have Safari + QuickTime + iTunes installed on my Windows 7 x64 box since a long time, but only recently I've found some problems...
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    As I've said, isn't fatal, but its really annoying having to close that popup every time.
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    Moved it to both system32 and sysWOW64 and still shows that popup.
    Best to move it out of there. Having an old version in there tends to cause a different kind of startup error for iTunes and QuickTime (if the version of QuickTime proper on the PC is updated).
    By any chance, have you ever had a version of QuickTime Lite or QuickTime Alternative installed on the PC? Last time I checked, they used to install a copy of QTCF.dll to the system32 directory (on 32-bit systems). Since they use the QuickTime registry entries, your Registry may currently be looking in the wrong place for the QTCF.dll.
    Well... I've tried to uninstall it to install it again, but it throws me an error about some file that couldn't be removed (I think is that QTCF.dll file).
    Could you try another uninstall and post back with the full filename and filepath of that file, please? (I'd like to see where your system thinks your QTCF.dll is installed just at the moment.)

  • HT1632 I can view a workout on my ipod touch history, but not in itunes or on nike+ website.  I can't seem to upload this run and it's really annoying as I'm loosing about 12k of runs.  It seems to happen when I program in a custom run.  Can you help?

    Hi there,
    I have just done a custom run on my Ipod touch 2nd Gen of 12k.  When I finished the run is appearing in my run history on my iPod touch, however it is not appearing in my itunes 'Nike+' tab, or on the Nike + website.  I can't seem to get this run to sync and it is really annoying because I'll be loosing 12k.  Can anyone help or has experienced this before?  I know there are solutions to add runs to iPod nano's and older iPods using the 'Enable disk' and iPod_control function however from what I'm aware you cannot do this on an iPod touch.  Can anyone please help?
    Many thanks

    You should really read the manual.
    "How do you restore from backup? "
    Restore.  When given the choice, choose to use backup.
    "And how can I check to see if the pics and videos are on my computer somewhere first??"
    They would only be where you put them.  What program did you use to import them?  Pics/vids taken with ipod are not part of the sync process at all.  You should be importing them just as you would with any digital camera.
    If you did not import them, then they are not on your computer.

  • I'm getting really annoyed with the Mac.

    Don't mean to offend geniune Mac fans here, but I'm just getting really annoyed with the Mac.
    I purchased my Mac mini (late 2012) in May of 2013 - so it's about 4 months old. I don't have a lot of software on it, mainly the Adobe Creative Suite, and development tools (Xcode, and web development software).
    The mini has this annoyance where, every so often it just freezes. It usually happens during when the screensaver is running, or when the monitor goes into standby and I try to wake it up. First the screensaver runs for 15 minutes. Sometimes it happens (it's random) that the screensaver "stalls" and the mac freezes. If it "survives" the screensaver, then after 15 minutes my monitor goes into standby mode. Sometimes when I wake up the monitor, I get the login window, I log in, and then I find that the Mac just froze.
    A few days ago I've updated to 10.8.5. Now these freezes are happening more often. The mac freezes just whenever, regardless of screensaver or not. There was a time when I had ReadKit running, displaying an article. I went to the kitchen, when I came back the mini was frozen as ice. No other program was running (I mean program that I started).
    Other times I had Chrome open at youtube. It was not playing a video. The browser was just "parking" at youtube's home page. Same thing. I go away, come back, the mini was frozen.
    Yet just a few days ago, I had no user started application running. None. I leave the mini alone for a short while, come back, and I find the fan was running like crazy. The mac was not hot at all, but the fan went bonkers. It was loud and pumping air out for no reason.
    At these times I can't do anything. Sometimes I can move the window, or move icons on the desktop, but I cannot force quit an app, neither I can start one. So things like going to the apps folder and starting terminal or activity monitor is not possible. I cannot select menu items from the Finder (or any other application) menus, so I can't restart or shut down the mac. The only thing I can do at these times is hold the power button for a few seconds to force the mac to shut down.
    I'm coming from Windows. I built and upgraded my PC a few times in the past 7-8 years with newer and faster MOBOs, processors, memory, etc. I never had a bad component; I never had a blue screen; I never had my PC hang; I have never encountered any issues that would make my PC hang or froze or otherwise. I never had to troubleshoot software or hardware problems because they were/are just non existent. I'm not trying to start a war here about PCs and Macs. I'm completely natural.
    But here I am with this "thing" that supposed to be so great and trouble free. I have already reinstalled the OS once during this 4 month old mac, but now it seems I have to do it again because ever since 10.8.5 things has gotten worse. This is really N-O-T what I expected from a Mac. I am just really annoyed, frustrated and everything else.
    I was browsing these support forums and tried/looked at a couple of diagnostic steps, but none helped so far. I will attempt to reinstall the OS A-G-A-I-N over the weekend. If that doesn't help, then I will have to put this junk into the garbage can. (Well, figuratively speaking of course.)
    Mac mini late 2012
    OS X 10.8.5
    i7 2.6 GHz 8G
    Samsung S27B970 display via DisplayPort
    Apple extended wired keyboard
    Logitech LS1 laser mouse
    No other peripherials

    Hey thanks for the feedback woodmeister! No, I was not aware of the hardware diagnostics!
    So I have eagerly followed the isntructions, but I quickly found out what I have already experienced looking at other Apple "unhelpful" documentation. When I was referring in my OP that I've looked at other resources, the problem was that those "un-support" documents were out of date and the article indicated that Apple has retired them.
    Now as far as the link that you sent (and the same can be found in the Help section of OS X as well, wasn't helpful either. Why?
    In the document the bullets are as follows:
    If you have a new Mac (mid-2013 or later), use Apple Diagnostics, which is built into your Mac.
    If your Mac has OS X v10.8.3 or earlier, use Apple Hardware Test, which is built into your Mac.
    If you updated your Mac to OS X v10.8.4 or later, use the system software disc or USB flash drive that came with your Mac.
    Let's start with bullet #1. As far as I know (and correct me if I'm wrong) but I'm not aware of mid-2013 Mac minis. Mine is late 2012, so I guess I don't fit into bullet #1.
    Bullet #2. I have OS X 10.8.5 so it means I don't fit into that bullet either.
    Bullet #3. Yes, I did update to 10.8.4 or later (using 10.8.5) but neither a software disc nor a USB flash drive came with the Mac mini late 2012 model.
    So what now? Another great "support" document that is confusing and/or not helpful. Nevertheless, I did give it a try. Disconnected my ethernet cable, hold down D, and rebooted. I get a "Choose Network Connection" drop down on the gray screen where I'm supposed to choose a Wi-Fi network. Why? This has not been mentioned in the docs. My Wi-Fi is disabled because I'm connecting through cable.
    So I reconnected the cable. As soon as I did that, I got the message that ... let's see... my memory is failing me... the recovery mode or reinstalling the OS will begin... or something along that line. There was NO ANY INDICATION about any hardware test or diagnostics!
    See, what I mean about frustration...?

  • Problems with Media and my Blackberry Bold, is it time for me to give up on RIM this is really annoying

    Hello RIM,
    Over the past year since owning a Blackberry, I have had on-going issues with syncing my music between my (2) bolds, so I know this is not specific to the hardware, I have also managed 400 BB's on a BES before so I have a fair idea of how to do things and troubleshoot issues.
    1. My music many times has sounded severely distorted through my car speakers, with lots of bad crackle that hurts my ears
    2. Transferring media between my device and my computer is actually really annoying and now I can't even find my playlists on Windows 7
    3. This should be seemless, it should not be buggy and I can't believe, having done so much support with your hardware and software that this continues to be a real problem for me
    I have a playbook, 2 blackberry bolds (I had to buy another 1 because Mobilicity does AWS only and Bell was just plain mean to me so I gave up on them).
    I am ready to go on ebay and get rid of this stuff because whilst I mostly use it as a phone (the reason I went with BB), it is important that I am able to do other things with it, without having to go through a dozen articles and issues just to get things to work, these should have been ironed out in the bug reporting process.
    So I have reinstalled both Itunes and BB Desktop Manager, both manually and via repair and tried even recopying over my playlists, this doesn't work.
    I can't believe the lousy support and buggy software, come on RIM, there is no excuses in this market, PICK UP YOUR GAME and update the BDS or I am done and so will the many other people who won't even take their time to write anything about it on here but vote with their wallet.

    Well you know the playbook is actually pretty cool but didn't seem to be ready to go out on time and being a late entrant to the market I would have expected them to showcase the playbook better, especially like how Nintendo gets out there and gets everyone playing with it hands on, there are some things about the Playbook that actually make it unique but it has been poorly marketed.
    Unfortunately getting BDS and everything to work properly should not be an issue, I have already spent thousands of dollars on hardware and my phone provider, what am I actually paying for here? So I will spell out some things that make the Blackberry Playbook special and what I would have been pushing had I been in charge of marketing. Firstly I would have had a few different campaigns going, one that targeted business corporate customers, regular business customers and the public that use them as their choice of smartphone and open to potentially buying one.
     1. Flash works really great, come on blackberry, why couldn't you team up with Facebook on this one? Facebook looks better on a Playbook than any other tablet I have seen, in fact the web looks better in general.
    2. Stereo speakers(dual), movies sound great, music sounds great and so do games, in this area, Playbook has the upper hand.
    3. USB & HDMI out - Allows much easier portability of presentations and transferring of files and now I believe there is the Wifi Sync as well.
    4. Blackberry Bridge - You know it's like RIM got backed into a corner on this one, but you know, I think this is the most secure way to operate a tablet, I love how when I turn off bluetooth on my bold, my personal and private information is removed and I can pass it to friends and family without my personal communications being looked into, with the other tablets, it's pretty hard to have different people on them, without probably creating different profiles, with the Playbook, you could share it between a team and it would seamlessly operate between them.
     5. True Multitasking - You know, you can play music, whilst playing a game and you can switch between applications, this funtions pretty awesome. I put on some cool music and loaded up a game on the device and someone whom had an Apple device was sincerely impressed he could listen to music whilst reading or playing games etc. This could also enhance Business Presentations that require audio in the background whilst displaying and going through different information / files or charts.
    6. QNX OS - I mean wow Blackberry, this Operating System is fantastic, I love it, this was an EXCELLENT choice and this I will give you 5 stars on, I can't wait to see what QNX can do on the Blackberry and I would not be surprised if the QNX OS became a major OS against the others, it definitely is polished and apps just install and are ready to go in no time.
     RIM has been ahead of the game and because of it's great name with-in business circles they have almost sold themselves and whilst it's nice to see that RIM has sold over 250,000 units with-in the first week this could have been drastically improved by realizing when getting into a NEW market, they need to do the proper marketing and get the devices out there with subject matter experts to educate people whom are checking them out so they can share that information with their friends.
     Google paid a very large price with their Nexus One because they where over-confident and thought they would sell based on their name alone, this could have been a learning curve RIM did not have to deal with. There are actually other nice things about the Playbook, the apps that are in their app store are pretty cool and when Android apps are available it will be cooler.
    I like the size of the tablet I can comfortably reach accross the screen to hit all the keys on the digital keyboard making it any larger and I couldn't hold it in my hands with the same comfort; copping out to apple fan boys thinking they must have a 10.1" tablet is not necessary, this is the perfect size to sit in your hands, some people think they are small but if they actually watch a movie or play a game on it or look at websites by "Playing with it themselves" they will react differently and actually suggest if your going to do a 10.1" tablet, also keep the smaller sized one as well.
    Suggestions :
    - Working on building in more extensions for gaming such as Unity so that games like battlestar galactica online etc could be played online and directions could be replaced by using the gyroscope.
     - Hire more people if you are having problems meeting deadlines, these companies, including Apple are taking risks to win the market, if your going to take a swing at your competitors, please make it a punch and not a jab, the biggest thing you still have on your side is the market you already had and the market share you have been losing and since we all upgrade our devices so often at this time, come out with something special and we will continue to support you. Okay now that I have that off my chest I feel better. DAMMIT !

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    I rented a movie on iTunes and, really annoyingly, it has stopped 30 minutes before the end. Any suggestions? And how do I go about getting a refund? Thanks so much for any suggestions.

    Hi alefiya,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!  It sounds like the movie didn't completely download. This link will get you in contact with the iTunes Support Team.  They will be able to review your account with you:
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBookstore purchase
    - Judy

  • I need to block my friend on imessage for ipod because he has gotten really annoying.

    My friend has gotten really annoying, and i told him to stop talking to me, but that didnt work. I also dont want to make a new email becuse ive already made like 4 emails and i dont think i can keep track of another. Ive already done the email, and that didnt work either. I wouldnt even care if someone hacked into his account and made his password get changed, because this guy is really ANNOYING!!
    I also turned off my notes in the mail page and now most of my notes are gone, is there any way to get them back.

    Depending on your situation you do have external options:
    If you are a minor (under 18 in most states..) get your parents involved.  Have your parents talk to your antagonist's parents.
    If you are an adult, or a minor and the previous suggestion did not work, you can take legal action.  There are laws against stalking and harassment.  Do not blow this off, do what you have to do to protect yourself.

  • The system doesn't recognize or capitalize the word (I) or the first word of every sentence. Another really annoying thing about the integrated mail on your Mac computers is the fact that the system learns the word as you type it more and more instead of

    The system doesn’t recognize or capitalize the word (I) or the first word of every sentence. Another really annoying thing about the integrated mail on your Mac computers is the fact that the system learns the word as you type it more and more instead of highlighting it as incorrectly is this is a word that’s being misspelled. Can Apple fix this bug to make it user friendly as if you were using Office or a Word Document?

    You hit the target CT.
    It’s only fair that if Apple is going to integrate Mail into Mac PCs, it would be nice if the system does it for you like Office or perhaps Outlook. I just don’t to use Outlook although I have it installed and ready to use, but instead use Mail which comes with Mac OS already.
    I hope to make some sense here.

  • There is no option in my iPhone 5s showing that I can make my fingerprint :/ I have already made my passcode why this is happening :( it's really annoying me!!

    There is no option in my iPhone 5s settings showing that I can make my fingerprint :/ I have already made my passcode why this is happening it's really annoying me!!

    Do a Reset, no data will be lost.
    Check iPhone model
    Settings > General > About > Model?

  • All my episodes on my ipod touch are out of order, they are in alphabetical instead of episode number. Its really annoying. How do you fix it?

    After i upgraded to iOS 6 my ipod touch has been putting all my tv shows episodes in alphabetical order instead of episode number order. I have tried a few things to put it back to normal but they just wont go back into the right order. Its really annoying if i am starting to watch something and then want to go onto the next ep on my ipod and its really annoying having to go through around 20 eps to find the next one.. Its the same on my brothers ipad. Except they dont have the episode numbers on them at all. If anyone has a solution on how to fix this it would be great. I might end up going to apple and asking myself when i get my ipad to show them excatly. If its a bug in the iOS it really needs to be fixed.

    Have you looked at the previous discussions listed on the right side of this page under the heading "More Like This"?

  • How do i stop the keychain window from popping up it is really annoying?

    How do I stop the keychain window from popping up, it is really annoying?

    What is the specific message you are getting?
    If it's asking for a password, then enter it and you should be good. If you don't know the password, then I would probably recommend reseting your keychain entirely. Your keychain keeps saved password for certain websites and programs but in my expereince the average user is not tremendously affected by reseting the keychain. It's just a matter at that point of reentering your passwords manually if you've gotten used to them populating automatically.
    Check out for an article on how to reset the keychain.

  • Seriously, this issue is really annoying. why wont my songs download? it wont stop saying there is an error. this needs to be fixed. refund or apple needs to put these songs in my itunes manually if that can be done.

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    seriously, this issue is really annoying. why wont my songs download? it wont stop saying there is an error. this needs to be fixed. refund or apple needs to put these songs in my itunes manually if that can be done.

  • When ever i try to download my iPod recovery software, it keeps saying connection timed out. really annoyed and need help to fix it

    when ever i try to download my iPod recovery software, it keeps saying connection timed out. really annoyed and need help to fix it

    - Next try the manual install method of:
    iDevice Troubleshooting 101 :: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch
    If the iPod was Disabled, place the iPod in recovery mode after the firmware download is complete and then restore using the instructions in the article. Sometimes recovery mode timeouts and returns to disabled before the firmware download is complete.
    - Then try on another computer

  • Why does my HP G62-A25EO lags on starcraft 2 its really annoying?:(

    why does my HP G62-A25EO lags on starcraft 2 its really annoying?

    Monkemackan, welcome to the forum.
    The normal reason for games lagging is one of three components:
    1) CPU
    2) Memory
    3) Video device
    In your case, the memory should be fine.  It is no doubt either the CPU or video device.  My suspicion is that it is the video card.  I suggest looking at the Windows Experience Index in the Control Panel / Performance information and tools.  I suspect that the video card will have the lowest rating.
    Have you tried running the game on lower settings; low-medium or lower?  This may help the lagging.
    Please let us know if this solves your problem or not. 
    HP TouchPad - 1.2 GHz; 1 GB memory; 32 GB storage; WebOS/CyanogenMod 11(Kit Kat)
    HP 10 Plus; Android-Kit Kat; 1.0 GHz Allwinner A31 ARM Cortex A7 Quad Core Processor ; 2GB RAM Memory Long: 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM (1600MHz); 16GB disable eMMC 16GB v4.51
    HP Omen; i7-4710QH; 8 GB memory; 256 GB San Disk SSD; Win 8.1
    HP Photosmart 7520 AIO
    **Click the Thumbs Up+ to say 'Thanks' and the 'Accept as Solution' if I have solved your problem.**
    Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!
    I am not an HP employee.

  • Been having loads of pop ups lately..anything i can do to stop this?? help please.its really annoying

    been getting loads of pop ups lately and its really annoying and slows down my mac book please

    There is no need to download anything to solve this problem.
    You may have installed the "VSearch" trojan. Remove it as follows.
    Malware is always changing to get around the defenses against it. These instructions are valid as of now, as far as I know. They won't necessarily be valid in the future. Anyone finding this comment a few days or more after it was posted should look for more recent discussions or start a new one.
    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Step 1
    From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Extensions
    Uninstall any extensions you don't know you need, including any that have the word "Spigot," "Trovi," or "Conduit" in the description. If in doubt, uninstall all extensions. Do the equivalent for the Firefox and Chrome browsers, if you use either of those.
    Reset the home page and default search engine in all the browsers, if it was changed.
    Step 2
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the line and select
              Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item named "com.vsearch.agent.plist" selected. Drag the selected item to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator login password.
    Repeat with each of these lines:
    Restart the computer and empty the Trash. Then delete the following items in the same way:
    /Library/Application Support/VSearch
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ConduitNPAPIPlugin.plugin
    Some of these items may be absent, in which case you'll get a message that the file can't be found. Skip that item and go on to the next one.
    The problem may have started when you downloaded and ran an application called "MPlayerX." That's the name of a legitimate free movie player, but the name is also used fraudulently to distribute VSearch. If there is an item with that name in the Applications folder, delete it, and if you wish, replace it with the genuine article from
    This trojan is often found on illegal websites that traffic in pirated content such as movies. If you, or anyone else who uses the computer, visit such sites and follow prompts to install software, you can expect more of the same, and worse, to follow.
    You may be wondering why you didn't get a warning from Gatekeeper about installing software from an unknown developer, as you should have. The reason is that the Internet criminal behind VSearch has a codesigning certificate issued by Apple, which causes Gatekeeper to give the installer a pass. Apple could revoke the certificate, but as of this writing has not done so, even though it's aware of the problem. This failure of oversight has compromised both Gatekeeper and the Developer ID program. You can't rely on Gatekeeper alone to protect you from harmful software.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C. In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

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