Really basic question - sorry!

I'm apologising upfront, as I'm sure this is just so simple...... Is there a definitive list somewhere that tells you all the Meta Data types and the equivalent tags I'd use in Site Studio?
Example - Publisher_This_Revision = dDocAuthor

Easiest is to familiarize yourself with the Revisions + Docmeta tables for most common document metadata.
It doesn't cover all available tags but it'll cover stuff you'll use a lot, on top of that it'll help you understand how things work inside the content server.

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    or hold down the left mouse button for a moment while you select the rectangle tool.

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    A friend of mine makes mac programs and he just finished this one up:
    It will turn off the start up chime and do MANY more things.
    you can also ignore the startup chime normally by holding down the mute button while your mac boots up

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    1. Only if you've installed any(or Apple's MPEG-2 playback component for unprotected DVDs).
    2. No, not even if the playback component is installed. That codec enables the QuickTime Player and similar applications to play unprotected DVDs.

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    I have just started using mine. I was in the process of testing out the Allegro and was not very happy with it since it is 2007 and not ready for Leopard yet, it had some issues. Then I decided to give the Logic Express a try and basically I am wondering ho can Allegro cost that much! For a little more than the price of an upgrade to my Print Music I have a fantastic platform. I find Logic to be complex and it is justifiably so. There are many terminologies I simply am not familiar with which also appear in Finale languages as well. But, Logic is just fantastic.
    I write Bass Guitar stuff as a way to learn the instrument. I have a BEAD 4-string and am in the process of customizing Logic for it.
    One last thing: be very careful with transferring your MIDI files. I would say keep both programs on your computer until you are sure the MIDI's you created meet the standards of another platform before you fully migrate.
    Good luck, and enjoy.

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    Claudia1806 wrote:
    …I bought, downloaded and installed Extended…
    If you already had Photoshop 12.x ("CS5"), then the last two steps you mention were unnecessary, redundant, superfluous.    No need to download or install anything, just pay for the new license, which gives you a new serial number.
    Photoshop Extended is actually the very same program you already have/had installed, it's actually just the new serial number for Extended that turns on the additional Extended features.
    All you have to do is go to the Help menu > Deactivate… to deactivate and erase your old serial number.  Then activate again and put in your new serial number, which instantly gives you the Extended version of the application.
    Wo Tai Lao Le

  • A really basic question on upgrading GroupWise 12

    Hi guys!
    We have GroupWise 8.0.x running on a Novell Netware OES 6.5 server patched to SP8. This server also provides file and print services. About 80 Win XP Pro users all in.
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    It all sits there doing exactly what it says on the tin, day in, day out and no grief. Has done so for many years including moving up from earlier versions of GroupWise (4.1) and Netware (3.12) as their new versions became available.
    Now we want the extra goodies which come with GroupWise 12 - especially better support for all the smart thingies users are bringing into work.
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    2. We have to move the existing GroupWise domain database and post office onto this new server (by just copying it?).
    3. We have got to replace all the existing NLM agents (POA, MTA, GWIA and WebAccess) and run them on the new server (or servers?).
    4. The SLES based Data Synchroniser can still sit there continuing to do its own thing albeit probably with an upgrade.
    Have we got it right and is it correct that we cannot have a halfway step with some bits of GroupWise 12 running under Netware and other bits under Windows Server/SLES? We do expect we can still retain the NDS master replica on the Netware server.
    Any suggestion about best options to retain the system stability we are used to?

    On Mon, 13 May 2013 14:06:03 GMT, alandbond
    <[email protected]> wrote:
    >Hi guys!
    >We have GroupWise 8.0.x running on a Novell Netware OES 6.5 server
    >patched to SP8. This server also provides file and print services. About
    >80 Win XP Pro users all in.
    >This server hosts the single GroupWise domain database with one PO, the
    >POA, MTA and GWIA NLM agents and the NDS database.
    >A second Netware 6.5 SP8 server hosts the Web Access agent.
    >A separate (small) SLES box supports Data Synchroniser.
    >It all sits there doing exactly what it says on the tin, day in, day
    >out and no grief. Has done so for many years including moving up from
    >earlier versions of GroupWise (4.1) and Netware (3.12) as their new
    >versions became available.
    >Now we want the extra goodies which come with GroupWise 12 - especially
    >better support for all the smart thingies users are bringing into work.
    >My best interpretation of all the Novell and forum literature related
    >to GroupWise 12 is:
    >1. We have got to install either a Windows or SLES server, which can go
    >into the existing tree and context (?).
    Three options: Windows, SLES, or OES 11. I have 70 users and I am
    running the MTA, POA, GWIA, and Web Access (and GWAVA) all on an OES
    11 server. Runs great.
    >2. We have to move the existing GroupWise domain database and post
    >office onto this new server (by just copying it?).
    Essentially. I would recommend getting Danita's GW 2012 Upgrade Guide
    for Netware. I used it to migrate from GW8 on
    Netware to 2012 on OES. Very helpful!
    >3. We have got to replace all the existing NLM agents (POA, MTA, GWIA
    >and WebAccess) and run them on the new server (or servers?).
    >4. The SLES based Data Synchroniser can still sit there continuing to
    >do its own thing albeit probably with an upgrade.
    I would just make sure it is running the latest Data Sync version on
    SLES 11 SP2.
    >Have we got it right and is it correct that we cannot have a halfway
    >step with some bits of GroupWise 12 running under Netware and other bits
    >under Windows Server/SLES? We do expect we can still retain the NDS
    >master replica on the Netware server.
    You could move the MTA, POA, and GWIA to your new mail server in one
    step. WebAccess could be installed on that server at the same time or
    at a later date. I left my old Netware based WebAccess in place for a
    couple of months until I was ready to move it to my new OES mail
    >Any suggestion about best options to retain the system stability we are
    >used to?
    I'm finding OES 11 runs as smoothly as my old Netware servers did. I
    did have a few times where my POA would go dead - so I setup GW High
    Availability on my mail server and that solved that issue.

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    I'm new to the world of graphic design and teaching myself through trial and error and Lynda. One of my biggest problems in designing my project is selecting fonts. There are about four million, two hundred twenty two thousand, six hundred, and seven .2 fonts in the world, and seeing an 8 point version of "Sample" just doesn't do it for me.
    I am reluctant to apply every font in turn to my text to see what it looks like. When searching the web, fonts displayed in 20 point glory, require at least a download, if not a credit card transaction as well. Am I missing some obvious panel that makes managing font selection easier. Perhaps a secret preference that could at least group fonts by family instead of alphbetically?
    Please help before I go blind. My eyes are starting to cross.
    Thanks! in advance for your help.

    Oh Steve there's a better way to see that type live, no black highlight.
    From InDesign Secrets -
    Select the text frame with the Direct Select Tool, than click within the character panel; use the kb arrow keys, up/down, to see the type change live.

  • A really basic question from a medic who has no place on this forum!

    I am writing to beg your indulgence as to my lack of knowledge and to ask for help with what I think is a simple problem, but I am sure has a complicated solution!
    I have created a self contained flash program on prescribing to help doctors improve their skills and to make less errors.
    I did this in powepoint and used a program call PPT to flash by wondershare to create the flash programme.
    Now that the restriction has been eased, I would love to convert this programme to an iphone / ipad app, as well as for other portable pay mediums.
    Is it possible to do this with what I have created? What I mean is, would I need to create and code from scratch to then package as an iphone app, or can it be ripped from what I have already created?
    If this is possible, what software do I need to purchase to do this?
    thanks so much for all your help

    Since no one has answered you, I thought I would chime in in case any of it is useful. I am not 100% certain of what I say here, but it's probably the case.
    I have not used any PPT to SWF software like you mention and am not familiar with it.  But from my knowledge, if it is published to a FlashPlayer 10.x SWF (which I doubt - because many of these swf decompiler programs use older Flashplayer versions) then yes, in theory you should be able to do it.
    If that is the case you would need:
    1) an Apple iPhone Developer's account that you buy and get accepted for
    2) Flash CS5
    3) iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad as a testing device
    4) iTunes synced to your device
    and then you could run the Packager with the appropriate DRM signing (from your Apple Dev acct) and turn the SWF into an IPA. Then you use iTunes to sync the app to the device and install it.
    That all being said, if your original app was done in something (forgive me for saying this) as clunky as Powerpoint (it's not exactly a great rich interactive development tool) then it could easily be redone natively in Flash itself - coding it in ActionScript 3 and then create a SWF itself and then export that to the iOS devices.  That way you have one less translation occuring. It seems like you are asking for trouble to convert PPT to SWF and then to IPA, and I would guess depending on what you've done, either easy enough to do natively in flash, or possibly even if the double-porting you suggest *does* work then it is unlikely Apple would approve it for the app store if it doesn't meet the new app approval criteria.
    You probably need to find a local Flash developer to help you with this.
    Hope that helps

  • Really basic question...I am confused!!

    Here's what I have:
    an Imac G5 hooked up to Internet via cable/modem.
    I just got a used iBook G3 that has an airport card installed.
    All I want to do is to be able to get on the internet with the iBook...
    So what exactly do I need?
    Just a base Station?
    And do I need Airport Express?
    Told you I am confused!!

    Thank you for your answer....
    I did a quick search and found that G3 ibooks can't use the extreme version,
    so I will go with one of your other 2 suggestions...
    Thank you so much!!!
    Hi Susan1b:
    Any wireless router that supports 802.11 B/G will
    work. You can pick up common wireless routers for
    around $50 or so from places like Best Buy. (I.E.
    Linksys WRT54G)
    You can also get a Airport Express or an Airport
    Extreme Base Station, both will allow you to share
    your internet connection, However, and Airport
    Express will not give you an additional LAN port to
    connect your existing computer, so I would aim for
    the AEBS.

  • Really really basic question

    i downloaded the JSDK package and now that I've written my first servlet I don't know how to compile it and how to run it. Do I need to download a special browser to run it? I'd appreciate a quick step by step thing here.

    There are many ways of running your server but I think the best way is to use apache.
    1. download and install Apache web server from
    2. install apache tomcat from
    it might take you a while to setup these. it can get complicated

  • Really noob question - sorry.

    Can an "ordinary joe" download the iPhone SDK, or are you expected to be a part of some software company? The reason I ask is, I went to the page to download the sdk, and it wanted me to list the company that I was working for, I assume, in relation to iPhone development. That's not my situation - I just want to tinker with the sdk. Is that okay?

    Perfectly OK. Lots of people do it.
    To be able to test things on the iPhone (even on your own one) you'll need to buy the membership - but that's also available to individuals.
    You don't need any sort of membership if you're happy testing things on the iPhone Simulator that comes as part of the SDK.

  • Basic Questions (Compressor/Qmaster)

    I can't find answers to some really basic questions:
    1. To distribute Compressor tasks, is Qmaster and Compressor required on all participating Macs?
    2. Are they required to be exactly the same version across the participating Macs?
    3. Are they required to have unique serial numbers? (I tried to start Compressor on a second Mac that had been installed from FCS 5.1 Crossgrade package that resides on original Mac - all that was on the second Mac was Compressor and Qmaster - Qmaster didn't seem to mind, but Compressor gave me a warning message and terminated....)
    4. Assuming the above issues have been resolved as required, does Compressor have to be started on the "Services Only" Mac in order to assist in the processing?
    Again, my apologies for the level of these questions....

    1. No - just use the Qmaster node installer (In the extras folder of Final Cut Studio install disc).
    2. Yes - same versions of Qmaster
    3. The nodes don't require a serial number.
    4. No - just turn on Services in the Apple Qmaster panel of System Prefs. On the nodes, check Share and Managed and click the "Start Services" button. Set up the Nodes as Services only and your Controller (the machine with Compressor installed) as Services and cluster controller. Then use Qadmin to set up the cluster.

  • Neophyte Asking Basic Questions

    I must be thick - can't find answers to some really basic questions:
    1. To distribute Compressor tasks, is Qmaster and Compressor required on all participating Macs?
    2. Are they required to be exactly the same version across the participating Macs?
    3. Are they required to have unique serial numbers? (I tried to start Compressor on a second Mac that had been installed from FCS 5.1 Crossgrade package that resides on original Mac - all that was on the second Mac was Compressor and Qmaster - Qmaster didn't seem to mind, but Compressor gave me a warning message and terminated....)
    4. Assuming the above issues have been resolved as required, does Compressor have to be started on the "Services Only" Mac in order to assist in the processing?
    Again, my apologies for the level of these questions....

    1. Yes, plus, if you're sending Compressor tasks from Final Cut Pro, all computers in the cluster are required to have Final Cut.
    2. It depends, but usually, yes, all versions need to be the same. Qmaster 2.0 and 2.1 are not compatible with each other. 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 would most likely work. together.
    3. I've always been working with Volume Licenses here, so I can't verify this, but as far as I know Final Cut Studio programs won't operate if an identical serial number is operating on the same network. As far as recieving tasks, I'm not sure serial number checking is done.
    4. The answer to this question can be found in the Distributed Processing Setup Manual (open Apple Qadministrator -> Help -> Distributed Processing Setup), but in a simple answer, no, a QuickCluster, Services and Controller, and Services only computer can all be configured into a cluster (I'm pretty sure).

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