Recomendations for maximizing readability of body text

To optimize readablity of several paragraphs of body text, I am curious to see what people would suggest for the items listed below (font: verdana, which I understand is among the most readable web safe fonts).
Are there other issues besides below that affect readability (obviously color)?
I have dropped in some values below that I think are very readable, but some of them do seem large compared to what is used in the templates.
Font Size: 18pt (12-16 seems to be the default in templates)
Line spacing: 1.2 (default in templates)
Before paragraph: 0 (0 is default in templates)
After paragraph: 10 (0 is default in templates)

You can use javascript so users can alter the text size themselves:
Bear in mind that many people may have configured their browser to have smaller or larger text and thus override webpage code.
Comic Sans MS is supposed to be good for dyslexics; however I don't think it's cross-browser compatible.
You also might want to consider the fact that making everything larger will irritate people with smaller resolutions and increase amounts of scrolling to the point where it may defeat the purpose of making it more user-friendly (depending on how much text per page you have).
Make sure not to use tables other than for actual tabulated data as it causes problems for people with screen readers. Also, try to put ALT tags on your images where possible for the blind and those with images disabled.

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  • How do I add an email body text for remittance advices / payment advices?

    I am trying to send an email body text with the pdf remittance advice to my vendors.
    We are running automatic payments to vendors via transaction F110. We have configured the pay run to produce remittance advices for vendor payments. Finally we activated the BTE 00002040, through transaction FIBF, to use a custom copy of the function module SAMPLE_PROCESS_00002040.
    Our payment run sends emails with pdf-file attachments to our vendors correctly.
    <b>The Issue:</b>
    I can not find a way to add text to the body of the email with the attached remittance advice.
    Has anyone advise on how to populate the email body with text?
    Thank you and best regards
    Karsten Arold

    Hello Subhashree,
    I have not implemented the functionality, but I found rerference to SAP Note 1033893 in another forum post.
    Email text to Payment Advice in BTE2040

  • Using Export for Kindle, how can I get black body text to display inverse (white on black) on Kindle

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    I've created a book file with some colored fonts and anchored gif images. Basic paragraph (body text) is black. The "Export to Kindle" mobi file displays fine on Kindle for PC and Kindle Previewer.
    Kindle PC alows viewing on white, sepia or black background. Works fine on white and sepia, but when the black color mode is selected (night viewing option) the black text does not display as white text. What can I do to have the black text automatically change to white?
    While trying to find a solution, I created an epub file of the book and, using Calibre, converted it to mobi. When this mobi file is loaded into Kindle PC, the black text does automatically change to white when viewed on the black screen. I would use this method of creating the mobi, but there are several other issues that make this process unsatisfactory (other text colors don't work well, image transparency losses, etc).
    So, how can I get the black to white text thing using only Export to Kindle?

    Grayscale is probably the best (Settings>General>Accessibility>Grayscale)
    EDIT: If you would like a black color scheme, use the suggestion in the reply above.

  • Unable to add body text for Purchase Order

    If this question has been posted before request send me the link .
    We are sending PO as a PDF attachment to email.
    To add body text to this I copied the print program SAPFM06P and modified the fm06pe04 program.
    DATA : l_mail_text TYPE bcsy_text,
                     l_mail_text_row TYPE soli.
              CONCATENATE 'Please check the' ' Attached file' INTO l_mail_text_row.
              APPEND l_mail_text_row TO l_mail_text.
                document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
                    i_type    = 'PDF' " cf. RAW, DOC
                    i_hex     = pdf_content
                    i_text    = l_mail_text               "added by me
                    i_length  = lp_pdf_size
                    i_subject = lv_subject ).                   "#EC NOTEXT
    But it does not show in the body text.
    But if I use the add_attachment method the text comes as an attachment.
    I am not sure what is the error here.

    DATA: send_request       TYPE REF TO cl_bcs.
      DATA: text               TYPE bcsy_text.
      DATA: binary_content     TYPE solix_tab.
      DATA: document           TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs.
      DATA: sender             TYPE REF TO cl_sapuser_bcs.
      DATA: recipient          TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs.
      DATA: bcs_exception      TYPE REF TO cx_bcs.
      DATA: sent_to_all        TYPE os_boolean.
             Convert the OTF file format ino the PDF format.
                  bin_filesize           = lwa_bin_filesize
                  otf                    = lt_otf
                  doctab_archive         = lt_doctab_archive
                  lines                  = lt_pdf_lines
                  err_conv_not_possible  = 1
                  err_otf_mc_noendmarker = 2
                  OTHERS                 = 3.
              REFRESH lt_objbin.
             get the pdf data into the attachment table .
                  line_width_dst              = 255
                  content_in                  = lt_pdf_lines
                  content_out                 = lt_objbin
                  err_line_width_src_too_long = 1
                  err_line_width_dst_too_long = 2
                  err_conv_failed             = 3
                  OTHERS                      = 4.
             Refresh the local tables and workareas.
              REFRESH: lt_reclist,
                  CLEAR send_request.
        -------- create persistent send request ------------------------
                  send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
        -------- create and set document with attachment ---------------
        create document from internal table with text
                  REFRESH text.
                  APPEND 'Body1.' TO text.
                  APPEND 'Body2.'TO text.
                  APPEND 'Body3.'TO text.
                  CLEAR document.
                  document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
                                  i_type    = 'RAW'
                                  i_text    = text
                                  i_length  = '12'
                                  i_subject = 'Electronic Payment Notification' ).
                  FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_x> TYPE x.
                  DATA lv_content  TYPE xstring.
                  CLEAR lv_content.
                  LOOP AT lt_objbin INTO lwa_objbin.
                    ASSIGN lwa_objbin TO <fs_x> CASTING.
                    CONCATENATE lv_content <fs_x> INTO lv_content IN BYTE MODE.
                  CLEAR pdf_content.
                  pdf_content = cl_document_bcs=>xstring_to_solix(
                          ip_xstring = lv_content ).
        add attachment to document
        BCS expects document content here e.g. from document upload
        binary_content = ...
                  CONCATENATE 'Remittance_' sy-datum sy-uzeit '.pdf' INTO lv_filename_cl.
                  CALL METHOD document->add_attachment
                      i_attachment_type    = 'PDF'
                      i_attachment_subject = lv_filename_cl
                      i_att_content_hex    = pdf_content.
        add document to send request
                  CALL METHOD send_request->set_document( document ).
        --------- set sender -------------------------------------------
        note: this is necessary only if you want to set the sender
              different from actual user (SY-UNAME). Otherwise sender is
              set automatically with actual user.
                  CLEAR sender.
                  sender = cl_sapuser_bcs=>create( sy-uname ).
                  CALL METHOD send_request->set_sender
                      i_sender = sender.
                  CALL METHOD send_request->set_status_attributes(
                    i_requested_status = 'N'
                    i_status_mail = 'N' ).
             Fill the receiver for the email with PDF attachemnt.
                  CLEAR : lwa_reclist,
                  CLEAR lwa_lfa1.
                  READ TABLE lt_lfa1
                        INTO lwa_lfa1
                        WITH KEY lifnr = lwa_reguh-lifnr.
                  IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
                    CLEAR lwa_adr6.
                    READ TABLE lt_adr6
                          INTO lwa_adr6
                          WITH KEY addrnumber = lwa_lfa1-adrnr.
                    IF ( sy-subrc EQ 0 )
                      AND ( lwa_adr6-smtp_addr IS NOT INITIAL ).
        --------- add recipient (e-mail address) -----------------------
        create recipient - please replace e-mail address !!!
                      CLEAR recipient.
                      recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(
                                                       lwa_adr6-smtp_addr ).
                      CLEAR lv_fax.
                      lv_fax = lwa_lfa1-telfx.
                      recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_fax_address(
                      i_country = lwa_lfa1-land1
                       i_number = lv_fax ).
        add recipient with its respective attributes to send request
                  CALL METHOD send_request->add_recipient
                      i_recipient = recipient
                      i_express   = 'X'.
        ---------- send document ---------------------------------------
                  CALL METHOD send_request->send(
                      i_with_error_screen = 'X'
                      result              = sent_to_all ).
                  IF sent_to_all = 'X'.
                    WRITE text-003.
                  COMMIT WORK.
                CATCH cx_bcs INTO bcs_exception.
                  WRITE: 'Error Occured'.
                  WRITE: 'Error', bcs_exception->error_type.

  • Column for heading, column for body text?

    Hiya, I am wanting to have the headings in one column and the body text in the other, like in the image below, the text will need to flow in case there are edits later. Does anyone know how to go about doing this? I am using Indesign CC
    Many thanks

    Always magical!
    The last secret: Title para style have nested lines styles! Like this:
    I've created 5 char styles for 5 lines.

  • Documents have different default languages for comments than body text

    Greetings. I am a teacher and sometimes the documents I get from my students appear to have two default languages. For example, the body text will be in English, but when I try to leave a comment in the margin, Pages '09 thinks I am typing in French. What is happening here? I can open inspector and change the default language back to English, but this has to be done for EVERY comment, since "Select All" will only work within an individual comment OR the whole body text...not both.

    Changing the language for some text only changes it for that text. It is not a universal setting.
    Language is part of the text just like bolding or the font.
    What you need to do is change the style that is attached to the comments. Select all the text in a comment and change that to English:
    Menu > View > Show Styles Drawer > a style will be selected > click on the arrow next to the style and update the style
    This will apply to the styles in that particular document.
    I am curious what your circumstances are that the students have different language settings set. Are you in Canada? Or are you teaching a French language class?

  • Recruitment - Send email for applicants in body text

    Hello, im trying to send email to applicants in body text, i send email to applicants but arrives always in attachment.
    someone know where i need to change configuration?
    regards and thanks in advance

    Hi Mário,
    please have look at transaktion SODIS.There you could maintain "Disclosures for External Communication". In my opionion this will result in attaching mail text.
    Regards Bernd

  • Body texts for Automatic P.O remainders.

    HI experts,
    I have a requirement is that P.O remainders should be sent to the vendors.So we have configured successfully.
    But client needs Body text should be triggered along with the PO remainder PDF.
    Body text means: (Subject,
    Hi ,
    Please delivery the goods on or behalf of the delivery date..)
    So could anyone help in this regard.

    We changed subject line with help of ABAP team. Contact your team they will help you.
    You can check below thread also:

  • With "Download Headers" option checked, opening plain text emails results in cropped body text

    When I open raw plain text emails (i.e. not formatted as HTML) I only see the first
    255 characters of the email body; all of the remainder is chopped off, and never appears no matter how many times I re-open the email.
    I have narrowed this down to my somewhat unusual download preferences in Outlook. They are configured as follows:
      Send/Receive -> Download Preferences -> Download Headers (checked).
    I know the email text is there in full, because when I point my web browser at OWA, I can see the full body.
    If at first I choose Mark to Download and then Process Marked Headers, I can then open the plain text email and see the body in full.
    When I open HTML emails I have no problems, regardless of whether the email download was forced or not.
    This issue existed on my old Office 2010 installation for XP too. It persists now I have upgraded to Office 2013 on Win 7.
    This is not an acknowledged issue yet within the Outlook team (in fact, a possibly related issue was
    reported by someone else 3 months ago but suggested to be a font corruption issue, which is incorrect).
    It seems like Outlook just forgets to download the full text for plain text emails when opening them. It's repeatable every time, so it doesn't seem like a race condition. (To reproduce: set your Inbox download preferences as above, then send
    yourself a plain text email, wait for the Inbox headers to finish refreshing and then open the new email).
    We use a 3rd party provider (Cobweb) for our email service and I believe they are using Exchange 2013.
    We use ESET Smart Security Suite and I have tried disabling the scanner for that but see no change in the outcome. I would appreciate if anyone without ESET could try to reproduce these steps for themselves and confirm.
    Starting Outlook in Safe Mode does not solve it.
    Note: I already asked this
    question at the Office Community site and it was suggested I
    post on the Exchange Server Outlook Clients forum. The feedback there suggested it to be client related, so now I've been directed to post here!

    Hi Melon, thanks for your response.
    My plain text font is set up as the default, Automatic.
    In any case, I can see the first 255 characters of the plain text body, so plain text font colour can be eliminated as a potential problem.
    After the 255th character, the body text then stops. There are no "hidden characters". If I shrink the window height to accommodate just what I see, the vertical scrollbar does not appear. This confirms that there are no hidden lines of text
    The mail is simply not downloaded from the server correctly. If I drag the mail onto my desktop, then view that file in Programmer's Notepad, I can see that after the position representing the 255th character in the body of the email, there is garbage (control
    If, instead, I first mark the email for downloaded and then click the "process marked headers", wait for it to download and then drag it onto my desktop, by contrast, the body contents look complete and this is reflected in the fact that I can
    see the whole email when I open it in Outlook.
    This problem has so far affected me on four different PC setups (1xWinXP, 3xWin7) and two versions of Outlook (2010 and 2013). However, Cobweb -- our cloud email provider -- did recently upgrade to Exchange 2013, so that might be an important factor.
    I don't think I can remember seeing these plain text issues in the 10 years previous to that upgrade during which I've been using various flavours of Outlook.
    I have supplied repro steps in the original report above. Could someone please try these? I have expanded them in full below for simplicity:
    To reproduce:
    1. Change your download preferences in Outlook. They are configured from the ribbon bar as follows (assuming you are using Outlook in Cached Exchange mode, connecting to Exchange 2013):
      Send/Receive -> Download Preferences -> Download Headers (checked).
    2. Send yourself a plain text email containing more than 300 characters of text.
    3. Wait for the Inbox headers to finish refreshing.
    4. Open the new email.
    Result: The email body will be truncated at the 255th character.
    Expected: The email body should show all the characters.

  • Purchase Order External Send with email body text

    hi guru,
    i saw lot of threads but i didn't get coreect answer
    i did below process
    Goto NACE .
    u2022 Select EF and click on OUTPUT TYPES.
    u2022 Then select Output Type NEU and click on processing routines .
    u2022 In that you have to add a new entry - medium 5 .
    u2022 Then you need to assign a program, form routine and form.
    u2022 You can use the standard program i.e. SAPFM06P, FORM routine is always ENTRY_NEU and standard MEDRUCK.
    u2022 Then in PARTNER FUNCTION you need to add a new entry : medium - 5 and function - VN .
    u2022 For subject of the mail goto Mail Title and Texts. In title give PO No. &EKKO-EBELN& .
    u2022 Under General data -> Replacement of text symbols give programm as SAPMM06E and Form Routine as TEXT_SYMBOL_REPLACE .
    u2022 Now the subject will be PO No. 1800004202.
    u2022 You need to maintain your email id in tcode SU01 and also the vendor's email id.
    u2022 Now while creating a new purchase order , change the medium to External Send .
    u2022 Then goto Communication Method and select CS01 . ALSO make sure that the Cover Page Text has value PO No. &EKKO-EBELN& .
    u2022 Goto tcode ME9F .
    u2022 Execute.
    u2022 Select the checkbox and click on Output Message.
    u2022 You will get a message MAII 00000000000001 generated .
    u2022 Use note no 191470
    mail subject is going ,but mail text is not coming.
    some people  suggest this sap note
    Note 786847 - E-mail purchase order w/ e-mail text and several attachments
    i did not get this note.
    give the solution for email body text ,i read some thread,it will solve through abap development .
    please  give solution

    1. GO to tcode SCOT.
    2. Double click on SMTP
    3. Click on the set button next to internet
    4. In this screen for SAP Script/ Forms select TXT.
    Edited by: Girish Bettaiah on Aug 8, 2011 3:11 PM

  • Sending PO (PDF attach.) via email: adding email body text

    I need to send Purchase Orders to Vendors as PDF attachments to emails; I have successfully configured all the necessary:
    For Output Type NEU
    1) Access to conditions (General Data) set to X
    2) Dispatch time 3 Send with application own transaction
    3) Transmission Medium 5 for External send
    4) Processing routines 5 includes a customer Program and Form to make use of my SAPScript
    I have set up a Communication Strategy (NET - Internet) and created a condition based on a specific document type.
    Using ME9F I can select my PO and successfully output the message - I can view the request using SOST and an email with the PO attached as PDF is sent to the correct recipient (email address of Vendor).
    I would like though to add some text to the body of the email, which is totally empty. Can anyone please advise on how to achieve this? In the Output Type config there is a section "Mail title and texts"... can anyone tell me whether this section can be used to add body text to the email and how? I have managed to customise the "Title/Subject" of the email and PO but cannot find a way to add some text in the email body.
    Thank you very much for your help.

    Hi Danilo,
    You need to do some configuration for this.
    - Goto NACE .
    - Select EF and click on OUTPUT TYPES.
    - Then select Output Type NEU and click on processing routines .
    - In that you have to add a new entry - medium 5 .
    - Then you need to assign a program, form routine and form.
    - You can use the standard program i.e. SAPFM06P, FORM routine is always ENTRY_NEU and standard MEDRUCK.
    - Then in PARTNER FUNCTION you need to add a new entry : medium - 5 and function - VN .
    - For subject of the mail goto Mail Title and Texts. In title give PO No. &EKKO-EBELN& .
    - Under General data -> Replacement of text symbols give programm as SAPMM06E and Form Routine as
    - Now the subject will be PO No. 1800004202.
    - You need to maintain your email id in tcode SU01 and also the vendor's email id.
    - Now while creating a new purchase order , change the medium to External Send .
    - Then goto Communication Method and select CS01 . ALSO make sure that the Cover Page Text has value PO No. &EKKO-EBELN& .
    - Goto tcode ME9F .
    - Execute.
    - Select the checkbox and click on Output Message.
    - You will get a message MAII 00000000000001 generated .
    If the BASIS guys have made the necessary configuration for sending mail then the mail will go .
    You can see the status in tcode SOST.
    If you want to use a z-programm and z-form then you need add the functions used in standard programm SAPFM06P for generating mail in your z-programm.
    Hope it helps,

  • Mail the local files as attachment and some body text

    hello Exprests
    I have a requirement where i have to mail the local files as attachment and some body text also...
    I am using the following code, and the problem is that i am getting a blank TXT as an attachment.
    Please help me solve this issue, if u change the spool request no., client & put ur mail id and execute it u will find that apart from the pdf we get an un wanted attachment also..
    Please suggest me the solution..
    TABLES: tsp01.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF y_files,
    file(60) TYPE c,
    END OF y_files.
    DATA: l_objcont LIKE soli OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: l_objhead LIKE soli OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: folder_id LIKE soodk,
    object_id LIKE soodk,
    link_folder_id LIKE soodk,
    g_document LIKE sood4,
    g_header_data LIKE sood2,
    g_folmem_data LIKE sofm2,
    g_header_data LIKE sood2,
    g_receive_data LIKE soos6,
    g_ref_document LIKE sood4,
    g_new_parent LIKE soodk,
    l_folder_id LIKE sofdk,
    DATA: hd_dat LIKE sood1.
    DATA: client LIKE tst01-dclient,
    name LIKE tst01-dname,
    objtype LIKE rststype-type,
    type LIKE rststype-type.
    DATA: numbytes TYPE i,
    arc_idx LIKE toa_dara,
    pdfspoolid LIKE tsp01-rqident,
    jobname LIKE tbtcjob-jobname,
    jobcount LIKE tbtcjob-jobcount,
    DATA: outbox_flag LIKE sonv-flag VALUE 'X',
    store_flag LIKE sonv-flag,
    delete_flag LIKE sonv-flag,
    owner LIKE soud-usrnam,
    on LIKE sonv-flag VALUE 'X',
    sent_to_all LIKE sonv-flag,
    g_authority LIKE sofa-usracc,
    w_objdes LIKE sood4-objdes.
    DATA: c_file LIKE rlgrap-filename,
    n_spool(6) TYPE n.
    DATA: cancel.
    DATA: desired_type LIKE sood-objtp,
    real_type LIKE sood-objtp,
    attach_type LIKE sood-objtp,
    otf LIKE sood-objtp VALUE 'OTF', " SAPscript Ausgabeformat
    ali LIKE sood-objtp VALUE 'ALI'. " ABAP lists
    CONSTANTS: ou_fol LIKE sofh-folrg VALUE 'O',
    c_objtp LIKE g_document-objtp VALUE 'RAW',
    c_file_ext LIKE g_document-file_ext VALUE 'TXT'.
    *function z_faian_mail_fax2.
    ""Interface local:
    *" TABLES
    Fist part: Verify if the spool really exists
    *select single * from tsp01 where rqident = src_spoolid.
    DATA src_spoolid TYPE tsp01-rqident VALUE '23242'.
    DATA header_mail TYPE so_obj_des.
    DATA l_t VALUE '1'.
    header_mail = 'Subject line of mail'.
    IF l_t = '1' .
    RAISE err_no_abap_spooljob. "doesn't exist
    client = '200'."tsp01-rqclient.
    name = 'SPOOL0000023242'."tsp01-rqo1name.
    authority = 'SP01'
    client = client
    name = name
    part = 1
    type = type
    objtype = objtype
    fb_error = 1
    fb_rsts_other = 2
    no_object = 3
    no_permission = 4
    OTHERS = 5.
    IF objtype(3) = 'OTF'.
    desired_type = otf.
    desired_type = ali.
    rqident = src_spoolid
    desired_type = desired_type
    real_type = real_type
    buffer = l_objcont
    no_such_job = 14
    type_no_match = 94
    job_contains_no_data = 54
    no_permission = 21
    can_not_access = 21
    read_error = 54.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    attach_type = real_type.
    owner = sy-uname
    region = ou_fol
    folder_id = l_folder_id
    OTHERS = 5.
    fill out informations about the header of the email
    CLEAR: g_document.
    g_document-foltp = l_folder_id-foltp.
    g_document-folyr = l_folder_id-folyr.
    g_document-folno = l_folder_id-folno.
    g_document-objtp = c_objtp.
    g_document-objdes = header_mail.
    g_document-file_ext = c_file_ext.
    g_header_data-objdes = header_mail.
    method = 'SAVE'
    office_user = sy-uname
    authority = g_authority
    objcont = lt_body_email
    attachments = lt_attachments
    document = g_document
    header_data = g_header_data
    OTHERS = 1.
    folder_id-objtp = l_folder_id-foltp.
    folder_id-objyr = l_folder_id-folyr.
    folder_id-objno = l_folder_id-folno.
    object_id-objtp = c_objtp.
    object_id-objyr = g_document-objyr.
    object_id-objno = g_document-objno.
    link_folder_id-objtp = l_folder_id-foltp.
    link_folder_id-objyr = l_folder_id-folyr.
    link_folder_id-objno = l_folder_id-folno.
    REFRESH lt_rec_tab.
    CLEAR lt_rec_tab.
    lt_rec_tab-sel = 'X'.
    lt_rec_tab-recesc = object_type. "This field for FAX/MAIL
    lt_rec_tab-recnam = 'U-'.
    lt_rec_tab-deliver = 'X'.
    lt_rec_tab-not_deli = 'X'.
    lt_rec_tab-read = 'X'.
    lt_rec_tab-mailstatus = 'E'.
    lt_rec_tab-adr_name = fax_mail_number.
    lt_rec_tab-sortfield = fax_mail_number.
    lt_rec_tab-recextnam = fax_mail_number.
    lt_rec_tab-sortclass = '5'.
    APPEND lt_rec_tab.
    lt_rec_tab-recextnam = ."Email id .
    lt_rec_tab-recesc = 'U'. "object_type.
    lt_rec_tab-sndart = 'INT'.
    lt_rec_tab-sndpri = 1.
    APPEND lt_rec_tab.
    c_file = 'C:\Documents and Settings\abgupta\Desktop\Abhinav\zpk.txt'.
    lt_files-file = c_file.
    APPEND lt_files.
    begin of insertion by faianf01
    hd_dat-objdes = header_mail.
    object_id = object_id
    attach_type = attach_type
    object_hd_change = hd_dat
    owner = sy-uname
    objcont = l_objcont
    objhead = l_objhead
    active_user_not_exist = 35
    communication_failure = 71
    object_type_not_exist = 17
    operation_no_authorization = 21
    owner_not_exist = 22
    parameter_error = 23
    substitute_not_active = 31
    substitute_not_defined = 32
    system_failure = 72
    x_error = 1000.
    IF sy-subrc > 0.
    end of insertion by faianf01
    lt_note_text-line = 'test prgram for email'.
    APPEND lt_note_text.
    send email from SAPOFFICE
    folder_id = folder_id
    object_id = object_id
    outbox_flag = outbox_flag
    link_folder_id = link_folder_id
    owner = sy-uname
    check_send_authority = 'X'
    receivers = lt_rec_tab
    note_text = lt_note_text
    active_user_not_exist = 35
    communication_failure = 71
    component_not_available = 1
    folder_no_authorization = 5
    folder_not_exist = 6
    forwarder_not_exist = 8
    object_no_authorization = 13
    object_not_exist = 14
    object_not_sent = 15
    operation_no_authorization = 21
    owner_not_exist = 22
    parameter_error = 23
    substitute_not_active = 31
    substitute_not_defined = 32
    system_failure = 72
    too_much_receivers = 73
    user_not_exist = 35.

    Add the actual body right after the line, you have created the Multipart object.
    // create and fill the first message part
    MimeBodyPart mbp1 = new MimeBodyPart();
    mbp1.setText(this.text); //body of message
    Multipart mp = new MimeMultipart();
    // Adding the body
    //adding attachments
    //... and so on...-Raine-

  • SYSDBA - problem with viewing other users package body texts on sys account

    SQL Dev has problem with correct display of other users package body texts on sys account. All bodies have "create or replace" text instead of all pck. bodies text.
    I guest it's problem with SYSDBA role. On system account text is displayed correctly. Quest SQL Navigator 5.x has no problem with this. Any ideas ?

    Hi Everyone,
    Just so I can close the case on this issue, although I was successful in
    using CSS to resolve the issue, actually, the issue was not really
    resolved. There was (for me) still the problem of rollover images not
    working in IE, and if I were ever to get another good night's sleep, I
    would need to resolve it -- so I did. Recall me saying earlier about the
    sizes being brought in to the javascript code by Dreamweaver? The original
    issue with having the size of the small image in the code caused the code
    to see the larger image as small also! However, when I deleted those size
    attributes' numbers, I failed to delete the words "width" and "height"
    along with the double quotes following each. So, while the other browsers
    ignored these "blank" attributes within these double quotes, IE apparently
    didn't, reading these "blank" values as some very small value, thus
    displaying the image in the absolutely smallest size possible! Wow! When I
    removed these two blank attributes, my problem went away! Live and learn!
    So, to all who were desperately trying to assist me, please accept my
    deepest and most sincere apologies. All the while I was blaming IE, I was
    the guilty one!!! Shame on me, and thanks for the wonderful responses I
    received from the Dreamweaver forum team. I will go and stand in the corner
    for 8 hours with my dunce cap on...
    Joe Dardard

  • Bullet Using Different Font than Body Text

    I would like to have a bullet that uses a different font than the body text. Say, for text I use Verdana, and for the bullet I would like to use a glyph from Zapf Dingbats. I seem to not be able to figure out how to set this up -- the bullet always uses the same font as the text.
    Thanks for your help.
    -- Stefan

    If you Option-Click on the bullet character, you can select it on its own, separate from the body text. You can then apply whatever font you want, and in the Text Inspector, in the Bullets palette, you can type whatever character you want in the Text Bullets field. (If you want this character for all of your bullets, it would be easiest to do this editing on the slide masters, rather than the individual slides.)

  • Where to find email body text saved in SAP tenant system?

    i wants to change email body text, in my tenant sap system we have one mail format like body as below:
    Hi customer,
    Thank you for your order.
    Yours sincerely,
    now i wants to add some extra text in the above body text. for now i am editing it for every order. i want it to setup once.
    below step i am using:
    first login to your tenant system and go to sales order workcenter-->select one sales order id-->view all(in the right most corner)-->now click on you can also button-->edit output settings.
    one window will get open here i am editing the body text.Can anybody suggest me where i can find this saved email body text so that i can append some text in this.

    Hi Douglas,
    Thanks for reply.
    Your given link dosent opens "server not found" error. And Last time i had raised an incident to SAP and got the below reply(Some part of reply).
    "Email body text field feature will be available in FP 1302 system the BO:  /DOC/OM_DOCUMENT_OUT_REQ -> ROOT->ITEM->EMAIL_BODY_TEXT  field is PSM write access is enabled."
    "standard email
    template can further be modified by making the field
    “EMAIL_BODY_TEXT” PSM enabled.
    The hierarchy is ROOT->ITEM->EMAIL_BODY_TEXT.
      This feature can only be available in FP 1302 and above systems".
    Can you help where and how i can use this.

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