Recommendations for PDF app?

I get pdf's sent to me that I need to work with to some extent.
I'm looking for an app that would let me open the pdf, select some or all of it.
Then copy that into a Pages document.
Print support would be nice.
Sometimes I get a pdf that is a 'Form'. With fields that have certain requirements for input.
It would be nice to be able to fill those out, save them, and e-mail them back.
I do use Acrobat on Windows to create new pdf's. That might be something I would do.
If it could do that, it would be a bonus.
Thanks for any advice!

Although Adobe Reader is the “official” PDF app, Adobe was late to the AppStore party and only recently updated its app to include annotation capabilities. Despite the delay, Adobe Reader is still a good app, and by far the best free option for PDF annotation. Adobe Reader isn’t limited in any way, and allows users to add “sticky notes” (with the ability to mark yourself as the author), free-hand drawing, and signatures. However, the app has some very significant detriments: (1) it does not allow you to add text outside of a note, (2) no cloud connectivity (users can only import files via iOS’s “open in” function), and (3) no undo or redo (it is possible to delete annotations manually). Despite these minuses, Adobe Reader will likely be enough for many people, or at least a good introduction to the world of PDF annotation.

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    Message was edited by: sberman

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