Recommended way to handle a serious number of assets?

Hi, at my company we are developing a number of commercial games for mobile devices. I can't give many details about the project due to agreements with potential publishers but I would like to emphasize that this is a large, serious project, with a lot of 2D art.
According to what we saw in many documents from Adobe, we are embedding everything in the project. At the beginning everything went fine, but as the game grows, we are facing multiple serious problems:
"Java heap space" error - It seems the compiler is somehow not ready to manage the amount of embedded resources we have. We have a lot of art and resources but it is not THAT much. If Adobe wants developers to use their tools for real games, it should accept this amount of resources and many more...
Memory footprint - The memory used by the game, even in the main menu, increases as we add new levels. This is a serious concern in older devices like the first version of the iPad, iPhone 3GS or similar Android devices.
So, we would like to know from someone from Adobe that can explain what's their opinion about this problem and what solutions can they offer.
Yes, we have increased the memory allowed for Flash Builder to use, but we don't think this is a real solution. It may work for our game with 30 levels, but what if we decide to add 100 more? This is not scalable and it's far from acceptable in a professional environment.
We are currently investigating the option to use the Loader class to load and unload resources as needed. However, we have read that you can't access the resources "exported for ActionScript" and that it just loads whatever is in the stage. Is this true?

If your memory useage keeps increasing as you travel from your menu through each level, make sure that you are disposing of your items properly.  I found that my memory useage in a LARGE iOS/Android RPG that I am making was creeping up.  I ran the profiler in Flash Builder and found that I was not disposing of my objects correctly (removeChild is not enough).
Basically, you want to get rid of ALL listeners and any objects that may connect the object to its parent object, removeChild, and then null the object.
Once an object is "cleaned" up this way the garbage collector can mark it and let it go.
I hope this helps.
PS - How large is your packaged file?  My Android APK file is about 66MB and therefore UNUSEABLE in the Google Play store.  APK files must be <50MB and there is now published way for apps created with AIR to package additional data into the expansion files allowed by Google.  I've been hunting around this forum, calling and emailing support with virtually no response.  YAY.

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    Thanks very much,
    -Adam vonNieda

    Why not use a tabular form and when you call the form, create how ever many rows you need for the number of pets selected?
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

  • What is the recommended way to handle mouse click events for custom nodes that subclass Panes?

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    import javafx.scene.control.Label;
    import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Polygon;
    public class CustomHexagon extends StackPane {
        private Polygon hexagon;
        private Label overlayText;
        public CustomHexagon( String text, double... points ) {
            this.hexagon = new Polygon( points );
            this.overlayText = new Label( text );
            overlayText.setStyle( "-fx-font-weight: bold;" );
            hexagon.setStroke( Color.GREEN );
            hexagon.setStrokeWidth( 5.0 );
            hexagon.setFill( Color.WHITE );
            this.getChildren().addAll( hexagon, overlayText );
    // Lays out the node where it should be according to the points provided for the Polygon.
            this.setLayoutX( points[0] - getLayoutBounds().getMinX() );
            this.setLayoutY( points[1] - getLayoutBounds().getMinY() );
    // Show the border of the StackPane.
            this.setStyle( "-fx-border-color: black; -fx-border-width: 1; -fx-border-style: dashed;");
        public String getOverlayText() {
            return overlayText.getText();
    I want to display a tesselation of these custom hexagons. Because a CustomHexagon is a StackPane, not a Polygon, MouseClick events can be picked up when the mouse is clicked outside of the stroke of the hexagon but still within the StackPane (which takes up a rectangle larger than the hexagon). The following program demonstrates this.
    public class Main extends Application {
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) {     
            Group root = new Group();
            CustomHexagon[] hexagons = {
                new CustomHexagon( "00", 10.0, 10.0, 30.0, 10.0, 40.0, 27.3205080756, 30.0, 44.6410161512, 10.0, 44.6410161512, 0.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "01", 70.0, 10.0, 90.0, 10.0, 100.0, 27.3205080756, 90.0, 44.6410161512, 70.0, 44.6410161512, 60.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "02", 130.0, 10.0, 150.0, 10.0, 160.0, 27.3205080756, 150.0, 44.6410161512, 130.0, 44.6410161512, 120.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "03", 190.0, 10.0, 210.0, 10.0, 220.0, 27.3205080756, 210.0, 44.6410161512, 190.0, 44.6410161512, 180.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "04", 250.0, 10.0, 270.0, 10.0, 280.0, 27.3205080756, 270.0, 44.6410161512, 250.0, 44.6410161512, 240.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "10", 40.0, 27.3205080756, 60.0, 27.3205080756, 70.0, 44.6410161512, 60.0, 61.961524226799995, 40.0, 61.961524226799995, 30.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "11", 100.0, 27.3205080756, 120.0, 27.3205080756, 130.0, 44.6410161512, 120.0, 61.961524226799995, 100.0, 61.961524226799995, 90.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "12", 160.0, 27.3205080756, 180.0, 27.3205080756, 190.0, 44.6410161512, 180.0, 61.961524226799995, 160.0, 61.961524226799995, 150.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "13", 220.0, 27.3205080756, 240.0, 27.3205080756, 250.0, 44.6410161512, 240.0, 61.961524226799995, 220.0, 61.961524226799995, 210.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "14", 280.0, 27.3205080756, 300.0, 27.3205080756, 310.0, 44.6410161512, 300.0, 61.961524226799995, 280.0, 61.961524226799995, 270.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "20", 10.0, 44.6410161512, 30.0, 44.6410161512, 40.0, 61.961524226799995, 30.0, 79.2820323024, 10.0, 79.2820323024, 0.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "21", 70.0, 44.6410161512, 90.0, 44.6410161512, 100.0, 61.961524226799995, 90.0, 79.2820323024, 70.0, 79.2820323024, 60.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "22", 130.0, 44.6410161512, 150.0, 44.6410161512, 160.0, 61.961524226799995, 150.0, 79.2820323024, 130.0, 79.2820323024, 120.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "23", 190.0, 44.6410161512, 210.0, 44.6410161512, 220.0, 61.961524226799995, 210.0, 79.2820323024, 190.0, 79.2820323024, 180.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "24", 250.0, 44.6410161512, 270.0, 44.6410161512, 280.0, 61.961524226799995, 270.0, 79.2820323024, 250.0, 79.2820323024, 240.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "30", 40.0, 61.961524226799995, 60.0, 61.961524226799995, 70.0, 79.2820323024, 60.0, 96.602540378, 40.0, 96.602540378, 30.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "31", 100.0, 61.961524226799995, 120.0, 61.961524226799995, 130.0, 79.2820323024, 120.0, 96.602540378, 100.0, 96.602540378, 90.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "32", 160.0, 61.961524226799995, 180.0, 61.961524226799995, 190.0, 79.2820323024, 180.0, 96.602540378, 160.0, 96.602540378, 150.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "33", 220.0, 61.961524226799995, 240.0, 61.961524226799995, 250.0, 79.2820323024, 240.0, 96.602540378, 220.0, 96.602540378, 210.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "34", 280.0, 61.961524226799995, 300.0, 61.961524226799995, 310.0, 79.2820323024, 300.0, 96.602540378, 280.0, 96.602540378, 270.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "40", 10.0, 79.2820323024, 30.0, 79.2820323024, 40.0, 96.602540378, 30.0, 113.9230484536, 10.0, 113.9230484536, 0.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "41", 70.0, 79.2820323024, 90.0, 79.2820323024, 100.0, 96.602540378, 90.0, 113.9230484536, 70.0, 113.9230484536, 60.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "42", 130.0, 79.2820323024, 150.0, 79.2820323024, 160.0, 96.602540378, 150.0, 113.9230484536, 130.0, 113.9230484536, 120.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "43", 190.0, 79.2820323024, 210.0, 79.2820323024, 220.0, 96.602540378, 210.0, 113.9230484536, 190.0, 113.9230484536, 180.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "44", 250.0, 79.2820323024, 270.0, 79.2820323024, 280.0, 96.602540378, 270.0, 113.9230484536, 250.0, 113.9230484536, 240.0, 96.602540378 )
            EventHandler<MouseEvent> mouseClickedHandler = new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
                public void handle(MouseEvent t) {
                    CustomHexagon h = (CustomHexagon) t.getSource();
                    System.out.println( h.getOverlayText() );
            for ( CustomHexagon hexagon : hexagons ) {
                hexagon.setOnMouseClicked( mouseClickedHandler );
            root.getChildren().addAll( hexagons );
            Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 400);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
    After running this program, when one clicks within the intersection of two StackPanes (borders shown by dashed lines), the target of the mouse click event will be the StackPane on top as determined by the order in which they were added to their parent.
    This is a problem because there is only a small "T" shaped area within each hexagon that when clicked will target that hexagon with an event, rather than adjacent nodes.
    I would appreciate any reccomendations to solve this problem.
    James Giller

    Hello, this is an evergreen. Just call setPickOnBounds(false) on the CustomHexagon.
    An issue tracking this problem is open here:

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    2:16:33 AM TrackingId:48438925-b879-4b20-b696-2b4fc3066a13_B13, Reference:b158c7f8-917e-4b24-a6f9-2a63e0af4bb9, Timestamp:3/4/2015 2:16:33 AM
       at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.ExceptionDispatcher.Throw(Exception exception)
       at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Common.Parallel.TaskHelpers.EndAsyncResult(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
       at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.IteratorAsyncResult`1.<CallTask>b__9(TIteratorAsyncResult thisPtr, IAsyncResult r)
       at Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.IteratorAsyncResult`1.StepCallback(IAsyncResult result)
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    You are talking about a website with 500,000 posts per minute with re-direction, so you are talking about designing a system that can handle at least 500,000 users? Assuming that not all users are doing posts within a one minute timeframe, then you
    are talking about designing a system that can handle millions of users at any one time.
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    Im using[b] Oracle Call Interface to execute batch file process. But I have got a problem.
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    And I handle executeUpdate to catch all SQL Exceptions. I made some proposital files with invalid erros but when I handle "executeUpdate" it�s doesn�t get the corrent error line, and puts out another line that is corret.
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    Sorry for my english, I am not native. Thanks all.

    So by doing this, everything will transfer and look exactly the way I have it on the old machine?
    That is correct, if your old machine is Intel based after using MA the new machine will look just like the old machine. Here is information from Apple on MA, I'd recommend looking it over.
    My recommendation is to answer NO when setting up the new machine when it asks "Are you moving from another Mac?" The reason being let you new machine get set up and run for a couple of hours to ensure it's fine. Then launch MA and follow the prompts, it's very easy and if you use a fast connection like FW it should go smoothly.

  • (workflow question) - What is the best way to handle audio in a large Premiere project?

    Hey all,
    This might probably be suitable for any version of Premiere, but just in case, I use CS4 (Master Collection)
    I am wrestling in my brain about the best way to handle audio in my project to cut down on the time I am working on it.
    This project I just finished was a 10 minute video for a customer shot on miniDV (HVX-200) cut down from 3 hours of tape.
    I edited my whole project down to what looked good, and then I decided I needed to clean up all the Audio using Soundbooth, So I had to go in clip by clip, using the Edit in SoundBooth --> Render and Replace method on every clip. I couldn't find a way to batch edit any audio in Soundbooth.
    For every clip, I performed similar actions---
    1) both tracks of audio were recorded with 2 different microphones (2 mono tracks), so I needed only audio from 1 track - I used SB to cut and paste the good track over the other track.
    2) amplified the audio
    3) cleaned up the background noise with the noise filter
    I am sure there has to be a better workflow option than what I just did (going clip by clip), Can someone give me some advice on how best to handle audio in a situation like this?
    Should I have just rendered out new audio for the whole tape I was using, and then edit from that?
    Should I have rendered out the audio after I edited the clips into one long track and performed the actions I needed on it? or something entirely different? It was a very slow, tedious process.

    Hi, Aza.
    Given that my background is audio and I'm just coming into the brave new world of visual bits and bytes, I would second Hunt's recommendation regarding exporting the entire video's audio as one wav file, working on it, and then reimporting. I do this as one of the last stages, when I know I have the editing done, with an ear towards consistency from beginning to end.
    One of the benefits of this approach is that you can manage all audio in the same context. For example, if you want to normalize, compress or limit your audio, doing it a clip at a time will make it difficult for you to match levels consistently or find a compression setting that works smoothly across the board. It's likely that there will instead be subtle or obvious differences between each clip you worked on.
    When all your audio is in one file you can, for instance, look at the entire wave form, see that limiting to -6 db would trim off most of the unnecessary peaks, triim it down, and then normalize it all. You may still have to do some tweaking here and there, but it gets you much farther down the road, much more easily.Same goes for reverb, EQ or other effects where you want the same feel throughout the entire video.
    Hope this helps,

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    This method would run my application right away.
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    Thank you,

    user8708553 wrote: directly launch my application and bypass the HTML page, why is there a need to
    display the HTML page and make the user do a click?There are a number of advantages to using the web page. Including..
    <li> An explanation to the end-user of what the application does (a 'sales pitch').
    <li> Provision of screen shots of the app. (more 'sales pitch').
    <li> A description of what security environment it requires, and why.
    <li> Access to using the deployJava.js* to ensure the end-user actually has Java installed & has a suitable minimum version of Java, before they ever get access to the launch button/link.

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    Is there a best practice that someone can share to handle this type of inventory management issue? Thanks!

    I've never used this but please have a look at it:
    Planning startegies for variants:
    This section describes how to plan products that have a practical limited number of possible combinations of characteristics and characteristic values. Technically speaking this section describes the use of variants to sell configurable materials.
    Edited by: Csaba Szommer on Feb 5, 2009 10:46 PM

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    Recently we have developed some MIS reports that execute large queries and process lot of data. These queries almost held the database and user's experience very slow speed.
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    Creating procedures that execute at night and populate MIS tables and reports using this formulated data?
    Any other better solution please?
    Thanks, Imran

    misterimran wrote:
    Dear all,
    Recently we have developed some MIS reports that execute large queries and process lot of data. These queries almost held the database and user's experience very slow speed.
    What is the best way to handle these heavy duty queries?
    Like having another server for MIS and then what is the best way to synchronize data on daily basis?Based on your requirement, Streams.
    Creating procedures that execute at night and populate MIS tables and reports using this formulated data?I would not recommend this for the maintenance part involved; and also, this is re-inventing the wheel.

  • Best way to handle session timeout

    Hello All,
    oracle 11g, Apex ver 3.1.2
    I am bit confused about the sessoin handling mecahnism for the users .
    Which is the best way to handle session for the users is it programatically or by DBA admin level.
    What are the pros and cons going DBA Level and Programmatica level.
    Before hand I got to have some information on hand for justification.

    I've done a great deal of work with mobile accounts in Snow Leopard and I'm now having a "play" with Lion. To be honest you have to sit down and think about why you need mobile accounts.
    If your user only uses one computer then your safer having a local account backed up by a network Time Machine, this avoids the many many woes that the Servers FileSyncAgent brings to the table.
    If your users are going to be accessing multiple computers on the network and leaving the network then a mobile account is good for providing a uniform user experience and access to files etc. However, your users will have to make a choice as to whether they want their iPhoto libraries on one Local machine (backed up by Time Machine) or whether they want their library to be hosted on the server and not part of the Mobile Home Sync schedule (adding ~/Pictures to the excluded items on the home sync settings).
    With the latter, users will be able to access their iPhoto libraries on any computer when they are within the network (as it's accessed from the users server home folder).
    With the first option the user would have their iPhoto library on one computer (say the laptop they used the most) but then would not be able to access it from other computers they log on to.
    iPhoto libraries are a pain, and I'm working hard to come up with a workaround. If your users moved over to using Apeture then you could include the aperture library as part of the home sync thanks to Deeport ( h-bundles/)
    He does suggest that the same would work with IPhoto libraries - but it doesn't for a number of mysterious reasons regarding how the OS recognizes thie iPhoto bundle (it does so differently compared to Apeture).
    Hope this helps...

  • Best way to handle tcMultipleMatchFoundException

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    One way which i know is to manually correct the data. Apart form is there any way..?

    I've done a great deal of work with mobile accounts in Snow Leopard and I'm now having a "play" with Lion. To be honest you have to sit down and think about why you need mobile accounts.
    If your user only uses one computer then your safer having a local account backed up by a network Time Machine, this avoids the many many woes that the Servers FileSyncAgent brings to the table.
    If your users are going to be accessing multiple computers on the network and leaving the network then a mobile account is good for providing a uniform user experience and access to files etc. However, your users will have to make a choice as to whether they want their iPhoto libraries on one Local machine (backed up by Time Machine) or whether they want their library to be hosted on the server and not part of the Mobile Home Sync schedule (adding ~/Pictures to the excluded items on the home sync settings).
    With the latter, users will be able to access their iPhoto libraries on any computer when they are within the network (as it's accessed from the users server home folder).
    With the first option the user would have their iPhoto library on one computer (say the laptop they used the most) but then would not be able to access it from other computers they log on to.
    iPhoto libraries are a pain, and I'm working hard to come up with a workaround. If your users moved over to using Apeture then you could include the aperture library as part of the home sync thanks to Deeport ( h-bundles/)
    He does suggest that the same would work with IPhoto libraries - but it doesn't for a number of mysterious reasons regarding how the OS recognizes thie iPhoto bundle (it does so differently compared to Apeture).
    Hope this helps...

  • Best Way to Handle IOException in ServerSocket

    What is the best way to handle IOException thrown by ServerSocket's accept() method?

    Catch it?
    Seriously, it depends what it is. If it's a SocketTimeoutException it's up to you what to do, it's your timeout. If it's some other kind of SocketException or IOException, most probably the socket is dead and all you can do is close it.

  • Best way to handle mobile accounts with large itunes/photo libraries

    What is the best way to handle mobile accounts, but not syncing itunes/photos libraries?
    I have a time capsule so I can move itunes and photos libraries for each user if need be.

    I've done a great deal of work with mobile accounts in Snow Leopard and I'm now having a "play" with Lion. To be honest you have to sit down and think about why you need mobile accounts.
    If your user only uses one computer then your safer having a local account backed up by a network Time Machine, this avoids the many many woes that the Servers FileSyncAgent brings to the table.
    If your users are going to be accessing multiple computers on the network and leaving the network then a mobile account is good for providing a uniform user experience and access to files etc. However, your users will have to make a choice as to whether they want their iPhoto libraries on one Local machine (backed up by Time Machine) or whether they want their library to be hosted on the server and not part of the Mobile Home Sync schedule (adding ~/Pictures to the excluded items on the home sync settings).
    With the latter, users will be able to access their iPhoto libraries on any computer when they are within the network (as it's accessed from the users server home folder).
    With the first option the user would have their iPhoto library on one computer (say the laptop they used the most) but then would not be able to access it from other computers they log on to.
    iPhoto libraries are a pain, and I'm working hard to come up with a workaround. If your users moved over to using Apeture then you could include the aperture library as part of the home sync thanks to Deeport ( h-bundles/)
    He does suggest that the same would work with IPhoto libraries - but it doesn't for a number of mysterious reasons regarding how the OS recognizes thie iPhoto bundle (it does so differently compared to Apeture).
    Hope this helps...

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