Reconciliation error with AD

ENV: IDM 7.1
We are seeing this exception when running AD reconciliation with a gateway on the global catalog server:
at com.waveset.adapter.AgentResourceAdapter.getResponseBytes(
at com.waveset.adapter.AgentResourceAdapter.getResponse(
at com.waveset.adapter.AgentResourceAdapter.getResponse(
at com.waveset.adapter.AgentResourceAdapter$
at com.waveset.util.BufferedSupplier.getNextBlock(
Caused by:
at com.waveset.adapter.RASecureConnection.ReceivePrivateThread(
at com.waveset.adapter.RASecureConnection.access$700(
at com.waveset.adapter.RASecureConnection$
Wrapped exception:
at com.waveset.adapter.RASecureConnection.ReceivePrivateThread(
at com.waveset.adapter.RASecureConnection.access$700(
at com.waveset.adapter.RASecureConnection$
We don’t find anything strange in the gateway log files except for the Encryption error (which from other posts we learned is only an informational error)
This is the tail end of the log:
02/03/2009 [624776] (../../../../src/wps/agent/connect/RASecureConnection.cpp,114): SendPrivate: count: 154880 pad: 4
02/03/2009 [624776] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,105): Exit: sendBuffer
02/03/2009 [624776] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,7929): Exit: getAllActiveDirectoryUsers
02/03/2009 [624776] (../../../../src/wps/agent/adsi/ADSIExtension.cpp,8139): Exit: getAllObjects
02/03/2009 [624776] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,562): Exit: ProcessCommand
02/03/2009 [624776] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,699): Exit: handleRequest
02/03/2009 [624776] (../../../../src/wps/agent/connect/RASecureConnection.cpp,69): ~RASecureConnection: deleting connection handler
When it’s reconciliation is started this is thrown:
02/03/2009 [2452] (../../../../src/wps/agent/connect/RAEncryptor.cpp,128): Error reading encrpytion key from registry. Using default.
Other symptoms include not being able to obtain the log file from the gateway server through Gateway.jsp, although we are able to retrieve the log from the local file system (if we get it through the GUI we only get back a file with only the EOF exception on it). We also tried synchronizing the gateway keys through the “Server Tasks” page in case that was the issue with no luck. We’ve also restarted the gateway service and reinstalled the gateway service.
When pointed to another gateway in the environment that is a non-global catalog server, we are able to reconcile fine. (not sure if this is a coincidence)
Any suggestions?

We have also noticed something additional in the gateway logs. What is Timer.cpp for? We see this entry showing up in the logs:
On gateway that causes reconciliation issues:
02/03/2009 [624896] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,68): <cmdargs handle='1' tracefile='true' blksize='100000' />
On gateway that does not have any reconciliation issues:
02/03/2009 [223808] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,68): <cmdargs tracefile='true' blksize='100000' />
On gateway that causes reconciliation issues:
02/03/2009 [624896] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,68): <cmdargs handle='1' tracefile='true' blksize='100000' />
02/03/2009 [624896] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,68): </Request>
02/03/2009 [624896] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,636): command='get file'
02/03/2009 [624896] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,467): Enter: ProcessCommand
02/03/2009 [624896] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/Extension.cpp,424): Enter: getFile
02/03/2009 [624896] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/Extension.cpp,440): blockSize : 100000
02/03/2009 [624896] (../../../../src/wps/agent/util/Timer.cpp,202): Canceled timer entry: handle=0
02/03/2009 [624896] (../../../../src/wps/agent/util/Timer.cpp,181): Added timer entry: handle=1, timeout=900 seconds
On gateway that does not have any reconciliation issues:
cmdargs tracefile='true' blksize='100000' />
02/03/2009 [223808] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,68): </Request>
02/03/2009 [223808] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,636): command='get file'
02/03/2009 [223808] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/RequestHandler.cpp,467): Enter: ProcessCommand
02/03/2009 [223808] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/Extension.cpp,424): Enter: getFile
02/03/2009 [223808] (../../../../src/wps/agent/object/Extension.cpp,440): blockSize : 100000

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    What is the application release?
    Please see if these docs help.
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    Edited by: user11136777 on Jun 8, 2010 7:14 PM

    Can you tell me what is Reconciliation Rule, Object Action Rule and what are you getting Recon Manager screen in Design Console.
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    HelloThank's for your helpsI hope this document is helpfulBest Regards,
    Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 17:10:17 -0700
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    Subject:  when i open pdf file it open all the pages but some pages give error massage (there was error processing a page,there was a problem reading this document 110) but if i open this page which give me error with google chrome it's work ? if you can help me th
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    thank's for reply and your help
    i did the step's that you told me but  i still have the same problem
                                     i have the latest v.11.0.7
    i disable the protected mode

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    The XML page cannot be displayed
    Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
    The system cannot locate the resource specified. Error processing resource '
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    Hi Ark,
    In order to generate a report using xml publisher. we need the following.
    1. XML Data
    2. Template file (RTF/PDF/..)
    XML data will not be created by the template file.
    We will be required to create XML data. One of the easiest way to create xml output is using the RDF. We can change the rdf output type in the concurrent program to XML.
    Once the xml and the template is available, "XML Report Publisher" will be able to generate the output in the required format.
    K.Nataraja Suthan,

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    Thanks for any help.

    is italien installed as a language in your system?

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    Try using Image Capture to download to a folder on the Desktop.  If there's a damaged file on the iPhone that's preventing the download you can isolate it with Image Capture and then delete it from the iPhone.

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    Open Developer Studio
    Switch to the CA perspective
    Choose Development Component under Development Infrastructure
    Press Next
    Choose Composite Application under
    Choose MyComponents[] under 'Local Development'
    Name: carpool
    Caption: Car Pool
    Language: American English
    Domain: SAP-xApps
    Support Component: CAF-APP (typed in, not chosen)
    Press Finish
    The following error appears:
    Status ERROR
    Plugin :
    Internal error
       Plugin name: Metamodel Core
       Internal error  :
       Class      :
       Method     : computeIdeJarProperties
       Message    : C:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\CE\eclipse\E:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\CE\eclipse\plugins\\lib\ (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
       Exception  : C:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\CE\eclipse\E:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\CE\eclipse\plugins\\lib\ (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect) C:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\CE\eclipse\E:\Program Files\SAP\IDE\CE\eclipse\plugins\\lib\ (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
    at Method)
    at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
    at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(
    I do not think I missed anything installing NW CE 7.1, but this error makes me think that some plug-in was erroneously left out of the install. 
    Incidentally, I can continue onward and build an app (this is obviously a tutorial), but when I try to deploy I get the following error:
    The deployment of the archive failed with an exception!
    ([ERROR CODE DPL.DCAPI.1027]) DependenciesResolvingException.
    Reason:[ERROR CODE DPL.DC.3033] An unresolved dependencies error
    occurred while sorting the deployment batch items regarding the
    dependencies.;nested exception is:
    denciesException:[ERROR CODE DPL.DC.3437]Unresolved dependencies
    found for the following deployment items:
    1. Component: name:'carpool~ear',vendor:'',location:
    'localDevelopment',version:'20080501110329',software type: 'J2EE',
    Unresolved dependency:
    name:'cafruntimeear',vendor:''          (not found in the admitted
    batch items and the repository)
    Unresolved dependency:
    name:'cafcoreear',vendor:''          (not found in the admitted
    batch items and the repository)
    Please check the error log for further informations.
    Again, this looks like I am missing some components.
    Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    Further developments:  As you may note from the error message, DS is looking for in both the C: and the E: drive at the same time.  In fact, this file exists in the E: drive subdirectory listed, so I obviously have an error with two drive designations being concatenated.  Does anyone know how I can change the lookup directory for this dependency (or any dependency)? 

  • PeopleSoft XML Publisher report error with

    I have created two reports using XML Publisher in Peoplesoft Financials. The two reports are not related and they were submitted for processing separately. The first report completes without any issues. The second report results in error with the following message:
    09.11.17 ..(CIS_POTRPT.XML_FILE.Step03) (PeopleCode)
    [012309_091118154][oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor][EXCEPTION] IOException is occurred in FOProcessor.setData(String) with 'files/cis_potrpt.xml'.
    [012309_091118500][oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor][EXCEPTION] files/cis_potrpt.xml (A file or directory in the path name does not exist.)
         at Method)
         at<init>( Code))
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.getInputStream(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.getXMLInput(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.setData(
    2009-01-23- AePcdExecutePeopleCode [174] Exception logged: RC=100.
    Error generating report output: (235,2309) PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER.ReportDefn.OnExecute Name:ProcessReport PCPC:51552 Statement:1153
    Called from:CIS_POTRPT.XML_FILE.GBL.default.1900-01-01.Step03.OnExecute Statement:8
    2009-01-23- DoStepActions [1797] Exception logged: RC=100.
    Process 598607 ABENDED at Step CIS_POTRPT.XML_FILE.Step03 (PeopleCode) -- RC = 24 (108,524)
    In the process monitor detail > view log/trace page, the xml file is accessible so the file was generated to a valid directory.
    The weird thing is I was able to run this report without any issues few weeks ago although another user also ran into same error. The PeopleCode step that has been identified is essentially same in the two reports. I checked the app server and the directory does exist as well as the xml files for the two reports. The problem does not occur in test environment, just in production. Any help would be appreciated.

    We encounter the same problem. Did you get the answer for this issue? Thanks in advance.

  • When i open pdf file it open all the pages but some pages give error massage (there was error processing a page,there was a problem reading this document 110) but if i open this page which give me error with google chrome it's work ? if you can help me th

    when i open pdf file it open all the pages but some pages give error massage (there was error processing a page,there was a problem reading this document 110) but if i open this page which give me error with google chrome it's work ?
    if you can help me thank's
    [email address removed by host]

    thank's for reply and your help
    i did the step's that you told me but  i still have the same problem
                                     i have the latest v.11.0.7
    i disable the protected mode

  • XML Publisher Error with reports

    Hi All,
    I am geting the following error with a report published using XML Publisher
    The XML page cannot be displayed
    Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
    The system cannot locate the resource specified. Error processing resource '
    How can i Rectify this?
    Please update....

    Hi Darshan,
    I have done the same change what you suggested at the site level for UTF8, but its still showing the same error
    The XML page cannot be displayed
    Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.
    End tag 'p' does not match the start tag 'a'. Error processing resource 'http://eyerpdev.etihad.local:8001/OA_CGI/FNDWRR.ex...
    <p class="c0"><a name="Text54" id="Text54"><a name="Text53" id="Text53"><span class="c1">From Period...
    Many thanks....

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