Record count help needed

I am trying to wirte a MySQL query where I can display the record number returned in a repeat region... eg:
Record 1
Record 2
Record 3
Record 4
Record 5 etc...
I keep getting a stupid number or a '0' repeated  in place of the incrementing number.
I have:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS Count, fld_fID, fld_fTHREADID FROM tbl_forumPOSTS WHERE fld_fTHREADID = %s
What am I doing wrong?

Here's how I imnplemented it for those who require it:
Basically, to achieve an automated row count for the amount of records returned from a repeat region, one needs to take the original query and wrap it into a subquery with the rownum as the outside query... like so:
SELECT table1.* xxx, @rownum:=@rownum+1 AS rownum
                    SELECT table1.*, `table2`.`field1` AS table2_field1, table3.* etc etc
                    FROM tbl_table1
                    JOIN table2 ON table2.field1 = table1.field1
(SELECT @rownum:=0) r
The SELECT bit between the first two brackets is my original query that I needed to get a count on of 1 to 10 or however records are returned.
On the outer query, you also need to make an alias of the table you're drawing records from otherwise you'll get an error saying the table doesn't exist:
table1.* xxx
or for your clarity you could say:
table1.* AS xxx
Now all is in place, within your bindings panel (if you still have it ), simply locate the rownum and insert it into your repeat region:
<?php echo($row_recordsetname['rownum']); ?>
By wrapping the original query in brackets and making it a subquery, you stop the rownum returning strange results. So for 10 results, I was getting it start from 1 to 10, then the same results would start from 217 to 227, then 55 to 65 and so on... everything I did was not consistent or even accurate most of the time.
Hope this helps.

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    My original query got sorted, but additional regexp_substr and count help is required further on down!
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    SELECT <COB_DATE>, col2, .... coln
    FROM   tab1, tab2, ...., tabn
    WHERE tab1.run_id = <RUNID>
    AND    tab2.other_col = '<OTHER TAG>'(That's a highly simplified sql_stmt example, of course - if they were all that small we'd not be needing a clob field!).
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    So, I did this:
    SELECT     SUBSTR (sql_stmt,
                       INSTR (sql_stmt, '<', 1, LEVEL),
                       INSTR (substr(sql_stmt, INSTR (sql_stmt, '<', 1, LEVEL)), '>', 1, 1)
                       ) tag
    FROM       export_jobs
    WHERE      exp_id =  p_exp_id
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= (LENGTH (sql_stmt) - LENGTH (REPLACE (sql_stmt, '<')))Which I thought would be fine (having tested it on a text column). However, it runs very poorly against a clob column, for some reason (probably doesn't like the substr, instr, etc on the clob, at a guess) - the waits show "direct path read".
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    with my_tab as (select cast(substr(sql_stmt, instr(sql_stmt, '<', 1), instr(sql_stmt, '>', -1) - instr(sql_stmt, '<', 1) + 1) as varchar2(4000)) sql_stmt
                    from export_jobs
                    WHERE      exp_id = p_exp_id)
    SELECT     SUBSTR (sql_stmt,
                       INSTR (sql_stmt, '<', 1, LEVEL),
                       INSTR (substr(sql_stmt, INSTR (sql_stmt, '<', 1, LEVEL)), '>', 1, 1)
                       ) tag
    FROM       my_tab
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= (LENGTH (sql_stmt) - LENGTH (REPLACE (sql_stmt, '<')))it runs blisteringly fast in comparison, except when the substr'd sql_stmt is over 4000 chars, of course! Using dbms_lob instr and substr etc doesn't help either.
    So, I thought maybe I could find an xml related method, and from this link:get xml node name in loop , I tried:
    select t.column_value.getrootelement() node
      from (select sql_stmt xml from export_jobs where exp_id = 28) xml,
    table (xmlsequence(xml.xml.extract('//*'))) tBut I get this error: ORA-22806: not an object or REF. (It might not be the way to go after all, as it's not proper xml, being as there are no corresponding close tags, but I was trying to think outside the box. I've not needed to use xml stuff before, so I'm a bit clueless about it, really!)
    I tried casting sql_stmt into an xmltype, but I got: ORA-22907: invalid CAST to a type that is not a nested table or VARRAY
    Is anyone able to suggest a better method of trying to extract my tags from the clob column, please?
    Message was edited by:

    I don't know if it may work for you, but I had a similar activity where I defined sql statements with bind variables (:var_name) and then I simply looked for witch variables to bind in that statement through this query.
    with x as (
         select ':var1
         /*a block comment
         select hello, --line comment :var_no
              ''a string with double quote '''' and a :variable '',  --:variable
              :var2, '':var1'''':varno'',
         from dual'     as string
         from dual
    ), fil as (
         select string,
              regexp_replace(string,'(/\*[^*]*\*/)'||'|'||'(--.*)'||'|'||'(''([^'']|(''''))*'')',null) as res
         from x
    select string,res,
    from fil
    connect by regexp_instr(res,'\:[[:alpha:]]([[:alnum:]]|_)*',1,level) > 0
    /Or through these procedures
         function get_binds(
              inp_string in varchar2
         ) return string_table
              loc_str varchar2(32767);
              loc_idx number;
              out_tab string_table;
              --dbms_output.put_line('cond = '||inp_string);
              loc_str := regexp_replace(inp_string,'(/\*[^*]*\*/)'||'|'||'(--.*)'||'|'||'(''([^'']|(''''))*'')',null);
              loc_idx := 0;
              out_tab := string_table();
              --dbms_output.put_line('fcond ='||loc_str);
                   loc_idx := regexp_instr(loc_str,'\:[[:alpha:]]([[:alnum:]]|_)*',loc_idx+1);
                   exit when loc_idx = 0;
                   out_tab(out_tab.last) := regexp_substr(loc_str,'[[:alpha:]]([[:alnum:]]|_)*',loc_idx+1);
              end loop;
              return out_tab;
         function divide_string (
              inp_string in varchar2
              --,inp_length in number
         --return string_table
         return dbms_sql.varchar2a
              inp_length number := 256;
              loc_ind_1 pls_integer;
              loc_ind_2 pls_integer;
              loc_string_length pls_integer;
              loc_curr_string varchar2(32767);
              --out_tab string_table;
              out_tab dbms_sql.varchar2a;
              --out_tab := dbms_sql.varchar2a();
              loc_ind_1 := 1;
              loc_ind_2 := 1;
              loc_string_length := length(inp_string);
              while ( loc_ind_2 < loc_string_length ) loop
                   loc_curr_string := substr(inp_string,loc_ind_2,inp_length);
                   out_tab(loc_ind_1) := loc_curr_string;
                   loc_ind_1 := loc_ind_1 + 1;
                   loc_ind_2 := loc_ind_2 + length(loc_curr_string);
              end loop;
              return out_tab;
         function execute_statement(
              inp_statement in varchar2,
              inp_binds in string_table,
              inp_parameters in parametri
         return number
              loc_stat dbms_sql.varchar2a;
              loc_dyn_cur number;
              out_rows number;
              loc_stat := divide_string(inp_statement);
              loc_dyn_cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
              dbms_sql.parse(c => loc_dyn_cur,
                   statement => loc_stat,
                   lb => loc_stat.first,
                   ub => loc_stat.last,
                   lfflg => false,
                   language_flag => dbms_sql.native
              for i in inp_binds.first .. inp_binds.last loop
                   DBMS_SQL.BIND_VARIABLE(loc_dyn_cur, inp_binds(i), inp_parameters(inp_binds(i)));
              end loop;
              --out_rows := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(loc_dyn_cur);
              return out_rows;
         end;Bye Alessandro
    Message was edited by:
    Alessandro Rossi
    There is something missing in the functions but if there is something that may interest you you can ask.

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    For your issue i suggest close your thread here as changing thread status to answered and move it to Forum Home » Application Development in PL/SQL » Forms which you can get more quick response

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    Ok, so here is what I have and what I am trying to do.  I have a couple of tables I need to pull information out of.  The information is stored singly per record in each table like this:
    User 1 Info
    User 1 Info1
    User 1 Info2
    User  1
    User 2 Info
    User 2 Info1
    What i want to do is query these tables and get my results back like this:
    User 1 Info, Info1, Info2, Info3
    User 2 Info, Info1
    Is this even possible?  I ask because I need to tie these tables to another table to get some results I need to review but the table in its current state creates multiple records because of their design.

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    I have two tables I need to combine into one result list so I am creating a view for this.  
    Table 1 has Name that I need
    Table 2 has ContactKey that I need
    The two tables are tied together by a common factor of Group Key.  The SQL code I have to combine the tables into one view looks like this:
    SELECT        dbo.GroupMain.Name, dbo.GroupMember.MemberContactKey
    FROM            dbo.GroupMain INNER JOIN
                             dbo.GroupMember ON dbo.GroupMain.GroupKey = dbo.GroupMember.GroupKey
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    results, I will get something like this:
    Name MemberContactKey
    Group1 123456
    Group2 123456
    Group3 123456
    Group1 456789
    Group2 456789
    Group1 789456
    Group2 789456
    Group3 789456
    And so on.  The Name option can be expanded to any number of groups I need/want to create with no problems.  How I want this to look is like this:
    MemberContactKey Name
    123456 Group1, Group2, Group3
    456789 Group1, Group2
    789456 Group1, Group2, Group3
    I tried using a STUFF call but that didn't seem to want to work unless I did it wrong.  
    Thanks for the assistance

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    I have the attached VI but not sure exactly what it is doing, would someone mind explaining how it works and how it could be optimised, thanks.
    Flow ‏52 KB

    Hi Ger,
    Looking at the VI it seems to be just acquiring some data off of your 6501 card, and just edge counting the number of pulses received and then processing the data to give the result of flow. It seems fairly simple in terms of what it is doing, but there are a few optimisations I can reccomend to you. In your VI there is an unused shift register in the first for loop which I would reccomend removing as it doesn't seem to be strictly necessary. In the second for loop, there is an uninitialised shift register, and I would reccomend that you initialise that with a suitable value unless you specifically need it, as otherwise it will just use the default value of the data type, which in this case is 0.
    Another optimisation you could use is replacing the DAQ assistant with DAQmx functionality however considering how simple this code is currently, the DAQ Assistant should not cause a problem, however if you wish to expand it in the future I would reccomend looking into using the lower level DAQmx VI's.
    Best Regards,
    James Kent
    James Kent | Applications Engineer | National Instruments UK & Ireland
    w: |

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    2. Use a query SELECT COUNT(*) ...

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    Hi sameer197301 and welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums!
    To clarify, are you seeing this message displayed on your BlackBerry® smartphone or on your computer?
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    Encryption wouldn't matter except for Wifi.
    While 10.2 might help, there's not much you can do on the Internet these days with less than 10.4.11
    Tiger Requirements...
    To use Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, your Macintosh needs:
        * A PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor
        * Built-in FireWire
        * At least 256 MB of RAM (I recommend 1GB minimum)
        * DVD drive (DVD-ROM), Combo (CD-RW/DVD-ROM) or SuperDrive (DVD-R) for installation
        * At least 3 GB of free disk space; 4 GB if you install the XCode 2 Developer Tools  (I recommend 20GB minimum)
    See Tom's, (Texas Mac Man), great info on where/how to find/get Tiger...
    Or Ali Brown's great info on where/how to find/get Tiger...
    As far as Memory, that's sort of easy, find your eMac here...
    As far as Hard Drive, it's not easy to replace the Internal drive, I'd maybe suggest an external Firewire drive to boot from...

  • Please help! Invalid node structure and invalid record count

    My MacBook Pro is about 6.5 years old. I upgraded to Snow Leopard 2 years ago and added RAM at the same time. My first problem ever occurred three days ago when my computer got super sluggish, I restarted and got the gray screen with apple and spinning boot up. I ran disk utility from the snow leopard install disk and found "invalid node structure" and "invalid record count". After reading on here what to do...try to repair the disk and so on with no success I went out and bought Disk Warrior. Got home expecting to fix everything and Disc Warrior won't boot...I just get a file with a question mark and the disc is ejected. I tried erasing the hard drive but was only able to use the "don't erase data" option. Then I tried to reinstall Snow Leopard with no luck. Now I am stuck. Any ideas? 
    One thing to note is I am to the point of not caring about the files on the hard drive, I was a dummy and never backed them up...lesson learned!  I just want my computer back without having to spend $1000+ for a new one. Then again I am always willing to do that too as a last resort.

    When you contact Alsoft, make sure you let them know that you are using Snow Leopard (10.6.8).
    Try the following in the meantime -
    Disconnect all peripherals from your computer.
    Boot from your install disc & run Repair Disk from the utility menu. To use the Install Mac OS X disc, insert the disc, and restart your computer while holding down the C key as it starts up.
    Select your language.
    Once on the desktop, select Utility in the menu bar.
    Select Disk Utility.
    Select the disk or volume in the list of disks and volumes, and then click First Aid.
    Click Repair Disk.
    Restart your computer when done.
    Repair permissions after you reach the desktop- and restart your computer.
    Try DiskWarrarior again if it's combatible with the os system.
    YOu cannot reformat until you get your issue corrected.

  • Recording help needed

    recording help needed. I'm a beginner, imac, logic express and helix board 12 firewire.
    I have recorded my daughter voice only ok, BUT when i import audio file to track 1 as backing track and my daughter is using headphones from the helixboard to sing to she does not record to track 2 when all in enabled.
    Should her headphone come from the imac and not the helix board

    Check the recording channel in the channel strip.
    It must be set the same as the audio interface channel.

  • Help needed in index creation and its impact on insertion of records

    Hi All,
    I have a situation like this, and the process involves 4 tables.
    Among the 4 tables, 2 tables have around 30 columns each, and the other 2 has 15 columns each.
    This process contains validation and insert procedure.
    I have already created some 8 index for one table, and an average of around 3 index on other tables.
    Now the situation is like, i have a select statement in validation procedure, which involves select statement based on all the 4 tables.
    When i try to run that select statement, it takes around 30 secs, and when checked for plan, it takes around 21k memory.
    Now, i am in a situation to create new index for all the table for the purpose of this select statement.
    The no.of times this select statement executes, is like, for around 1000 times of insert into table, 200 times this select statement gets executed, and the record count of these tables would be around one crore.
    Will the no.of index created in a table impacts insert statement performace, or can we create as many index as we want in a table ? Which is the best practise ?
    Please guide me in this !!!
    Shivakumar A

    index creation will most definitely impact your DML performance because when inserting into the table you'll have to update index entries as well. Typically it's a small overhead that is acceptable in most situations, but the only way to say definitively whether or not it is acceptable to you is by testing. Set up some tests, measure performance of some typical selects, updates and inserts with and without an index, and you will have some data to base your decision on.
    Best regards,

  • Data Load : Number of records count

    Hi Experts,
              I want to document number of records transferred to BW during an infopackage execution.
              I want to automate the process by running a report in background which will fetch a data from SAP tables about number of records been transfered by all my InfoPackage .
    I would like to know how should I proceed with.
             I want to know some System tables which contains same data as that of RSMO transaction displays to us.
    Kindly help with valuable replies.

    inorder to get the record counts report you need to create a report based on below tables
    rsseldone, rsreqdone, rsldpiot, rsmonfact
    Check the below link which explain in detail with the report code as well.
    [Data load Quick Stats|]
    This doc also explains how to trigger a mail with the details to all.

  • Invalid record count - grey screen- Target Mode Cures

    Hi there,
    I have a common problem: I was doing nothing particular that I remember: No fancy file uploads, doanloads, creation, erasing - nothing special:
    Anyway after a customary week, or few days of leaving the macbook permanently on, I think "let's give it a rest".
    Then switch back on:
    - Grey screen, spinning grey progress wheel fine.
    - Takes a while. Strange. After say a minute - it just switches off wordlessly.
    - Reset PRAM: No solution. Take a look with single-user startup in console: Files are all there, OK. Disk not dead.
    - Start up from OS X 10.5 disk:
    Permissions repair fine. Good.
    Verify disk: FAIL! +*Invalid Record Count.Volume check failed.*+
    Next: *Try target disk mode to back up essentials* - that works fine: I now have Time Machine AND a smaller important essentials backup.
    But finally, here's the surprise: Just for kicks, I *shut the macbook down, try a reboot - and it works!*
    But I note that root system files are unchanged since the problem occurred: ".hotfiles.btree" for example (I don't know what that is but suspect it's relevant).
    Then: I tried restarting again - and back to square one, it won't boot.
    Do the "Target disk" firewire mode trick again, and browse a few folders: And it boots (slowly).
    If I just leave the Macbook on permanently - everything seems fine. Not even sluggish.
    - Why can connecting a disk with an incorrect file system in target disk make the system forget about these problems when booting?
    - Why does the problem return on a successive reboot?
    - Is it related to some system files being ignored if booting straight after a target mode session?
    - What is ".hotfiles.btree", and should it not exist ?
    And the big one:
    - +Can extended Applecare, wot cost me loads of money, help me?+

    Hi Cornelius:
    Having been a faithful Apple-groupie for a while, and despite some problems over the years (hard drive failing, screen going, etc.) this is the first time I'm disappointed with them, because theor Micromat Applecare deal is a ripoff:
    You fork out for Applecare extension: All you get is something that say "Yep, you've got a problem. Now go and buy techtoolpro".
    That is, the TechTool Deluxe is practically useless. Argh.
    Worse: They keep that rather quiet. If you run TechTool deluxe, and it fails: It points you to the Techtool site to
    "download the TechTool Deluxe software with diagnostic and repair capabilities".
    You think "Aha, right, I need an update, or a DMG rather than just the executable".
    Download another 1.25Gb.
    So you try again: Same thing.
    The chiselling little crooks, to quote Ken Livingstone, won't even come out and say "Buy TechTool Pro to fix it". The website as reported above is wrong.
    Result: I'm not happy with them. And I'll never buy anything off Micromat.
    In the meantime, I've got a bootable backup thanks to CC-Cloner (excellent, I'll send him some money), and I'm waiting until I don't have any critical deadlines to allow myself time to restore a daily bootable backup.
    The dodgy files seem to be the Sun Developper Java suite according to CC Cloner.

  • How to determine the cursor record count before the "open cursor"?

    Is it possible to determine the record count of an explicit cursor without running a count()? Say, my cursor definition is something like this,
    CURSOR cur_vehicle
    SELECT os.order_id, os.order_item, vs.part_id
    FROM parts_source vs,
    orders_source os,
    plant_tbl_crossref px
    wHERE os.order_id = vs.order_id
    AND vs.part_id = os.part_id
    AND vs.plant_cde = px.plant_cde
    ORDER BY os.order_id;
    I want to log the count of records returned by the above cursor prior to the first fetch, without running a count(1) for the query in cursor select.
    I know adding " Count(1) over(order by null) " in the cursor SELECT will bring it. But that does not help me log the record count to some log file or table before opening the cursor for processing.
    To conclude, my objective is to update the record count of cursor in some table before processing

    sarvan wrote:
    Is it possible to determine the record count of an explicit cursor without running a count()?
    ..snipped..No. The only way to do it correctly is inside that select.
    Each select is a consistent read. Which means that if this is done as 2 select statements, the 1st select can see a different version of the data than the 2nd select statement. does. So if you want a count and that to be consistent and on the same version of the data than the select, it has to be done as part of the select.
    Also consider what a cursor is. It is not a result set of sorts that is created in memory upfront - with a convenient interface that tells you the size/number of rows of that result set.
    A cursor is basically a program that reads database data as input and produce output. A fetch from a cursor is an instruction for this program to execute and output data.
    There's no data set that is created by the cursor from which the count can be determined. The cursor program does have state variables - like +%RowCount+ that specifies how many rows the cursor has thus far output. And you need to run that cursor to the end (no more output) in order to determine the total number of rows output by the cursor.

  • Standard report which gives Record count of ODS, Cube and Source system.

    Is there any standard report which gives the record count of ODS, Cube and Source system?
    If any one has ABAP program which takes care of record count pls let me know.
    Thanks in advance

    I don't understand. You need to check the data loads. What for do you want a list of ODS, Cubes and sources systems?
    You can use messages from process chains to monitor the data loads.
    You can also use an abap program inside teh process chains to save data into a table and then an abap report to see if everything went OK.
    But, thinking again, you may be able to use BW statistics to get some of the information you need. Check the help for BW statistics, it might give you an idea of what you can do.

Maybe you are looking for

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